V"-i 4& , FEBRUARY 25, 1910 The Commoner. 11 10 PENNIES LEAD 10 MEN TO GET $32,034.81 Fortunes mndo with Stranco Invention. New, elenntlo, inoneyinakIne opportunltj-. No longer controlled by a fow now open to any man or woman. Astounding, but truo; over 152,000 In S weeks nn actual record, Road tho grand glorious news, how 10 men llko yourself earned over 032,000.00 nlmply becauso thoy had Bomothin everybody wno longing, hoping, wishing for: Of this Hum Korstnd (Farmer) Bold 2,U12 In 2 weeks; Zlmrnor man (Farmer) orders 93,850 In 3D days; Htonoman (Artist) oom vue.ibl in 00 days. No woudorCushraan Bays: "A rnn who can't boII your noodn couldn't Boll bread in a fnnilno." But listen I Hasp (A cent) Bold 91,085 In 73 dnys; Jucll (Clerk) 80,800: Oviatt (Minister) 4,000 Cook (Solicitor) 94,000: Rogers (Surveyor) $2,800: Jloard(I)octor) 92,200; Ilart 95,000 and took 10 orueratn a nours. Itogoro vrrltOB U V 1 4 I JL K baths has ... .- i 1 sWTsa TsWT i TSsSsSssW KW au MiJ "SEE IT QHHmJV Plcco of ENERGIZE" property. Expect to got nnothor.4' Hundreds already crottina rich. You Hhould too; why not? Exporlonco don't matter. uow uusy jusbiuiuw, luuuvy juurs o proilt. Allon's Bath Apparatus elves every homo a bath room lor 90.50: all othorfl$150; yet do Ions. Think of itl Bo onorgizos water, 1 gallon amplo: clean ses almost automatically: no plumbing. Could anything bo moro popular? It's irresistible. llocso (Uarpontcr) saw uv people sold 55; re sult $320. ,rSoll 8 out of 10 houses," writes Mnro noy (Olork). LET US START YOU as exoluulvo agont, salesman, manager; cash or credit plan; all or sparo time. Caution This ad may not np. Soar again, '.territory golngiast. ltoauorwakoup; . on't plod: get rich. Itlsk 1 cent now a postal for freo book, proofs and remarkable offer. THE ALLEN MFG. GO. 1821 Allen Bldg. Toledo, 0. 'tacky I answered ad. Moi.gy lomlnir fiut." A. I... Mo. 1 1 mml 1'ok icllLavolilae citlcntH, mivtt fuel, ami bo up-fo-tlatc on butchering and butter boiling days by using The PERFECTION IMPIIOV1SD KETTLE RANGE. Burns wood or coal. Will accommodate any size lr.on or copper kettle up to 40 gallons capacity. UBcd for all kinds of form cooking. Wrlto for our cata logue snowing this kettle rango and our largo lino bf.Land JtollorH. Watering Troughs, etc. Manufac tured by FRANK L. WEAVER, New Oxford, Pa. Tho pay la good, tho work congenial, and promo, tlon rapid in tho U. S. Civil Service If you aro an American man or woman over 18 yon aro ellglblo for any government position if you. pass tho Civil Service Examination. To loam how you can qualify in yourpare time, mitofor our free I. C. 8. booklot, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Bax 1193, 8cAST8, Pa. Piiifc No Feo until allowed. Freo Books, JTllienia FULLER A FULLEH, WmUlnjton, U. C. PATENTS Bates reasonable. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.O. Advice and books free. Highest references. Best services. PATENTS SEffi?t&rK Freo report ns to Patentability. Illustrated Guldo Book, nnd List of Invention Wanted, sontfrcp. Vieron J. Evans k Co., Washington, D. O. ECZEMA DAN HE CURED. My wild, toothing, guaranteed cur Joel Itand FRL.: , AMPLE provei It. STOPS TUE ITCHING and cure to slay. WUITE WOW TODAY. DR CANNADAY, 174 PARK SQUARE. SEDALIA, MO AGENTS EAltN J75 to $260 a month selling Novety Knivep. Blades, razor steel. Six months' guarantee. Handles decorated with name, address, lodgo emblems, trado designs, pcrsonnl photo, or pictures of Bkyan and other celebrities. Great fellers. Big commission. Write quick for territory; Novelty Cutlery Co., 606 Bar St., Canton, 0. VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME cMnnrk. tear and upwards can be made taking our Veter. vpijCVvr fnary Course at home during spare time; taught In simplest English; Diploma granted, positions obtained lor succeesful students; cost within reach of all; satisfaction guar anteed; particulars Iree. ONTARIO VETERINARY COR RESPONDENCE SCHOOL Otpt. 10, London, Canada, RIDER AGENTStWJWTED in each town to ride and exhibit simple X9X0 Bicycle. Write for s fecial offer. We Ship on Approval without