The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 03, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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DECEMBER -3, 1909
The Commoner.
-ict, c? " ' "i ypgrf x&
-"dZf at fiuPkw 5P
A flood, affecting all rivers and
streams in Orogon and Washington,
did great damage.
Darwin P. Kingsley, president of
the New York Life Insurance com
pany, addressing a gathering of in
surance magnates in New York de
clared that they shotlld push for reg
ulation of insurance companies by
tho federal government rather than
by tho states.
Timothy L. Woodruff, chairman of
tho republican stato committee for
New York, said that ho hoped Roose
velt would consent to bo a candidate
for governor of New York. Other
republicans say that this would mean
Roosevelt's nomination for tho presi
dency against Taft.
In the debate on the budget in tho
bouse of lords it developed that that
body was not united in opposition.
' Governdr Wilson of Kentucky has
called a meeting for Washington,
January 18, 1910, of all the governors.
, A London cablegram, carried by
the Associated Press, says: "Ad
dressing the London chamber of com
merce in the presence of the German
ambassador, Herr Kaempff, second
vice president of tho Gorman reich
stag, expressed the belief that the
system of high protection of which
Germany, Franco and the United
States were examples, would become
uhsupportable. Whatever might bo
the future development of tho econ
omic policy of Europe he was con
vinced that high protection was ap
proaching Its end."
ployes at tho New York customs
house. These charges havo been duo
to tho sugar frauds.
A Washington dispatch carried by
tho Associated Press says: " 'I re
peat what I havo said heretofore.
Justico Wright is biased and Is unfit
to wear the judicial ermine.' Samuel
Gompers, the president of tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor, who ar
rived here. today thus referred tp
Associate Justice Wright of tho dis
trict supremo court, who sentenced
Mr. Gompers, John Mitchell and
Frank Morrison, all officers of tho
federation, to varying terms of im
prisonment for contempt of court in
tlie Buck Stove and Range case. 'If
tho supreme court of tho United
States declines to permit tho issue to
como before it for review or affirm
tho decision of the lower court, will
you ask. the president for a pardon?'
was asked Mr. Gompers. 'I will
not ho replied, 'nor will I willingly
permit my friends todo so. Had I
violated any law and been found
guilty and sentenced to prison I
might consider the question of seek
ing executive clemency.' "
Chief Justice W. J. Mills of tho
INew. Mexico supremo court, has been
appo'lnted by President Taft to suc
ceed George C. Curry as governor of
New Mexico.
' The revolution at Nicaragua is
Lyman J. Gage, former secretary
of the treasury, was married at San
Diego, Cal., to Mrs. Ada Ballou. The
bride is 35 and the groom 73.
John G. Carlisle, former secretary
of tho treasury under Grover Cleve
land, is seriously ill at his home in
New York.
The fire In the De Armond homo
at Butler, Mo., in which Congress
man De Armond and his grandson
lost their lives, Is now said to have
been due to defective wiring.
Collector of the Port Loeb has
made wholesale charges against em-
An Associated Press dispatch from
Williamson, W. Va., follows: "Firing
from tho doorway of their homo on a
sheriff's posso to givo their father
and brothers tlmo to escape, Mrs.
Charles Daniels and her sixteen-year-old
daughter were shot to death
yesterday near Davon, Mingo coun
ty, by the officers. The shooting of
Mrs. Daniels and her daughter grew
out of a family feud between tho
Christians and Daniels on tho border
of Kentucky and West Virginia. Tho
Christians lived in Mingo county,
West Virginia, and the Daniels in
Pike county, Kentucky. About three
weeks ago George Christian ventured
to the Kentucky side and, was slain
by Jim Daniels. Christian and Dan
iels were brothers-in-law and had
formerly been allies. After the kil
ling of Christian tho two families
and their friends became involved.
Tho Christians obtained warrants for
Jim Daniels and his brother Charles,
and led a posse of Pike county offi
cers to the homo of the Daniels.
When the officers appeared within a
few feet of the house, Mrs. Daniels
and her daughter opened fire with
rifles, one of the posse receiving a
bullet in the arm. The Christians
opened fire. Mrs. Daniels was shot
down In the doorway, but the daugh
ter stood over her prostrate form
and fired upon the posse until she
dropped dead across her mother,
pierced by three bullets. Tho officers
closed in, but by forfeiting their
lives the mother and daughter had
so effectually covered the retreat of
father and brothers that the latter
made their escape.
