The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 04, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner
Mail the
pta for full
of our great
ID day free
fttWl off c
Cou- k Mi
Kim '?"'ny.ffi&. WKM&''M
harpen Your Tools
MY Expense !
I will send you a Harman Special Carborandwm Farm Tool n
with seven GWinc Carborundum Grinding Attachments, right to your farm for an absolutely
eCI will guarantee thafthis Carborundum Grinder will not draw the temper from steel.
I don't want you to send me any money not a cent. I want to make you an otter so
liberal that you simply cannot afford to refuse it topi? 'j
I will give you the use of this magnificent outfit for ten days absolutely fr Kblv-no red tape,
no papers to sign, no obligations of any nature. Just get the outfit, use it for ten days just as though
:,. ... ,. ,r iworir cWnpn vnur sinklcs. nlow shares, cultivator blades, scythes,
GrindTou73; bettor and 25 UmeTqSclcer than axes-any thing that is dull-then, if you wish, return it to me at my expense.
With a gnndniono. a,uuu ravomaon. a . now, I waiit to tell yon wfiiy am mailing U1IS OEW
7 MACHINES IN 1 We know that every progressive, up-to-date farmer realizes the advantage of always having sharp,;
t. 'Ui. .1 . .....U ,',t-U Vrn Irnnur Virtixr murh mnw wnrlr ran he Hone with tools which arc -
1. ROUGH GRINDER 4. SICKLE GRINDER , . . rnnHiinn. Ynu know how much easier vour work is and how much longer your tools
2. FINE GRINDER 5. POLISHING WHEEL , , nnw ,. . .. . vetvou DO sometimes work with dull tools, don't you?
last. I ou Know au uicsc ciuugs aim yet yuu uj buiih,ihum wwin. " " fc, - j -
I want to prove to you that you can easily keep all your farm tools in good condition, all the
time, with this wonderful, simply wonderful outfit which I will send you free
Genuine Carborundum)! thousands in use
Glinder-NOT an Emery Wheel
And parborundum is the most wonderful abrasive in the world, even harder than
the diamond. It is really manufactured diamonds, for it is made of the very same
substances which go to make up the diamond. Carborundum is the most perfect
grinding substance known. It is just as much harder than emery as emery is
harder than ordinary chalk. A grinding wheel made entirely of pulverized
South African Diamonds would not grind one bit better or faster than the genuine Carborundum wheels
tvhich we furnisii with this superb machine.
Carborundum is an absolutely new substance. It is not simply a substance which is dug up out of the
earth, in fact, it docs not occur in nature at all. Carborundum is manufactured in the most terrific heat
which man has ever been able to produce. A heat so fjreat that it will actually burn up a common brick
like so much gun powder. And in this incomprehensible heat is produced Carborundum. It Is the
heat in which the worlds were formed. Every one of the beautiful irridescent, needle-like
crystals is so hard that it will actually scratch the diamond itself. It is these crystals which are crushed
up and made into the grinding wheels. It is these inconceivably hard and sharp crystals which cut
through the hardest steel more easily than the finest emery wheel will cut through soft copper.
WKmmmmmmmmammmKm maammmaaammmmmam MnaHManuHMnMiB masmaBsammmmaBaimammmm
You can do the same work in two minutes on a Carborundum wheel that would take you at least a
half an hour on a grindstone, and do it better. And you can operate The Harman Special
Farm Tool Grinder for half an hour with less effort than would he required
In running a grindstone for two minutes. Carborundum will grind 25 times faster than
the grindstone and 8 times faster than the emery wheel.
We want to prove these things to you and at our expense We want to send
you the Harman Special Farm Tool Grinder for a ten days' trial right on your own farm. See for your
self how it will grind and sharpen every tool on your farm. See Tor yourself that it is time to throw
away the grindstone. Send the free coupon for our free booklet describing this wonderful substanc
Carborundum. Mail the coupon today,
Carborundum wheels are so much harder than the hardest steel that no
to have the slightest effect on them. Carborundum will cut the biggest steel
accond8.ii We give a lasting, binding guarantee with every tool grinder.
