i yean? ' 0 The Commoner; -rV VOLUMEL9,, NUMBER 51 i wr j. c$r f l 10 f- .. .. , v - "O" A Iro U5ibv v4 Negroes and whites clashed near Magnolia, Ala. Two white men wore killed and sovoral others wounded. At Devils Bluff, Ark., George Bai ley, a negro, was shot to death in his cell by a mob. Negroes from tile country round about Devils Bluff held a mass meeting and voiced their protest. The white citizens armed themselyes and prepared for retaliatory attack. Baroness Vaughan, whom Leopold, king of Belgium, made his queen in fact if not in name, has left Bel gium accepting the hint of the gov ernment that if she did not depart voluntarily she would be expelled from the country. She went to France. advised his hearers to refuse to file reports or to pay the assessment be cause the law was unconstitutional and would be found so by the courts. The former senator declared that the tax had been 'hoisted on the public tinder false pretenses.' " , the day before the Farmer'sNatlonaL bank of Tulsa- suspended, it was hold ing $50,000 cash belonging to the Keifer State Bank,' said the commissioner." Governor Donehey of Arkansas has declined to call the legislature in spe cial session to consider statutory prohibition. A Cleveland, Ohio, dispatch says: "A fine of $100 for theatrical man agers who permit late-coming pat rons to be seated during the progress of a1 play is fixed in an ordinance passed by the city council. Late ar rivals must wait outside until the end of the act." Henry Watterson, editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, suggests Gifford Pinchot as the democratic nominee for president in 1912. Benjamin S. Liddon, former chief justice of the supremo court of Florida, is dead. FREQUIpNjTL-Y An old colored iman, who could neither read nor write, and who had been found by his, master to be de ficient in his market4ook accounts, blamed the butcher for tampering with his book. The gentlemaja of the house remonstrated by saying: "But, Tom, figures don't-lie." "No," answered the old man, "but liars do figger." -- Ladies' Homo Journal. I sup-country Politician ( sarcastically -pose you know how -the ought to be run. t- -, Citizen (humbly).-n-No';I'd be sat,i. isfied if I knew only Jiow it's being run now. Brooklyn Life. Bond mo address or two trappers, and I will eond you Irco a mink stretching pattern. I pay highest prlcoo for raw furs. Write for prlco list. FURS John W. Kern, late democratic nominee for vice president, celebrat ed his sixtieth birthday December 20. Mr. Kern was born in Howard coun ty, Indiana, December 20, 1849, and has been a life-long resident of this state. Since his twenty-first year, when he was elected to the legisla ture, he has been promirientjln dem-' ocratic politics. In additidnvtb serv-: ing several years as city attorney of Indianapolis, he has been, the nom inee of his party for governor, "United States senator and vice presjdent of the United States. A grand jury at Chicago is investi gating an alleged graft combination in the city hall involving the sale of coal to the city. Zelaya's troops in Nicaragua were defeated in a fierce battle with revo lutionists under command of Gen eral Estrada. Send 25o for trial box (3 oz.) of "BETTISJtltAIT" Best bait In tuo world for catching mink, fox, bear, etc Found boxes, ono dollar. JIEItZIAX KISEt,, MIJj- Dr. Madriz was Inaugurated ptesl- dent of Nicaragua. JSelaya", the re tiring president, made a' brjef speech endorsing' 7the administration. Premier ,Yi, head of the. Korean cabinet, was stabbed and fatally in jured by a, Korean. i r -ft Former United States Senator Har ris of Kansas died ot heart disease at C&i'cago' Mrs? Harris 'wds'Vith her husband at the time of his death. The body was taken to- Lawrence, Kan. The Associated Press says: "William Alexander Harris, was United States senator from Kansas from 1897 to 1903. He died at the home of his sister-in-law,- Mrs. Lydia M. Mackey. Senator Harris had been in Chicago for a mon,thf. havirtfe gone mere to attend the -international . Charles LJ Warriner, fo'rmercash llvo stock exposition in, which he was i6r atff 'Cincinnati1 of the Bi 'Four Interested. He had not been com- railroad", pleaded guilty to embezzl plaining of 111 health, and was ap- nient and Tvas sentenced to nix 'years' ptueuuy xu. goou conuiuon wnen sua- imprisonment. uemy BtricKen. iie san& to tuo noor A;New York, dispatch to the Chi cago 'Record-Herald says r William. Watson, the English poet, who as tonished the world recently by his bitter attack on the family of Pre mier Asquith, is declared by his brother to be insane and not re sponsible for his actions. The broth er is Robinson Watson, who is , in Montreal." a uv at his sfster-ln-law's home and died within a "feV minutes. Senator Har ris was born'. In Virginia, October 29, 1841. He was graduated from Co lumbia college, Washington, in 1859, and the Virginia military Institute in 1861. He served with honor in the confederate states army for three years as assistant adjutant general and ordnance officer. In 1865 he re moved to Kansas, where he became engaged as a civil engineer In the construction of the Kansas division of the Union Pacific railroad In 1868 .he became a"gent for the sale of the Delaware reservation and other lands. Since- 1876, he' had been prominent throughout the United States as a farmer and breeder of pure bred shorthorn cattle. This Identified him with the live stock in dustry and brought him often to Chi cago where he was a member of the Saddle and Sirloin club and a direc tor of the international live stock ex position. Harry M. Daugherty of Columbus, Ohio, has announced his candidacy for the United States senate to suc ceed Senator Charles Dick. How to Secure the Oneida Community Company Beautiful Silverware Without Cost, for a Little of Your Spare Time Wo have mado special