12(H) ACttJES
' ...Irrigated Xtaitd...
in S, TO, XO ana 40 acre tracts.
Water on tho Xane, every acre
within miles of JUailroad, Jtanls,
, City Water Worlts, Sugar Mills,, ocnuuii o-co,
Reasonable Terms, fine Climate,
Maises anything. Write or ash
"MB WJTJ&J&O'JBXiJi YOU"104 So.6th itr
A jf.OOO TO 50,000 ACME
strations in England now. Tho pro
fessor performed an oporation at tho
Seamen's hospital in Greenwich in
tho prcsonco of forty prominent Lon
don surgeons. Ho removed a mass
of tuborcular glands from a man's
neck, tho patient retaining conscious
ness all tho tlmo and offering com
ments during tho oporation.
General Frederick D. Grant has
written a lottor to Rev. Wilbur F.
Crafts of Washington, saying: "I
shall cheerfully aid you in your pro
posed temperance movement in tho
Patent? Nl!ff? nui inwi. rtt unok,
Tho gunboat Princeton haw been
ordered by tho Washington authori
ties to sail for Corinto, Nicaragua,
to join the gunboat Vicksburg al
ready at that port.
Attorney General Wlckorsham do
nios that ho was ever counsel for
tho sugar trust. Thero have been
vigorous inquiries along that line.
Official announcement has been
mado of tho consolidation under ono
management of tho Chicago and
Alton, tho Toledo, St. Louis and
Western (Clover Leaf) roads with
tho Minneapolis and St. Louis and
tho Iowa Central railroad. Officers
with jurisdiction over all four roads
wero appointed to tako effect on De
cember 1, as follows: Georgo J.
Charlton, passenger traffic manager.
Charles A. King, freight traffic man
ager; B. C. StovenBon, assistant
freight traffic manager; S. G. Lutz,
general freight agent; R. J. McKay,
general passenger agent; A. B. Cutts,
assistant general passenger agent,
with headquarters In Minneapolis.
The headquarters of all tho officers,
except Mr. Cutts, will bo in Chicago.
Tho consolidation makes, a system of
2.72T miles of ruiiroua. -witi t
minals In Chicago, St. Louis, Peoria,
Minneapolis, St. , Paul, . Kansas City,
Sioux City, la., and Springfield, 111.
Joseph E. Johnson, engrossing
clerk of tho Oklahoma constitutional
convention, died at his homo in
Tulsa, Okla.
The great volume of American
merchandise now being carried by
rail across tho isthmus of Panama
and the isthmus of Tehuantepec Is
shown by tho fact that for tho fiscal
year 1909 the goods transported
amounted in value to more than
$60,000,000. The total for this cal
endar year probably will reach $75,
000,000. Professor Jonesea, dean of tho
University of Bucharest, will visit
America in order to give tho medical
men demonstrations of his method
of performing surgical operations
without administering general anes
thetics. He is giving similar demon-
The Lincoln (Neb.) Journal says:
"Within a few days wo shall bo
watching tho progress of another
Ferrer case. Nicholas Tchaikovsky,
tho Russian patriot whom all Amer
ica knows as a high minded and
devoted man, is soon to bo tried for
treason. It was Tchaikovsky whoso
long imprisonment 'without trial led
a year ago to a movement hero and
in England by which a cash bail bond
was raised and the Russian govern
ment ashamed by foreign opinion In
to accepting it. The old man has
now been summoned to St. Peters
burg for trial, and tho report goes
that, like Ferrer, he is to bo tried
secretly. Can tho Jtussian govern
ment have learned nothing by tho
experience of other nations? Tho
world Is not at all patient with that
kind of business these times. Nicho
las might with profit consult with
Alphonso before allowing the lynch
ing of a citizen whoso only crime, as
tho civilized world believes, has been
to love freedom and justice.".
And now Mr. Roosevelt Is in tho
Peary-Cook controversy. A New
York dispatch says: "A letter from
Theodoro Roosevelt was received by
Secretary Bridgraan of tho Peary
Arctic club, replying to tho cable
announcing that Commander Peary
had reached the north pole, as fol
lows: 'On Safari, North of Mount
Keni, September 22, 1909. Dear Mr.
Brldgman: Your cable has just been
brought mo by a native runner here
in my camp by the Guaso Nyiro. I
am writing to Mrs. Peary and to
Captain Peary; I have no Idea where
ho is. I am inexpressibly rejoiced at
this wonderful triumph, and proud
Hook. T. jr. HTitUV, V-HH, MUU Hhury, Surf.
