ffi .attfc 1 fti &t tfCv' im?-"? y M V VOLUME.10, NUMBER S The Commoner. 14 JW m. tr ..... .i.mii i ii u in wwMW?WiWm' Y!tWfWfrBRWWlWW'3"(''' i-i- !- nwiHilli HilW i'i NMB1H '(WW ' Irrigation Farmin Pays mmMNiM Mild and Equable Climate; Dry; No Excessive Temperatures Healthful m : ifl.F,iM-f':r. w '-.v- rvt.v.'v '"',;' t :; . r ' W1'?- . . r; "$$&$ ijw . ' - .,.,.:', v'vmvffim rt v1 st ' -. - '.' . .""1 .. .-".. jtt 'fTf' -.. .- ....: r.. .- t I Soil as Rich as Famous Nile Delta Many Feet in Depth. U ' Main Grnvlty Onnnl of Snn Dcnito Land & Water Co. At San Benito, Texas Where there are twelve months of growing season each year, where products of superior quality may be grown any month in the year and marketed at a time when they bring the Highest Price; where the soil is many feet deep and as rich as can be found in America; where water for irrigation is plentiful, guaranteed by the 31,000 acre feet storage capacity of the great San Benito Gravity Canal? where the farmer absolutely controls the amount of mois ture his crops shall have. Under the favorable climatic and soil conditions of the San Benito Tract a larger variety of crops may be grown than in any other section of the United States. San Benito's canal la tho largest In tho state of Texas, tho only GRAVITY Canal In tho Lowor Itlo Grande Valloy; 37 mllos long. 2C0 foot wide, 75 miles of latoral canals already constructed. More build ing. Alain canal NAVIGABLE. Thousands of Acres of Growing Crops SUGAR CANE Sugar cano, alfalfa, cotton and corn are the staple crops of tho Rio Grande Delta. There Is no better sugar cano region In tho United Statos; In fact, exports toll us there are only two places in tho world that surpass tho Lower Itlo Grando Valloy In tho production of sugar cane Hawaii and Java. Tho sugar cano area of tho world Is very limited, and farm lands In localities adapted to Its production are In great demand. Of tho sugar consumed in tho United States today moro than 50 per cent is imported. You can ilguro your returns when tho crop is planted. Tho yield novo Is nearly doublo that of tho famous delta country of tho Mississippi bocauso of tho extraordinary fertility of our soil and tho fact that our cano has full twolvo months to mnture. We havo planters on tho San Benito tract who havo mado moro than $100 per aero on sugar cane. "Wo do not promiso that all can nmlco $100 per acre net, but wo do feel sure that there Is $50 per aero not, year after year, In sugar cano In tho San Benito tract. ALFALFA Tho area of farm lands In tho United States adapted to tho raising of alfalfa Is limited likewise. Alfalfa requires special conditions of soil and ell ma to and water. Those wo havo at San Benito. Our twelvo months of growing season gives us an advantago over tho alfalfa raising countries of tho North. Wo cut alfalfa at San Benito from seven to ten times a year and get from three-fourths of a ton to a ton and a half to the aero each cutting. FOKAGI3 Sorghum, mllo maize and Kafllr corn grow hero to perfection. Sorghum sown broadcast yields from three to four tons to the acre per cut ting and may bo cut from thrco to six times a year. There Is a steady de mand for all raised. COTTON Our early planting season and an assurance of plenty of water wiu'u ui'iHieu puiuuH uio .uower iuo uranuo vauey among tno nrst in tho pro duction of cotton'. Wo plant In March and inaturo our crop ahead of the boll weevil. A bale tothe acre Is a safe and conservative estimate of the yield to expect. Cotton planters who havo been accustomed to seeing their crop flooded by rain and baked by tho sun should Investigate cotton at San Benito.- whero we "control our rainfall." Plentiful supply of Mexican laborers avail able during cotton picking season. TRUCKThis Is the winter garden of tho Nation. Wo get our truck pro ducts on. the market at a time when no other part of the United States can supply tho demand, consequently get tho very top prices. Cabbages? onions! cauliflower, beans, okra, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, egg-plant, melons and all kinds of truck grow to perfection here, and find a ready market Planters are now shipping winter cabbages in car load lots at $36 per ton. iancers There is no better country in tho world for tho raising of tho famous 'Bermuda and Crystal Wax onions than tho delta of the Rio Grande Tho yields are phenomenal. Our soil Is especially adapted to the ralsinir of onions; our immense water system guarantees water when i they need it? wo are located on tho main line of the St. Louis, Brownsville & Moxl?o Rail w and can ship promptly; wo havo an abundant and efficient sunnfv if S labor to take care of tho heavy work of tranqnianfinlt niiifi?Piy t cheaP good local demand for all corn raised ThoritUmSid?r &a thero Is a hood of $1.00 per bushel. ""sea. ino price remains in the neighbor- th?RUd3SsTaBeEnxper1t3 JoUoVfs MZ Wand tJlWRthorn,?.OBt P,nt ln most FAVORABLE to citrus fruit culture Annnni "mn0 conditions to bo past seventeen years 72.8. cuuuro. Annual mean temperature for Choice land on reasonable terms; one-third cash, balance 5 equal annual payments 6 THE CITY OF SAN BENITO Was not on tho map two years ago. Today it Is tho largest of tho new towns hi tho Lower Rio Grando Valloy. Its 1,000 (actual census) population Is making rapid stridos toward tho 2,000 mark. Moro than 3,000 people from tho San Benito tract do their trading at San Benito. San Benito is populated with pooplo who havo been accustomed to tho best tho old settled roglons pf tho north could afford. They havo pushed Improvements hero. Tho result is that San Benito has grown with remarkable rapidity, has added Improve ments and con veniences found in fow towns in America t w i c o its ago. San Be nito HAS a city water and light ing system, ce- Send Coupon for Illustrated Booklet Snn Benito Land & Water Co., Box Bt San Benito, Texas. Gentlemen: Please send, without incurring any obligation to me, your illustrated booklet contain ing full information of your irrigated land. Name P. O. R. P. D. .State per cent 8E21 yZZ0!? churches, business honn ..," been voted for a Tfim brTeHXofbuffd'ffff.0' CnstructI BonTsTavo atlaVBeniJo falling3!? gS'Sf fSS llrP 'enter business Texas. A third addition to the townsltHas uTfiant cMIe3 Southwest ing cement sidewalks and curbing on reasoSatfift L5?Jl adGd Lts, includ anco in one, two and three years at 6 per cent One-third cash, bal- 4S&&?ffiRo in America than canal running through the center at tnWr? BATHING. San Bonito's S FISHING AND DUCK SHOOTING. Doe? andotLV0 ft lako 'oi BOA Burrounding country. cer ana other Game abound In the San Benito Land & Water Co., ALBA HEYWOOD, President San Benito, Texas ......... . , -aissas sfc&ijss. !fefis 9b cover the San Benito tract nn ii W1U tor cars to bo used for Soa30lln m and mail; Heavy ?5roductB rB 0XPress will bp. handled by It S?r load lots mont. No region will hyS.fftoam .fluIP f or transportation Than laS Bn,itSclJppod ers can load products Tin ?h?i0ixlJS0iirarm" an uirect to nortV " th,i?floWB and X,, ... u.iiv.uia, tffltih'lllii