The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 10, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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    ' -v van, -a J.,k,w' "JWi '. fKrVfJ!g7feif PW$$rT
The Commoner
mica lilvlll Nr V.r Vl t:
A Trenton, N. J., dispatch carried
by tho Associated Press says: "Mrs.
Florenco Kinney of this city and her
daughter are soon to be reunited
after being apart moro than twenty
six years. When her daughter Mary
was eight months old her mother
took her to New York to see Mrs.
Kinney's sister, Miss Katharine Rice,
who was about to sail for Germany.
When Mrs. Kinney was on the steam
er it was found some shopping had
been overlooked. The , Trenton
woman left the baby aboard while
she hurried off to make the pur-,
chases. Upon her return she found
the steamer had sailed and her sis
ter had been forced to take little
Mamie along. Miss Rice became sq
attached to the baby that after much
pleading through correspondence
Mrs. Kinney permitted her to become
Mamie's foster-mother. The girl,
now the wife of a prosperous Ger
man merchant, did not know until
recently that her mother was living."
what is ,, known as tho Shade range
in Nebraska and controlled several
ranges, and had at one time as much
as .30,000 acres of, land, much be
longing to the government, under
fence. After a long fight they wero
compelled to remove their fences
and Richards and . Comstock were
sentenced by United States Judgo
hunger of the, district court of Ne
braska, to serve two hours in the
custody of the United States mar
shal, who at the time was T. L.
How to Secure the Oneida Community Company
Beautiful Silverware
Without Cost," for a Little of Your Spare Time
Wp havo mado special arrangements whereby wo are offering an unprece
dented opportunity for any one to secure any piece or set a the. famous
Oneida Community Company's Reliance Plata Silverware in the Beautiful
Wlldwood Pattern, In exchange for a little work among your friends. All
that Is necessary is for you to induce a few of your friends to subscribe 'for
Tho American HomcNiend, which Is one of the brightest and most attractive
farm and household, papers published. Secure for us. the number of subscribers,
listed under each offer that you decide to work for, and In return fo.r your
work wo will send FREE and PREPAID' to your address this handsome and
beautiful iallvcrwnre. Tho regular price of the paper Is 50 cents per- yearn.
To malcq these offers worth while, an to give overy woman an opportunity
to oarn foi;. herself a full supply of the very best silverware something that
she would, bo proud to own and that would bo -admired by"
all her friends wo selected tho Reliance Plate, In tho
dainty and exquisite Wildwood Pattern. Every piece- of
this silverware Is extremely beautiful, and la absolutely
guaranteed by tho makers, the Oneida Community Company
of OnoVda; -Now "Y.qv1c-, 'for ton years, and. also guaranteed, by
us to satisfy In every way, The Rellanqo Plato is guaran
teed to be mado of superior 18 per cent nickel silver tho
best for plating upon that It has a heavy plato of pure
Hver 2G per cent heavior than regular standard Al plate;
it is made throughout by skilled workmen in accordance
with tho best and most modern methods of silverware man
ufacture, and any pieco that does not conform to this guar
antee will be replaced free of charge. Don't confuse this
guaranteed sllverwarO with tho cheap nickel-plated ware
usually offered for premium purposes. This Is tho mdst
liberal opportunity ever offered by a publisher.
1 '" ' '! i
No. 1 One Beautiful, Sugar Shell for only one new suh
Ncrlbcr, or with each new subscription at 50 cents.
No. 2 One Beautiful Butter Knife for only one new aub
Mcrlbcr, or with each new subscription at'. 50 cents.
No. aOne Butter Knife and OHe Sugar Shell for only two
HubMcrlbcra, at 50 cents each.
No. 4 Que Set of Six Tcnnnoons for only three new sub
scribers, at 50 cents each. ;
No. 5 One Set of Six Tablespoons for only six new sub
scribers, at 50 cents each. t t
No. C One Set of Six Knives for only eight new sub
scribers, at 50 cents each.
Terre Haute, Ind., has a' wonder
fully frank mayor. A Terre Haute
dispatch carried by the Associated
Press, says: "The town is laughing
over 'Gerhardt stories,' some of
which are so unquestionably truo and
characteristic that all similar ones
about the mayor-elect are believed.
'Looio' Gerhardt is a baker, a lik
able German, in whom there is no
guile. He has made public tho list
of appointments to be officially de
clared when he goes into office Jan
uary 1, and it is well understood
that with one or two exceptions his
political backers selected tno men,
Ho met Thomas H. Perkins, slated
as the republican minority member,
of 'his board of safety, in a cafe and
while shaking hands said: 'I don't
believe I met you before.' Perkins,
was dumfounded. 'Why, I am the
man you named ror tne ooard or
safety.' 'Ay, golly said Gerhardt,
'is that so? Well let's shake again.'
A politician told him that one Qf his
appointments was bad, and, in (all
seriousness, he said: "Well, J think.