CA Tj, V tilTR?" "
M:mi2AHHA HllUli co Omaha. Xrbr.
IQTHMft fM ,tK c"1 x,y '" loyotion
14 O I 11 MH Free Trial, If Item.- arnrt II; if
., . . " .not. don't. Olvo cxmnm offlw,
h Hnna C hcmlcal ( 0..7IW Ohio Av.. Hldrmy.O.
n li. f;almHM.
IUtM rcaaowtble. Illghm rcfrrcncn, Umervlca,
I A T 12 2V T S hiL' K k i iu?kk
A. sx. A. Mj J.W A. k? KirruiiNKD.
Fre report iw to Patentability. Ilhitrait Otil.lo
Hook, n ml I.lrt of In volitions Wanted. ent frro.
Victor J. Kvanh ,. Co., Wiwhlnxton. I), CJ.
ComI fay, Hrxty v oik i) promotion. Rxrwrlnc
imntctrT will rlv romHetn Inntructloru.
DanvllU Tobacco Co., oaW S6. Danville, Va.
UISP11K8KNTATIVK to tuku tho cxcIimIvo
mcoticy to rrotiinto nml II telephone for fnriiiprx
llm. Mill Instruction. !lhrirnt. Cii-on, hlh
rlitw occupation. Aildrowi The 'cmco huunty
o itrnli ft, St. J.ollH,Mo.
-I (J 1j JV I1 fit M?n nml women tnako big
in .'. . . money iwttl rtay at homo,
holllni: lloiinoliUfl'N Htoclt Dip, DUlnructuut. I unlet
Kxlormliuitor, Chicken J.lcn Killer nml mrnlturo
rollxli. Kxrlurlvo Territory, MtHK. .VllmJ
Hit Hilary Co., Mlox X, HrAutia, Ho.
:milmmirtf HMttl n nrv tUVl ltntl.t H.limMiw.
ment to tl20O or IMOO. Short hour. Hteadv work.
Annual vncntlon wllh full Milnry. KxamfnaUorw I
every where noon. Common education mifllrlent
i ii--iiwmiiijii ui-17, vrn uimiiMjiniciy lorrwnru
Ulo. yillNXM. I.NHTITlTi:, Utpt, M. Vi, M.h..r, , T. I
Cigar Dealers
The Acmo Cc CMcnr In mild and wcot; a real
trado winner. Wrlto for natuplo and price.
W. C. ZEKBE, Fredericksburg, Pa.
20 hamlKomcly colored and omhotuicd. Chrbrtmaa
and other Post Tardi of Superior o, utility 10 coot.
Jj, 1'taoe Souvenir Co., Xutlr.y, X. T.
12 l0&jc yj. jrcj9 xrz&xaxa
Wo vr?. tend you 12 of tho prettlwit pogt card
you over tour If yon will ait (hi nilvcrtlnciuant out
and Acid to u with -c to vay fioMtatiti and mnlllni?
and My Hint you will aliowtliotn ton ofyotir Mauds
It-I7 XJiW J It: AH VAKit VO
je.7.7 South nth St., VhUatlctvhia. fa.
CAN JK OITIKI). Mr ralM, xlMnf. jnurnUd enr
do It ml Kill AHH.K pror.i It Htorfl TUC ITCH IK
nil cumi to lUy. TVI11TK KOW-TODaY.
RkK Soil. MiM Winur.. Good)
fn.oe li
" ftu..L-.. c... li..j...
li V.ftCI I Ml I i.UMM. w..
'if! !
Per Ac
I si r C- -
Mlktl ror rUnotQnit uout'l j g ;
tt Vr Eitunwo IUn, WimU-1W4
WALL, Real UUte Aftnt, IklBll
Rjilw.y. li L RkWoJ. V. L,H0S
"La Porte Buggies
Stand the Test''
Ask Your Dealer
Is honest officials; tho best se
curity of depositors Is tho Okla
homa bank law. Bank officials
are not always honest. Tho
state banks of Oklahoma are
all operated under tho Guar
anty Law. If you want to
know about it ask for our
Muskogee, Oklahoma
M. G. HASKELL, CashJcr
enrnnrh. fr d upward ea be made UkuiecUVcUr.
QIaVK bury Course at borne duda P Umc; uueht
la tlmplt Enelhh; Diploma granted, position obtained lo
cucceeifitl student; cot within reach of all; taihfactlon euar.
anteed; particular bee. ONTARIO VETERINARY COR
u, . --.
, .; ., -.