The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 21, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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    ; mtbr'grifmffye!firtQpii
--Y-I- --,r 4 rAr-Vfcr -
The Commoner-
-- i
Ei 'k
Selected by the Oblate Fathers half a century ago from all the lands in the Rio Grande
Valley because of the natural beauty of the landscape and exceptional richness of the sod
a man who is acquainted with tho
Nnw nntntnnR iunf nir tr.nm i,
owned i bV ATDorsV of Sioux FallsD.' BKS oTo
mil MIT. 1VI TV VVTYI UA 7 Knvnn nnwnn
ovor -J0,-buii,olV sold St 2.0. p,r
THE attontlon of many consorva
tlVO investors hnvn hnnn nt
tractod to La Lomita Ranch ir
rigation ontorpriso, situated at Mis
sion, Hidalgo County, in tho lowor
valloy of tho Rio Grando. This tract
of land which Is undorgolng mar
velous dovolopmont Is most advan
tagoously situated as to railroad
transportation and tho markotlng of
Its crops may bo dono at minimum
cost to tho grower. Tho tract of
land ombracos 27,000 acres, which
fronts upon tho Rio Grando, thus
securing for it porpotual riparian
rights and an abundant supply of
wator for all irrigation and othor
Tho fame of tho richness of tho
soil of tho Rio Grando valloy has
spread far and wldo and need not
bo dwelt upon horo. Tho equable
ness of tho cllmato and tho genoral
hoalthfulnoss of tho favored region
aro woll established. It Is a notablo
fact that tho early plonoors those
good and dovout fathors who conso
cratcd their lives to bringing en
llghtonmont to tho pooplo of tho
bordor region in the early days
uuubiiL uui uiu cnoico spots which
naturo had so generously provided
r.?!?n o relievo ?ho un-
... .. iuuiuu . luuuvu mo un
broken wasto of territory which
spreads back from tho river on oith
orsldo. It was upon tho tract which
afterwards becamo known as La
Lomita that th0 pious Oblato fath-
ors established a mission anfl fbr
fnrtv vnnrn t)nr Viot, n,ii-i.i '..
to the spiritual 'welfare of the "SSS
lean population of this locality. ll
cldontally in connection wltK tf,Ai
religious, work these good men dom.
relitrlous wnrlf ttmn o-rtr,i . i"
A.r..T. t -:---- -"- nuu iiiuu uum-
vuaiiuLuu mu wonaorrui productive
ness of tho soil by raising abundant
crops of various kinds, let was tho
green fields of theso Oblato fathers
which mado a veritable oasis in tho
wlldorness of chaparral that first
attracted the attention of ontJrpris-
tuVal poBBlbliltlcB of the lowf?Rio
.1 m, . . . .
iratot o. lg'SS&J&?S faVo V'gffli, ffij. T1Jld "-
tlnswl A " -" .-- - -
nf0 va,1?y region. They devoted
r!?fi,inore,es t0 growing products
IS V olr 0WP, necessities, as no mar
ket was available in tho early days.
n!? Mission Land Improvement
rnmfpnnny4 ,pwpcrs of La Lomita
tract and its largo system of irri
ffllfo extremely fortunate in
obtaining possession of a large nart
Sianfl0 i nd V!ch formerly com
prised tho holdings of tho Oblato
fathors, and of other tracts adjoin
nn& SS"!? a total of 27,000 acres,
onnnt,l?lrvpror,oscd enterprise, is
conceded by all persons who havo
investigated tho proposition.
hrftid WW lay ?C tno Iand em
braced in this tract could not woll
ft? imPr?v,?d. UDOn for the purposes
to which it is rapidly being put It
slopes gently back from tho Rio
flfi.0 m n distance of moro than
fifteen miles, affording a snlondid
opportunity for constructing the
nistrimitlng tho water over tho land
Tho pumping plant is operated bv
steam and Is situated upon tho
Mf ?f Ivor, its site being
ideal. It is located abov n
t ?nt l?nts now operating in
iSfvoilTZ I?17 An5.luL "oolvoa
consists of one 12-lnch and on?Ia36
ni conusal Pump. When runl
nlng only one-fifth of ti nil n
furnilhlnwnpumps are capablo of
two miW -to Supply twonty-
l. O miles Of main cnnnlo r. .
