T i W i 7 ,()l,,,'J?f,l' 1 mAm mumiMVt AAi I 5 The Commoner. 10 Sent on Approval TO KUSrONSMUC I'lJOPJ.l TAIlfiHMN JLr3LAAJIA4AA.l ui.jH(: a Pft,inJrt Da P trmj f6lJTJf flVWlHi Tha moil popnlar and wldaly known wrltlnr In atriimanlon Ilia markal. Btyla thown on left lull tnounUi'l wlth&larlln Slltar Dopnilt rillrrxi nnlih. Hlylaon rlrht, Hottiar of rrl mouritlnji, flnUhad with liamlioma olJ trim mlni(i,ili and Hjrla lar out. either aljrlo complata. Postpaid to any nd drait, only $2.50; by Insured mall 8 cents extra. F.llhor of the bIkjt foun tain pana without motinllnga on liotdir, plain or c1um1 m dailrad 1 Complete to any Addr st, Only By Inmrad mall 8 cli. axtra. Kvarr pan juarantaad fall It Kt. Solid Uold.and to I atlifactorjr In atary partlcu lar. To ihow our confidence In th UiiRhlln CounUIn Pen, you may try It waak, If you do not find It M ropreaaiitad. Ixtter valua tlin you can iretira for TIlItKK TlMh3 THIS srhOUIi ritlCK In any othar make, If. not antlroly ittltfaoWry In avarir raipect raturn It and wo will ratund your mmiei, with tan (10) canti additional. Tlia aitra lOcanla la for your trouble In vrrltlnn ua. (Two cuito maralnfi.oOOhavo aikad for rotutnot monay.) In order ing pleats ilata whethorflne, inadlum or couna point la datlred. We alio maka a full Una of Society KrntiWm mountlnga, Advlie what emblem la da ilred and wo will advlioyou price. llBwaro of Imttatlnna ln alit upon ReltltiR the f)KN IIINK UUUHMN ADVKIV TIKKI) pen. It your dealer will notmp. ply you, atruia ma avow TDta and ordor direct from ua. Bend 8 cti. additional for Iniiirance, wo then tfuaraliteo afe delhary addrcia Laughlin Mfg. Co. OB Clrliwold St. DETROIT, MICH. .,i wmma IttCt'Utf AGENTS $33.30 A WEEK Whynot'mrikoltT Jnok Wood did It I Ho wrlto " Hurry m 100 IUITMmC moro Bold flrat lot lu 2 clnyn bcbtsollorlovor haw." Hundred ol arjenta oolnlnq moneu Ifilin tfioprloootpno. JVontlprful invoirtlou-.lroporKed from finest Htool. Nlokol lMntod r.llovor. Aatonlehlna low prle to -oonu-l.ax) ordprod by ono inrm. Got our Hfd Wndonttal i.ropoaltion quick. Snmplo t roo- THOMAS MFQ. CO., U13X Wayno St., DAYTON, OHIO .. g T.uw MORPHINE lluford you pay a cont, wo will con vince! vou th at Mnnlnr pormnnontly euros any druu habit. Gunr uutooduot to contain Mornhlno, Lnuduuuni, Opium or avy othor hnblb tormina drat?. No mnnnv m. qalrod in ndvnnce.ntnU month's trorvtmontaontto thono nftltctud without ono cont of doposlt. Mnnlno has ooxod thousands, ItwlUotiroyon. Olvoltrtfrco irinu xou nro boio jmigo. B-J-J-j Maielnn Mpillrlnet Co.. Ull 1 ff-fW Locust. St. Louis Mo. aMJliT'Wl Y iss SEND NO iSrV&tSXl" KR Md you U srsnVw You Mil' tho Wodlci ntroVVika7eS,V?nLUt, porsontUat buysS VMkairwTyoS gl o t2 Tuffi00' SPVLyiR?" '". wrt'n. Wen sold nd S thBFiTS m And cot Mtra Pr.V. " "TV,""? ' once -" au mu a 1 ii nil ii m i .ibv f am . - j..., "vwiyxe.. un 0 . Greonutlla. t. ei.k'J ir.:i7 :"'" rroo. Auaresa " - H IK "u!a75r- T.HBmX ,H wv.li "'C MlMK'llatT 41 S3S3-Ji-ra '""- H5il UsfafalaMW Y (n Explaining It Himself My friend, the Advertising So licitor, who lives across tho -street, has often chided me for some of my peculiar views. The other day he came over and said: "I hear you are a' 'single taxer.' " 1 admitted that he had heard cor rectly, and immediately he continued in this wiso: "That seems like a foolish Idea to me. I've tried to get the hang of it, hut it's too involved." "O, just to change tho subject for a moment," I interrupted, "but I want to know what your advertising rates are in the Daily Record." "Well, wo have different rates for different kinds of advertising. For reading notices that have the gen eral run of the paper we charge 25 cents a lino, but for reading notices In the 'Local Brevities' department wo charge 50 cents a line. For gen eral display advertising, run of paper, wo charge ?1 an inch, but for pre ferred position wo charge 35 per cent more." "But why do you charge moro for tho 'Local Brevities' department?" I asked. "Because it is the most desirable part of the paper." "And why charge more for 'pre ferred position?' " "Why, that's easily answered. A choice position more readily catches the eye, and is therefore more val uable to tho advertiser." "O, I see," was my reply. "Yes; and now about this single tax business," said my friend. "You've explained it pretty well, yourself," I said. "How's that?" queried my friend, tho Advertising Solicitor. "Just study it out a bit longer, ap plying your theory of advertising rates and space to taxes and land values," I Baid. . I haven't seen my friend the Ad vertising Solicitor for several days, but I have fond hopes that he is catching on. water out of your stock," we said in conclusion. "My mistaken friend," said the captain of Industry in his most friendly manner. "Do you not real ize that by refraining from doing as you suggest I am really safeguarding the interests of the public?" Being