"Wi'lWJ ffl' ""ffpiysnyrwT-- .nr-w.. The Commoner. MARCH 18, 1910 13 1 Washington News Tho house of representatives has passed a bill extending the time of payments for Rosebud reservation lands for one year. This will pro vide relief for four thousand settlers. Explorer Peary has declined to submit to congress the proofs of his discovery of the noTth pole. His friends say he will save the proofs for magazine articles. All Washington was upset by the announcement that P. C. Knox, Jr., the twenty year old son of the sec retary of state, had eloped with Miss May Boler, an employe in a depart ment store at the national capital. Attorneys for corporations have filed in the supreme court briefs at tacking the corporation tax. deny its constitutionality. They Retail meat dealers testifying be fore the high cost of living commit tee placed upon the farmers and packers responsibility for the high price of meat. The house has passed a postofllce appropriation bill carrying appropria tions aggregating $241,000,000. President Taft sent to the senate the following nominations for the customs court of appeals: Chief Jus tice .Robert M. Montgomery of the supremo court of Michigan to be pre siding judge. Associate judges: Wil liam H. Hunt of Montana, James F. Smith of California, Orion M. Barber Five Acres Near Jacksonville, FLORIDA WILL MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT Would a five aero farm in tho suburbs of growing", hustling, phenomenal Jacksonville the fastest growing city in tho world interest yon, if you could mako it earn you a good living and a com f ortablo bank account each year? Wo arc an old established firm. Wo own our properties, stand behind our customers and protect their interests. That is why wo have more than five thousand customers on our books today. We will sell you a -Five Acre Jacksonville Farm for $150 . .. .. v ... . . on terms or just $5 cash, and 35 n month, -without interest or- .J . taxes, until Daid for. Land hitrh and drv. Soil rich. TitlMinerw Xnfljf feet. Ask any bank as to our reliability. When you deal with us ' you deal at first hand with owners tho only satisfactory way. JACKSONVILLE DEVELOPMENT GO. Capital $500,000 Jacksonville, Fla. 1 m m fj t VM I The Sublime Oberammergau Passion Play In the llttlo village of Oberammergau in the Bavarian Highlands, tho Sacred Drama of tho Passion Play of Jesus tho Saviour, will bo presented this summer. It has been presented every ten years by tho people of this village as a religious fete In fulfillment of a vow made to God centuries ago in return for His mercy in delivering them from pestilence and sparing their lives. It will bo an event of world-wide interest. Al ready tho full capacity of many steamships has been sold out for months ahead to those who will make the pilgrimage to seo this won derful religious ceremony. "The Passion Play" on Post Cards At enormous expense tho original photographs taken from sconces in tho Passion Play have been secured and reproduced in many beautiful colors. There are fifty-five views in all, regular post card size, packed in a neat box ready for mailing. A full description is printed on the back of each, card, bo by beginning with No. 1 and looking at the pictures in the regular order you havo tho Passion Play before you a wonderful and beautiful presentation of the greatest event In tho history of mankind. A booklet describing the play and tho people in it accompanies each set of tho cards. It is estimated that 50,000 people will visit this play. Everybody will be talking and reading about it, and you will be fortu nate to have this opportunity to secure this fine set. How to Secure a Set for Yourself Without Cost Commoner readers who are interested in tho political principles ad vocated by this paper may view this remarkable religious play by fifty beautiful post cards without expense.. We want you to wrlto at onco and secure one of these beautiful cards and learn our plan by which a full set of these cards are given away. t of Vermont and Marlon. Dovrles of California. B CUT OUT AND SEND US THIS COUPON AT ONCE THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska i Unclosed find one two-cent stamp for wrapping and mailing one card out of tho set of tho Wonderful Passion Play post cards. Please adviso me how 1 may secure tho complete set. NAM1H !". , .'t ADDRESS , , ,:,;t . t-.y.j.K.z30t-j : ?. ;f"i ' -.