!? -W ' tv, The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NXJMBBB " 12 W f IB M I Sent to "Yt u for a Year's Free Trial Three YoarV Credit If Needed, OnThU Baby Grand fjS9Stj9mJKK On Term a of Your Own Choico "Wo will Bond direct from our Factory, any CornfiiU plnno or organ time you may select from our catalog on any terinu of pay man t that you may cliooso, with tlio dlntlnct unduritanultiK Hint If tholti- otrument doui not como up tn vmir fiillPHt oxpootfttlond you vMll bo unaor no ODiigations wuai louvor to koop It, nnd that tho Trial Will Coot You Absolutely Nothing it t,n nnrn. Two Year Credit IT Needed mont Uooo not provo hotter vnluo for tho monoy Mian you can Rot any whuroololf It it not m wood nn limtruinoiit ni you can buy for ono third moro than wo nak If nt nny tlmo within ft yoar you fool til at you havo not a liood bnrgtiln, Bond It back; wo won't nnd ono word of f nu It with your duels- Iah ntuli vntl will not bo ono cont out of pookot for frolcut or for uuo of tho Instrument. We Givo You n Lognl Bond of Indemnity BbHHhk fnKr 3(VliB iiiiH WoHnvoYou 100uiid AloroUnn A'lmio Easy Terms lur On Thn Corntrii .'Juii-Suvo One-third Send For The Cornish Book Don't think of buy ng before roadlng It. It la tho baud GOinost piano nnd organ catalog ovor lsaucd. It explains things you ought to know whothor you buy from us or not ind It Is yours for lue UBklng. "Wrlto (orltnownudploaso tnontton which you Ire Interested in jlano or organ. which holds us strictly to this offer. You risk nothing. AVo nniuimo all runpoiiHlblllty, bo can ho wo know nil nbout tho cront beauty of material nnd work mnnshlp In Cornish pianos nnd orgnni nnd wo know nil nbout tho puro, Bwcot, rich tono quality of our Instruments nnd wo know what iv quart er of u mlllinn ntitls ilocl purchasers think of tliein. If you keep tho Instru ment 1 1 will cost you tho ltoi'k-ISottom Fac tory rrioe, not ono rent moro, nnd you will rooolvo with It our Itomlml Guarantoo which Insures tho Instru mont for 25 yonrs ngalnst defect In mater ial or workmanship. Chapel Stylo Discount To Itclleloua nnd uuHntuDio .uiaiuutluua ThruHh Xjctvvmlnator Kills thrush In ITorses nnd Shcon In from four toslx dnvaor lnnnov romiiii. od. Prices f l. M. Jb S. Co., l!x5o,Aiuri tta, o. flSTHHfl SSSM? ffiSUSJ-s N.uo,. cn.miSSl'cS oSv'avS's5,iS?S' PATENTS T?lt,oniVxwyorw,u,h,nBlon. IUt rewounble. Hlehest refereucS. Best serviced' JP A. X'JEJWS SEOUHWn OR JTK1S Free report as to Patentability, i llustrnted Ould Book, ana List of Invention Vnnted. soi it ftou . Vxcxou J. Evans A Co.. Washington, D. 0. M II IMIIMII HMIIiiiiMtni HAIR LIKE THIS FREE Let mc snd . , 'ou a remark able treatment lor Ilalituess. Dandruli, Gray Hair, etc., at my own expense. Itv.iusur. prise snil Ucllalit you. Write today to WJl.CUAS.KKK.K,rrMent LorrWr !mt., Df)t 2001 lUltlinore, ltd, Did It Ever Occur to You? Did you ovor plan and figure liow you would economize Till you trnved a payment on a houao and lot? Did you ever scheme and dream of how bully it would seem Just to own a little home and garden plot? Sure you havo! But when you start ed out to save a little bit Didn't you observe the trusts wer.e quickly wiso To the fact and quickly act till your pay check they had cracked Making you pay prices hoisted to tho skies? Did you ever plan a journey to the1 scones of youthful days And pay out just how to meet the small expense? Did you over say "Today I will save somo of my pay, Even though it is no more than fifty cents?" Suro you have! But ero you salted down that little "half-a-bone" Somo protected "infant" scented it afar, And by simple twist of wrist had your monoy in its fist, Then laughed at you for tho sucker that you are. Did you evor sny, "On pay day I will start