The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 10, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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    -- - i"t j-ipi"'iyyyv' '"VVIW""- vTB!6J'''r"''''w'V'i,if"JSpl
The Commoner.
Frew. William McKlnlcy ldi
"I am familiar with the merits
of RIdpath's History of tho
World, and cordially commond
it to" tho scholar as well as to
tho.platn people generally.
Prof. IiOiitc, Supl. Public
ScIiooIh, St. LoiiIm, Maldt "I un
hesitatingly commend Dr. RId
path's History of tho World as
tho ablest work on that subject
which I have over examined.
Tho ' engravings, .maps, and
charts Are alono worth tho en
tiro cost of tho set."
PrcH. Benjamin 1Inrloii niiIiIi
"Tho author's labors aro de
serving of tho highest praise.
The printing and binding arp
firsts class and tho illustrations
aro numerous and of a high
order. I most heartily recom
mend this great work for study
and convenient reference."
Dr. Ilnrtlctt, PrcH. Dartmouth
College, Muldt "It is a popular
history of wldo range, and
brought down from tho most
ancient to tho most modern
times. The stylo Is clear, tho
narrative well balanced, and tho
statements reliable. Tho worth
of such a work to every young
man or woman, or in a family of
children, is beyond calculation."
A Royal Christmas Present
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It' " JLX3fcVwVr'rL 1 i d'nflWV'ffiVi'PijCj9i jsS HF i-C."tfriav".... ? y iWW jrYlflfelB3JTBMKPrf!4 ij K
JclTcrflon DavlM Snl,i, t
teem Ridpath' History of tho
World of ftlJ&y great value!
and hopo ItJaUll llnd a place
generally iifMft', libraries of mi?
schools, apwir as upon tho
shelves d'Ajdcrs in every
walk of llfeJ&K
The ChrlMtUin Herald Mni.i.
"No other woiTc of its tni i,
ever supplied iThistory so well
suited to tho nbb'ds of all classes
and conditior)iv of men. We
cheerfully commend this most
.popular and complete of all
worJLd histories to our readers."
, Geil. Tbw WntlacV'mttlior of
JBon Hnr, "SHid:- "I have not
dtds to rsUfflcipntly recom
"mend Prof. "RIdpath's History
of the World. Tho author has
done his work in tho most
thorough and Interesting man
ner. No library is complete
without it."
Prof. Wnrren, Prc. Monton
University, nld: "I should be
glad to seo it placed in the
library of ovory young person
in the United States, and even
in the English-speaking world.
In families where there are
bright children it will render
excellent service to tho cause of
popular intelligence."
Commoner Readers Are Offered One More Opportunity to Place in Your Homes the World-Famed Publication
The PUBLISHER'S FAILURE placed in our hands the entire unsold edition of this monumental work, brand new,
down to date, beautifully bound in Half Morocco, which we must sell immediately. We are offering the remaining Sets
At LESS Than Even DAMAGED SETS Were Ever Sold
"We will name our price only in direct letters to those sending the coupon below. Tear off the coupon, write name and address plainly and
mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath is dead, his work is done, but his family derive their incom.0 from his Historyjjknd to print our
price broadcast for the sake of selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. Send Coupon Today. SampS pages are free.
Have purchased this great history in
tho past twenty years at double our
Mpcelal price and every purchaser is
a staunch friend. This means that
practically as many Americans have
S nought itiapatn as havo bought the
Kreat Encvclonedia Britannicn. and
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Can you imagine any greater testi
monial for any hook? Dr. RIdpath's
Immortal Work commands tho admir
ation of tho English-speaking world.
It is endorsed by tho scholarship of
tho world, and by tho great Ameri
can peoplo as tho only history of tho
world worth having. Ridpath was a
strong advocate of tho rights and lib
erties of tho common peoplo. In 189G
ho was tho democratic nominee for
congress in his homo district and re
ceived tlio warm support of tho leader
of tho party. Dr. Ridpath is dead but
his work lives. Ho dovoted his on
tlro life to writing tho History of tho
World. It is absolutely accurate and
Impartial, and commands tho admira
tion of tho English-speaking world.
0 xmiHHlvc
U In. wide
RIDPATH'S enviable position as an historian, is due to his wonderfully
beautiful style, a style no other historian has ever equalled. He pic
tures uie great Historical events as though they were happening before
your eyes; ne carries you with him to see the battles of old; to meet
Kings ana queens ana warriors: to sit in the Roman Senate; to
1 , - - -
marcii againBt aaiaam ana his dark-skinned followers; to sail the
soutnern seas witn uraice; to circumnavigate the globe with
luugoimn; to watcn mat thin line of Greek spearmen work
uuvoo witn tuo Persian noraes on the field of Marathon;
to iuiuw jaajioicon as you know Kooscvclt.
u inn - v.- : 'ftfji vi n ; - . s frss, r ur n tr -. . - . rsssssssf. i Ma -. vr war ' . - w . p m j.- iiili . , u a n . : ', n : w- w.-r .". rtriitiiiiMiiiiiii
ssm s w, mm m m$& m m, mm mm, ws?rii m v&tm : mm sx&z s mm wxm wmi
HI It I ! " . I ". -j... J- ' r iltssL' j ' i ' k-Sr
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04 Deurborn St.,
Plcnso mnll without cost
IQ. jno, Raraplo niKos of
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Qucon EllznbctU. oncrnvliiL'a nf
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The Commoner readers.
RIDPATH in your homo means you need never spend
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world's heroes; you can cross the Rubicon with
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can sit at tho feet of Socrates, the loftiest genius
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O'ftf Al rtP .-til 4lu.... 11. ia i
tiLui vl un lizu; me gentlest memory
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commuiio with . these children of - des
tiny . xo oe associated with crp.nt.
men is, to "be great ' one's self,
uuu you will add to vnnr nfnro
of knowledge which is power, and
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wf A AiLVt
Write namo and address carofullvi and mail couoon
4,000 diible-colunin pagcM.
S,000 Hiipcrb illustrntlorr.
T ATHERS aualify your boys and eirla for the ereat battle of life.
J? It is admitted the best foundation of an education is
to acquire the habit, of reading good books. Text to the Bible
Ridpath's History of' the World is the most valuable work you
can place in your home. It' will acquaint your children with the
great facts of history and give them the habit of reading that which
is true and ennobling instead of dime novels and trashy literature.
Ridpath covers every race, every nation, every time, and holds you
spellbound by his wonderful eloquence. Nothing more interesting,
absorbing and inspiring was ever written by man. The day must
come, in the course of events when the chair of your boy or girl will
be empty b,y your fireside and they will be out struggling alone in
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MOTHERS, you know, as all the world knows, that the success in
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in the world worth living for. "Give your boys and girls a chance."
Give them an education which will fit them for the stern realities of
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tractive that it is worth loving, Placo in your home good,
interesting, truthful books for your children. In this day
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tune for any .boy or girl to grow up without the equipment
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m m, fcEim nmiitAu .. 0I mo sreatost history of the world ever written.
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