IVSff jr s-r ""'ni'"'kH 5-4 , FEBRUARY i, 1910 The Commoner. 15 Why Don't you givo your heart tho same chance you do tho other organs? Why? Because when any other organ Is in trouble, It refuses to -work, and you hasten to repair- it. Tho heart, the ever faithful servant, never refuaes as Jong as it has power to move, but continues to do the best it can, getting weaker and weaker, un til 4t Is past repair, and then stops. It is just as sick as the other organs, but because it will work you let it. However, it's not too late for a "change of heart" so remember Dr. "Miles' Heart Cure -will give your heart strength and vi tality to overcome Dizziness, Palpita tion, Short Breath, Faint Spells, Pains in. Heart and Side, and all other Heart aches and difficulties. ''My heart would ache and palpitate terribly, and at times I could hardly breath. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has re stored me to perfect health, and I am very grateful' MISS EMMA J. BAR TON, No. 1 Sill St., Watertown, N. Y. The first bottle will benefit, if not, the druggist will return your money. I Washington News n - President Taft has approved 'tho recommendation of Captain John M. Bowyer, superintendent of tho naval academy, dismissing three more mid shipmen on the charge of intoxication. ED FREE TO THE RUPTUR A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Operation, Pain, Danger or Loss of Time I have a new Method that cures rupture and I want you to use it ut my expense. I ;im not try Inp to sell you a Truss, but offer you a euro that stays cured aud ends all truss woarlug and danger of strangulation forever. No matter whether you have a slnplo, double or navel rupture or otio following an operation, my .Method is an absoluto cure. No matter what your ago nor how hard your work, my Method will certainly cure you. I especially want to send it free to thoso apparently hopeless cases -whore all forms of trussos, treatments and opor atlons havo failed. I want to show everyone at my-own expenso, that my Method will end all rupture suffering and truss-wearlng for all time. This means better health, Increased physical ab'UWana longer life. My free offer Is too Im portant to neglect a slnglo day. "Write now aud begin your cure at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon below. to such funds, and tho postmaster general may requiro postmasters or their assistants to givo an additional bond if deemed necessary." A Washington dispatch printed in the Chicago Record-Herald says: "The United States senate has heen dramatized by Preston Gibson, the well known playwright, and under the title 'The Conflict' the production will he staged by the Shuberts, be ing given its initial performance in New Haven on February 25. It is a love story, around which are woven the exciting incidents of Wall Street and the methods employed there. While it is not an attack upon Wall Street, the incidents of the play are very pertinent in this respect, and it is said that Mr. Gibson's shafts are directed at one or two widely and well known financiers who live not a stone's throw from the senate chamber and whose machinations are so well knowih to the author. There are several -intensely interesting and exciting situations and throughout is a vein of delightful comedy." Free Treatment Coupon Age Wlierc Ruptured Cause of Rupture DR. W. S. RICE 1013 Main Si., Adams, N. Y. .Sond mo your fre Rupture Treatment Name .,... , "" ULucLVCBS t f ,m tm Subscriber' Advertising Pepi; You can make 'money and build up a nice little business of your own by using this department to place your proposition- before The Commoner's big' army of readers. If tyou have anything to. buy or sell it 'will pay you to uso this department at all times. MILLION ACRES TEXAS SCHOOL Land for sale by the State; $1.60 to $5.00 per acre; only one-fortieth cash, 40 years on balance; three per1 cent interest; good' agricultural land; some don't require residence; send 50 cents for .1910 Book of Instructions, New State Law and description of lands. J. J. Snyder,, School Land Loca tor, 540 Congress Ave., Austin, Tex. Reference, Austin Nat. Bank. f-ENTRAL MONTANA OFFERS EX- traordinary opportunities to inves tors or homeseekers. Write for folder. Wo try to give trustworthy renlies to all inquiries. Qrlnkard, Harding & Drinkard, Lewistown, Mont. T ARGE OPERA HOUSE AND TWO J-'storo rooms beneath. Price eight thousand dollars; half down; cost eighteen thousand. Samuel Noff, Har per, Kansas. