The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 07, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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1 r.MTJ-yL" Cm" ' ' " ' " " " ' " ' ' i "j' " ' ' ' " y jf-Hi
X 5fte. thlWLA
Ton et the highest prices and the
?ulokeet returns when yon ship your
ara toFunBten. We receive and soil
more iurs direct from trapping boo
tipns thn any house In the world.
The biggeet American and foreign
buyers are represented at our regular
sales. The fierce competition among
buyors enabled us togct hlghor prices
than anyone else. That's why wo can
eond yon the most money for your
y""V iJnnVv . m
7 )U' ' V J'
yJL y . r -
ii v
(Continued from Pago 10)
treasury, and was absolutely neces
sary before Mr. Treat could be re
lieved of the responsibilities of the
ofllco. The count included 156,521,
317 silver dollar pieces."
What is called the National Anti
trust Leaguo was organized in Wash
ington City. The Associated Press
describes the purpose of this league
in this way: "Members of congress
are interested in the new movement
and immediate steps will be taken
toward perfecting state organizations.
Then, when prices soarj the leaguo
members, by stopping the use of such
articles or commodities as have gone
above a certain level, will try to put
them back by refusing to furnish a
market. The plan was tried in Ger
many a few years ago, and, accord
ing to a report, broke up a combine
that had raised the price of coffee
to an almost prohibitive point. The
meeting was informal and no final
organization was effected. It was
agreed? however, that the crusade
5ust beginning should go under the
name of the National Anti-trust
League, and that the organization
should be non-political. The women
of the United States will be taken
into membership on equal terms with
the men, and will have equal voice
in the campaign. The women, be
ing the housekeeprs of the country,
the pioneers of the plan believe their
assistance is vital to success. 'We
furnish the purses, said one of the
speakers, 'but our wives and sisters
and mothers make the disbursements
from them. We've got to have the
women with us.' Accordingly, when
congress meets, the league will work
through .the representatives, and in.
some cases through the senators
with a view of having them interest
themselves In the- " organization of
state branches. A nominal fee will
be charged each member, probably
not exceeding 25 cents a year, to
cover the cost of mailing proclama
tions against certain articles of goods
that have been pushed too high in
the market. A national charter will
be sought and the head offices will
likely be in Washington."
President Taft announces that he
will push his plan for the-conservar
tion of natural" resources' '-regardless
of the Ballinger inquiry. .
At a conferenco of stato bankers
hold at Guthrie, Okla., resolutions
were adopted praising Governor Has
kell and Bank Commissioner Young
for the manner in which they
handled the failure of the Columbia
bank and Trust company of Oklaho
ma City.
Prominent railroad men speaking
before the American Economic asso
ciation in Now York objected to what
they called "government by commissions."
Frank B. Smith, president of the
Crucible Steel company, one of the
largest independent steel manufac
turing corporations, died of apoplexy.
A LaPorte, Ind., dispatch carried
by the Associated Press says: "Ray
Lamphere, thirty-eight years old,
slayer of Mrs. Belle Gunness and her
children, died of 'tuberculosis in the
Michigan City penitentiary, where he
was serving an indeterminate term
for arson. Lamphere, on April 23,
19 08-, set fire to the Gunness home
near LaPorte, and incinerated the
electors of a given party with equal
wisdom can select a presidential can
didate. If Theodore Roosevelt, Wil
liam H. Taft and William Jennings
Bryan were to die today and candi
dates for the presidency were to be
nominated under the direct primary
system, Robert M. LaFollette would
be the candidate for the majority
party and William R. Hearst of the
minority party. What their plat
forms would contain, the most im
aginative and radical, ndt to say rev
olutionary, I would not dare to
Judge Hough In the" federal court
at New York denied Charles W.
Morse, banker, a new trial. Morse's
attorney asked for it on the ground
that some of the jurors drank to ex
cess during the Morse trial. The
court held that under existing law
jurors needjiot be teetotalers.
Mrs. Gaynor, wife of the mayor
elect of New York, declares that she
is In favor of woman's suffrage. .,
Colonel Ralph W. Hoyt, governor
of 4 the Moro province of the Philip
pines! recommends that the people of
the southern Philippines be given a
separate government because ninety
per cent of them are barbaric tribes.
