r-Tr ffWW'1' iffJt The Commoner. VOLUME. 9; NUMBEIt 47 r wv ". 14 ! Y, 9i. f ''f ' S r Commoner Clubs Tho Commoner $hrn Tho World To-Day L&o American Homestead &u Total 5'J0 OUR PRICE ; ! Tho Commoner. . . . ... ... . . . . $1'J?9 Twlcc-a-Wock World-Herald... .CO Nebraska Farmer ..!-- Total...:.' 2.B0 OUll PRICE 1Va Tho Commonor ?!00 McCall's Magazino... Amorlcan Homestead . Total....' f.00 OUll PRICE - Tho Commoner. $1.00 Peoples' Popular Monthly 50 Amorlcan Homestead oo Total -' ai'nn OUR PRICE. ...'...; 9lu Tho Commonor $1.00 McCluro's Magazino 1.50 American Homestead &o Total g.00 OUR PRICE 00 Tho Commonor - $J'22 Success Magazine j-.uu Tho Doslgnor 1.00 Total OUR PRICE. .$3.00 .$1.85 Tho Commoner. $1.00 Harper's Bazar..:...:;'...;.;.. 1.00 American Homestead.?. ...... .50 Total . .$2.50 OUR PRICE i?1.80 Tho Commonor ' $1.00 Mack's National Monthly 1.00 American Homestead .. . . '. .50 Total ':.'... ...' . . .V. . . .$2.50 OUR PRICE. $1.50 . .... t ', ....MMI - i -" n?lio C3viintivit3l . " . .''............ .l.VJVi Twlce-a-Wcek woria-weraia. . . .50 Amorlcan Homestead bo Total $2.00 OUR PRICE 91.35 Tho Commoner .. $1.00 Uncle Romus" Homo Magazine., l.oo American Homestead 50 Total ;..:.... $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.50 Tho Commonor i $1.00 Tho Travel Magazine... 7 . 1.50 American Homestead ... ; 50 Tho Commoner $'2n Pearson's Magazine I'60 Total 2.50 OUR PRICE $1'50 Tho Commoner .' $i95 Review of Rovlows 3.00 McCluro's Magazlrio 1.50 Total $5.50 OUR PRICE . ; ?3.25 The Commonor $1.00 Tho Pacific Monthly 1.50 American Homestead 50 Total $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.85 Tho Commoner $1.00 Etude (For Music Lovers).. .. 1.50 Total $2.50 OUR PRICE 91.75 Tho Commonor $1.00 Tho Housekeeper.. .? Amorlcan Homestead 50 Total $2.25 OUR PRICE ?150 The Commoner $29 Tho Traveler Magazine 1.50 Total $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 Tho Commonor '29 Amorlcan Magazine 1.50 National Monthly 1.00 Total $3.50 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner $1'00 Taylor-Trotwood Magazine 1.50 American Homestead . .50 Total $3.00 OUR PRICE ..$1.00 . . . ' . . nnmmnTHi. ............... .1.00 hrlco-a-Week World 1.00 World's Evonts....'. 1.00 Amorlcan Homestoad 50 T.hQ. Til Total $3.50 OUR PRICE $2.25 Tho Commoner . . . . . $1.00 Amorlcan Magazine 1.50 Woman's Home Companion.... 1.50 Total ..$4.00 OUR PRICE......; $2.35 Tho Commoner $1.00 Every body's Magazino r.50 Tho Delineator ;.... 1.00 Total $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Everybody's Magazine 1.50 Cosmopolitan 1.00 X OuCLJ. ilputuU OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commonor $1.00 Good Housekeeping 1.00 Amorlcan Homestead 50 Total $3.50 OUR PRICE $: Ou The Commoner $1.00 American Magazino 1.50 Total i $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.50 The Commoner $1.00 Cosmopolitan .' 1.00 beyond measure, as an American, that ,this one of the greatest feats of the ages should have been per formed by a fellojv countryman of ours. It Is the greatest feat of our generation. Wo are Captain Peary's debtors, all of us who belong to civilized mankind-. Faithfully, Theo dore Roosevelt.' " Washington estimates indicate that under tho new corporation tax law there will bo a net revenue of ap proximately $25,000,000 annually and 122,000 corporations are likely to have to pay corporation taxes. There are many 'uncertainties about its effects. In one of tho far south west states, for instance, it has been found that not over 10 per cent of many thousands of corporations whose official existence was author ized, have ever actually done busi ness. Improper registration in many cases is expected with. such a gigan tic scheme, but the seriousness of the penalties under the law will ap ply just tho same to those who fail