a bank account, And will lay aside each week a little sum?" Did you evor get there yet without worry, fuss and fret t Ovor food and clothing bills that always come? Suro you have! But ere your bank book had a thumbprint on its sldo Or a fortnight had gone gliding o'or your head, Tighter grew tho screw and you were mado sad and mighty blue By a notice: "Your account 'is in tho red." Did you ovor have it figured how next month you could start out Even with the world and wholly out of debt? Did you ever grin and spin out the story grown so thin Of how you would save a lot of monoy yet? Suro you have! You're not the only dreamer of such sunny dreams Every ono of us has played the part of chump To awaken much mistaken with our nerves wrought up and shaken By the way the trusts have given us the bump. From Sunny North Carolina Nebraska has had a genuine win tor this trip, it has been a remind er of the old times and to it is due tho Architect's recent remarks con corning tho frigidity of tho old-fashioned "spare bedroom." And the story of that "spare bedroom" seems to have touched a responsive chord for from Catherine Lake, in sunny lotto?- Carolina' comes th following iJiYUr, ?escriPtion of the 'spare bedroom' is worth the price of The Commoner for a year. I am near 70 years old and I do not remember any one article that has stirred my soul with a mingling of mirth and sym pathy as that one did. It is nJw about two weeks since I read it and I am still laughing, and crying to tho good Lord to temper the wind to tho shorn lamb, and singing: " 'Hero's o tho land of tho long- -leaf pine, Where the flowers bloom and the sun doth shine; Where tho weak grow strong and the strong grow great Hero's to the land of the old North State!' "I have had lots of experience with the 'spare bedrooms' in eastern North Carolina with the mercury registering 20 degrees above zero, and when I stretch my imagination to a land where it is 20 below I just can't hold myself. If you had said yew slipped in between those sheets and froze to death, and remained there until you thawed out about noon the next day, then only mercy could have availed to save me. But when your picture persists in show ing itself to my mind's eye, your knees doubled up under your chin and the enamel flying from your chattering teeth like sparks from an anvil, I cry again, and with all my soul: 'Lord, temper the wind to the shorn lamh!' This is written on Jan uary 11. Wife's geraniums are in full bloom on the front porch, and the thermometer registers 52 above zero. H. D. M." Thanks, awfully! Bu,t if we have suffered in the "spare bedroom" we have also enjoyed it.. Once in a while a thoughtful hostess would take a hot fiatiron and iron the sheet until it was good and warm, taking good care to perform the act just before we were shown to bed. By the time the Architect's clothes were off the gooseflesh would be sticking out all over him like bumps on a wart hog, and his teeth clicking like the "bones" of an end man in a min strel show. But, say! It was worth it all to jump into the bed between those warm ironed sheets and just lie there and thaw out gradually; to lie there and feel the gentle warmth percolating through to the very bones of you, and glide sweetly and gently off into slumberland. The Architect has often planned out just the people he will build monuments to when he gets the mon ey. Among the first to whom he will build manuments of bronze and granite will be those dear, old-fashioned, whole-hearted hostesses who, in the dead of winter, thoughtfully passed a red-hot fiatiron to and fro over the sheets of the "spare bed room" before ushering the guest thereto. Impudent "Grigsby the tailor is awfully im pudent, dontcherknow," drawled