arrangements whereby we are offering an unprece dented opportunity for any one to secure any piece or set of the famous Oneida Community Company's Helianco' Plate Silvorwaro Mri' the Beautiful WHclwoo4 Pattern, in exchange for a little work among1 your friends. All that is necessary la for you to induce a few of your friends ,to subscribe for The American Homestead, which is ono of the brightest a"nd most attractive farm and household papers published. Secure for us the number of subscribers listed under .each, offer that you decide to work for, and in return for your work wo will send FREE' and PREPAID to your address this handsome and beautiful 'silverware. Tho regular grice of the paper iB 50 bents per year. v To malto. thesatoffors worth while, and to give dvery woman an opportunity to earn for, Jierself a full supply of the very best sllverwarer-'somethlng that biiv wuuiu ue proua xq own ana. mat wuia uo immuu uy all her friends we 'selected the Reliance- Plate, in tho dainty and exquisite nWlldwood' Patter'n.if Every ' piece of i this s liver war o -isf. extremely .beautlf airraid is, absolutely guaranteed by the makers, the Oneida Community, .Company , of Oneida, New York, for ten years, and also guaranteed by us to satisfy la every way. The Rolianco Plato is guaran teed to be, made of superior 18 per cent nickel silver tho t best for plating upon that It has a heavy plate of pnre silver 25 per cent heavier' than regular standard Al plate; it is mado throughout by skilled wdrkmen in accordance with tho best and most modern methods of silvorwaro man- antee will be replaced free of charge. Don't confuse this A series of political assassinations of persons high in office was report ed on December 22. In Seoul, Ko rea, the prime minister of the Korean cabinet was stabbed to death as an apparent result of the intense feeling in Korea against Japanese influence. In St. Petersburg, the chief of the secret police, Colonel Karpoff, was blown to pieces by the explosion of a bomb, supposedly thrown by an anarchist At Bom bay, British India, the chief magis trate of Naslk, Arthur M. T. Jack son, was assassinated by a native, for revenge and presumably as a part of the seditious movement against Brit- mi o1 V y- guaranteed silverware with the cheap nickel-plated waro usuany ouereu xor, premium purposes, ms is tne most liberal opportunity ever offered by a publisher. EIGHT BIG OFFERS No. 1 One Beautiful Sugar Shell for only one hcw sub Hcrlber, or with each new subscription at 50 cents. No. 2 One Beautiful Butter Knife for only one new sub scriber, or with each new subscription at 50 cents. No. 3 One Butter Knife and One Sugar Shell for only tvro subscribers, at 50 cents each. ; k" - 'I No. 4 One Set of Six Teaspoons for only, three new sub scribers at 50. cents each. No. B One Set of Six Tablespoons for -only six new sub scribers, at 50 cents each. No. 6 One Set of Six Knives for only eight hcw sub scribers, at 50 cents each. - No. 7 One Set of Six Forks for only eight new sub scribers at 50 cents each. No. 8 One Twenty-Six Piece Set for only 25 new sub scribers, at 50 cents each. There aro $ knives, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons, 6 tablo spoons, 1 sugar shell and 1 butter knifa in this handsome set. Packed ln oak finish, fancy cloth lined case. Any one will be proud tof own this beautiful and handsome sot. ish official authority. In each of the In nnlltioR hA wn itil countries, the governing authority is fled with the populist party, when at nwced by a dangerous element dl- Its zenith and before his election to the United States senate he served as a populist member of congress in 1893-95. An Assopiated Press dispatch from Cincinnati says: "Former Senator Joseph B. Foraker vehemently de nounced the corporation tax before several hundred business men of Cincinnati. Mr. Foraker declared the tax was absolutely unjust and rected against the existing regime. A Muskogee, Okla., dispatch car ried by the Associated Press says: "State Bank Commissioner Young gave out a statement in which he said that all the depositors ot tho First State Bank of Keifer have been paid. Of the $80,000 disbursed $40, 000 was taken from the bank guar anty fund. 'The failure of the Keifer bank was due solely to tho fact that Dorit Miss This Opportunity Tou iill make no mistako if you start to work -for this guaranteed silver ware. A largo number have already taken advantage of these offers, and all are more than delighted with our premiums. A great many are working fof all they can possibly get after having secured One offer. 4fany aro taking advantage of tile opportunity of obtaining a full chest of tho best standard silverware, and all in one dainty and exquisite pattern. Some aro sending In for the butter knifes and sugar shells to use as gifts. OAe woman sent as three names and had tho paper and the Butter Knives sent as presents to friends. Anothor had sugar shells and the paper sent to six relatives. Start to -work at once. You will never regret the little time It takes, and you will be highly pleased with the silverware. It is very easy to secure subscribers to our paper, and tho price is within the reach of every one. Mr, Charles W. Bryan's personal guarantee to refund the price paid for a yearly subscription, if subscriber is not satisfied after readinr three Issues, will make it very easy for you to secure new subscribers, and your friends will be only too glad to help you obtain this" beautiful silverware. To any one de siring to see a sample of this silverware before starting a club we will send one teaspoon upon receipt of 10 cents, to cover cost, of packing and postage Sample copies of paper furnished on request Send all orders and remittances U THIS AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, Llacola, Nebraska. . w n ?! lttl - Li. ESS