The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 03, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
All Slot and trofl
Two Men can run It.
Tha Auto-Ftdin Hay mtt Co:
1633 W. 121b St. K. C. Ma
Atkfw Catalagua No. 33
1 m
Do wy with old ham itrnp.
Hnria owner, and Uktnttari
.tM hout them. Fallen
IniUnUrwItbfloteion. QutwMur th BirniH. monij uw u
not Mllir.ctory. "Wrlto tod.j for connuonuM, wrmi """-
F. Thomas Mf C, 731 Wayae St., Dayton, Ohto
f vf n y" I 1 f)rnr IVifr. MAfmmn . )
I M. V Ah i
is tho best policy holder's com
pany In the United States.
ASSETS, $3,200,000
Twonty-throo years old. Writo
The Old Line Bankers Life
Lincoln, Nebrankn
Don't Wear a Truss
different from the palnlul truss,
and being llf-uhelTt they
hold the rupture In place with
out straps, buckles or sprlujrs
cannot slip, so cannot chafe
or compres;, against the pelvic
bone. me most ousunaic
cases enred In the privacy of
the- home. Thousands have successfully
treated themselves wllhoulhlndrancefrom work.
Soft at vlret..eMy to apply-lneiptnmp. Guar-
' .- anteeU tn accoru wnn
OF TREATMENT Natfpnnl Umi Law.
wc prove wnar "wo say
by sending you Trial Treatment abfolntely KKEU, Write to
STUART PLASTER -PAD U0 Block 54, fiU Mujs, Mo
V& Nrnjy
V'oa 1
Let Mo Send You My
for Asthma, Catarrh
and Bronchitis.
,iSSSkff. , v- -
miBMX , k.t lBBSt
I)on!t BUffor Ytflth.
Mjrohttlhsft KHflplnuJ
iur urcnin, uuunii'
"Hands Across thp Border"
O, it's hands across the border, and
It's hands across tho soaf
"God Save the King'' you're singing;
we "My Country 'tis of Thee." ,
Blood is thicker e'er than water, and
wo know what friendship means
For we've tried each other's mettle
Lu'ndy's Lane and New Orleans.
So we clasp our hands like brothers
as wo press the forward track,
While Old Glory waves and ripples
by the side of Union Jack.
O, it's hands across the border, and
it's hands across the sea!
For we've learned to . know each
- other in our wars- for liberty;
And where'er you see those banners'
waving 'neath the vaulted dome
You will always find true fighters
for the cause of, right and -home.
By the old Star Spangled Banner and
the Red Cross of St. George
We have Welded stoutest friendships
In the fires of Freedom's forge.
O, it's hands across the border, and
it's hands acrbss the sea!
"Rule Britannia!"' "Yankee Doodle!"-
MHotne, Sweet Home" where'er
we be. ,-,
And we carry Freedom's banner
'round the girdle of the earth
Till in ev'ry heart "and conscience
love of liberty has. -birth. , u
Sfr'it's hands across tha,bpr,der, and
it's hands across the sea,
head . off
They were
smugglers. ,
Gee, it made a fellow feel proud
.to belong to a country that resorted
to that sort of things Boasting of
our strength and 'power, we are
scared to death lest wo be put out' of
business by foreign competition. But
tiro Canadians, mustering less than
10 per cent of our numbers, with re
sources undeveloped and with su
preme faith in their own prowess,
are willing to take their chances
against tho whole world.'
If a majority of American voters'
had to submit two or three times to
the pryirig insolence of customs in
spectors, -the republican "standpat
ters" wouldn't last long enough to
be counted.
is on the south side of the house.
Please do not drive loaded wagon
over the cement walk.
