The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 10, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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    mSimitmimiimm3BIKKKttKKBmmmk-M ,i.1M-fr'v"v'?rli''
w. ifufjwwi y.nni, jvp u , nH.pj.wi
ff W '"' '' ?'!'ST,',i T"wr-wv "-rtyg
The Commoner.
llshed. But with the fall of Barrios
thd army which Tie was leading fled.
Zelaya returned to Guatemala, where
he received a promotion for bravery
on the field, and there he continued
in the army of Guatemala until the
opportune moment arrived, when he
threw up his commission and disap
peared. It was in the early 90s that ho
reappeared in his own country lead
ing a band of insurgents against the
government. Ho met with success
from the very commencement of his
campaign, and it was not long be
fore ho landed in that ultimate goal
of all successful revolutionary lead
ers, the presidential chair.
There is an old saying in Central
America to the effect that in dealing
with your inferiors you must hold
out a piece of bread to them in one
hand while you, grasp a club in the
other. This is very much the prin
ciple upon which Zelaya has main
tained his rule in Nicaragua. Ho
offers his people bread with one
hand, and when they are not satis
fied they get the club.
When one sees. the taterdemahon
soldiers of these Central American
armies for the first time njot only is
he inclined to laugh, but he enter
tains grave doubts of their efficiency
as soldiers, yet it Is only- with such
Eoldiers as these, that the satrap
maintains his despotism. Strange to
say, that the men who make up the
rank and file of these armies are
not warlike.
They are usually harmless, peace
able fellows, If let alone, and their
greatest desire is to be let. alone.
But they are not left alone. They
are simply picked-riup, corralled or
captured as the .case may be, and
given to understand: that they have
got to obey, and it is this under
standing that makes them good
JTheyw are ,,nqt, aupppsed to. know,
and do not know, anything about
politics, or ir callod upon to fight,
what they are to fight for. They
know who their chiefs or' officers
are who the president is, and as
long as this president is alive, and
tho officers who qommand them stay
with them, they will fight to the end,
and it is this military strength that
keeps the despot in power in face of
all the hatred and opposition which
may be brought against him.
Zelaya learned the power of this
stupid military force as an officer in
the arjny of Guatemala under Bar
rios, and he has made good use of
It, although he has not succeeded
in perfecting its use so thoroughly
as old man Barrios did, for he has
had many revolutions to contend
with and put down during his six
teen years of power.
Some say that this is because Ze
laya is neither as strong a man nor
as clever a man as Barrios. Barrios
began his rule by having a dozen
disturbers of tho public peace and
security taken, out in the public
plaza and shot. That ended the mat
ter. There were no more disturbers
of the public peace and security, and
there were no more public execu
tions. But Zelaya, it seems, has had
to keep up tho execution of his fel
low citizens all along, throughout
his sixteen years of occupation of the
presidential chair.
As to his having converted the
Mohammet's paradise into a country
of comparative activity there can be
no doubt. In this respect he has
done precisely what Barrios did In
He has shaken the Indian out of
his lethargic state, and made him
work or go into his army, or both.
"With his labor he has strung tele
graph lines all over the country,
herded cattle and planted coffee, and
whenever his army needed strength
ening or there was a revolution on
hand, he lias had him brought in as
(Continued on Page 14)
i a m -
i if I if j
Who is yon stalwart and muscled
Tho center of that admiring
Hast founded a state on exalted plan,
Or written a nation's undying
Nay, not for these has he gained
And modestly wears his hero
crown. ,
He skirted the ends for ninety yards
And carried tho ball to a square
Who is yon stooped and highbrowed
Who walks alone as a stranger
Is he but another "also ran;"
A failure made in tho world's
grim fight?
O, he is but one of tho little band
, -Who toiled away till the hour was
And stored his mind till ho took the
And won. the prize, in the school
Who is yon man with ,the victor's
And the shoulders .square of the
man who wins?. ,',. ,
The man o'er whom .all tho co-eds
gush .. .'
And mill around just to grasp his
.. fins?
Hast found the key that the lid
And brings forth -knowledge the
world to serve?
Not so! 'Tvas he who wont In the
And won the game with his spit
ball curve.