to get the forms and regulations. The mailing of the forms and blanks to of the active pall bearers was Repre sentative W. A. Jones of Warsaw Va. Representatives DeArmond and Jones entered congress at tho samo time and for years they had been intimate friends." Here is a good word for Uncle Joo Cannon. An Associated Press dis- Failure every corporation listed in the va-1 tion, dyspepsia and stomach troublo to euro indigestion is largely duo to tho old theory that when the stomach becomes inactive it needs something to mechanically digest its contents, and cathartics, purgatives, etc., aro used, which give only temporary relief, be cause they, digest by Irritating tho lin ing of tho stomach. Modern science recognizes tho fact that it is the nerve's that furnish mo tivo power to digest tho contents of tho stomach. Tho nerves agitate and mix tho food, and stimulate tho secretions. When thqy become weakened they lack energy, and indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach result. Dr. Miles' Restoratiye Nervine will relievo obstinate cases of indlges- rious districts is not specifically re quired by law and is merely to assist the corporations. Those not regis tered should apply immediately to the collectors. All the returns are required to be in the collector's hands by March 1, then sent to the internal revenue bureau here, where the tax will be assessed and the tax- paying corporations notified by June 1 that the tax is to be paid by July 1. The government takes the posi tion that the tax, while it is for the calendar year preceding the collec tion, really does not date back; that it is an excise and not an income tax and that it is, in fact, merely a li cense to do business during the year for which It is collected. by strengthening theso nerves. "I had severe stomach troublo. Dr. Miles' Nervino, and Nervo and Liver Pills cured me. I can now eat any thing without trouble." L. C. O'BRIEN, Winston-Salem, N. Y. Tho first bottle will benefit, if not, the druggist will return your money. Wanted VTlrte.awike mi to soltrttnnd eoI letl for nleturts. $3.00 A DAY SUKEj $5.00 a day and more if capable. Wonder ful chance for richt man to work up In extra pleasant work. Applicants should state where last employed. 0. II. 0K0UND9 MannRer, 1037 West Adams Street. Dfpfc. 4177, Chicago, III. mm M?MP Jll JCSTItONCEST rfcffffVCa MADE. Bull- strong chick- ou-tlfjht Sold to tho user at Wholesale Prices. tTe Par Freight. Catalogue froo. COILED SPRING PENCE CO.. x 34 wincnester. maiana. SCaDavEatily Made Selling GLASSES f1! Agents wanted. Send for catalog Coulter Optloal Coi?Chlcano r r J I Phil Allen, Jr., former vice presi dent of the First National bank at Mineral Point, Wis., pleaded guilty to the charge of embezzlement and was sentenced to ten years imprison ment in the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth. Total $2.75 OUR TRICE 91.75 Tho Commoner. . .' ." $1.00 McCluro's Magazine 1.50 Modern Friscilla 75 Total . $2.00 OUR PRICE ?1.50 The Commoner $1.00 Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine... 1.50 Total $3 25 OUR PRICE .92.35 The Commoner $1.00 McClure's Magazino... 1.50 LaFollette's Magazlrio 1.00 Subscriber' Jiawrtising Dept. Total 4 $2.50 OUR PRICE S1.00 Tho Commonor $1.00 woman's Jtiomo uompamon.. ,, 1.50 American Homestead 50 Total . $3,50 OUR PRICE $2.45 Tho Commoner $1.00 Pacific Monthly . 1.50 American Magazino ,. 1.50 Total 3.00 OUR- PRICE 91.05 Tho Commoner $1.00 uourier-u ournai l.ou Sturm's Oklahoma Magazino... 1.50 American Homestead .50 Total $4.00 OUR PRICE 92.35 The Commoner $1.00 McCluro's Magazino 1.50 Woman's Homo Companion.... 1.50 Total $4.00 OUR PRICE 92.00 Total '..$4.00 OUR PRICE .92.25 - The Commoner $1.00 The Pacific Monthly . . 1.50 Total $2.50 OUR PRICE. 