The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 28, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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JANUARY 28, 1910
The Commoner.
$102 J
' r. c a.
op J c & o
Soil. Mild WiaUu. Good
Mukct. Foi Htndiom Doolltl
tad Low Eicuruon Rite. ddtewt
WALL, Real ElUto Ageat,
ruuvty. Bin Jj Richmond,
ACTIIIill OUIlK sent by express to you on
Htf I II HI H Fro Trial. If it cures send $1; If
,. .. ' . not, don't, aive express oulco.
National Chemical Co.,7G4 Ohio Ave., Sldnoy.O.
Free report as to Patentability. Illustrated Quldo
Book, and List of Invention Wanted, sent free
Vicron J. Evans & Co., Washington, D. a
Oqod pay, steady work and promotion. lSxpcrlrnco
unnecessary as wo will glvo complete instructions.
Danville Tobacco Co., Box Y 56, Danville, Va.
How I Took My
Wrinkles Out
After. Fnqlnl Mnssngc, Crcnms and
Beauty Doctors Had Failed
' Trouble, worry and ill-health brought
mo deep lines and wrinkles. I realized
that they not only greatly marred my
appearance and made mo look much
older, but that they would greatly in
terfere with my success, because a
woman's success, either socially or
financially, depends very largely, on her
appQaranc.e: The homely woman with
deep lines and furrows in her face,
must flght an unequal battle with her
younger and better looking sister.
1 'therefore bought various brands of
cold cream and skin foods and mas
saged my face with most constant reg
ularity, hoping tp regain my former
appearance. But th'e wrinkles simply
would not go. On tho contrary, they
seemed; to get deeper. Next I went to
a beauty specialist,' who told me sho
could easily rfd mo of my wrinkles. I
pa'id.'m'y .money .and' toolc 'the 'treatment,
Sometimes I thought' they got less, but
after spending all the money I could
afford for such treatment I found I
still had my wrinkles. So I gave up In
despair and concluded I must carry
them to my -grave. One day a friend of
iriin.0 , who was versed " in chemistry
made a suggestion, and this gave me a
new idea. I immediately went to work
making experiments and studying
everything I could get hold of on the
subject. After several long months of
almost numberless trials and discour
agements I finally discovered a process
which produced most astounding re
sults on my wrinkles in a single night.
I was delighted beyond expression. I
tried my treatment again, and, lo and
behold! my wrinkles were practically
gone. A third treatment three nights
in all and I had no wrinkles and my
face was as smooth as ever. I next
offered my treatment to some of my
immediate friends, who used it with
surprising results, and I have now de
cided to offer it to the public. Miss
Gladys Desmond, of Pittsburg, Pa.,
writes that it made her wrinkles dis
appear in one night. ,,,, ..,
Miss Henrietta Jackson of 9 Mellvillo
Bldg., Plttsfield, Mass., says: "Your
treatment is a Godsend to womankind.
I wish every woman could know as I
know tho wonderful results which are
produced by your treatment." Mrs.
James Barss, of Central" City. S. D.,
writes: "Tho change is so great that it
seems more a work of magic."
I will send further particulars to any
one who is interested absolutely free of
charge. 1 use no cream, facial mas
sage, face steaming pr so-called skin
foods, there is nothing to inject and
nothing to Injure the skin. It is an en
tirely new discovery of my own and so
simple that you can use it without the
knowledge of your most Intimate
friends. You apply tho treatment at
night and go to bed. In the morning,
Iq! tho wonderful transformation. Peo
ple often write me: "It sounds too good
to bo true." Well, the test will tell. If
interested in my discovery please ad
dress Harriot Meta. Suite 3G5 A Syra
cuse, N. Y., and I will send you full
Judge were Increased, thero might be
no necessity for such a change.
limitation of Judge's Powers
Perhaps tho greatest defect in tho
present method of trial by jury is
the unreasonable limitation placed
upon tho powers of tho judge. By
some strange method of reasoning
the conclusion seems to have been
reached that whereas In all trials in
volving equitable principles a judge
may safely be entrusted to consider
and weigh the evidence for the pur
pose of arriving at the truth, and
may also be entrusted with the ap
plication of the law to tho facts, and
the decision of tho case still, that
when the same judge presides over
a jury trial he becomes unsafe and
I would prefer for the present, at
least, to limit somewhat the number
of peremptory challenges rather than
to extend the power of the court in
criminal cases. Even, in England the
Maybrick trial and the Beck case
were notorious as examples of mal
administration of criminal law. But
in civil cases I think more power of
direction should be given the judge,
and if this proves a wise change,
then I would extend it to criminal
trials as well.
writ of error issued from tho su
premo court.
Favors Appellate State Courts
To tho appellate courts should also
bo committed appeals in all cases re
lating to tho granting or refusal of
liquor licenses. No written opinion
should be required of the appellate
judges save in case of a reversal of
tho judgment of tho district court
and such opinions should not be offi
cially reported at the expense of the
state. ,
It has been suggested by some law
yers that in most, if not all the coun
ties in tho state, time and money
could be saved by removing probate
business from the county to tho dis
trict court, and perhaps by doing
away with tho county court eventu
ally. It is argued by those who favor
the change that much of tho probate
work id administrative in character,
is concerned with accounting, and
that its details' could largely be at
tended to by the clerk of the court.
That when any issues of fact or law
arose in tho administration of an es
tate, they could bo speedily settled
by trial; that almost every important
caso which is tried in tho county
court involving tho probato or con
struction of wills, tho distribution of
estates, tho adjustment of contested
claims as matters how stand aro not
finally determined in tho county
court, but appealed to tho district
court and there retired.
