The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 18, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner
W . -M -
This Ss the (BemuEne
BurliBigtoro Special
Our very finest wntcli nnd tlio absolute peer of
nny wntcli nuulo In tho world today. It in, of course,
imyouMblo to kIvou full ck!tcrhtion hero, but we sub
mit this nhort outline ho that you may Hiivo some Idea
of how this perfect innsterpleco la constructed.
TUC MADVIUOO of the llurllwcton Special watch
lilt iilAlminUo -will show you at once tho abso
lute superiority of this fully adjusted movement.
rm iv AniilCTcn Thisls?poIntof ahlsh grndo
rULLY AUJUolCU watch. Andnowatchlslnr7Yr.v
wny IiIkIi hxucIo and O. K. unless It infttlly adjusted.
A watch merely marked adjusted, may bo adjusted
only as to temperature, not adjusted as to positions.
In the higher ktmq inovcniqnts of tho factories, tho
mnrkhiKS Hay, "adjusted to temperature, adjusted
to positions." Tho doublo marking Is a character
istic of only tho most expensive watches, and It fa
this marking, "ndjustcd to tomperaturo" and "ad
Justed to positions," which you will find on tho ' Bur
lington Special."
tor nnd run for 24 hours, then It Is put into an oven
of 100 degrees tomporaturo and run for 2 hours.
Thon it Is run in normal temperature for 24 hours.
This Process isconlinued until the watch runs the same
in all temperatures. Not 10 of all watches made are
Adjusted to temperature.
epoed of a watch when it is fully wound up Is the
nnmo as when it Is almost run down. Not more than
four watches out of every one hundred watches made
in tho United States havo this adjustment.
It so it runs tho snmo in vi rlous positions. You can
casilv see that if a watch is to run absolutely accurato
the friction of the bearings must be exactly tho same
for different positions. This adjustment Is never
attempted on moro than a very, very mlnuto per
centage of all watches mado in tho United States.
miriuri q used are tho finest grndo of selected
JCWCLo genuine imported ruby and sapphire
civels, absolutely iluwless. Nineteen of these chosen
gems protect overy point. It is well understood in
the railroad business that 19 Savcls is the proper number
for maximum efficiency. Nineteen jowels Is regarded
by sxports as tho best number for a Perfect watch,
moro jevel3 often being a sourco of complication
rather than service Tho smaller slzo ladles' watch
has 17 jewels, giving this watch tho protection need
ed for a lifetime of service.
nniiniC lEUfCIC thnt is, bearings with two jewels
UUUB1X JCWCLd each aroused In the Burlington.
A watch no jeweled requires very much less attention
than wntcues jeweled In any otlicrwny.
ICUICI ElTTINft Tho, holoincvoryjewollshlghly
JEWEL rlllirau polished by hand aprocessthat
requires years of experience This assures perfect
alignment unuwonucrim accuracy.
UAMn 11nnv Is anothor characteristic of tho Bur
tlANLJ WUiiaiington the quality not quantity)
product,' While tho latest up-to-date automatic
machinery is largely used in tho factory, wo rely
for finishing upon tho best oxpert hand work.
MAIM CDDlMft The two points in which Americans
MAIN OrnlNU havo yet tocompoto with tho Swiss
are mainspring and hairspring. Although watch
springs are mado now in almost all parts of tho world,
no onohasovcrbccnnblo to equal these Swiss springs.
Tho strain is almost absolutely constant, no matter
whether tho watch is fully wound or Is nearly run
down. Tho Swiss Bprlngsuscd in the Burlingtonwntch
donotcrystttiuewunusugo ana breakage is very raro.
These springs will run a watch from 32 to 36 hours.
reason as the imported mainspring. They are far
better than any other hairspring made.
tion of a second.
weft's watches,
CAPTnnV CITTCn Every Burlington Special move
rAblUni ril ICU mentis fitted Into tho case right
at the factory where the movement was made into
a'caso made for that watch. Nolooseness or wearing
of parts against the sides of the case. No rattlo or jar.
to wortinanshipor material, in eitherwatchorcase, at anytime
without ts1 tape or formality. Note, we tlo not say within ten or
twenty years, but at any ttme. Our Guarantee, ot course, does not
Includa cleanln e or breakaees caused by carelessness oracclUents. or
tinkering with the watch, but, if any thing is foumi wrong with the
Witch in anyway, w will reflate the fart complained cf. cr w
Kill ref air the watch fret of charge, or we will givt you a ntw
ftchtfMtlyfree, as you may elect. Note t This guarantee is
kd fir SS years, yes and loncer than 2S years, lor any length ol
eat restriction.
Writ Today for our free watch book explaining
very detail of tho Burlington "NVatch.
Our great fight against the Watch Trusty is NOW On.
We are determined to maintain our independent
Burlington line and to do it quickly and thoroughly.
And so we are making this offer, the most startling, the most overwhelm
ing offer ever known in the whole history of the watch industry. A more
liberal offer to you the consumer, than any other concern would dare
to make to the biggest wholesalers. 'j
Trust Prices Smashed
At last! An absolutely perfect watch, the magnificent Burlington Special, at a
price and on terms within the reach of all. ror we are waging the fiercest . battle
against trust methods ever known in the
history 6i this country. We will NOT be
Douna Dv any system, no matter now power- m
ful. We call the great factories a trust be
cause they have perfected a system of con
tracts and agreements with dealers everywhere, which $j& !
enables them to fix prices and control trade. We do '4lfe
not say that the Watch Trust is illegal. But we do ljk
insist that their system of quiet agreements and price 1
boosting contracts is very, very unfair.
