The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 26, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wkiv ., r8-?
NOVEMBER 26, 1909
The Commoner
Rorer 8ay8: "Men are not lit to
bring up children; they aro too Irri
table .and crosQ to assume control of
the Ip children, largely because of
their worries in the present condi
tion of the commercial world. Men
are not sufficiently gifted with pa
tience to teach children."
Dressing tho Hair
Bancs and mirln urn Knni,n.,
ing into favor again, and as this
style of arranging tho hair is becom-
tgi ?a sreat many women and
girls, tho revival is welcomed. Fore
head curls aro also "growing in
grace." Among the most pleasing
styles of hair dressing is tho ono in
which the hair is parted in tho mid
dle and brushed loosely back at tho
sides, falling in soft waves, then
braided and coiled low on tho neck.
Everything in tho new mode of hair
dressing Is flat and smooth at the
sido of the head.
For Tanning Hides
"An Interested Reader" tells us
to use glauber salts (costing about
five cents a pound) with an equal
part of powdered alum instead of
the ordinary barrel salt, for tanning
hides. He tells us that the ordinary
salt will draw moisture. His direc
tions are to lay the hide down on
some flat surface, hair-aide down,
and cover the flesh sido with tho
glauber salts and alum mixture, fold
the flesh sides together and roll up.
laying away for several days; then
the skin is to bo rubbed, pulled and
stretched into shape until dry and
Wo have several other letters, giv
ing directions, which are on tho same
lines as those already given, and
the senders aro to bo thanked for
their kindness. Tho spirit of our
Query Box is, "ask and it shall bo
given unto you." What ono does
not know, another is willing to
How to Make a
Nice Xmas Present
Send us the name and address of
any friend or relative you wish to
remember, and wo will mall pre
paid to their homo, without furthor
trouble to you, your choice of eith
er a Beautiful mivA tm .. a
Shell or a Handsome Silver Plated
"u" "-""c, in me now, beautiful
and exquisite Wildwood pattern of
tho famous Reliance Plato Silver
ware, manufactured and guaranteed
for ten years by tho celebrated
Oneida Community Company of
Oneida, Now York. Plated with
pure silver 25 por cent heavier
I?,3"?,ffU.lar Standard Al grades.
Finished in tho beautiful French
Gray, Sterling Silver effect, It is tho
most handsome and dainty design
yet manufactured, and will please
and delight tho recipient moro than
anything else you could send them,
even if you paid many dollars for
It. Neatly packed in fancy cloth
lined box and safo delivery guaran
teed in timo for Christmas.
We aro giving away free, without
additional cost, your choice of eith
er a Sugar Shell or a Butter Knife
to any ono sending us 50 cents for
ono year's subscription to The
American Homestead, our big farm
9-?J? household paper, established In
1883. Under this offer wo will send
your choice of either piece of sil
verware and tho paper ono full year
to anv Onn SldrlrPHR vnn nonil ua m.
as many as you may send us at 50
nia eacn. juie regular price of
tho paper is only 50 cents, and it is
guaranteed to bo moro than worth
tho money, or subscription price
will be refunded. See our big offers
on page 12, with full description of
tho Beautiful Rellanco Plato. You
could do nothing better than to re
member a number of your friends or
relatives In this way. Send in your
orders early and address
.Lincoln, Neb.
Tho American Homestead,
.Lincoln, Nob.
Gentlemen: I am glad to accept your
liberal offer, and herewith encloso 50
cents to pay for The American Home
stead for ono year (regular price). You
aro to send tho beautiful present I
have marked below, free and prepaid,
and the paper one year, to the follow
ing address:
P. O...
Btato . . Z. f
Please send Sugar Shell (or Butter
Knife.) Mark carefully present wanted.
Query Box
Several Querists See answers un
der other headings.
Mrs. T. Y. Tho probable cause of
your preserves turning to candy is
that too much sugar was used; or
it may bo they were boiled too long.
Annio S. The toughness of tho
angel cake might bo duo to tho fact
that you failed to beat the eggs
properly. They should bo beaten so
stiff they will "stand alone."
Ralph S. If you will put your
question into clear words, I will do
my best to give you tho desired in
formation; but, worded as it is, I
can not make out Just what you
Housewlfo Pimentos aro very
small olives from which the pits
have been removed and tho cavities
filled with tiny slips of red pepper;
they aro used as a relish by those
who like them. They can bo had at
any grocery store carrying such
such things.