acttt$ deposit, allow 10 DAYS rncc miw. feBjSSS-AiJE Ktlll and frtfiiy freight on every bicycle, FACTORY PRICES on Dlcy sundries. Do not tuy untl 1 you receive oiircat inr an a intra nnr unheard or trices and marvelous special offer. Ylree, coastet braVe rear -wheels, lamps, sundries, half prices. MEAD CYGkK CU. Ufjpit N177 wnijtu, m (lioiiorot o Slightly Mixed For some time rumors had been current to the effect that a move was shortly to be made in the fa mous rate case. Attorneys were busily conferring, and prominent cit izens and business men seemed pro occupied while at their places of business. All this, of course, could not fail of attracting the attention of Judgo Fixem, and anticipating a sudden call upon him he so arranged matters as to bo in chambers practically all of his time. This being true Judge Fixem was all ready, and not at all surprised, when he saw filing into his office a fine array of legal talent and a dele gation of prominent men. "The court will be in order!" ex claimed the baliff. Assuming his most judicial air, Judge Fixem asked what brought the delegation. "Your honor," said an attorney, slowly rising and spreading out a large array of legal documents', "we appear this morning in the matter of the recent freight and passenger rates fixed by the legislature and the railway commission. It Is not necessary for us to go into the his tory of these now famous laws, therefore I will hasten to the point. We have here prepared a writ of in junction which we wish to have issue from this honorable court, enjoin ing the " "I .eee!" exclaimed Judge Fixem, reaching for his pen. "I see. You seek to enjoin the enforcement of these confiscatory laws. I will at once sign the temporary restraining order and set the date for hearing at any time most convenient to you. Such laws should not be enforced until they have been reviewed as to their constitutionality the opinion to be handed down by some one whose knowledge of " "I beg your pardon, your honor," said the attorney. "We are not ap pearing for the railroads to see an injunction against the enforcement of these laws, which we think wise and beneficial. We appear to secure an order restraining the railroads from enjoining our public officials from performing" their duty." "What!" shrieked Judge "Fixem, WllMMA growing livid with rage. "Would you seek to use this honorable court in that manner? Would your prosti tute the writ of injunction to such oase and ignoble ends? I am sur. prised! I am dumfounded! I re fuse to sign any such ridiculous re straining order, and I warn you and your associates not to again seek to make of this court a tool in the hands of the anarchistic element. Tho baliff will adjourn court." Passed The pilgrim knocked at tho gate and waited for St. Peter to open. "Well, who are you?" asked Peter. "One who would fain enter." "Those who enter here must show cause," said Peter. "What have you to say for yourself?" "Very little," said the pilgrim. "While on earth I tried to treat my family as cordially as I treated my customers, And I never laughed at a mother-in-law joke, and " "That's enough!" exclaimed Peter. "You walk right over there and pick out your own harp and crown." Tho Sufferer "What's the matter with Puffeiiy? A month ago he was the picture of health. Today he looks as decrepit as a picture of Father Time." "He got a fine meorchaum pipe for Christmas, and ho is trying to color it." Coincident "They tell me that Stocksonbonds is dead broke." "Yes; he invested all his money in airship stock, and neither the stock nor the airship would go up." Ignorance is an enemy that we may overcome. Johnnie Wise "Now. Johnnie," said the teacher, "how do' you pronounce o-1-e-o-m-a-r-g-a-r-i-n-e?" "Butter!" shouted Johnnie Wise, whose father kept the corner grocery. Hope never dies in a heart full of love. i Washington News q Speaker Cannon took the floor in the house and delivered a vigorous address in favor of liberal appropria tions for waterways. The house passed a rivers and harbors bill carrying an appropria tion of more than $35,000,000. . Senator Dupont's bill to prohibit