Who is yon man with, the air sedate
Who wends his way in silence
Has he succumbed to an unkind fate
That spoke to him in a harsh
pitched tone?
Not on your life! That's the school's
chief head
. Who seems held fast in misfor
tune's clutch.
He'll get his due when he's good and
But these football days he is not
so much.
enact what ho dooms to bo proper
legislation for 90,000,000 freemen.
Uncle Joo should bo repealed.
"Hinkerly must bo a mlserablo
man. Ho just told mo ho had noth
ing to bo thankful for."
"Woll, ho didn't tell you tho truth.
Ho has."
"What hns ho to bo thankful for?"
"Ho was thankful that ho had
found somo ono willing to listen to
his chronic complaints."
Brain Leaks
Wise Man
"Good gracious, Hammerly! Why
do you mako such a fearful racket
on your front porch before entering
tho house?"
"Huh! I want to givo 'em plenty
of time to hide tho Christmas things
they are making for me."
Millions in It
"I've got an invention that will
make my fortune if I can only get it
on the market."
"What is It?"
"A life buoy for use on aero
planes." Ynletido Note
"I am preparing to ring the
Christmas bells," asserted the young
While thus speaking ho handed the
jeweler a five dollar note as the first
payment on the solitare.
Uncle Joo
Uncle Joe-Cannon has called him
self to order and will now proceed to
Wo can not make sacrifices by
Tho real reformer begins with
The sermon that pleases seldom
Ready & Willing mako a mighty
good team.
As the father Is bent, so the son
is inclined.
It never lowers a man's dignity to
side-step trouble.
Love trusts, all right, but that
doesn't mean that It does a credit
. A lot Of neonlo blllld RO miinh mn.
chinery that they can not furnish tho
motivo power to run It.
If a woman's hnlr crnw in nn
way sho fixes It nowndavn. humnn
hair would be a drug on the market.
a ioi or ienows who did not go
to tho ant for examnle are now point
to. the "uncle" for temporary relief.
wish someuoay would give a sum
of money for tho eradication nt thn
hook-and-eye disease. A lot of u om
en are grievlously afflicted.
Of course none of us bfiHevn in
ghosts, but, after all, isn't It a fact
mat you would rather have some ono
along when you have to walk by the
cemetery at night?
During one of his presidential
trips Mr. Cleveland, accompanied by
Secretary Olney, arrived at a town
in a heavy storm, and they were
driven from the station with hail
stones rattling on tho roof of their
carriage. A brass band, undlsm'.yed
by the weather, bravely stuck to Its
post and played the welcoming airs.
"That is tho most realistic music
I have over heard," remarked Mr.
"What are they playing?" asked
tho secretary of state.
"'Hail to the Chief,' with real
hall." Success.
The following answers are taken
from a number collected by a teacher
in tho Topeka schools:
"A blizzard is the inside of a hen."
"Oxygen is a thing that has eight
"Tho cuckoo never lays its own
"A mosquito is a child of black
and white parents." Indianapolis
"Times has cert'n'y changed," ob
served an octogeniarian darky In Al
abama. "Befo' de wah it was only
do- slaves dat was sold, but only de
udder day I hears a genulmen state
dat an' old mastah' was sold at auc
tion in New York for a wholo lot o'
money. Times has cert'n'y changed."
Harper's Weekly.
Wataeit 1B, Cmrimmnt
latent J.wyeT,WahlujcUm,
tca reasonable, XtbeK rtfemtceo, Ifesicervkm.
.T018' "" 10 tl 20 aero tract
?!,ib.,?nf.or ntinKen ftnd n"' cl"" In,
from HO to $00 per ncro on cany tormi.
A anfftd Jltt aVrcc
W. 00 A DAY HI IIK 11.09 ,Uf and e-,e f ,.',&. ttT:
""Ounce lor rltht man to work up in ettra j4mm
Mlllran hiuMU!!irl4.t rmf4ort n.ll.OHO
.tT. 1031 VTe.1 . MlfHl, llin, O.U.r,
cm-tight Bold to ttiotuwr t n uim1
ITU W rr rrlffct. Catalogue frw
n coiues Fftiria pbnccco.,
m rtltichcaUr, IMtac.
u.y.ti Jir. n ur,i. Mr i
J(i It ..nd VIll IMI'LK i.
n.i eurt t iuy. TriiiTK Now- ToDAt
r mm. aociMnr,
tuirtnU! tun
AGENTS $3 to $10 dy
Bflfll? txlllnc this forgtd i(
iii '1 I Combination lUtcket
H.TIIOMAHMru.CO.gisi Wayn.HUB.jten.WW.
