The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 17, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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DECEMBER 17, 1909'
the flying machine. It struck him
squarely and killed him Instantly."
The United States circuit court of
Now York granted a ten days stay
to Charles W. Morse.
The son of President Zelaya of
Nicaragua, Dr. Anabel Zelaya, now in
New York, has been sued for $100,
000 by Elizabeth Juliet Hero for
breech of promise.
Red Cloud, the famous Sioux In
dian chief, died at the Pine Ridge
Agency, aged 86 years.
Salt Lake City is jubilating just
now because it has secured what is
to bo called "the greatest prize fight
in history." Jim Jeffries, a white
man, and Jack Johnson, a negro,
will fight July 4 at Salt Lake City
for a large sum of money.
The Commoner.
Washington News
The Associated. Press sava: "Tim RiniM..n...i ...u,.. ,. .,
navy yard book fnr inno ,n T Tt ,, . Wll"" Ul circuits wnoro
ployes defendants, together with all
auHuiu committee on naval affairs
buows tno race for second place
among the navies of the world to bo
still very close as between the United
States and Germany. Of fighting
ships (battleships and armored cruis
ers) built, building and provided for,
this country has forty-five and Ger
many, forty-six, but the aggregate
tonnage for the United States is G59,
214 as against 785,687 for Germany."
Three women were killed at Sa
vannah, Ga., and 150 negroes weie
arrested for the purpose of examination.
O. W. Bolley, an escaped patient
from a hospital for the insane, killed
Sheriff Jacob Bell at Shreve, - O.
Bolley was shot by a pursuing posse.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Omaha says: "When the prize
grains were put on sale at the na
tional corn exposition today, farm
ers, publishers of agricultural papers
and plant breeders paid higher
prices for tho prize-winners than has
ever been paid, before for such
samples of grain... E. E. Faville, edi
tor of Successful Farming, takes
home to Des. Moines the pjrize ten,
ears of corn, having paid $335 for
them. The corn was grown by J.
R. Overstreet of Franklin, Ind., and
won moro than $1,0Q0. They are
known as the 'champipn sweepstakes
ears,' and brought almost $100 more
than the ten ears last year. Arthur
Capper of Topeka, of the Capper
newspapers, paid $280 for the best
bushel of corn In the world, receiv
ing seventy ears, and 'at the ate
Faville paid the bushel would have
cost him $2,345.- H. E. Krugger of
Beaver Dam, Wis., who won the
sweepstakes on wheat, producing the
best peck the world has ever seen,
according to judges, paid $104 for
the peck that he might retain it and
take it back to Wisconsin for seed."
It is claimed that the military court
of Inquiry into the "shootinc un" of
Brownsville, Texas, have discovered
a clear case against the members of
the Twenty-fifth infantry, colored.
A dispatch to the Lincoln (Neb.)
Journal (rep.) says: "Political sig
nificance attaches to the action of
Senator Hale and Senator Carter In
causing to be published as public doc
uments the Cannon speech at Kansas
City. The published speech will be
frankable and can be circulated with
out expense, save of printing. This
action is taken to mean that the con
servative republicans Intend to Btart
an active campaign in support of the
tariff bill passed at the last session
and in defense of tho organization
and course of the majority in con
gress. President Taft's Winona
speech gives the tariff bill and the
nien who voted for it a bill of health
to loyal republicans of tho country.
Speaker Cannon's Kansas City
speech defends tho house organiza
tion and arraigns republicans such as
Senators LaFollette and Cummins
and Bristow for their final vote on
the bill. There is .evidence in sev
eral quarters that the conservative
worm has turned at last and that the
LaFollette and Cummins section of
republicans are not to have things
all their own way."
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known corporations, organizations or
Individuals aiding or abetting. Tho
bill gives United States courts full
jurisdiction. It also amends tho Erd
nian law so as to allow tho courts to
fix tho compensation of members of
tho arbitration boards in cases of un
usual importance.
