The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 10, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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DECEMBER 10, 190
The Commoner.
And. Start Yon Out With a Free Trial
Package to Prove My Claim Send
. Coupon Belov Today The
Trial Package Will Give
Inntant Relief ,
Consider my offer. I willingly send
you freo of charge a trial treatment of
tho wonderful Gauss Combined Catarrh
Cure You have everything to gain and
nothing to lose. It's up to you. If you
wish to be cured of that foul spitting
and hawking that wretched depressed
sensation that "do'n't-daro-look-any-bodyfln-the-faco"
feeling then fill out
tho coupon without further delay. I
possess tho remedy that wllL cure you,
but as I ha,vo not .your address you
must supply-1C - That's all IHisk.. .'Sim
ply fill out tho following coupon and
mail it to me today. It will bo tho
means of' restoring you' to a perfectly
normal condition, giving you a sweet,
puro breath.
This coupon is good for ono trial
package of Gauss' Combined Ca
tarrh Cure, mailed free in plain
package. Simply All in your name
and address on dotted lines below
and mail to
C. B. GAUSS, C7G0 Main St.
Marshall, Mich.
Stomach Troubles
Like Magic
to -
1 "wa -J T
Would ym ltke to eat sll you want to, and whal
you want to, vrhen you want 10, without a ohanoe
lor troublo In your stomach?
Would you like to say farewell for thorostof
your life to Dyspepsia, indigestion, Sour Stomuoh,
Distress after oatinff. Nervousness, Catarrh ol
the Stomach, Heart Pluttarinff, Slok Headache
and Constipation?
Then send mo 10 cents to oovor cost of packing
mm I will mail you absolutely freo ono of these
wonderful Stomach Drafts, They regulate the
Dowels, roliova soreness, strengthen every nerve
ana munole of your stomach, relievo you at once
ana make you feel like a, now man or woman, 3o
write today enclosing 10 cents for the postage etc.,
na firet ono of tneso wonderful Stomach Drafts
uniaro celebrated because thoy cure Where meal
and he is very much of a gentleman
in his manner and personal appear
ance, while Castro was not only igno
rant, but ho was a personification of
tho brute in human form.
On the other hand, there Is the
present ruler of Guatemala, Cabrera,
who is a rare exception to them all,
for ho is a despicable coward main
tained in power by a host of satel
lites, who cajole him and flatter him,
making him believe that ho is tho
greatest man on earth, while they,
as a matter of fact, hold tho reins
of a despotism as arbitrary, cruel,
and corrunt as that of Norn, who
fiddled while Rome was burning.
Letters from the People
Smith C. Peddigo, Saint Jo, TexaB.
Having noticed that Mr. J. W.
Bailey in his Fort Worth speech cen
sures you for distributing copies of
The Commoner in this state and also
mentions part of your working force,
I wish to inform you that Mr.
Bailey's personal paper, tho Fort
Worth Record, is making strenuous
efforts to reach every voter. The
solicitor here stated that thoy had
more than one hundred solicitors in
the state at a' paid salary of $100
besides commission and thoy make
an offer of the paper for a year to
gether with a map for $1, and make
the argument to secure subscriptions
that tho map is worth the money,,
and that they are GIVING AWAY
THE PAPER. This solicitor's name
I have not at hand but can got if it
will be of service. Be assured that
the large majority of voters are ndt
being led into being "protection dem
ocrats" but wo will be for free raw
material so long as the democratic
party of the United States make it
part of the platform. This, as you
probably know, is an adjoining coun
ty to Mr. Bailey's home.
V. B. Kittel, New Richmond, Wis.
I read with interest an article in
your paper of September 10, taken
from tho New York Times. I. have
no desire to champion Mr. Bryan's
cause: we think he is able to look
after his own interests. That article
4 an insult to democracy and tho
intelligence of democrats who have
followed tho lead of Mr. Bryan. The
great democratic party wouldn't tol
erate any man's thrusting himself
upon the party. The nomination for
presidential candidate sought tho
man, not tho man the nomination.
We chose him for his un'swervlng ad
herence to the principles of democ
racy and his safe way pf treating
much needed reform. Today tho
United States are confronted with
two different policies of government;
Messrs. Aldrich and Cannon repre
sent one, such men as Mr. Bryan,
Senators Gore, LaFollette, Cummins
and others, who believe in equal op
portunities beforo the law and deny
the right of the dollar to enslave tho
man who created it. The Aldrich
system assists corporations and com
bines in extortion and robbery. The
policy of Mr. Bryan and his adhe
rents is to encourage corporations of
all kinds in any and every legitimate
enterprise, accords to capital a just
compensation but does not allow
canital to rob labor. Last year
the people chose Aldrichism and
they have just what they voted
for. Just as long as we send
mnlnritv to congress or the
Aldrich-Cannon school of thought
and choose presidents who are more
nnnofirned about big dividends to
corporations than about the toiling
masses, just so long laborers will
be in bondage. The people have got
just what they voted for last year.
If any one is in doubt and think I
have claimed too much if he is a
believer in the brotherhood of man
t mi crest he get out the national
democratic platform of last year and
The Price
of Goodness
The goodness of Uneeda Biscuit
is not a matter of cost to you. It is
assured by the careful selection
of the best materials for Uneeda
Biscuit; by the skill of experts
who bake nothing but Uneeda
Biscuit ; by the perfect cleanliness
and appliances of great bakeries
built expressly to bake Uneeda
Biscuit; and, finally, by the per
fect protection of a package that
excludes all dust and moisture.
All this has resulted in quality
out of all proportion to the price.
&LYJi!..03-1Sv,i?-Yonil56i,"1l,lllread It carefully. . Then take Mr.
Commoner Condensed Volume VII
As Its title indicates, this book is a condensed copy of Tho Commoner
for one year. It is published annually and the different issueci are desig
nated as Volumes I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII, corresponding to tho vol
ume numbers of The Commoner. Tho last Ibhuo la Volumo VII, and con
tains editorials which discuss questions of a permanent nature.
Every important subject in the world's politics is discussed In The
Commoner at tho timo that subject is attracting general attention. Be
cause of this The Commoner Condensed is valuable as a ruferenco book
and should occupy a place on the desk of every lawyer, editor, business
man and other stud on t of affairs.
One Year's Subscription to Tho Commoner. . . j i A i C f
And any ono Volume DOttl 9) I J (J
Tho Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound .....
To subscribers who have already paid tho current year's subscrip
tion Cloth nound, 75cj by mall, poHtngo paid. These prices arc for
either volume. If more than one volumo Is wanted, add to abovo prices
75 cents for each additional ono In cloth binding. Volume I is out of
print; Volumes II. Ill, IV, V, VI and VII are ready for prompt delivery.
Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Uidg., Jaoksoc; MIoh,
Bryan's various statements, telling
his plan of treatings various corpor
ate interests and see if it don't look
reasonable; his policy would regu
late without destroying or damaging
business interests. Then get out the
president's speech of acceptance and
read that carefully. If you are not
party blind you will see he had more
solicitude for the owners of large
corporations than about the men who
do the work. If we are to have good
times for all the people we must
send men to congress and choose
presidents committed to equal rights
for all, special privileges for none.
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