The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER i .. ." hk.. rnzcEMSiXM MIQCLTON HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS RANCH LANDb Selected by the Oblate Fathers half a century ago from all the lands in the Rio Grande Valley because of the natural beauty of the landscape and exceptional richness of the soil USA WLli7iL.j'A WWr kA' . ' f LltA' rr . & .1 tonant, Mr. Win, Volss. Sovcn acres over 700 bushels; sold at $2.00 per TUB attontlon of many consorva tivo investors havo boon at tractod to La Lonilta Ranch ir rlsatlon enterprise, sltuatod at Mis sion, Hidalgo County, in tho lower valley of tho Rio Gramlo. This tract of land which is undergoing mar yolous dovolopinqnt is most advan tageously situated as to railroad transportation and tho marketing of Its crops may bo done at minimum cost to tho grower. Tho tract of land ombracos 27,000 acres, which fronts upon tho Rio Grande, thus HBBuniiK lor it porpotuai riparian rights and an abundant supply of wator for1 all Irrigation and other tMivnnaAtt '"i'uato' Tho famo of tho richness of tlm soil of tho Rio Grando valloy has spread far and wldo and need not bo dwelt upon hero. Tho equablo ness of tho cllmato and tho gonoral hoalthfulnoss of tho favored region aro woll established. It Is a notable fact that tho early ploneors thoso good and dovout fathers who conse crated thoir llvos to bringing on llghtonmont to tho pooplo of tho bordor region In tho early days Bought out tho cholco spots which naturo had so generously provided In tho region to roliovo tho un broken wasto of territory which spreads back from tho rivor on olth or sldo. It was upon tho tract which afterwards becamo known as La Lomita that tho pious Oblato fath ers established a mission and for forty years they havo administered to tho spiritual welfaro of tho Mex ican population of this locality. In cidentally in connection with their rollglous work thoso good men dem onstrated tho wonderful productive ness of tho soil by raising abundant crops of various kinds. It was tho green fields of thoso Oblato fathers which mado a voritablo oasis in tho wlldornoss of chaparral that first attracted tho attontlon of enterpris ing investors to tho great agricul tural possibilities of tho lower Rio 9Pira:jrj':.EH " . - r , r 7irartKiira?iiBisaCT :. saaiiw WHMHf,',WTiiWBa v- ." -vi? ?w r - - w i - mjj jjm JTTTa. ' a i-,"' . ri &. 'i- " Ji ' ' ? f ', wwK!iiiHTXw ibtiukl. Wfcti&Mt&i''' c-arfc.',f ' ' ' fe4P0Lmfe!4Hrai& -n,f -t - t 'Xgw- -.- . . ' ! . , AiiiUuidtfiVt'i.ii. . rrf .. ." . ; " . &'.' t ' 'S V .. l "V,,.) ' " 'i"'TW'' Tntff Ifi: ' , -1CL- TS, ." w . fwwwwwwrm . . . ' '".. : .. ... v. . "Mi... "jv.....,.t..vA.a p anted to potatoes JamiiK sn iSm Shinn3 1i08,, a? civated by his gr,Uo f. 0 bMlssfgn .J GoS fs0' nowlSSSoS1!, lnd. Yield somethlnS ?wid2 vall?y reSIon- They dovoted ffir fi.ilore,OB to growing products fiX SLr 0Wm necessities, as no mar ket was available in tho early days. rv!Fi? MIss,n Land Improvement FrnmfPannyi uownors of La Lomita S.HLnild ,ts 0:rsa system of irri gation, woro oxtremely fortunate in nf ' t i!nnF Poston of a largo part fXiQni0 f1!11111! Yi,ch formerly com fnJwathoihoid,lIBS o the Oblato ftS ,n'i,,fnd of oor tracts adjoin- for their proposed enterprise, is ?XleaM .ail Persons who havo i,'af f ji11 Persons who lmv '"m'.ctl the proposition. X IlQ nRtlirnl loir r4 4-l t -1 i,Mn,i v. ; r: r' y- ' "' m- , i. "' Ji"?. Arnci C0M.itt not well to which it is rapidly being put. It S?Pnfl &ly vb?ok fromtlho Rio Giando toy a distance of more than SnnCorItun!lOS',afl:ordInP a splendid opportunity for constructing tho systom of canals and Site es fS? distributing the wator over tho land ?t?umpfnB. pla,nt ls operated by hnT ? nrti Is situated upon tho ffi f o river, its sito being i'It is located abovo any ot to other plants now operating In Its vol5i onl!yf and tl)"s r""eives us volume i of water first. Tho nlant fnoh1.18 f no 12-lnch and ono 36 Inch centrifugal pump. When run nln?V ily ono-fifth of their ca ?nfe,itheao 1lumps aro capable ot two ,, no? at(?r,t0 supply twenty i m'les of main canals and lat erals for tho Irrigation of 7 000 nV, Thero has eon sold up to this tlmo over 8,000 acres of tho VnnCnt,nftnd of thls amount about 3,000 acres aro now in cultivation Several thousand additional acres have been