- ....: Tho interstate commerce commis sion was substituted for tho proposed court of commerce in tho admin istration railroad bill by tho house committee on interstate commerce. Representative Sisson of Missis sippi has introduced in tho house a resolution declaring tho fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to tho fed eral constitution to bo null and void, and calling upon tho attorney gen eral to submit tho question to tho supremo court. A Washington dispatch carried by tho Associated Press says: "A curi oub case of a charge for demurrage by the Denver & Itio Grande Rail road company against tho United States government was, decided by the interstate commerce commission in favor of the governmont. A bill of $440 for demurrage on various carload shipments of cement intend ed to be used by the reclamation service was presented to the govern ment by the railroad company. The government refused to pay it and brought a complaint against the road in order to commission. In its opin ion, Commissioner Prouty dissenting tho commission held that the de murrage charges were not assessed in accordance with any provision in the defendants tariff and therefore did not constitute a valid claim against the government." Representative Olmstead intro duced the new Porto Rico govern ment bill. The bill is a legislative novelty in the form of a declaration of rights and is designed in itself to serve as a constitution for that island. George W. Da Cunha, an architect of upper Mont Clair, N. J., has writ ten an open letter protesting against the Gallinger bill to grant a federal charter to tho Rockefeller founda tion. The letter was received by the senior senator from each state. It sets forth that "the Incorporation of Rockefeller's millions and the granting of a charter by the United States is a dangerous precedent against public policy. It is stated by Mr. Da Cunha that the placing of tho accumulations of Rockefeller in an incorporated body eliminates the family and thenceforth thero can be no inheritance tax collected from the succession of this fortune. United States Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia suffered a slight stroke of paralysis at Daytona, Fla. The physicians say he will recover. A joint resolution has been intro duced in both houses of congress providing for the appointment of a commission of three senators and three representatives to enquire into tho death of James N. Sutton at the Annapolis naval academy in October, 1907. In briefs filed with the United States supreme court, tho Standard Oil company's attorneys declared that the company's profits are over 25 per cent a year. Representative James B. Perkins of Rochester, N. Y., serving his fifth term in congress, died at a local hos pital after an illness of several weeks. The postal savings bank bill, which has passed the senate, will not bo reported out of tho house committee on postofflces and post roads until a caucus of the republi can members of the house so directs Chairman Weeks. President Taft has sent to the sen ate the following nominations for tho new customs court of appeals: r Ei DE LAVAL GREAM SEPARATORS NOT THE "MAIL ORDER" KIND Tho World's Standard Do Laval Cream Separators are not sold in tho "mall order" way and there fore not advertised with the big newspaper space and big "word claims" used to sell low grade separators in that manner. Part of tho money spent in costly advertising and catalogues to sell inferior separators in tho "mall order" way is put into vastly better made machines in tho case of Do Laval separators, and part of it into commissions to local agents who look after tho setting up of tho machine and tho instruction of the buyer in Its proper use, as well as the prompt supplying of any needed parts for It in tho years to come. That's the difference In the method of sale between the De Laval and most other makes of cream separators, of which the De Laval buyer gets tho benefit Instead of tho newspaper and printer. If you don't know the nearest De Laval agent to you send for a catalogue and his address. The De Laval Separator Go. 168-167 BROADWAY 171-177 WILLIAM T. NEW YORK MONTREAL 42 C MAOI80H 8T. 14 A 10 PRIHCE63 BT. CHICAGO WINNIPEG DRUMM A 6ACRAMEMTO STS 1016 WESTERN AVE. SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE Good Land Free As government homesteads, deeded lands, improved farms and fruit tracts at low prices all tho oppor tunities to be found in a state de veloping more rapidly and growing faster in wealth and population than any other Montana offers to tho enterprising. Official book with full information will bo sent free on application to J. H. HALL State CommlMMloner of Agriculture, HELENA, MONTANA 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL W ship on approTRl without a oral deposit, frelrlit prepaid. DONT PAY A CKNT It you art sot MtUM af 1 tula taa blcyeU 10 day. DO MOT IUY ? At any pnet satu 90a raetlra oar.Utert art catalogs illaitratinr trtrr kind of LIctcI. Mid br tamed oar unheard 0 prices and marvelous new offer. flME PCUT & Itwllleort icmU UHC V CH I writ a coital and rren- thleff will ba Mat jroa free postpaid by rtara mail. Tcra will ret much ralmMo la- formation. Do not wait, writs it now TTTIKS. rvntr-Tlrnkn renr wheel, lamp. aundrUaat half usual prices. ME&DOYGLEOO. DepL R177 CHICAGO llftm fffflM vWr njjftfrfrjMatoiii ift tfaniiaia.hiij j. fi fc! . it i .llllv j iJMla. nMt.. tJ yW. aft'atfl.jh .lja'-.: ..