Don't Wear a Truss
iirarrm lromlherfnliiliruif,
and bclnr lf-'lfcl ny
hold tlieiupture lnxUc wit,
tttratx, buckle or prlnjr
tiitlp, M cannot chafe
r coraprru aratnit the pelrlc
hone. The mot otvtlniti
(ii crt4 In the privacy ol
Ihe home. Thoutandt hate tucceulutly
IN. la. I !,rMta tnemieiYM lt!ioullilrtlfiticfrofiJ work.
i a, t . . yVtutora hat we ar
S?'r!ylr0.uJj!?iTr',,","t VKKK. Write to
STUARfPLASTER-PAD CO., Block 54, St Louts. Mb
n m-M m yvit anrv
I 7."o
$1.98 o
Return thte
DtOBt to Ufl
and rmmlt
$1.98, our
BpecM Vrica
to In trod u co
our Watches,
and vre will
end yon thin
Elosrcnt 7
Jew. Ladles'
or Qontn'
Uttc. Wchly
Engraved and
bear's our
No m Ins I
20 Years.
Movement la
tho Best Am
erican Jewel
ed Watch.
Sold by deal
ers for 15.00
and 18.00. If
Watch la not
return to us
and we will
niiu wo WJJ4
refund your money. Send cann with order irfr-
jnic namo 01 paper or return mis advertisement.
After we enroll 20.000 new cuutomcru this Biff
Offer will bo withdrawn. Order today, naming
your Express Office.
Addrtt. CANDOR SALES CO., Candor, N.C.
ioo lds. "rRM cjo no
For I2.M we will ablpyc I 100 Ibi. beat eaatorn trrmnuUted
enitar with an order amounting to I12.W of tuo tlow named
goodj. Wo aro maklnif thla tpecUl offer to get our hlKb
irradOKrocertealntrodacedln manyttomes m potelblo
In tbe mat thirty day. Bend No M.ney. If you vlab u(
to we will ship yon any amount ol sooda to your city with
tbe prlrllexe ot aeelnif ererytlUnif before pay In if your
frelKbt aicent, d If not found In ever way aa represent
ed tbey can be returned to ua and we will par all charge.
ritKIGirr IAlI Ouir SO Day Free Trial Offer!
ir tbe full amount of cab la aent itb tbe order we will
pay frelKbt charge to any clta(of tbe Ilocky Moun
tain., alao glre you the following 80 day' free trial offer.
Take the- good borne, me tbem.and if yoo And any of
tuenj that are not entirely aa repreeenUd at the end of W
daya return them to ua and we will gladly refund you your
money OJtDKH. TOUAY. Mtrebta. Oar
Priea r"ri
aibt.SodaorCornfiUreh, belt qnallty fO.M $0.1&
8" CboooUU, Bakar'aoroorown 1.S0 !,&
9" Coooanot. flnatt ibrtdded 1.20 .7&
4 ox. each Unvm and VanllU Extract, p 1 10 .7
lOlba.Motbar'aColTM. fancy roauUd 0O B.ow
JO " 8antoCbleo Ocffaa, Comp ( -"J
3" OonPowdar or Japan T , J '
0" Baklnr Powder, Bayal or oor own... a. ,,S
ISpkn.Enc OarranU and Braakfart food l.W .W
lSbarabaatCMtlU and Tar Soap "
80" " Uondry &p, 014 C. or our own l.jO .V
8 canaCbolc Salmon J 'MS
13 " fiardlnea, MotUrd or In (Ml J J '"
Xilba. Cbolca Cal. Prnnaa " ;
IS " japan Wee $ '(g
6palrLadl..'Brt " 'iX 86
ft" M.n'a Beit How... ,B
Ptm Orocary Uit, tlothlnr, Da Ooodi, te with fint cida.
- :
. . .'