thus pressed wo had to ad mit that wo realized nothing of the kind -men, ' continued the captain of industry, "let mo shed a little light upon your benighted mind. Can you 'VOLUME 10, NUMBER 5 a aa a n i lmmmmmmmmmimummmmim not see that If I were to squeeze the water out of my stock I would en danger the public? Have you taken note of the statistical information that less than 17 per cent of the population can swim, while there are not enough boats in the community to carry a' score of people?" Not until then did we fully unde stand the real key to the situation. Kismet He claimed to be of heaven-birth,. -But had of honest leaven dearth;' Through high finance - He once did prance, But now he is down in Leavenworth. Cf r, T fP Ci Ttalso thom without mlllc XEIIIIASJIA. SEED CO., Omaha. Ncbr. Thtittth Exterminator Kills thrush in Horses nnd Shcopln from four to six days or rnonoy refund ed. Prices $1. S. & 8. Co., IIx. 508.M arietta, O. Ever Notico That when tho biggest bargain sales are on you have the least money? That when the roads are most Im passable tho coal bin Is lowest? That when you have the most to do you are least inclined to do it? That when you have nothirig wor rying you, you begin to worry lest it is a sure sign that you are about to havo something to worry over? That the reason tho world is not better is because your plan of reform is not adopted by everybody? That tho more you write or read of this sort of pessimism the worse off you are? Experience "Groat Scott, Bingorly! What's the matter? You look like you had collided with a steam road roller." "O, I sat up late last night and read a magazine article on 'how to borrow money from a bank.' I just tried it on the local banker, and this Is the result." Safeguarding tho Public Tho captain of industry listened patiently, while we explained to him in our weak way, that ho wasdolng tho public a great injustice by pump ing so much water into tho stock of his company. "You really ought to squeeze the These Patent Steel Tension Sh ears Free With Each Yearly Subscription to The American Homestead at the Regular Yearly Subscription Price, 50 Cents. i ToiJr.ct you acquainted With our bit? farm and household paper, wo are. mak ing this very extraordinary offer, fully described below. The American Home stead la published monthly by Charlos W. Bryan, under a positive Kuarantoo to refund your money if you are not satisfied after reading three issues. You tako no risk whatever. The American Homestead is a general, farm journal dovoted to diversified Interests of the American farmer, but is alike Interesting EopktablVt0 th0 dweller,ln the town. Contains valuable informaticm- o5 household matters, poultry raising, beo keeping, fruit growing, gardening, etc ?rhtlmZ,n?a HomcHtcnd is practical and intensely interestiSg SSt theoretical or technical. Send postal for sample copy. wucwiwi.!.. A HANDSOME PRESENT FOU YOURSELF OR FRIENDS Every woman, married or single, should have a pair of these Patent Tension Shears. This special introductory offer, made to i secure ew subscribers to The American Homestead, is ono of the most useful articles Tover ? invented a first-class pair of 8-inch Shears, equipped with a new and almiS TatrlrhmSmt ' that keeps them always sharp and enables, tho user to St aWn J & 45t tissue to tho heaviest cloth. These sheafs will not fail Wi-5 ?,m WOt TllC lllllnf rntlnn ohnmo -U Z A f,oii,?prlnfir',tiLe device that doubles the usefulness of tho shears and always keeps them sharp. The shears offered here are made from the best grade of carbon ateolv ffS nSw Process Vhlch iristfresr . strength and a good keen-cutting edge. The tension spring attachment does away fhi i,r:sarre.ni?a? ent'rely, and enables S w r to ?e. Jth0 tenson on the rivet bo catwau? S,Ind of materlal Intended to oo cut with shears may bo cut with per fect ease, without tiring the hand. The tension spring takes up all the wear on fi;lveH?akIn.e the shears prJctfcally ' Indestructible, with no wear-out to thent sowITJP n Mrn 0t th0. llttle thumb-scrCow blades a? rOnievneravine tightens up the !aH.cs as ,clo?cly as may be desired Anv Wn.man wh, xhas, had the exasperating ex perience of trying to use a dull pair of of ethfa carLr?adIJy, aPPreciatS theP valSS ' S-i- nw invention, which keens thla ?eacf Sutthfe1" ofV8 8hrP aid Tn pSr m2nyCPaVrn?f XlVSr sSSsoSu SSJ with aE2Ut, th0 house"you SS SSS poJr Fm otrthIlZ? Y?VSELF FREE once with your rPemlttnlW' and send at Patent Tension Sh2JrsPaiRemf,t r Firi9 office money ordSor bank 'draft7 PSt" THE AMiaRIOANH'oMESTEAD, Lincoln, Neb Coupon for Free Pair of High wade 1 ension Shears The American Homestead, Wncola, Nebraska. 1 wTSr lr54 f sir MM in gffil mm Brill sBiXuaffl Name P. O, i Shears aro 8 inches long. Cut la not full size 8ea at once lor Free Sample Copy of The American Homestead. 1 '?"M"' ommwuay i"K jj. g" 5. -t' . ' wyb dtaw t ' 4 " tSCSBM