The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 07, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner. '
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. Washington News J?
11 -- . ' i
Attorney General Wickersham has
presented to the United States su
premo court a case of the govern
ment against the tobacco trust. The
case against the trust is described
by the Associated Press in this way:
"The cases Were tried in the United
States circuit court for the southern
district of New York, which, after
dismissing the petition as to foreign
tobacco companies and some of the
subordinate American companies, ad
judged the others to be parties to an
unlawful conspiracy and enjoined
them from continuing their
operation and from engaging in in
terstate commerce. The attorney
gonoral takes the position that these
findings, sweeping as they seem to
have been, were not broad enough,
and he asked the supreme court to
extend them to so widen their scope
as to take inthe foreign companies
and somo individuals who were re
lieved from the operation of the ver
dict. Many other extensions of .the
judgment are also requested. After
showing that in 1890 competition
was free, the yarious coalitions .are
traced in the document and facts are
given, to show .that- the combination
has grown until ls combined assets
amount to $400,000,000. It is as
serted that the combination manu
factures all of the cigars for export
and almost three-fourths "of the
smoking tobacco and cigarettes for
domestic sale, more than three
fourths of the plug, twist and fine
cut tobacco and almost all of the
snuff and little cigars that are made.
It is declared that 'the defendants
For the Boys!
Wants, Every Boy to Have One of
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Which We Are Giving Away '
Every boy, no matter where he lives, is entitled
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the latest model of the greatest timepiece ever made. It is advertised as no
2W5Lrw,atcn ever known has been advertised, and now enjoys a salo of over
2,000,000 every year. This is Just the watch, you want it is full stem wind
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ever used in a watch of its; price. Case is smaller and thinner than any
previous model, and has a close fitting snap back and bezel that is substan
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Don't Miss This Chance, Boys, to Get
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Have each of them give you 50 cents for a year's subscSpUoT ThSS send
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of the $1.50 we will mail you one of these fine Ingeraoll DoHar WatekS? P
ioToho America Homestead is a big farm and household paper, established In
ly Charles w!eB?ytn.yef y subscrfPUon PrIco ls B cents per year. Publfshed
Wo will be glad to send to any boy a half dozen sample Copies of The.
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tnis ue Tvatck. ,wv o"
The Am or! can TTnmntnail T.fninln Jv d
Gentlemen: Send me six sample copies of The American TTnmafA s.i.
I will distribute among six persons In. an effort to gSt SrefnTw bacSbLS
for your publication in order that I may get an Ingersoll Dollw Watch S
as soon as I get three subscribers I will send you their names In 15T
and $1.50 to pay for their subscriptions. names and addresses
Name .,...,,,..,,,.
Street Address r II. F. D...i,i. ".,,,,,, .:.
?.fO ; ......;L....::fc state ' ' . -, '
' " v
have persistently exercised duress,
have practiced wicked and unfair
metliods and', have used their great
.power in oppressive ways.' Further,
is asserted tnat tney nave neen
tuated' by a fixed purpose to de-
roy competition and obtain monop
olies, and that 'competitors have
gradually disappeared and tne com
bination, strongly entrenched, unduly
restricts the business of those In the'.
trade and prevents others from en-
ipnng.' it is aiso asserted tnat
bushwacking'. methods vrer resort
e'd to in the use. of union labels, and
.the method in thisfproceeding' is de
nounced as iiniauitoua'f and'onn such
,as is ''inhibited by a cfjrijlzed con-
'the record contains much evidence
arid a vast deal', of correspondence
concerning the operations of the
bushkhacldng companies which dis
close amazing depravity, and show
with clearness how the sinister
agencies were effectively utilized.'
The advertising methods of the trust
are referred to as a means of influ
encing both business and public sen
timent and it is stated that not less
than $10,000,000' were "expended in
this way in the single year of 1906.
The attorney general interprets the
complaint as not merely directed to
the acquisition and ownership of
stocks or other property, but as
against the. company's operations in
commerce, 'Competition has been
persistently destroyed; scores of con
tracts have retired skilled men from
the trade; many have been forced
out .and the necessary result of the
plan' lorig followed has given defen
dants power to exclude others, and
exercise monopoly.' He , -seems in
clined to the view that a receiver
should' be appointed for the business
of t the parties to the combination,
andadds: ip 'The very existence of
certain defendants is criminal, and
certainly they can not rightfully com
plain because restrained from carry
ing' otit tire' 'unlaVful "purposes' 'of
f-Uelr creation; they are wilf ully Jn
positions where every1 act is a trans
gression.' ".
