,r m.- m ' ii.'jri. The Commoner VOLUME 1J), NUMBER '' 16 L THE DOUGHNUT Oil T11I3 IIOIjE? Along in tho fall of 1 008, when wo woro whooping It up for Bryan and iv revision of tho tariff, some of our good republican friends turned upon uh tho cold optic of acorn, and blithely warbled "you can't convert us; why tho grand old party Is pledged to what our big leader calls a substantial revision downward,' so of courso we'll stay by our party." Evon all our tears and entreaties wouldn't phaso them then. They stiffened thoir necks and hardened their hoarts against good advice, and wont to tho polls and voted. Voted for continuance of conditions which woro bad enough then, but aro becoming rapidly intolerable. T H F COMMONER'S Clubbing List 1'uMMier's Tike American, Tho $ .HO American MukiikIiiu l.GO American Motherhood. .. . 1.00 American Doy 1.00 Agricultural Epltomlst 25 Amorloan Dee Journal.... 1.00 Boys' World HO Ureodor'H Ouxotto 2.00 Black Cat 1.00 Current Literature 3.00 Cosmopolitan. Tho 1.00 Country Gentleman l.fiO Commercial Appeal CO . Courier-Journal 1.00 Chattanooga News CO Constitution. Tho 1.00 Democrat, Tho Johnstown 1.00. Dollneator, Tho 1.00 Ktudo, Tho 1.C0 Enquirer. Tho 1.00 Mveuybody's Maga.lno... . 1.C0 Far ii) and Homo 3C Farm, Stock & Homo CO Farm & Firesldo 3C Farmors Advocate 1.00 Farmer's Volco 1.00 Field & Stream 1.50 Fruit Grower l.oo Good llousokeeplnu 1.00 Health Culture 1.00 Hoard's Dairyman 1.00 Homo & Farm CO liousokoepor, Tho 7C Harpor's Bazar 1.00 Industrious Hon CO Irrigation Ago 1.00 Independent, Tho 2.00 Kansas Farmor 1.00 Literary Digest 3.00 LaFolletto's Magazine 1.00 Llvo Stock Journal l.oo McCall's Magazlno GO McCluro's Maga.lno 1.C0 Metropolitan, Tho 1.C0 Modern Prlscilla 75 Michigan Farmor 1.00 National Farmor & Stock Grower 50 National Monthly 1.00 Nat'l Stockman & Farmor 1.00 Nows-Tlmos l.oo National Fruit Grower... .GO Ohio Farmor l.oo Outing 3.00 Outlook, Tho 3. CO Orango .Tudd Farmor 1.00 Paclllo Monthly l.GO Public, Tho l.oo Pearson's Magazine l.GO Pooplo's Popular Monthly ,2G Poultry Succoss 40 Pralrlo Farmor 3c Roliablo Poultry Journal. .CO Recreation 3. 00 Republic, Tho GO Republican, Tho 1.00 Roviow of Rovlows 3. 00 Southorn Fruit Growor... .50 Sturm's Okla. Magazine. l.GO Succoss Magazlno 1.00 . Sorlbnor's Magazine 3.00 Table Talk lico Taylor-Trotwood 1.60 Technical World l.GO Toxas Farm & Flrosido., 1.00 Travel Magazine i.go Twontloth Contury Mag... 2.C0 Up-to-Dato Farming go Unolo Remus' Magazine . 1.00 Vegotarian 1,00 "World, Thrice-a-Weok. ... 1.00 Windlo's Gatllng Gun.,.. 1.00 Wallaco's Farmor 1.00 Word and Works 1.00 Woman's Homo Compan'n l.GO World-Horald, Daily 4.00 World Herald, Dally ex- copt Sunday 3,00 World-Horald, toomi-Wk... .50 World's Events 1,00 World To-Day i.go Watson's Joffersonian. . . . 1.00 Bank Deposit Guarantee Journal 1.00 Address all Orders to . THE COMMONER Lincoln, Neb. With Commoner and Homestead $1.25 1.75 1.85 1.7C 1.2G 1.G5 1.25 2.25 1.70 3.25 1.80 2.05 1.25 l.GO 1.2G l.CO 1.C0 2.00 2.00 l.GO 2.20 1.25 1.25 1.25 l.GO 1. 5 2.05 1.00 1.80 1.7C 1.75 1.25 1.50 1.70 1.25 l.GO 2.G0 l.GO 3.50 l.GO 1.55 1.40 2.10 2.10 l.GO l.GO 1.25 1.75 1.00 1.85 1.25 l.GO 3.35 3.85 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.80 1.26 1.2G 1.2G 1.25 3.25 1.45 1.95 3.25 1.25 1.75 1.80 3.60 1.75 1.60 2.10 1.85 2.00 2.50 1.25 l.GO l.GO 1.60 1.60 1.85 1.60 1.75 4.25 Voted for a man who had always before held an appolntlvo offlce and whoo real ability had been hidden by the services of a cloud of. "under lings" and secret advisors while ho was given all credit. This we even tried to show them but they laughed us to scorn, threat ened to maltreat us personally and stated that henceforth our name with them was anathama. They know better now. Some follows havo to have tho gimlet and sledge hammer method and they're getting it. "Let's havo a continuation of good times;" "Lot well enough alone;" "Look at the doughnut and not at tho hole." And these cries, which originated from tho Aldrich hire lings in tho cast, were phonographi cally taken up by poor fellows who really believed what they were yel ling. Where's their doughnut now? Nearly all hole, isn't it, oiir repub lican friends? And the hole In your pocketbook gets larger and larger as you attempt to keep your family in suillciont food. How does this list strike you? 1910 Flour, per barrel. $5.40 Lard, pound 12 Butter, pound ... .36 Eggs, dozen 38 Qnions, pound ... .03 Celery, bunch 10 Oranges, dozen ... .40 Bananas, dozen . . .30 Apples, peck 60 Round steak, lb. .17 Sirloin, pound 20 Pork loin, lb 17 Ham, pound 25 Mutton chops, lb. . .20 Oysters, quart 50 Beans, pound 06 Prunes, pound 10 Bacon -.