91.00 The Commoner $1.00 McCluro's Magazino, 1.50 Total $2.50 OUR PRICE 91.85 Tho Commonor. . . $1.C0 Woman's Homo Companion.... 1.50 American Homestead 50 Total $3.00 OUR PRICE 91.05 Address All Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. The funeral of the late David A. DeArmond took place at Butler, Mo., November 26. An Associated Press dispatch says: "Hundreds of promi nent public men of Missouri and many from outside the state joined the citizens of Butler today in pay ing respect to the memory of Rep resentative David A. DeArmond, who met a fiery death here last Tuesday in a vain effort to save the lifo of his favorite grandson, David A. De Armond III. All Flutter was in mourning. The bodies of both vic tims were buried in the local ceme tery in one casket following simple services a,t tho Methodist Episcopal church, where the congressman had been a member. The burial services were jn charge of the Masonic lodge. No such honor and show of affection for a departed citizen had been dis played in Missouri in ntany years. The coffin was banked high with floral emblems and the little church was crowded till another person could not have entered. Crowds of mourners blocked the streets lead ing to the church and hundreds fol lowed the bodies to the cemetery and stood about the graves. Among the mourners, members of the family of the congressman, who had come from a distance, were Edward H. De Armond, a son of the deceased who is an instructor at West Point and two brothers, William DeArmond of Chicago, and James DeArmond of Davenport. The only missing mem ber of tho family' was Lieutenant George W. W. DeArmond, another son, now serving with the army ia the Philippines. Governor Hadley of Missouri and United States Senators I Warner and Stone wero present. One You can mp.ko money and build up a nice llttlo business of your own by using this department to place your proposition beforo Tho Commonor's big army of readers. If you have anything to buy or sell it will pay you to uso this department at all times. Send us a trial order. Write just as you'd talk. Never mind tho grammar. Count name, postofllco, and numbers as one word each. Multiply by 6 cents per word, and send your ad. and money order direct to Tho Commonor, Lincoln, Neb. I AND FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE All or part, section, eastern Color ado, $8 acre, $3 cash, long time on bal ance. John A. McKeown, First Nat'l. Bank, Bldg., Chicago. E TELL HOW TO GROW CALI- fornia grapes in any climate. Two WE crrano cuttings each of Flaming Tokay. Red Emperor, .Thompson Seedless, packed and postpaid with full instruc tions, $1.00. Address, Charles A. Cham bers, Box 32, Fresno, .Calif. AGENTS HERE IS A CORKER; ONLY v pancake griddle In the world that bakes squaro .cakes, turns tnem; uaucs C eaoh time; 100 per cent profit. Can ton "Griddle Co., Canton, O. FOUR PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE, 1 fine running order, $170. Georgo Wills, Canal Dover, Ohio. 25 LARGE CITY LOTS, WITH 8 room house, barn, crood well Wltn wind mill, 300 fruit bearing trees, 250 gooseberry and currant. Fine mapio shado at house". Close to car line, m Sioux City, la. Price $7,500. W. N. N. Nlvllng, Sioux City, la. FARMED ,IN COUNTY. 45 YEARS. r Farms on list worth $100 per acre; will sell close in at $25 to $80. G. Wertman, Auctioneer, Washington, Kansas. THE SPIRITUAL MEANING. BRUCE S 1 Commentary, 082 pages, postpaid $1.25. Spiritual Meaning every verso Matthow's Gospel. Formerly J2.75. Pastor Landenbergor late Agent Swea enborg exhibit, Alaska-Yukon exposi tion. Windsor Place, St. Louis, Mo. pATARACT BLINDNESS PREVENT- ed by "Opthalmin." Hundreds using it to avoid operations. Month's treat ment prepaid for ono dollar. Full di rections and literature. Sample freo to physicians. Chaunooy S. Caroy. m. D., Oculist and Aurlst, Elmira, N. Y. .. , -i'i sa