Representative Dwight of New
York, republican "whip" of the
house, held a conference with the
president and then gave out an in
terview that the ship subsidy bill
will be passed by congress.
Admiral George Dewey celebrated
the seventy-second anniversary of his
birth'' -December 26.
A dispatch to the Omaha World
Herald says: "The tests of the great
fourteen-Inch naval gun. recently
completed for experimental purposes
by the ordnance authorities of the
navy, have already gone far enough
to assure that they will start a most
important discussion In naval circles
of both this and other countries.
Will the new gun render obsolete
the ships and guns now in service,
provided it is declared a success?
And will It necessitate the building
of still larger battleships to carry
The parents of "Alma Kellner, the
Louisville, Ky., girl who was abduct
ed, have received a letter promising
return of the girl upon payment of
T ' . 2"-
AKarisas City, Mo dispatch ca
rled by the Associated Press says:
"Judge L. C. True of the district
court in Kansas City, Kan., declared
that the Traders Live Stock Ex
change association, operating at the
Kansas City stock yards, is a ' trust
whose methods violate the Kansas
anti-trust law and ordered the asso
ciation dissolved in rendering a deci
sion in a suit brought against the
association by the attorney general
of Kansas. The Traders Live Stock
Exchange association is composed of
185 members, who deal principally
m stockers and feeders, cattle not
fat enough for slaughter. The state
brought a suit against the associa
tion two years ago, alleging that the
methods of the concern placed such
restrictions on trade and commerce
as to violate the anti-trusfc law. The
Co-operative Live Stock Commission
company, also at Kansas City stock
yards, filed the original complaint
against the Traders' Live Stock Ex
change association. In this com
plaint It was alleged that the asso
ciation boycotted the members of the
Co-operative Live Stock Commission
company, of whom there are moro
than 400. The defendant associa
tion will appeal the case to the su
preme court An action similar to
the one brought against the Traders'
Live Stock Exchange association is
pending against the Kansas City Live
Stock exchange."
Former United States Senator
Dietrich of Nebraska, who is in an
Omaha hospital, is improying.
William J. Bryan sailed from San
tiago, Cuba', December 29, for Ja
maica. .
Here Is anAssociated Press dis
patch from Topeka, Kan.-: "There
are two things I want from President
George Gould of the" Missouri Pa
cific and two things I propose to get
if there is power in the state to get
them," said Governor Stubbs today,
to George J. Markham, a representa
tive of President Gould, who had
been called to Topeka by the gov
ernor. "I demand to know how
much money the financiers will get
for floating this proposed nineteen
million dollars bond issue for the
Missouri Pacific, and I demand to
know how much of the money real
ized from the sale of these bonds is
to go into Improvement of Kansas
properties of the road." The confer
ence today followed an exchange of
telegrams between Governor Stubbs
and President Gould, of the Missouri
Pacific, which Governor Stubbs de
clared was unsatisfactory.
jura, ana sonu it qniCKor. xrappora
outfits famished at cost.
Big Money in Trapping
While work Is slack, do somo trapping. It pnyn big
profits. We Bond our Trapper's Gaido, Pur Market
BoportB and Shipping Tags FREE. Writo today for
Catalog O and New Trapper's Gnldo, full of bhcccm
and money-making secrets AXTj SENT FREE. (3)
Funstan Bros. & Co., 106 Elm St., St. Louis, Mo.
125 Egg Incubftf or ifl
and Broodtr 'feS 91 U
ic oruerea togetnor we
. Bena dolh xof kid
Freltrht Dald east of Tivlr.
tea, hoc water, copper tanks,
double walls, double glass doors.
Free catalog describes them.
Wisconsin Incubator Co..
Box 34 Racine, Wis.
I FSFIRIIT MFPflin aJifeaA nTh i '
Smaller sizes much
lower. Famous
Reliance. Simplest
surest safest. Metal-covered t
lamp. Delivered
free ease of Mo. River, north of
metal legs and lamp. Dollve
Tennessee. Prices quoted to points
beyond, write lor Free Boole
vr amwmjraz. made, buii
strong chick
on-tight Sold to the user at VI faeleule
Price. YTsPayFretaht. Catalogue free.
x Z34 wwoHHtir. inaians.