Cholly Jimpsonweed. "He is actu ally trying to butt into good society " 'Deah me, how brawssy, deah boy," replied Walledoff Astorbilt Isn't it? Ho actually had the nerve to stop me on the street the iia y and a-wsk mo why ! didn't Explained Siraplisimuss "Jenks seems to be a hard-working steady fellow, yet somehow or other he seems never to get along. I wonder why?" i HTie?igefu!ili: d01l,t' know un" !5w . at h! suPPrts a political wny "iat Pronlis.him an increased wage of 2 cents a' day and makes him pay about a half a dolla'r a day more for living expenses." Orange Land In Fcrtllo El Cajon Valley. One of tho Beauty Spots of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Per Acre $3.00 Per Month For tho first timo five acres of tho best El Cajon Orango Land enough to produce a splendid liv ing are offered for only $750, on payments of $15 down and $15 per month, without interest. Send for. our beautifully illustrated booklet. This land is near church and high school, fifteen miles from San Diego. Surrounded by thriving orange groves. Orango orchards In beard ing bring $1,000 per acre; young groves at least $500 per acre. J. Frank Cullen Co. San Diego, California , TRY MY FREE TEST If you are sick, weak or despondent tend roe a sample of your urine for analysis and 1 will send you one week's medical treatment and diet list free of cost. Do you think I couldafford to make this offer if I were not certain of good results ? Mail inn case and bottle for urine, sent on re ceipt of 4 cents for postage. Charaes for regular treatment, reasonable. Twenty years experience, in the treatment of di seases of the Kidneys. Bladder, Liver, Stomach and Nerves. EstaMiihrd in Piitt- burs in 1 888. Book of Cures free. DR.J. F.SHAFER 214 Penn Ave., Plttsbura, Pa. - AGENTS 2oo profit, IIAME FASTENER Do away with old hamo strap, Ilorio ownori and teamster nlld about them. Fatten Inilantlrvrlth cloves on. Outwoar tho harness. MoneTbacklt not satisfactory. Wrlto today (or confidential terms to agents. F. Thomas Mftr. Co., 731 Wayno St, loyton, Ohio FilDEB AGENTStWAWTE a cacn town to ride ana exhibit sample- UH.JUC. trrticjor ipicxai 0(tr. . We Ship on Approval -without a etui dtpotit, allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL, and tretav frtitrhtrm .iKnr Mn.rl. FACTORY PRICES on h!cvclr.ttrr- m mt i7J am fl4l...--..Att- r - i"i. mm pyumn you receive our cat aloes and learn our unheard of prices and. marvelous special offer, Ilr.iMitHJ!rlLe lI whls lamps, sundries, half prices. MEAD CYCLE CO., Dopt. nyy Chicago, III A ftet Ho 1Mb y -wf w WfAi-KD I vantcrupt Book Bargains At Wc to BOc on tha Dollar a &llHr6B2ln!iBtck t wholosalo prices and bolow A few hundred Bets nnd a few thousand odd TolomM loft ovor from tho bluest collection of book br KRlns over made for a holiday sale to Mmostclvon S aot,my Bahrain List before ordori KbS5 2h mltm you.r lIf0'8 chanc or a mftoryTt tho prlco of papor and prlntlnjr-blndlne free. Pooka Shlnnmd on Approval ndrAfm!nt,i?n '? your own hn before paylnrr and returnable at my exponso If not sat&factor?: Sample Prlcsx-AII ilmw Books Uta ncon.wero my prlco. 88c. List Includes of other. ' Z$otoiVerm' DOOtor" d hundred! Calling of Dan Matt ho wm, SB c.nj wv notion at Mtaahed Prtcmm Shakospeare,complete,S9vols.Tl3P$390C G!sTelWirtB:,t?njC?ll if Stovonson,10volfl..DoLlo '. Jioo 9 DeLuxe editions of nearly too m- Fo Rarnahi ,,, rtataw deripo.. "T68 w brine It. SoowhatI imf. ?H u rYp0 W wd and remainders at rayown .?rn ?', l biT bankrapttiocks mall advance on coitS P n lo5 them out qulckat a elean-upbaraainm miii sj5?n "' themm Perfect. " "". AU book, euaranteed nf.w n,i "WESSTB--- 5- 4, 4 2" ': 4 " I ft , 1 w " '-?, I i 1 J 1 i J. r "oajgg .4r '"" ""Tssssossmieammn WKS "VCi.,.,