. Bishop Taylor-Smith is gifted with
a delicious sense of humor. Preach
ing once in charity, ho told a good
story of a gentleman who was one
day relating to a Quaker a tale of
deep distress, and concluded by say
ing: "I could not but feel for him."
"Verily, friend," replied the Quaker,
"thou didst right in that thou didst
feel for thy neighbor; but didst thou
feel in the right place in thy pock
et?" M. A. P.
CCBOnrV year and upwards can be made taklnff our Veter
SpHtfvHX fnary Course nt home dutlnjr spare time; taught
In simplest English Diploma granted, positions obtained loc
Iwceeesful studentsj cost within reach of allij satisfaction guar
giUcdi particulars irec. ONTARIO VETERINARY COR
RESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Deft. 10, Lottfoa, Caarig,
Time does not permit me to dis
cuss the question as to whether in
civil cases tho rule of unanimity
should be dispensed with. At an
early day in Connecticut a verdict
might be returned by two-thirds of
of the jurors, and even now in that
state by consent of parties a Yerdict
rendered by not less than nine jurors
may be received. I knew of no par
ticular sacredness about the number
twelve. It frequently occurs that
one juror may "hang" a' jury and that
long and costly trials may be brought
to naught by the unreasonable atti
tude of one man.
Rules Hamper Prosecution
- On the criminal side the effort to
accord a fair trial to a. person ac
cused of crime when he was allowed
no counsel in his defense, when he
was not allowed to testify in his own
behalf, and when it seemed as if
every man's hand was against him,
led the humanity of the trial judges
to intemose as many barriers to con
viction as their skill or ingenuity
could devise, and in this effort many
of tho archaic rules and niceties of
the criminal law grew up. In later
years, while greater latitude was
given the accused and more humane
legislation afforded him better oppor
tunity for making his defense, tho
rules which hampered the prosecu
tion were still left in all their pris
tine rigor. While tho hands of the
defendant were loosed, the arm of
the state was still left shackled, and
the result has been what might easily
have been foreseen, that society has
suffered while its enemy, the crimi
nal, has been unduly favored.
I suggest for consideration that the
constitution be amended so that the
legislature be authorized to create at
least four appellate districts in the
state, in each of which an appellate
court consisting of three district
judges shall sit. The judges of such
court to be selected by tho supreme
court from the district judges of the
state, and at least two of the judges
to be residents of the appellate dis
trict. That as to all cases ex con
tractu involving less than $500 or in
tort where the verdict is less than
that amount and in1 all forcible de
tainer and misdemeanor cases, the
decision of such appellate courts
should be final, unless the construc
tion of the constitution or the va
lidity of a statute be involved, or the
settlement of some other question
should be desired by the judges of
that court, when the case might be
certified to the supreme court by the
appellate judges, or brought up by a
ill9 1
the Boys!
Wants Every Boy to Have One of
These Genuine
Ingersoll Dollar
Which We Are Giving Away
Every boy, no matter where ho lives, Is entitled
to ono of theso watches FREE! This is a Genuine
Time Keeper and Is guaranteed for one year. This
is the famous In;eraoll Dollar Watch that you have
heard so much about, brought right down to date
tho latest model of tho greatest timepiece ever made. It is advertised as ne
other watch ever known has been advertised, and now enjoys a sale of over'
2,000,000 "every year. This is just tho watch you want it is full stem wind
and pendant set, and is fitted with tho improved lC-slzc movement, the finest
ever used in a watch of Its price. Case is smaller and thinner than any
previous model, and has a close fitting snap back and bezel that is substan
tially dust and moisture proof. Made in handsomo nickel finish and Is
little beauty.
Don't Miss This Chance, Boys, to Get
the Watch Free
All wo ask you to do Is to get us three subscribers for The Americas Irene
stead at 50 cents each. Your father or mother will tell you of three persons
living right near your home who wilL subscribe for The America Hemeatead.
Havo each of them give you 60 cents for a year's subscription. Tit en send
tho $1.60 to us, money order or registered lettor, and Immediately on receipt
of the $1.50 we will mail you one of these fine iBgersoIl Dollar Watches.
The American Homestead is a big farm and household paper, established In
1883, and tho regular yearly subscription price is 60 cents per year. Published
by Charles W. Bryan.
We will bo glad to send to any boy a half dozen sample copies of The
Americas Homeatead free. Write for tho sample copies today. You can give
them to six persons living near your home and out of six it will bo an easy
matter to get three subscribers. You can start out right away If you wish,
without waiting for sample copies. Every ono will bo pleased with The
American Homeatead, and you can tell each one that the publisher, Mr. Charles
W. Bryan, personally guarantees to refund tho prico paid for a subscription
if tho subscriber is not satisfied after reading three Issues. This will mako
It very easy for you to get subscribers and they will be glad to help you get
this fine watch. AACBItlOAN HOMESTEAD, Uncoln, Neb.
Tho American Homestead, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gentlemen: Send mo six sample copies of The American Homestead, wnicn
I will distribute among six persons in an effort to get three new subscribers
for your publication in order that I may get an Ingersoll Dollar Watch free,
as soon as I get throo subscribers I will send you their names and addresses
and $1.60 to pay for their subscriptions.
Street Address or R. F. D,
P. O.. - State,
i -7. M. -
MJMtefttti4 ,;.ilfcii'' JLlf''K'""'n nMimri