The Watch Trust has cornered the dealers, but
we are determined to win this fight IIO matter What it COStS. So we have decided to offer our very
finest watch, the unparalleled Burlington Special, direct to the public on a staggering offer which
must simply annihilate unfair competition.
You may get our finest watch at the anti-trust
price and besides, if you act at once, you may
Cfrnrf ttlf crtlonrlirl Piirlinnfnn Cnn-!n1 !. 4.U
no-dealer price, without profits added exactly the same price which the wholesale jeweler himself must pay.
Thinkthe quality watch, the world's masterpiece of watch manufacture, for less than half the price usually
asked for watches even approaching this one in quality.
And Without Monov Down We will spnrl tiivntnii n fr Aennr.c;kiA ,., ...:.i l i i
cent in advance. There are no formality T hZZT nATSuZ wEX" . "JT " V Ior a single
anv wnH - -;z"""" y. ' :v n r r" ""- "". "B" ym p?n ui.
. iJ 1 Ic. """" Lwvzrw ""pc it uaiuiuuy Wiia any watcn you ever saw. no matter
What the nrlco. Thn if nnf entiefntrrr - ir, jL :. .. ' L V . j
, -.. . .. ..w UHHumviwiT, JTVU 111C4JT IV.IUIU 1L IW US ti. UUI OApBIISOl JLJUt
u yuu uu uhs waicn tne most stupendous bargain you ever dreamed of, just slip the watch
vrX p u pay u uic i.ucK-jjowora price, eitner in cash or on terms of
qt.u a monin just as you preier. c
M i uu pay exactly me same price whether you buy for cash or on time. We
- .uiuw uic puDiic tne aavantage ot these $2.50 a month terms, in order to
y. "vv wuut Kta- rttm-u ui iiguu oo mat every oouv
Can afford in crrf- n Tnrlir.rrfr. ,1, ww.,yMMjr
" w b jjuwiujjiuu vutv.ii at vjiiuu.
ISi 14
-iji'vHar,v i 'fisusamumKBammmaK9ey.'TAmmu
i iWTTmmMPI '"""-'- '-' r in? r WTflTiraili fHirMITfi " r 'JT
Here Is Our Offer
cfo Book FUEE
Our remarkable
Watch Book
rCOUCSt. We arp rlotnrmtn tl,nf tl. nM! J.1...I1 1 -21i .J!C.e n .
line conditions eikti Vn VC rAZ" ."l" ". ne start- -
We want the public to know the realTrum
and Watch ValllPB. 2r.rfen r.rt-,1, -:-1 i- . . . v"LV-" r. 1Utb
ments to uohold nrirB VTl V:ll. -Suiet &.?
,, . , ry -i "- vv...jin.iv.4jr v-AiJiiuucu in uns uook. uesiaes. we tell vmi x1
the whole story of our great aiti-trust fight and our $1,000 challenge 'to anTcompSors: H
f)C'iVTjW;limnVL. H
yri iwmijviu wv iiiiuiii n i itmmu nvii. i
jmmmmmmmmmmmsimk. m
jwiimmittimmm4W(nmnmiiiimimiiiMifK. h
y&iiiiuiutiuiuiiuiiinniiiiiiiii,iJi'j'Jiiy-iH!nutiinitKjrtiiiii'KniiLrjiibnijrjfr jir .T -c
wjinrH iii'itnuiin nil it t n rcrr ii:iimtrviiii KmMitu twHiW)r aw m.
-iniHtt twin tit i i tu 1 1 ti iitxsji i u nun um n&S'Aor
vim muiemwm mwar Am
xmw mmmwmm mw&r r
imumnmv8tmmiarxar a.
& .rf
- KfSJ
lyifTsflf tMBtf for the free Watch Book at onro. Tf vn ,u 1:1 yrWL $&&&
iW WVJII.I5 good watch-if you ever expect to own cVe von shot IdTond for .
' ! HllO rrronf Knn, ...I.I.. J. '!,.. .1 t , '-t . --.. A. V- A. VO".
.o Kibui uuuu. wiLiiiiiii .Jin nsmm c nn n Z-.. ..i.i. x l h ry v""
ices. You ought to be able to judge watch, values for your-A Vrf"
lourwonderfu anti.trncfftfTAr.V. .!. t A& j&JSrj:
the fart; nl-nnf tlmcn ;nf.M .4
)r you:
. No
Ko or
jlO lt.
.' n-
- -- . "w ww wAutuuiuui tYUiiuciiui ri rnirnirppninptti- A A. vt. 4feL' - .u
ThFSh hlnf se"d8a Postal or letter, or your name and addressed
The watch book and full particulars will be sent you at once, FREE, pre"
tsurimgton Watch Go&WlXm?C
hAn fiitO iniLffi -.... . . ... Av-i
rui. -w. m - .nin at. m mrsniii uiva.. tiHisiyM ib ...
s j . ; .
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