H; is a mighty bad appointment myr.
self.' To an applicant he said: , 'I-
'will say a good -word for you.' "
An Associated Press "report relat
ing to the sugar fraud inquiry, says:
"Tho storm center of the sugar trial
today focused upon Kichard Parr,
the special agent of the treasury de
partment, who was foremost in dis
covering and exposing short weight
frauds in Williamsburg docks of tho
No. 7 One Set of Six Forks
scrlbcrs at 50 cents each.
for only, eight new .sub-
No. 8 One Twenty-Six Piece Set for only 25 new sub
scribers, at 50 cents each. There are 6 knives, 6 forks 6
teaspoons, G table spoons. 1 sugar shell and 1 butter -knife
n this handsome sot. Packed in oak finish, fancy cloth
linod case. Any ono will bo proud to own this beautiful dud
handsome sot. ttUU
Senator JDolliyer of Iowa delivered
a" speech before the Chicago Press,
club. Mr. Dolliver declared the most
h.opeful sign of the last congress was
not what it did, but the fact .that it
did .not act unanimously. He be
lieved President Taft's attitude to
ward the "insurgents" at the coming
sessions will be friendly. "The time
when a 'skin game' can be worked
on the people, with the, unanimous
consent of congress will never come,
again,' said Mr. Dolliver. . 'When I
am asked why I do not vote with. the
majority I say: 'Not until I have
made a chemical analysis of it.' The
real Insurgents at the extraordinary
session of congress were not the few
men who tried to represent the pub
lic interest faithfully and carry jbu't
the pledges of the party platform,
but the interesting group of private
interests before whose threats to de
feat legislation the leaders of the
party bowed down .for the sake, of
harmony. It will be a queer state
of the public mind when representa
tives of the people are successfully
read out of a party in order to se
cure a solidarity organized around
merely private interests."
Don't Miss This Opportunity
You will make no mlstako if you start to work for this guaranteed silver
ware. A largo number have already taken advantage of these offers and nil
are moro than delighted with our premiums. A great many are wSrkfng for
all they can possibly got after having secured one offer. Many are "Sine
advantage of the opportunity of obtaining a full chest of tho best standard
jilverwaro. and all in ono dainty and exquisite pattorn, Somo aro sending in
for the butter knifes and sugar shells to use as gifts. One woman sent us
three names and had the papor and the Butter Knives sent as presents to
friends. Another had sugar shells and the paper sent to six relative?
Start to work at once. You will never regret the little time 'it takes and
you will bo highly pleased with the s lverwaro. It is very eaBy to Secure
subscribers to our paper, and the prlco Is within the readh of every one Mr
Charles W. Bryan's personal guarantee to refund the. price paid for ay earl v
subscription, if subscriber is not satisfied after reading three issues win
make-it very easy for you to secure now subscribers, and your friends win ,
ntvlv tnn srlnil tft Vmln von nMntn K 1,nttfi "A?.' iVi,)Luulm,-ronas Will bQ
siring to seo a sample of this silverware before starting a club wo w?U send
ono teaspoon upon receipt of 10 cents to cover cost -pf packing and postage
Sample copies of paper furnished on request. Send all orders and remittances to
The American Homestead, Lincoln, Neb
A London cablegram says that in
a terrific gale that raged over the;
British Isles, the steamer Thistle
more was wrecked off Appjedere in
Barnstable bay. A crew of thirty
men perished.
Bartlett RichaTds, president of the
Nebraska Land & Feeding company;
Will G. Comstock, vice president of
the same concern, and Charles C.
Jameson, the secretary and treasurer,
with a number of others who wer
interested in alleged land frauds
against the government, will have
to servo jail sentences-ranging from
six months to .one year, and pay
fines' from $100 to $1,500, accord
ing to the opinion in the case hand
ed down by Judge Hook, of the
United States cojirt of appeals. The
cases came to the appellate court
from the United States district court
of Nebraska. The Nebraska Land &
.Feeding company "rati their cattle" on,
A Bad Breath Boon
Per Cheeks Werp Aglow Like Roses
. in Bloom,
: Her Lips Red As Cherries Thrice
Over; . .
Her Teeth Like tho, .Pearl;
Her Hair Tangled Curi;.
. Her Breath Like.. Sweet Blowing
, Clover. . , .
' So much for poetry. But STU
proso as well. - They are practical
and for every-day use; and they will
inake-any-one's' 'breath just as swdet
and wholesome sagTitbe Girl's breath
.in the song. - '
(-And what is; jjicjei'vthan a sweet,
clean breath an;d-whatrrmore offensive
tjian a bad, ;foul tn&? ' Every ono
tries to-get. rid; o)t it "themselves and
tolerate it. in their friends but it .
is awfully trying ;'jutsJ friendship
and sentiment to- a severe test.
A bad breath Is a sort of unspoken
imputation on cleanliness; you can't
get away from it and-. can't explain.
You can tako foolish little remedies
to disguise it for an hour or so; but
this is suggestive; your breath is un
natural and. your friends wonder why.
Bad breath comes once in a while
from decayed teeth, but there is a
quick and effectualbremedy for this
tiie dentist. It comes as a rule 99
times out of 100 from a'bad stomach.
.Foods gone wrong.; digestion im
paired; assimilation imperfect; nutri
tion misdirected and. a consequent
misunderstanding all around.
And meanwhile :a bad .condition of
things is inaugurated. There is flat
ulence, sour stomach and with these
to past masters of evil Pandora's
box is opened and a- tribe of troubles
let loose, any one of which might
With all manner of cnemicai
changes taking place in the stomach
by fermentation which should not
is it any wonder that some start
ling and disagreeable results are
evolved? Bad Breath is conspicu
ous among them, because always in
evidence. No use to doctor this or
disguise it. It is an innocent sufferer.
The STOMACH, Put that in order
and the Breath will take care of it
self. Charcoal has been a remedy for
disordered stomachs for centuries. It
is one "cure" that is almost as "old
as the hills."
Summing up, charcoal in its pul
verized state is a stomach tonic and
absorbent. Stuart's Lozenges supply
a want; a remedy that is simple,
handy and efficients They embody a
plain, practical proposition.
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are for
sale everywhere, 25 cents a box,
guaranteed to contain nothing but
young willow wood charcoal and pure
honey; sample sent free upon re
quest. Address F. A. Stuart Co., J0
Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich
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