Charles P. Taft, brother of tho
president, who has been visiting tho
White House, says ho has not talked
with the president about tho Rnnntnr-
ship from Ohio. Ho says "I am just
ed to mean that ho will bo a candi
date and, of course, ho will have his
brother's help.
,. i Z Ljr Minium Hwl. I'riHi PJW
Hook. T. J. HTOUT, V.n:i, K,H it bur ft, I tut.
MCIUtANUA tiilKV VO Omaha. Xrbr.
Former Senator J. C. S. Blackburn
of Kentucky has resigned as a mem
ber of tho Isthmian canal -services
and his resignation has been
, .. ,7r. D'u Advlrn unci hooka free.
lUtca reasonable Highest reference. Ileal Bcrrta
Dlspatches from Germany say that
official and journalistic comment on
President Taft's message Is all favorable.
Alma Kellner, the eight-year-old
daughter of H. F. Kellner, a wealthy
citizen of Lquisville, Ky., has disap
peared and it is believed she has
been kidnapped and is being held for
The American Ice company was
found guilty in the supreme court
of New York of restricting competi
tion. The court Imposed the maxi
mum fine of $6,000.
Miss Arizona Owens, a young girl,
completed,, a 435 mile walk from
Shoshone, Wy., to Denver in sixteen
days. She made the journey on a
Speaking in the senate Senator
Itainer of Maryland defended his
resolution authorizing the president
to cause the arrest of President Ze
laya of Nicaragua and bring him to
trial on a charge of murder. He de
clared that Zelaya was a common
criminal .and should "be treated with
At a caucus of democratic senators,
Senator H. D. Money of Mississippi
was chosen minority leader of the
senate to succeed Senator Culberson
of Texas, who resigned on account
of ill health. Senator Money is now
serving tho last year of his term.
Senator Shively of Indiana was
chosen vico president.
The Visitor "And you are very
Glad you have a new baby brother?"
The Boy "Yes; but I'd be glad
der if he wasn't so terribly young."
-Brooklyn Life.
Senator Cummins has introduced a
railroad rate bill providing amend
ments to the interstate commerce
law; also a resolution calling upon
the department of justice for a state
ment showing the prosecutions under
the Sherman anti-trust law, the
names of trusts which are subject to
that law, the names of corporations
that are not subject to it and the
names of corporations thathave vio
lated the la-w but have not been
Dispatches from Ottawa, Ontario,
say that the Canadians are well
pleased with President Taft's mes
sage. Representative Steenerson of Min
nesota has introduced in the house-a
bill designed to meet the strike of
the switchmen on the railroad lines
entering St. Paul. Mr. Steenerson
Tins conferred with Commissioner of
Labor Neill and interstate commerce
officials, and the latter will take up
the matter with the president. His
bill proposes that the attorney gen
eral of the United States, in contro
versies between railroads and their
employes, may, if necessary, file a
bill in equity to prevent any threat
ened public mischief in any United
The United States immigration
commission has made a report show
ing that tho white slavo traffic has
come to be ono of America's great
problems. 'The commission makes
these recommendations: "Owing to
the difference between European and
American views regarding prostitu
tion, co-operation for tho suppres
sion of tho white slave traffic can bo
expected from most of the European
nations only along certain lines.
Most European countries aro rigid in
their regulations regarding procur
ing for purposes of prostitution of
minor girls, or of any women by
means of fraud and deceit. Women
who are "of ago and who enter tho
business of their own accord a'ro not
Interferred with. In continental
countries where these conditions ex
ist no co-operation can bo expected
to prevent professional prostitutes
from sailing to the United States.
Such governments probably would
co-operate to prevent the seduction
of minors or the fraudulent or rorci
ble exportation of their women. In
the main, however, tho United States
government must rely upon its own
officials for prevention of this
Patents "TPltJRSLFVfr
vu n. stocicweltj ov alvin,
, T0XJlH' H,'llB 10 1 20 aero tracts
suitable- for ornn(?o and nH, clono In,
from $40 to $G0 pur aero on easy torina.