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, MY farm and stock ro,nch in tho groat stock country of northwestern Ne braska. Address ..Box 99, "Crawford, Nebraska. - 17 OR SALE 10 ACRES ONE-HALF F mile east of Normal; good improve ments; largo supply of fruits; price $5,000. 10 acres one mile east of Nor mal, all in cultivation; some fruit treeB one year old; fine building place; prico $2,000. Address Ira Holland, Lin coln, Neb., R. 7, Box 17. Representatives Macon of Arkan sas and Bennett of New York en gaged in a controversy regarding the charges made by Mr. Macon concern ing the .trip of (he immigration com mission to Europe. ' The commission was charged with great extravagance. Bennett bitterly denied the acquisitions. Senator Jeff Davis charged fraudu lent purpose in connection with the consideration by tho. senate of the bill providing for the sale of the un alloted lands in the Rosebud Indian reservation in South Dakota. He re ferred especially to the provision au thorizing payment for certain sec tions of the land for school purposes. Declaring that much of the land was arid and worthless and asserting that there was some "powerful force" be hind the scheme to compel the gov ernment to buy the land. bo deposited in any ono calendar month. All deposits must bo in mul tiples of ono dollar, but in order that smaller amounts may bo accumulat ed for deposit, savings cards will bo issued and ten postal stamps sold. When these cards and attached stamps show an investment of ono dollar or multiple thereof, they will be received as deposits. Deposits In postal, savings banks will draw 2 per cent interest, credited to tho bookB of depositors onco each year. No person will bo allowed to havo a bal ance in a postal savings bank in ex cess of $500, exclusive of accumu lated .interest. Funds received by postal savings banks are to bo de posited in banks, subject to public supervision as nearly as practicable in the neighborhood in which the funds are received at a rate of inter est not less than 2 per cent. The deposits are to be distribute'd among the local banks on the basis of their capital and surplus, and the banks may givo indemnity bonds to insure tho safety and prompt repayment of deposits. At its option any bank may deposit collateral security subject to the approval of the board. If the banks refuse to . receive postal de posits on the terms proscribed, the funds may be deposited with the treasurer of the United States. Pro- vision is made for the maintenance of a reserve fund not more in amount than 10 per cent, of the total funds deposited. Interest accruing from deposits or investment of postal sav ings are to be applied to the payment of expenses of administration, and any excess is to be covered into the treasury a"s a part of postal revenues. All statutes relating to the safe keeping and "proper accounting for public moneys are made applicable INCUBATOR SAVES Money, Labor, 01). NOTKilut Double heating rrstcm srlrMemivl nutlatlon. ftnd Turn cwm without removing tray. 3rd Ono fllllnfr of oil Unlc for entire hatch. 70 dy trial tru&rantoe If not as represented return ami money refunded. Krclffht prepaid. nrWrito for Free Book. -ThoRAYO INCUBATOR CO., Hcbr. St., Blair, . I leu. 125 Egg Incubator &if and Iroodtr 01 U ic ordered together we , eena uotu ror aio Freight paid east of Rock iiot -water, copper tanks. aoume whms, aoawo giamaoor, Ifroe catalog describe them. Wisconsin Iscubator Co. , Box (34 Baclne, Wla. r240-EGG IHGUBAT0R- IfDEIGHT fflEPAID Siftnn .." Jiii I n-ll.. Mltnnln.t 1 Trlll I auront eafont. Mo tal -covered t metal Icjjb and lamp. Delivered freo CAHt of Mo. Hirer, north of Tonncecoo. Tricon quoted to points linvniwL Write for Free Dook. RELIAHCE IHCUDATOn CO., BS23 FUEEPOftT. ILL. .00 Steii FhJI 11 J -JIS Salnitotf Whitelaw Reid has been given an extension of two years of service ad ,the United States representative at 4he court of St. James. The postal savings bank bill draft