p- r '- I The Commoner TOLUMB I, NUMBER i 16 .11 1. 1. ' 1 1 m IH g 1,200 Large Pago Yearly. Our Wonderful "Dreamland" Art Calendar Free with Every Subscription. Always Full of Bright Pirhn-. Published Every Wednesday (52 Times a Year) at the Bible Home. New York. Subscription $1.50 per Annum. Louis Klopsch. Propri Different From Others and Better! THERE are over 22,000 papers published in this great country of ours, but there is only one Christian Herald, This differs from all the rest; it is the only one of its kind. It is a great Weekly Magazine aggregating over 1,200 Large Pages a Year. It is always sunshiny, optimistic, hopeful. It helps to make the world better, and its every page sparkles with life and beauty. To invite the weekly visits of The Christian Herald, "The Best of Magazines," to your home is like opening the shutters to let the glorious sunshine in. Gloom and despondency instantly disap pear. The wife will revel in its wealth of pictures and stories; the children will devour its contents, and the husband will declare that it was indeed a happy day for the entire household when he accepted our cofdial invitation to become a member of the Christian Herald Family. Although The Christian Herald contains in the course of a year as much as Any Four of the Dollar Magazines, its Subscription Price, Including our Superb "Dreamland Art lmHBH3AS3B t REV. CHARLES M. SHELDON Regular Contributor for 1910 MSB. ICARQARET E. BANOSTEfi Member KdJtoril BUff , Calendar, is only $1.50 PER ANNUM. If you subscribe to-day, you get the FIVE DECEMBER ISSUES FREE Enchantment For a Hundred Nights "Dreamland" Calendar Over 400 Large Generous Pages ( What Margaret E. Sangsfer Says oi I! ! There is not a Mother, or. for that matter, a Grandmother. in thw wide land, from coaat to coast, who will not want the 'Dreamland' Calendar for her own, as soon as she sees it. The avtist has chosen an ecstatic moment in home life, when the household darling, weary with play, has been caught in the toils of slumber. Hereshc lies, every muscle relaxed, the dimpled hands and the dancing feet quiet in repose. It is all one can do to keep from dropping a kiss on the rosy cheek; but we must not do that, for wc might waken the baby and call her back from Dreamland. "The 'Dreamland' Calendar will lend an additional touch of grace to the family's beat room. It will win a smile from the tired father who cores as much for the little maid as the mother .herself. Here is our darling fast asleep. Sleeping or waking, she is the joy of the house. "The Christian Herald has offered its readers many beau taful Calendars, but this one surpasses all former productions." What $2.oo Will Buy This Richly Illustrated Volume, " HERO TALES," 400 pages, Bound in Turkey Red and Gold; Our Incomparable "DREAM LAND" Calendar and THE CHRISTIAN HERALD to January 1, 1911 (ALL THREE), for TWO DOLLARS. HP ACT TO-DAY ! For THE CHRISTIAN HERALD with CAL- , - ,ENDAR, but without this Premium, send only ? 1.50 Measures When Ones fll 8x12 Inches "HL HBaHliuBakdM. Xf&-& 4j if ' JP$4Srm JT' IISCEhKkIMSBfFVA'yV jSnffi3$Cjfr JMtS JUHj.'V3tfvUfa7flyvil 1 jmBIELvPMPWiKwLTPyFi I ADMtRAI. OHAR TV flTaflBKB i ' U Will 'Writ Btorlmoltho American TJ6 4W-Siia3E Sent, All Charges Prepaid Heroes at Your Fireside Tales Aflame Willi Courage and Daring Would you like to know the Man who Walked Four Thousand Miles Through Six Bleak Winter Months to Add Three Stars to the American Flag ? Would you like to shake hands with a Woman who Saved Sixteen Children ? Would you like to look upon the Lad who Rescued a Thousand Lives in a Storm at Sea ? Would you like to see the Girl who Sacrificed Her Life (or Honor, and a Boy who Cave His Life to His Country? You can meet all these heroes and scores of olhers in Francis Trevelyan Miller's latest Book, entitled Hero Tales from American Life. " Throb With Patriotism These Hero Tales throb wilh genuine patriotism. They grip the heart; they thrill the emotions ; they bring out "the best that u in human life. They bristle with truth that is "stranger than fiction. They make one not-only glad to be an American but proud of the whole human race. They renew faith in the world and in humanity. A Book For Every Home Just think of it I Sitting down at your very fireside with Heroes of War. Heroes of Peace, Heroes of Conscience, Heroes oj Science, meeting them pradically face to face in your own home! What a treat these One Hundred Tales of Heroism will prove when read in the Family Circle for One Hundred Enjoyable Nights around the Evening Lamp I An Ideal Christmas Gift FREE ! i i HOUSANDS of beautiful pictures have appeared in recent years, but "Dreamland" is the most artistic and the mpst charming. Purity and peace breathe from the face of the sleeping child. Every one who looks upon it feels a sense of calm repose. That is why we selected it to illustrate our Dreamland Calendar, which we have designed to be the Handsomest and Richest Photogravure Ever Issued by The Christian Herald. THI?hdR?Ai5o aledar, Measuring 18x21 Inches, Goes FRlEE with Every Subscription to AHfc. CHKIbHAN HERALD. MT" UNCREASED AND IINnAMAaRn DPI.! VERY HITARANTEFn i-WttGmssi address To-anv Zl THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, 700-720 Bible House, New York I WttTBBD TKOMABON fiBENFEU' j H Explorer, Author nd Cmtrwtofjy mXi)itdr 4trt. t-A MutA. JL- . Hfe-i-g-aH