TT9B9rWV' " ''''yJLI'iJiSJES - ' p-hl'w - . M , .' The Commoner. VOLUME iar Marvelous Possibilities MHSWfi -"'' for the fl 1 I jL' IV L. I If I "( r ' I Kit" I M, 1 Homeseeker at Mission, Texas aP0? on the Famous Wealth u " Producing , La Lomita Irri ;v gated Lands in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of the Wonderful Gulf Coast Country ' It 'matters not from what flection ot tho world a Bottler may come, Jho will 11ml In tho Lit liomltii IjitndH !(MHim1hi, Tuxiim, In tho Lower Itlo tGtfnmlo Valley, a cllmato and soil condition that will produco success fully Homo one of tho crops from 'whuhco ho ciuno. If tho settlor should bo from tho fruit-growing sections of California or Florida ho will' find In tho Valloy an Ideal condition to carry on his favorlto pursuit in citrus fruit growing, or should ho bo from tho plneapplo sections of that Stato his attention In this lino of culturo will moot with approval. Tho corn farmor of tho favorlto corn bolts of tho United States can produco In tho Valloy from fifty to Blxtjy bushels per aero per crop and iwo crops per year. Tho alfalfa growers of Colorado, Now Mexico, Arizona and California I can, with reasonable attention, so- I euro six to olght cuttings of al- J falfa at an avorago pf ono ton per cutting and at prices ranging from 51l to 5153 por ton in tno noiu. , , ,,, . tit. Tho colory and cauliflower growors of Illinois and California can, with tho samb amount of attention, socuro an avorago yearly production of either of those crops at a valuation of $G00 to $1,000 por acre. Tho truck growors of tho Irrigated districts of Colorado and California can approximately double tholr yields in tho Valley with tho advantage of throo to four weeks earlier marketing, with tho additional advantage over California of a thousand miles less haul to reach tho Eastern markets. Tho molon growors of California and Colorado will find unequalled condi tions in tho Valloy In this roBpoct, in both production and quality. Tho cotton farmor of tho various cotton-producing sections will find in tho Valloy many advantages and especially an abundance of efficient and cheap labor. Tho cano planters of Louisiana under similar agricultural methods will mm, ., m&mm .'. -;v.v.vk- A CROP OP CELERY ON THE LA LOMITA LANDS AT MISSION obtain In tho Valley double their avorago yields 'with a Heavier? production of sugar per ton and no end of labor to handle tho crop. With its wonderful Irrigation system, a farm on the La Lomita Lands at Mission, Texas, offers greater possibilities to the farmer, looking at it from the most pessimistic angle, than any other part of America. Land is cheaper here, the net profits larger, climate better, labor cheaper, and living expenses lower than anywhere. To the scientific and experienced farmers the La Lomita Lands offer ex ceptional opportunities for wealth-making. 'Wo want more real tillers of tho soil and do not care for speculators who will not develop their farms. We give every aid and encouragement to the former class, and our lands are being rapidly filled up with a class of people who are making their homes here and adding to the wealth of the great Lower Rio Grande Valley of the Gulf Coast Country of Texas. - f ' ', i, w H I ,'K I Wmmmmmmmm I Join the Money-Makers of the Rio Grande Valley v Thoro is not a day in tho year when one can not market tho products from a farm at Mission. Our planters aro growing Bermuda onions on a largor scale than over. Tho Lowor Rio Grando Bermuda not only comes into market earlier than aliy.othpr, but possesses a better flavor and brings tho top of tho market to' tho growor. Last year somo of our onion growers notted, over all cost3 of growing, harvesting and markotlng, an average of $250 per acre profit. You can ralso two crops of vegetables at Mission during tho year and then plant your land In cotton or corn. Figs, citrus fruits, grapes and pecans avo being planted by tho hundred acres. Alfalfa, an uthor staple, is also very successful. Tho La Lomita LandJ liavo ovory condition of success They have passed tho experimental stage irrigation and quick transportation facilities to the largo markets of tho Mississippi Valloy and tho East, havo mado largo yields and big profits a practical certainty. f- Mission growers reach tho northern markets wcoks ahead of '-tho products of other sections, thus insuring enormous profits. The Olllf flnn st flnnntrw Id n Hm.iii cllmato at Mission is semi-arid, tho winters aro mild and pleasant and thJ Summers nlORHnntlv tnmnnrml htr nH T mi .'..1l,u'B'ua' "-na - place in which to live. Tho mprwDimr Send at Once for Free Information Mission Land Improvement Co., Mission, Texas Gentlemen: Kindly send me full information concerning your Irrigated La Lomita Lands, prices, terms, etc lame. 'ostoffice I. F. 0. or St. No.. State iSS?TBB 3TLtQrv ?ean tempore AS'VA theSid tho fertile delta soils of the Lower Rio Grando Valley, with an adeauato irJ-ln-n tion system supplying an abundance of water for irrigation of eVerv noft ground. This water comes from tho Rio Grande Sivep i? hK,? i e of with silt and fertilizes tho soil with every lrrhration Thorn l Sden dance of cheap labor at all times to harvest the Jrop?." IS an abun" TniS fertile flnltn. Rnll iinrln. i,Q in,. x, A profits per acre of from $100 to $500. onein states at not vv e rrove it at Mission" That nowhere In America are beets, citrus fruits, figs, granes nifnifo , cano, cauliflower, celery, strawberries, cotton, -corn, ?Ks caSh8UaI radishes more successfully grown. Being belowt&e frost 'lino wfth d" richest soil In America, in a cllmato dry, mild, Invigorating wtth wntVh? your command at all seasons of tho year, you hftvo evSry nossiSn Tnnv at You have twelve months of growing season and you Tan ra so t?SaS!!: on tho samo ground in one year. wroe crops Commensurato with tho profits tho nrico of th inr, in A . you should Investigate thls'propoBltlon now wSfe tho prio ? laSS;' nt reach Next year It will cost more. Mission is the beat mSt ilnln y0Ur and liveliest little city in tho valloy 'whoro toerVr iL Prosperous for good business locations thanyhorelsoin SothwestSas11111"08 anY?ne SaSSor010-- W Mto y- -pondonc. Mission Land Improvement Co., Mission, Hidalgo County. Texas i wyfaJUiflttt