JP A TlH JV Wfi! SKtwunn on puis
Frco report n to I'atontnhlllty. Illintrntod Outdo
Hook, nnd List of Invention Wanted, ncnt rw.
Victoii J. Evanh tfe Co., WosliliiKton, 1. 0.
I mt rnnrr nYifjttr.
r.on-tlKht Bold to thornier t HkolMU
I'nnu n ray r rtll. UOlttlOfpiofre.
Uox 234 Wlnehostar. Indiana.
tV20lltlllllfl l.nll Tnll (VI in ki It li'n.t'j.
Cllt!rrvTrM!Hli.(lO. Thi. urn t. ......
Iirhlthv -t.nilv Ifilrrnw f'.lnl.ui M.f ?.
.Inn . Ill ran V&1 1 .. ..- .,l. .Jl ... I...
OMi'rtrx'istt ok
l XO I
15 yonrx ofllclnl axnmlnpr U, H. I'atwit ofllco;
imtentwmlvcrtletl free; wild nkctcli Tor frco xcarch
mid report on tmtentiinlllty, (iIno IlluxtrnU'd uulrio
book. iV. M'.Jianyva Co., II rifiifii,, V.
LADIES, tt yonlUfcToTiporfliioTi
tend for cew lafonaitloa how to reoore It easily
ally without chemical or InttruneaU. (only fe
m -- A.aTvAaiii a vi i mm m - m
Coneipondence coafi4tiUl la pttln sealed envelop.
Defalcations amounting to several
thousand dollars from tho Daughters
of tho American Revolution by a
clerk employed In national head
quarters has been made known. No
arrest was made and tho name of the
guilty clerk was not made public.
President Taft has nominated to
be associate justice of the United
States supreme court Horace H. Lur
ton of Tennessee. He Is now a fed
eral circuit judge.
The president has nominated
George A. Carpenter of Illinois to
suceed the late Judge Bethea in the
United States district court for the
northern district of Illinois.
The appointment of James F.
Curtis 'of Massachusetts as an assis
tant secretary of tho treasury and
Royal E. Cabell of Virginia as com
missioner of internal revenue, has
been held up in tho senate. Sena
tors complain that Cabell has un
duly criticised members of congress
and they say that tho appointment
CAN UK CUlir.D. r mild, aootMnr, rnaranUtd eon
loci It anl Kill AUVIK vroviB It HTOPH lilt ITCni.fO
ind euro to fUr. WHITE NOW-TODJlV.
rWJLSUtk A JL hJ UuBdy, Autoraatfa
Do away with old bam lUap.
llortaowotrt andUamiUr
CM l.nrit iham. FllUn
(nitanllrwlthtloirion. Oatwaartbaharneii. HonjbMklf
fot SfMtory WilU toda, for connd.ntlal Un. to uU.
F. Tkoaaa Mfg. Co., 731 Wayna HU, Vmjton, Ohio
Ttnfnrn rou war a
vlnrn roa that
llaninf porraanontly curea any droe habit. Guar
anteed not to contain Morphino, Laudanum, Oplnm
or any other nam xormiuu ' """"';,"
qSlred in advance, a fall month'aj rflatmen tie nt to
thoao afflicted without ono cent of depoilt. n'
has cored thousanda, t will r.n von, fllve It a free
trial. Yon aro aoio juubu.
Mn!ne Medicine yo.
326i Locnat. at. uonia
of Curtis was made without tho con
sent of tho Massachusetts senators.
But Secretary MacVeagh retorts that
both Messrs. Lodge and Crane, tho
Massachusetts senators, congratulat
ed him upon Mr. Curtis' appoint
ment. Senator Raynor of Maryland in
troduced a resolution authorizing tho
president of tho United States to
cause President Zelaya to bo appre
hended as a common criminal,
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