ed by Senators Carter, Dolliver and Owen Iras been presented to the sen ate. The Associated Press says: "The bill provides that there shall be established a system of postal sav ings depositories under the supervi sion and direction of a board of trus tees and direction of a -board of trustees, consisting of the secretary nf the- t.rfiasnrv. the nostmaster gen eral and the attorney general acting offlcio. This board is authorized to make all regulations governing cus tody of moneys deposited with the postal savings banks. All postofflces of a class authorized to issue monqy orders and such others as the post master may designate, are declared to be postal savings depositors. They are to receive deposits from tho pub lic, and aro to be kept open for tho transaction of business every day, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, during the usual postofflce hours of the town or locality where the de positories are located. Accounts may be opened by any person ten years or over and by married women in their own names, and free from interference by their husbands. No person will be permitted to have more than one account. An account can not be opened for less than one dollar and no more than ?100 can I $10 KBamcjcwMl 'ISMft Irlfldir. Wo manufacture all sixes and. tyiea. is wmi nnv VMt t In. I vcsUffatcWrito tor catalog ana pncoiint. GURRIE WIND MILL CO., Seventh St., Topeka, Kama Wild HUH. 117V TOBACCO FACTORY WANTS SALESMEN Good pay, Htoady worknnd promotion. Experlcnco iiniicccftbnry as wo will Blvo comploto Instructions. OanvilleTobacco Co., Box Y 56, Danville, W Tsinit? NoFoo until allowed. Frno Hooks, JTUTCTITS VULLEK A lOJM'KK, Wufelngtoa, I). C. ZMJS, aDavEuily Made Scffisg GLASSES i-AccnU wanted. Send for catalog Coulter Optical Co.'Chlcao Don't soil yow hides-it's poor economy. Bond tbom to us and naro tnom rondo into Far Coats, Robes, Mittens, etc., and keep your whole family warm this winter. Any color horao or cow Lido looks welL Oar procoss makes tbom soft and pllablo. as well as moth-proof and water-proof. No matter -where yon livo tre will pay tho freight on all Hldog eont to us to be made into Coats and Robes'. Wo gaarantco comploto satisfaction with all oar work. Don't send yoar hides to Inexperienced tannors nnd be disappointed. We aro tho largoat firm in tho country that tans, manufactures and sella direct to the consumer. Wo aro equipped in all departments to do first-class work. We'll make yon a robo from yoar hide, linod with best plash, for from 97.00 ap ; a coat made to yoar measure, lined and trimmed in splendid stylo, for from $9.50 up. Withovory coat or robo wo ruako we furnish f reoa flnopalr of Far Mittens, with horse- hide palms. One largo hide or two small ones makes acoat like ono Bhown hero. Wo also make loner or short coats for ladlos and for girls and boys. Oalf, goat, dog and colt skins make , elegant Floor Bags, and Gauntlet GIovos and Mittens. We tan any kind of skins, wild or domestic, and make thorn into f urs to order, oar prices aro reasonable, Iwhlio tho quality of oar work is of tho highest ord Write asboforo yon sell a single bide; ask for oar 40 pago catalog giving fall particulars and showing oar mil line of far goods. Wrlto today. National Fnr and Tanning Co., Hooker Avo., Three Rivers, Mick. WAfJ tVlTa MftsEHHL K SJsBaVL'BvilE.'laM La Follette 's Weekly Magazine. A Journaf for THE HOME, and for those WHO THINK. An aggressive advocate of legitimate business, of clean government In tho Interest of the common goodf of the ennobling of farm life, of better conditions forworklngmon, and of social upllftment. A PUBLICATION THAT WILL HITMIHCE WORDS OR SUPPRESS FACTS, WHEH PUBLIC WELFARE DEMANDS PLAIllWMfcBOUT PUBLIC MEN, LEGISLATIVE MEASURES, OR SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WRONGS. SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER: Uegular JP-ricet Doth 1 year: Ia Foltcttc'H Weekly JKagazltxc, t.OO &1.35 The Commoner , 00 V' "' This Combination-Offer holds good for new, renewal or paid In advance subscriptions. Address all orders to THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEB. t ! .,fi'.ji-Ai. utf-jxSft, '' ii ' "M1'iPiiihir Vi if m WiairiilfrtH litf- f tfla. 1 P m m