-... .22 Havo your wages or earnings in creased in proportion? Which looks the biggest to you now the dough nut or tho hole? Last question who lied to you prior to the last national election and why? Nemaha County (Neb.) Herald. FROM TILE HOTEL ANNEX There was a big convention going on in a small town and tho proprie tor of tho only hotel had leased a church across tho street from the hotel and had put beds In to ac commodate tho overflow. Two drummers who had been im bibing quite freely were given beds In tho church. About 2 o'clock in the morning the church bell, which was also tho town fire alarm, began to ring. It brought out tho fire department and all of the natives. When tho proprietor of the hotel into riming across the street and the church he called out: "Who's ringing that bell?" "I am," responded one of tho drummers. "Send over two Scotch highballs and a pitcher of ice water to pew 17." Norman E. Maclc'a National Monthly. TRAGEDY Elderly Gentlemen Say, did you see a hat that blew off that car? . Policeman Yes, I just threw it back on the car. Elderly G. Great Scott! I just jumped off after it! Scribrior'a Magazine. V 1900 $3.40 .06 .25 .15 .02 .05 .18 .10 .15 10. .12 .084 .18 .12 .30 .04 .07 .15 MUSIC LESSONS FREE n your own Homo for rtano, Organ, Violin, Gtiltar, Jlanjo, Cornet, Sight Singing Mandolin or Hello, Ono lesson weekly. Beginners or ndvnnccd pupils. Your only oxponso la for postapo nnd music, which nverages nbout 2 conts a day. Established 1898. Thousands of pupils all ovoxr tho world write. "Wish I had known of you boforo." Booklot and free tuition offer sent free. Address 17. S. SCHOOL, OI? MUSIC, Vox 210, G Fifth Ave., A'cic Xorh City, Instruments suppllod wkon noodod. Cash or crodlt. NEW BOOK THE WEEDS OF WANDER LANE In Wander Lane the weeds grow tall, And there I lovo to walk. For somehow I do lovo them all And lovo with them to talk. They touch my hands as I go by; They even touch my cheek. Until on them I bend an eye And with thorn stop and speak. Down Wander Lane I often go, And leavo those flowers behind That In my formal garden grow And scent the squandering wind. I love them all, but more I love Tho weeds of Wander Lane. That with their simple beauty prove now queenly are the plain. Thoy rest the soul and rest the heart, And strengthen both anew, As one who, drinking long of Art, Doth yearn again for dew; And, speeding back to brook and field, In Nature's living might Repowers himself, and finds unsealed Tho fountain of delight. 3.50 1.50 1.70 2.10 l.GO 1.35 In Lane the weeds grow Wander strong, With no one's hand to rule: They wear the dignity of song, Untaught of any school; Such flignity is theirs as bards In Doric ages wore, Content with sun ' and rain shards, And asking nothing more. -O. G. Blanden. By giving reduced rates for travel under certain conditions, Belgium has enormously increased her nas senger business and revenue Ex and A New, Complete Edition of Mr. Bryan s Speeches Containing All of His Important Public Utterances In two handy volumes. You can follow Mr. Bryan practically through his entire career, from his valedictory oration at Illinois College in 1881, through his early public life, his presidential campaigns, his world tours, his platform experiences, and his participation in meetings of organizations devoted to national progress, as well as international congresses for the promotion of the world's peace. The subject matter of these speeches covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamental and vital problems of national and world life to tho highest ideals of human endeavor. A handy means of reference to tho student of social problems of the present and future. A Brief Outline of Contents In these volumes you will find all his important political speeches oh1 tho Tariff, Banking, Currency, Bimetalisnv,. Income Tax, Money, the Silver Question, Imperialism, Colonialism, Government Ownership, The Trust Question, Guaranteed Deposits, Election of 'Senators by TDirect Vote, Initiative and Referendum, Labor, 1908 Tariff Speech, State and Nation, etc., etc. Hero, you will find all his speeches In foreign lands, before the World's Peace Congress in London, in Cuba Japan, England, etc., etc. These books contain his educational and religious lectures The Price of a Soul, The Value of an -Ideal, The Prince of Peace, Man Missions, Faith, etc., etc; his miscellaneous speeches Character Gray's Elegy Memorial Day at Arlington, Receptions in Lincoln his home city, at the White House Conference, on Commerce at the Taft-Bryan banquet, to His Neighbors, Tributes to Jefferson. Lincoln, etc., etc. a.ovu, The Only Complete Collection Whilo Mr. Bryan's speeches, lectures and public addresses have an. peared from time to time In different editions of his works or havo been issued in separate form, these two volumes contain th i thentic, complete and authoritative ooeJSnllthE issued. This is the first publication in book form of fTrnmnitS ?i in in , immmm Special Offer neXtr or tho out extra cost' a year's subscription to Th7rnV J WlU I?cludo wlth" subscriber, date of expiration will be ZvaSS Sen If already a leather edition is wanted send $V 2? x SB on? year- If half tances payable to Tho Common$cr; Wncolu Neb?6 and makmlt- Name P. 6. . 4 . 4 ;-i. WXWWJfl'll (ST V TPKT ygrr