"Youngster" To deodorize tho
skunk skins, hold them over a fire
made of red cedar boughs sprinkled
with chloride of lime; or they may
bo wrapped in green hemlock
boughs, burled in soil and left for a
few days.
F. S. Cider may be kept sweet
by canning in air-tight jars as you
would other fruit juice. It should
first be allowed to settle and tho
clear liquid bo drawn off from tho
pomace, but it must not bo allowed
to ferment.
Some .time ago a man at Ypsilanti,
Mich., became crazed on the subject
of hypnotism and was sent on a
Michigan Central train to an asylum.
When the conductor asked for tickets
the crazy man began telling of his
hypnotic powers.
"I'll hypnotize you," ho said.
"Fire away," replied the conduc
tor. The man made several passes be
fore the conductor's face.
"Now you are hypnotized," ho
The conductor looked tho part as
best he could.
"You are a conductor," the hypno
tist said.
"That's right," replied the victim.
"You're a good conductor," went
on the hypnotist.
"Right again," said the conductor.
"You don't smoke, drink or Bwear
at passengers. You are honest. You
turn in all tickets and money you
collect from passengers. In fact, you
do not steal a cent."
"That's right," asserted the con
ductor. The hypnotist eyed him a moment,
tTlTl Slid
"What an awful fix you'd be in If
I left you in this condition!". Kan
sas City Star.
. -i
Nephew (just returned from
abroad) "This franc piece, aunt, I
got in Paris."
Aunt Hepsy "I wish, nephew,
you'd fetched home one of them
Latin quarters they talk so much
about."r Louisville Courier-Journal.
iJ!?71 Is Ul rcason," began tho
Irritated traveler from tho north,
that tho trains in this part of tho
country aro always behind tlmo? I
have never seo ono yet that ran ac
cording to its schodulo."
"That, siih," replied tho dignified
Georgian, "la a mattah that Is easily
explained. It is duo to southern chiv
alry, suh."
"Southern chivalry! Whore does
that come in?"
"You see, suh, tho trains aro al
ways lato In this country because
they wait for the ladies, God bless
them!" Chicago Record-Herald.
A few days ago a young man at
Des Moines, la., made ono long, ling
ering lovelorn plea as tho "last call"
to his lady love to change her mind
and say 'Yes." Ho told her that if
Abo didn't marry him ho'd got a rop
and hang himself right in front of
her home.
"Oh, pleaso don't do that, Joe,
dear," she said with much feeling;
"you know father doesn't want you
hanging around horo."
So ho didn't hang around then, or
any moro. Denver News.
"Wo tried keeping an account of
our expenditures, but after all it
didn't givo us a very clear idea of
whero tho money wont."
"Why not?"
"Both my wife and mysolf had too
many items that wo wanted listed as
sundries." Kansas City Journal.
When wo think of Ireland's woes,
our hearts go pity Pat! Lippincott'g
Latest Fashions for Readers
The Commoner
1 4fm I A.
2528 Ladles' Tucked Shirt Waist
with link cuffs. Adaptablo to heavy
linen, madras, pongee, or taffeta.
Six sizes 32 to 42.
3056 Girls' Coat. An excellent
model for velvet, broadcloth, sorgo or
mohair. Four sizes C to 12"ycarB.
30 GO Boys' Russian Suit, con
sisting of a' blouse, having sleeves
plaited at bottom or finished with
wrist bands and knickerbockers.
Serge, or flannel aro tho best me
diums for this llttlo suit. Four sizes
2 to 5 years.
3073 Ladies' Shirt Waist. This
would bo pretty developed in heavy
linen, madras, shepherds plaid or any
of the season's shirtings Sevcs sizes
32 to 44.
3055 Ladies' Seven Gored Skirt,
closing under an Inverted box-plait
at center-back seam, having inserted
plaited sections at sido seams and
backward turning plaits at the other
seams. Seven sizes 22 to 34.
3082 Ladies' Full Length Coat.
A very pretty model for broadcloth
in any desired shade. Seven sizes
32 to 44.
THE COMMONER will supply Its readers with perfect fitting, s earn
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The de
signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. The
price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large cata
logue containing the illustrations and descriptions of 1,000 seasonable
styles for ladles, misses and children, as well as lessons in home dress
making, full of helpful and practical suggestions In tho making of your
wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents.
In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number
and size desired.
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dept., Lincoln, Neb.
..h. . JM fjHJ