Tho, missus informs me that the
gas range has been -overhauled, and
that it will now roast a turkey '0
perfection. We have tho cran
berries. '
g Merry
At Mealtime, Means Good Appetite,
Good Digestion, Good Cheer,
' Good Ifeart and Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablet
ins, spitting, Talnt-
mg.otc Myuomo
Treatment" cures
iinniodlatoly and perma
nently by a Now Principle.
friond namo aild address with. Oc
fltnmn.i ti "nnv hndinirn wrnnnlnv
and Bhow Rood lalth and I will matlyoua l?rco Trial
Treatment In plain wrapper. 'Jf. OOItKALXC,
aa Gorhatn JUUIg., Vat t la, Creek, Mich.
m $1.98
Return this
to us
and remit
$1.98, our
Special Price
to introduce
our Watches,
and we -will
Bend you this
Element 7
Jew. Ladles'
or Gonts
Htsr. Richly
Engraved and
boaro our
Nora ina I
Guarantee for
2 0 Years.
Movement in
tho Rest Am
erican Jowel
ed Watch.
Sold by deal
ers for $5.00
nd$8.Q0. If
Watch- is not
return to lis
nml m will
refund your money. Send cash "with order cir
injr name of paper or return this advertisement.
After we enroll 20.000 new customers this Biff
Offer will bo withdrawn. Order today, namlnz
your-Express Office.
4ddrm. CANDOR SALES CO., Candor, N.C.
KA Wb ff?tC W V
While "God Savo tho King" you're:
-afTtrrlnf -vera "."Mrf VlitrJi Ma Arl
u'"0'"Ol uv ..j .,wyu.MV.j uo VJL"
' v, r- M S
Verses read at banquet tendered
by Toronto Typographical Union No;
90 to visiting printer delegates to
Arnerican Federation of Labor con
vention, November 13. '
Incentives to Patriotism"
, A couple of weeks ago we sat In vl
Pullman coach on a train as it
stopped at Port Huron, Mich pre
paratory to crossing- the line into
Canada. By our side sat a Ca
nadian. "Just remember," said our Cana
dian friend, "that you'll not be both
ered when you enter Canada. But
wait until you come back."
We remembered. On our way
back from Toronto the train stopped
at Sarnia" tunnel, on the Canadian
side, and the porter came through,
"Border line! Open all hand bag
gage for government inspection."
Then a lot of fellows in blue
clothes and brass buttons, wearing
caps bearing the Insignia of Uncle
fSam, came through and peered into
uvery gnp, tumoiing tho clothes
around, opening suspicious looking
packages and asking fool questions.
Thanksgiving .
No,, we didn't- have a turkey
Thanksgiving day. Qf course we
could have had one had we so de
sired, for the grocer said our credit
was plenty good, oven for a turkey.
But we never did fancy turkey meat
when we could, get nice, juicy, ten
der chicken. Besides, turkey meat
was 28 cents a pound and we got
fine chioken for 14- cents a pound.
That enabled jipt 10 be more thankful'
than everl You'll understand this
1f'voti 6ver "are bomnellGd to fitnire
tm feeding four healthy, heartyf
'kiddiesj to-; say .nothing of yourself
and the missus. !
1" But wo hurl tVIatitv mnrn tn .Tm
thank'fuf for, this eoodVear. Thank-'
I -. l i ., 1 i . -rr t rir '
tut. that health: iSMTbeign our lot, tthat
we had been, able to nrovide tha ncc-
essartes of life and a few of the lux--
uries for loved ones, and that the
sun" shone fully aa often- as it was
obscured by clouds. -
Sad, indeed, must be the lot of
Aim who has nothing to be thankful
for every day in the year.
Duly Thankful
The Newlyweds were duly thank
ful on November 25. And with, good
reason, too.
First, they were In the midst of
their honeymoon.
Second, they had enough salad
forks, soup ladles, salt-and-pepper
sets of chafing dishes to enable
them to give Christmas presents to a
lot of friends from whom they ex
pected to get something really worth
Of course the Newlyweds were
duly thankful.
I see "the sunreme court has
knocked out the Standard Oi com
pany." ' ' "'
"What, agaliii'' '
SChVf &1 1 "i Xs&
4) . 'W
Cash For Skins
Yott get tho highest prices and the quickest returns when you shlo
ine blcsrest American and foreign buyers aro represented at our
aimales, Woy?on o millions of dollars yearly. The fierce
S2vX?H,tIoa amonKbuyr at our biir sales enables us to cot higher
pneeg then anyone-else. That's why we can ac4 you the most
money for your furskand send it quicker.