The treasury department has ruled
that its officers, may accept a bond
If executed by a surety company at
its home office or at an office outside
the boundaries of the state where it
has no license, for a principal re
siding in such state or for the per
formance of a contract therein. This
follows an opinion of the attorney
general to whom the question was
referred." The assistant secretary
holds also that such bon,ds running
to the United States are valid and
enforceable against the company
whether or not it maintains an
agency in the state in which the
principal resides, also that the exe
cution of a bond ' in this manner
wohfd not be doing business within
the state within the meaning of the
law. Under existing treasury regu
lations a bond can not be accepted
by any of Its officers if executed by
a sur.ety company or its agent in a
state where the company has not
obtained a state license.
On December 30 a committee of
four persons completed the counting
of the coins and securities" in the
United State treasury. They had
forty counting experts to assist them
and the work took about two months.
An Associated Press report says:
"Upon the retirement of Charles H.
Treat as treasurer it became neces
sary for a counting of the contents
of the vaults to be made for the
Incoming treasurer, Lee McClung, to
give a receipt. Next Monday Mr.
McClung will give Mr. Treat a re
ceipt for $1,269,001,756.87 2-3, the
exact contents of the treasury. Not
a cent was found to be missing from
Uncle Sam's pocketbook. It was the
quickest count ever made in the
(Continued on Page 12)
Orange Land
In Fertilo -El Cajdn Galley.
One of the Beauty Spots of
Per .
F6r the first time flvo acres of
the beatEl Cajon.XrttngG Land
enougn to produce, a splendid liv
ingare offered for-only $750, on
payments of $15 down 'and ..$16 per
rtionth, without interest Send for
our beautifully illustrated bookl6t.
This land J Is, near church and high
school, Of teen mjlesrfrom San Diego.
Surrounded . by, thriving orange
groV'os. Orange orchards fri. bear
ing bring $1,000 per acre; ypung
groves at least $500 per acre
J. Frank Cullen Co.
San Diego, California - -
It is the best policy hQldors com
pany in the United states.
ASSETS, $300,000
Twenty-three year?, old. Write- '
The Old Line Bankers Life
LIhcoIh, Nebraska
Join a Brass Band
WETere is your opportunity to enjoy
mo ana mane money. J C?4 JET
We will send you &&
tho trroatoat band ca.ta.lotr In the world
and our ffrcat troo brass band odor. 4 iutt ,
sond ua your name and address. "Write
today. It Js frco to you.
Lyon&Healy, 52 Adams St., Chicago
SPaDayEajily Male Sdfeff GLASSES
f "fc " Agents wanted. Scad for catalog
If you are sick, weak cr despondent
send me a sample of your urine for analys
and 1 will send you one week's medical
treatment and diet list free of eort. Do
you think I could afford to make this offer
if 1 were not certain of good results? Mail
ing case and bottle for urine, sent on re
ceipt of 4 cents for postage. Chaises for
regular treatment, reasonable. Twenty
years experience in the treatment' of di
seases of the Kidneys BUdder( Liver,
Stomach and Nerves. Established m Pitts
burg in 1 888. Book of Cures free ,
DR.J.F.SHAFER 214 Ponn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Stomach Troubles
Like Magic
fy t
"I M
J TasssBasssB
( m M
Dr. Ypun'8 PBPT0PAD8 mr wh rad
oinea alone fslL They rsgulatt the "bowels, roj
Here soreness, and strenethon thelnerree smd
musolea of the atomaoh in either eac You can
eat what you want and all yo want without
fear of distress, The ouves effected are mar
elous. If you hare Dyspepsia. 4lMtta
Sear StomBch, Dhtrasa altar Batfnc, ftorveaie
new, Dlzzbucs, Hwirt FimtUrlag, Mi to
etc., aend 10c to coyer cost of mailin. and I
will gend rou i 91.00 treakneit abeolately
fff ItwlllreliiTeyolnim84Jately. Addree