Wo want 250 men right away. Must .have thomjand
will pay good money $3.00 to $5.00 a day guaran
teed according to class of work. ou neetl no
money. Everything dono on our capital. You
deliver our goods and collect. A hig opportunity.
Writo today for frco plana, sample outfits, etc. All
freo. . r. GJtoifSmS, Manager, 10X7 1V.
Attains Street, JDcnt. 417 X, Chicago, III.
Captain Joe Wyman with, a crew
of five men lost their lives when the
coal barge, John A. Bridge, sank off
Point Pleasant, New Jersey, coast.
Thomas C. Harden was elected
state senator to succeed the late Pat
trick McCarren.
The high, protectionists in the
French chamber of deputies passed
a tariff bill by a vote of 365 to 42.
The new tariff will go in force Match
31, 1910, provided the bill finally
becomes a law.
She What
chafing dish?
He Indigestion.
do they ' make
in a
-Smart ,Set.
Leslie M. Shaw, formerly, secre
tary of the treasury, delivered an ad
dress to the Indiana teachers' asso
ciation, saying: "If direct primary
laws are safe and can be operated
wisely, then their scope can be ex
tended, If the electors of a given
party can wisely chooBe a candidate
for governor in a great state under
the direct primary system, then the
The New York World presents
Judson Harmon of Ohio, Woodrow
Wilson, president of Princeton Col
lege, and William J. Gaynor of New
York as its preferred candidates for1
the democratic nomination for the
presidency in 1912.
Miss Louise W. Taft, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Taft, and
niece of the president, was married
in New York City to George W.
Snowden, of Seattle, Wash. The
president attended the wedding.
Madison Square Garden has been
sold to a real estate syndicate and
the building will be replaced by a
modern office structure. The prop
erty sold for $3,000,000.
OAN HE CURED. My Hd, moBiwbW
iocs It and rttU .-AMPLE proves It. STOPS THK ITCIIINa
OBd euro to sUy. "WHITE ROW TODAY.
You can xnako $l.t 0 pn hour-showine my canning
tools and other kitchen specialties. Endorsed by
Janet Mackenzie Hill. Table TaUc and tho highest
cooking authorities, aampieajree rowsrer.
Send 60c for samplo sot. Monoy baclc with flr
dozen order. JUcnj. X. Forbes, Moonv 300,
JBeekniati Xtuildltig, Cleveland, Ohio.
fTUUA OURS! sent by express to you on
Ad I H MA Free Trial. If It cures send f 1: If
i not, don't. Give express, ofllca,
National Chemical Co., 764 Ohio Ave., Sldnoy.O.
A T. V F. fH Raise them without mlllc
-- V' X & Booklet freo.
XM7"Wi Y, Ti -IWne A Prospecting Machine
ww "-' MJ-MJ Drills fast and turns its own Rope.
Fort Smith Well Drill Mfg. Co., Fort Smith, Ark.
PB,rV AM.IlAil T..n1i IVdiUll Ml. M
flinMint rnn. Vlnult M. S Till (1(1 fid
ri.orrTriii(i. Thnv B.r atrontf.
viiw M.flvtAww fytimranAH6Q
,i.. , l III f. ., WatntfaoAhntnAMinntioni.
FAinaoBT KPRBKBiKg Box E Falrbury, Web.
George E. Sheldon, the deposed
president of the Phoenix Fire Insur-
Best quality Vegetable, Flower
ana Farm seeds, Auaiia,
wiQver, seea roiaioes, eic.
We will send free with j
catalog: a packet or
our New uoreiess
Tomato, the
oesi 01 BH
lomaioes, 0i?
& &
not fall
to irv our
dalleatlen of
Mretlle Seeds,
heat s varieties on
mirth, rmatnald for 40C.
We also carry full line
Nurserv stock.
Carman Nurseries,'
8X 1C laatrles), Neb.
When writing to Advcrtlncrs ileawi
mcBtloH Tke Com'noier.
l JflKVflSflHBpBBBk
'J I '