BlK MonftV In Trannlnc TOIj? on the fmr
BpoasnortaSJpBTsblRproflto. Wo txallSJ
otp., thatt make trapping ,eiy. Writetodar for Catalog Cand full BartloaUra.
Write for them today. Aot now, forthla lByoHrbiBmoner-maklBgopportuaSyl
runstn oroa. . co,f . 106 E!m. Strt, $t. Lou!. Mo
Christinas Hints
The last time we donned our glad.
rags our suspenrters broke and wo
had to fasten them together with, a,
We prefer our cigars medium, both,
in size and flavor.
Owing to dental difficulties we are
forced to use -a .pipe with a curved
stem. Amber mouthpiece preferred.
If we remember rightly slippers
run. la the same sizes, as shoes. We
wear a No. 7 ehoe. r .
Our taste ia neckwear r,uns to
subdued colors, and we are partial
to tne lour-m-nana.
wo burn semi-anthracite in- tho
furnace. Tho window throucli which mail froo.
the coal'i passed into the basement '150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Do You Use. Them? If Not. WIiv?
DYSPEPSIA is the skeleton at the
feast; the death's head at the festive
board. It turns cheer into cheerless
ness, gaity into gloom and festivity
into farce. It is the ghost in the
home, haunting every room and hit
ting at every fireplace, making other
wise merry people shudder and fear.
If there is one disease more than an
other that should be promptly at
tacked and worsted, it is DYSPEP
SIA. It is, the very genius of un
happiness, unrest arid ill nature. In
tim6 it'wlll turnHhe best man almost
into a demon 6f temper and make a
good woman something to be dread
ed and avoided.,
It is estimated that half of( one's
troubled In this vdrlct 'comes of a
stomach gonef wrong of Dyspepsia,
in short. Foods iakjeh, into the stom
ach and not properly ciare for; con
verted into oibstaticea that the sys
tem 'has ;nd use rfoY' and hasn't any
notion what to (do wi'h. It is irri
tated and Vexe'd, 'paired and an
jioyih, and in a littlfe while this state
of things 'becdmes geheVa'l atfd direct
ly 'thdre'i's,,4some"tnirig bad to pay!"
Thelvhole Bystemis'Mie of re
bellion and yearh's to d6 something
rqsh and disagreeable and a fine case
of Dyspepsia is established and opeiis
Tip for business.
If you were bitten "by a mad dog,
you would ndt( lose a day in going to
a cure; do you know you should be
just as prompt with Dyspepsia? Rab
ies is a' quick death', dyspepsia is a
slow one; this Is about all the differ
ence. There is a cure for rabies and
so there., Is for Dyspepsia and one
cure wa's about as difficult to dis
cover as the othen Pasteur found
out one and tha F. A. STUART COM
PANY the other, and it is no longer
a secret, as It is made public in the
wonderful Tablet, which so many are
using and praising today. One writer
says of it:
"Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are lit
tle storehouses of digestion which
mix with the stomach juices, digest
food, retingle the mucous membrane
and its nerve centers, giye to the
blood a great wealth of digestive
fluids, promote digestion and stays by
the stomach until all its duties are
complete." .
Some cures are worse pan the
disease; they demand This, That and
the 'Otherand the patient despairs
at the. requirements; but not so with
the Stuart Dyspejpsia Tablet; they
are easy and pleasant to take and no
nausea or ill feeling follows. There
is none of this "getting all-over-the-mputh"
like a liquid and making the
remedy a dread. Another writor
"It matters not what the condition
of the stomach Stuart's ( Dyspepsia
Tablets only Improve the juices and
bring quiet to the "whole digestive
canal, of which the stomach is the
Forty thousand physicians use
these, tablets in their practice and
every druggist sells them. Price 50c.
Send us your name and address and
we wilt send you a trial package by
Address F. A. Stuart uo.,