JSe, ', tho 'ligation of 7 000
thfa VinShoro halb.eon so up to
JLs.tImo over 8,000 acres of th
o A n"u or this amount about
3.ft0n'nnr o -'" ?"1UUnl;. aD.OUt
Slvi'f1 thfsad aditforrrs
have been cleared and will bo plant-
s'aso?. CrPS dUrlns thocSSBS
?lt canal system of La LomitA
nrct is onoof tho best obstructed
and devised in tho vallev Vhk
'K2VBZ8. f && T& aSS
- - - - w w. j.wut U11U UU1L1 VULUIl I1V II I S
?"d di?p,th frcely and easily wa
canal adjacent to tho main
nT dovelopment work which has
been accomplished upon La Lomita
trict within a short period of time
?hies oactivity and energy of
the men who are interested in the
enterprise. Tho first dirt in tho
f 907anns turned on ueust
J , 7- and tho men who had al
ready made purchases of land out
bnHn0iract bcan t0 clear thSJ
wn?oiinPr0par0 for tbo use of the
water that was soon to be ready for
i5nrlion Upon " Durin - an of
iuluft 22Cr0iPnne7lraIscd; and 0
ffiS ti Iv08, tho water was
turned into tho reservoir at tho
townslto of Mission. Since then thS
land reclamation work has mado
ino vista rrom tho new town of Mis
sion, situated upon the 1 2
an elevation of about fifty ioSt
above the river, is orto of : beautv
almost beyond' comparison Tb
wide Intervening seopoof count!?
lying between the ra lroad and lyZ
anTth cUolo?S ffi
view that is especially appealing tS
sr at ffis"ssas
P. O..
gion of tho Jowcr Grande be
fore tho work and ingenuity of en
terprising investors who have faith
in the vast store of wealth of tho
soil began to bo manifested. Tho
landscape of green Holds is 'dotted
with comfortable homes of farmers,
practically all of which have been
erected during the last year.
There is nothing visionary about
La Lomita arid its development.
What has already been accom
plished here in tho agricultural lino
is only tho forerunner of what will
bo dono in the days that aro still
to come. The men who are so fort
unate as to purchase a body of this
land, even if it bo only a fow acres,
will have provided himself with the
basis for an assured competency for
tho remainder of his life. It is not
a theoretical agricultural proposi
tion. The results speak for thom
selves. Tho growing of citrus fruits in
tho lower valley -of tho Rio Grando
has been dono in a small way by
tho native residents for many years
and it it expected that this in
dustry will become of commercial
importance in the years tocomo.
It is in raising winter truck, how
ever, that most romarkable success
is had upon La Lomita land. Such
products as Irish "potatoes, Ber
muda onions, snap beans, cauliflow
er, celery, lettuce, beets and practi
cally all other kinds of garden stuff
that finds a ready macket ajl over
tho country during tho winter "and
early spring months ,aro grown
abundantly and with big. profits at
La Lomita. New potatoes were har
vested here this season which sold
for $2 per crate f. o. b at tho town
of Mission, netting $1,400 from sevpn
acres. These potatoes were planted
January 20 and were shipped April
20. This is only an illustration of
what may bo dono in growing this
as well as other products.
La Lomita land is also admirably
adapted to grupe growing. J. N.
Kllgoro planted a vineyard of forty
acres upon La Lomita land and the
vines aro doing splendidly, their
growth in six months beinp- equal
tu s-yuu.r-uiu vines in aoutnern Cali
fornia, according to Mr. Kllgoro,
fornla, according to Mr. Kllgoro.
ffifff. S.ift erap rower" iri
-f v
Tho practical success of growing
grapes has been established for
many years in La Lomita territory
I ixo J?.Tf valloy. The vineyard
of the Oblate fathers at their mis
sion is moro than 20 years ok and
its productiveness has been constant
and largo during that period. Tho
vines thrivo to a wonderful degree
and tho harvest is abundant each
season. Tho grapes of this vine
yard begin to ripen tho last of May.
Tho town of Mission Is one of tho
most .thriving of tho several now
towns upon tho lino of tho St. Louis.
Brownsville & Mexico Railroad, in
tho lower Rio Grande valley. It
"was laid out about 12 months ago
and the first train stopped at the
?onQatISnuof,Mlss,on on October
liS, 1908. A handsome new depot has
been erected at the place and a
number of new stores established
there. As a place of residence it
possesses many advantages and its
futuro growth is assured.
XflnYlt0 correspondenco and tho
fullest investigation. Use coupon
Mission Land Im
provement Co.,
Mission, Texas
CO., ..,, Tex.
, tt4 ut Humciom width
St No. or ft, p. d,
MvAiaiW .j4ki&