cleared and will be plSnt s?ason. Cr0PS durinfif th0 cng Tho canal systom of La Lomitn tract is ono of tho best constructor and devised in tho valloy Tho iipwHMkmmnmMwmiWKm LO aIVd ndi?p,th freely and easily wa canaK adjacent to tho main Tho development work which has ?.0oePf,accJ?mPll3nel upon La Lomita rfaafWltilIn ashort period of Sine attests tho activity and energv of tho men who aro Interested in tho enterpriso. Tho first dirt . in tho BW!?8 turned on iueurt i iyo7, and tho men who had ai. fad-Lmtade Purohases of land out ?n,i itract bcean to clear their !S?tLan PrPare for tho use of tho d&H1 was soo,n to ho ready fo? dAnt0rIbuti,on uPn it. Durin- all of Auu?td22Cr0iPlnVei;o raIsod; an" on tarKS intb o8' reservSateart TSo townslto of Mission. MXco then th2 land reclamation work has wISa thS vteflff !orS Proers "t!imnaow oit, fom tho now town of Mis sion, situated upon tho ratlron,T Hi an elevation of about Mv if lying between tho ra lroad and ffi rivor is almost under Sltlvnt0 EE ""'FORMATION Name P. O. MITA a man who is acquainted with tho dreary aspect of tho chaparral ro- hi ion oi. tno lower vjiunuu ue foro the work and; ingenuity- of "en-,, terprlsing Investors 'who havo faith j in the vast store of wealth of tho sbil began to bo manifested. Tho ' landscape of green fields is dotted with comfortable homes of farmors; practically all of which havo been erected during tho last year. Thore is nothing visionary about La Lomita and its development. "What has already been accom plished hero in tho agricultural lino is only tho forerunner of what will bo done in tho days that aro still to come. The men who aro so fort unate as to purchase a body of this " land, even if it bo only a few acres, will have provided himself with the basis for an assured competency for the remainder of his life. It is not a theoretical agricultural . proposi tion. . Tho results speak for them selves. The growing of citrus fruits in tho lower valley of tho Rio Grando has been done in a smajl way by tho native residents for many years and It it expected that this in dustry will becamo of commercial importance in tho years to come. It is in raising winter truck, how ever, that 'most remarkable success is had upon La Lomita land. Such products as Irish potatoes, Ber muda onions, snap beans, cauliflow er, celery, lettuce, beets and practi cally all other kinds of garden stuff that finds a ready markot all over the country during the winter 'and. 'OArly. spring , months, are, grown, abundantly and with big profits at La Lomita: New potato'es .were har- . 'vested hero this season' which sold for $2 per crate, f. o. b at the town' ;of Mission, nettin'gvWOO. from severv -These potatoes '.w'pilo .rilrfnted; 'Janjiary 20 and. were shipped April-, 20. , This is only an Illustration of what 'may bo done in growing this as woll as other products. -i .La Lomita land is also admirably adapted to -grape growjng. J. n. vKilgoro planted a vineyard. oZ forty .acres uponvLa Lomita- land and. the jvines are . doing . splendidly, .their 'growth in six 'months beina- equal to 2-year-old .vines IriSoutherruCa;H-' fornia, according to Mr. Kilgore who is a large grape grower in LodI, Cal. Tho practical success of growing grapes has been established for many years in La Lomita territory J luQ eF v,aLVry- ThQ vineyard of the Oblate fathers at their mis sion is more than 20 years ok and its productiveness has been constant and large during that period. The vln,es thrive to a wonderful degree and tho harvest is abundant each season. The grapes ,of this vine yard begin to ripen the last of May. The town of Mission is one of tho most thriving of th-e several new towns upon the line of the St. Louis,, Brownsville & Mexico Railroad, in the lower Rio Grande valley. It 1 JaId nOUt. "H1 12 months ago and the first train stopped at the ?9Winoatln of, Mission on Octobe? 1A 1008. A handsome new depot has been erected at tho nlace and a ?wJ0r A0f nevT ptor( established there. As a place of residence ' it possesses many advantages and its future growth is assured. fnInYit0 correspondence and tho uelow investieatIon. Use coupon Mission Land Im provement Co., Mission, Texas BI-ANICsr. ,. .Slato t 'W 1 4U Ui ouiucient width St. No. or R. F.- D " - 'i.JtaBaai ryT mntta mmimmSSi SKtufcAvcv , xMffmm - awtangftiawaB.. "TimMM I