hazing at West Point passed the senate. By order of the senate, President Taft's Lincoln day speech in New York will be printed as a govern ment document and circulated throughout the country as republi can campaign literature. "It will be printed as a pamphlet so that it may be circulated under frank. - Members of the . bouse Jhave de manded that Commander-Peary pre sent his proof to the i .world before UUUgltiDa YUICO uiju u. fauiu tuvumi It is promised that if the suggestion is brought up in the house, it will be vigorously and frankly defended by members who have become weary of the north pole affair. James R. Garfield, former secre tary of the interior, appeared before a joint committee and pointed out a number of defects In the Taft-Bal-linger conservation measures. Nebraska's appeal from the deci sion of Federal Judge Munger against the guaranteed deposits law, has been filed in the United States supreme court. Speaking in the sena'fe Mr. Davis, of Arkansas, attacked the Standard Oil' company and said hewould like to so:; John D. Rockefeller "In hell." Hfe, Attacked the pending bill authorizing- an- oil amf gaB pipe line acrossthe-publlc landjJLArkansas. Tiilsliill had been inTfuMW Sen- mwHHHHEi w w -'f7 L BUCKDEB'S SEEDS SUCCEED t SPECIAL OFFER: AUilo to build Nor HualnrA. A trIM will mako rou our rxirmnnont ctiMomor. firltn rVi1fnff-lntiH4Ub. 17 vnrlrtloM I-t- a V,l IVVI.IVJII..,.. .., !,.,. r-. i. - it ' l i ii "ICl J. IVIl'i''X ' IHIJI tho Uncut; Turnip, 7 nplondldt inwn, H licrt vario tios; lOHprlBr.flowrrlBg Ilulh 05 variolic in all. OUAUANTKKU TO 1LEA8I Wrlto to-day; Mention this Paper, SEND 10 CENTS to cover rotUp and fatalng and rtctlve ttito Tolnnblo collection or Perda pontpnld, tofllir nilli mjr big inntructivo, itenutiiui tcca sua I'lnnt jiook, tens an aooui ma ici vantuei or sxoi, i'unu, vc. II W HurMwcx R0CKF0RD SEED FARMS II. U.DlIlrleG,rfmiii RocKKOHnrii.u TREES and PLANTS A complete aHHortmcnt of NurHcry Stock. Uur Mec!nlt!cM, Strawberry 1 lanfM, Juvk I'lnvH and other Kver prrveiiN fit low prlccN. We Hell Tree Ilnlers. I!ox ClnnipH find Fodder Hind er. Free Catalog and coupon to each Inquirer. NORTH IIKM) NURSERIES, Box SOL. Isorth Rend, Dodge Co., Nell. Northern Seed Oats Try our Northern White OutH Thoy will hi crcruo your yield, Curlondx or Hiunll HhlpincnU. FARGO SEED HOUSE, j'Aitao, x. n. A 3 leading Yrtetlea of pure bred rtJCutckeni, Ducks, Gecae, Turkey: alio Holatein cattle. Prize winning stock.' Oldcat and larcest poultry farm la tna northwest. Stock, esea and Incubators at low prices. Send 4 cents for catalog. Larkln&IIorzbcrfr,UoiC8 Mankato,Mlnaj TllM WOJUjIVS LARGEST INCUBATOR A 6000 cuk Incubator heated by one lamp, Is ninmiftieturcd by the McCnbo Inc. Co. nt Ht. Peter, Minn. (1 t Kntlinr MeCabo'H book and learn tuOfc; tH'.lenre. It U VilKK. Met' A lilt MSVVllATOMl CO., ST. J'lnjllt, JMWXN. 3-STROKE SELF-FEED HAY PRESS. Satbfitllon GuarsntKd All Stool and Iron Two Mtneanrun It. Tha Aulo-Fsdan Hay Prast Co. 1533 W. 12th St. K. C. Mo. Ask for Catalogue No. 33 TGBAG80 SALESMEN FACTORY WANTS Good pay, Htcady work and promotion. Kxperh'iico unncccKuary an wo will fdvo comploto Instructions. DanvllloTobacco Co., Box A 56, Danvillo, Va. FEMGEWl m mmmm mm atronK chick- on-tlRht Bold to tho user at Wholesale I'rlefi. ue ry might. Uat&IO(ruofrce. COILED BPRINQ FENCE CO.. Box 234 Winchester, Indiana. Don't Rust Farm Fence Kxlra hemttf ralran lieJ. Hold direct to farmeri fttmanufactar em' nrlcei. SOdan' free trial. Freight prepaid. Auorouiiry ana urna rneutal Wire and Iron Fcnccf . Catalogue free. Write ror (pedal offer. The Word Ftoe C., UoittO, Betar,Iad. ffi S lfAdn M a p '" m ELtXs. m m, k v . m 1 frUo 0m m y C-X w - Tf B' m M'A'sjsjfsVM THE BEST ASSET OP A BANK is honest officials; tho best se curity of depositors Is tho Okla homa bank law. Bank officials are not always honest. Tho state banks of Oklahoma aro all operated under tho Guar anty Law. If you want to know about It ask for our booklet, GUARANTY STATE BANK Muskogee, Oklahoma M..G..HASKELL, Cashier csi -' d-ji&mt4JMiMuikMbsti.bM' teAMMi fcA -mjii ? jaaprgf.'vimaayUJi"