Send This FREE Coupon
Remember 10 Days' Free Trial
Head These. Letters of Praise
Best For All Kinds of
Enclosed you will please find
money order for Harman Grinder
which I received about ten days
ago. Will say that I have tried It
on everything from a razor to a
plow point ana am vrcii pieasea
with the machine. It is the most
complete section grinder I ever
saw, and for grinding: all kinds of
tools I never saw its equal.
Titusville, Ind.
Abused But still Works
We think the grinder is a great
machine. It does fast vork; vre
have tested it to the extent of
abuse, but all rough tools yield to
it; just what is claimed for it.
Muncie, Ind.
Beats All Grinding
The Harman Grinder arrived
yesterday in pood shape. I put it
together ana tried it on a set of
mowing machine bars, and I was
astonished at the work it did. It
beats all the grinding machines
I ever saw, and l have seen at least
six different kinds. I can set the
bar holder just right and it will
grind two sections on the side of
the stone without touching it (the
bar). I also tried the tool grinder.
I. found five cold chisels and a
center punch, which as usual with
all farmers, were as dull as pos
sible, some of them being one
eighth of an inch on the edge. I
ground them to a fine edge and
finished a very smooth fine edge
on polishing wheel, and just think,
I was just 12 minutes and did not
hurry at all. And you know cold
chlseb sent out with mowing: ma- ,
chines are " generally tempered
pretty hard. I am certainly gouijr
to keep the machine, and If I could
not get another I would not taks
any money for it. .
Dunkirk, N.Y.
She Is a Bandy, Very '
Well Satisfied
I received your machine all right
and am very well satisfied: she
does better than I expected. Sh
is a dandy. Every farmer ought
to have one. '
Brainerd, Minn.
Cats Steel lilce Wax
Enclosed please find check for
the grinder. I am very much
pleased with it and I find it cuts
down steel as fast as wax in a fire.
Thanking you for your attention
and living up to your advertise
ment, I ami
Cambridge, Mass.'
Makes Cross Cat Saw
Good as New
I received your tool grinder th
20th and have given it a thorough
trial. It does the work fine. I
have gummed a cross cut saw and
it is as good as new. The Harman
Grinder is a dandy, and I would
not be without one. .
Bloomfield, la.
It Cats Splendid
I received the grinder on th
I6th inst., have tried the tool
wheel and it is O. K. I like tha
way the machine works as far u
tried; it cuts splendid.
a mC- J' TOWELL.
, Annville, Jackson CoKy;
amount of grindinc: seems
ii ic vim uavr in rvn in htu
r,?rhDO?lliaiUM vin NOT draw the temper from steel
k Carborundum wheels will nnt wMr in Cr, . t. ,.,.,., JT ...
v I Name....
t4. Address..
J-r"'"' Mi
Dept. 4173), 160 Harrison St., Chicago, HI.
Without any obligations on me please send me FREE your catalog
explaining your Carborundujr .Special Farm Tool Grinder, also full pa? I
CaUrbao7ufdrmr EE T"al ffcr a,3 the inUMtine oi 1
Carborundum Soi S hJS SJfJtSS ?S?5T ? A"?11.??. "& The reason for this Is that
Send ili a rvviiTLA rnnA-.. ,.ji a . . . .
dafainr vnrnc " a? VMy "u our grinding Tool
SSSm thlf?: AJS Uf fnf ook,et "Paining all about Carbo
rundurn, the newest and most wonderful substance known.
thiVJjV mmutV Senlthe fe coupon today and post yourself on
K T1-0 Lcarn a!1 about the Hannan Special Carborundum
Farm Tool Grinder. Sharpen everydull tool on your place positivdvfre?
IS Ult oZfirll k? I?." Pense- mail the coupon today
Dept 41 73
rt a at . . '
ul Otiborundua rum To Otl&ltr
;t- Chicago