The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 26, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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NOVEMBER t2, -10
The Commoner.
pfyi; mpfwyp
Notico is hereby given that the
Commissioners of the Land Ofllce of
tho State of Oklahoma, under and by
virtue of tho authority vested in them
by the laws of said state, will offer
for sale and sell at public auction
G7340.G1 acres of Common School In
demnity Lands belonging to said state
and situate in tho County of Lincoln
and all improvements thereon situate
and which havo been appraised, Said
salo to begin on the 15th day of De
cember, A. D 1909, and to continue
up to and including tho 7th day of
January, 1910, Sundays and legal holi
days excluded.
Said sale will bo held at tho door
of the Court Houso wherein tho Coun
ty Court of said county is held in
tho City of Chandler, Oklahoma.
Said 57340.C1 acres of land are di
vided into 361 tracts and each tract
with tho improvements thereon, will
bo offered for salo and sold separate
ly. No person shall bo permitted to
purchase more than one quarter-section
of land and all salo of said land
shall be made according to tho provi
sions of Article 2, of Chapter 28 of
tho Session Laws of Oklahoma for tho
year 1909 and tho rules and regula
tions adopted by tho Commissioners
of the Land Office of said state, and
all bidders on said lands, and purchas
ers of said lands to bn irovornficl
and bound thereby.
Tho terms and conditions of the sale
of said lands and improvements are
as follows:
No bid can be made for tho improve
ments upon any tract of land to be
sold, but' tho improvements on any
tract shall bo purchased and paid for
by the successful bidder for the land.
On each tract of land for which some
person has a valid lease, such per
son as the lessee thereof, has tho pref
erence right to purchase nuch tract
at the highest bid received therefor,
or in the event no bid is received for
Buch tract, such lessee shall have tho
right to purchase the samo at tho ap
praised value thereof. Each tract of
land shall be sold at public auction to
the highest and best bidder and such
bidder upon the acceptance of his bid,
Is required to pay to tho Commis
sioners of tho Land Office, or their
authorized Agent, for tho use and
benefit of tho lessee of said tract, the
.appraised value of the improvements
thereon as shown by the' official ap
praisement thereof, and in addition to
.the payment of the appraised value of
"the improvements, tho successful bid
der shall, upon the acceptance of his
bid, be required to pay to tho Com--missioners
of tho Land Office, or
thoir authorized agent an amount
"(equal to 5 per cent of his bid upon
-the tract of land, but in no event shall
'said amount bo less than $50.00 and
"in no event will any bid for any tract
-of land be considered or accepted for
less than the appraised value thereof,
provided, however, in tho event that
tho lessee of any tract offered for
Bale and upon which a bid has been
offered and received, desires to and
docs then and there exercise his pref
erence right to purchase said land at
tho highest met, no snan nave tne law
Mul right so to do and if he so elects,
,the salo of such tract shall bo made
-to him. ,
The remainder of tho purchase price
to-wit: 95 per cent shall bo paid in
"forty equal annual payments with in
terest thereon, at tho rate of 5 per cent
per annum, provided, however, tho pur
chaser of any tract is given the priv
ilege at any interest payment after ex
piration of five years, to "pay any or
all deferred payments, both principal
"and interest.
Before any person other than tho
iaaan VinrAnf Rhn.11 bo nualifled to
bid upon any tract of said land, ho
Bhall deposit with the Commissioners
of the Land Office or their authorized
agent, an amount equal to 10 per
cent of the appraised value of the
lessee's improvements as shown by
tho official appraisement thereof and
when such deposit is made and the
person depositing the samo for the
purpose of qualifying himself to bid
upon a particular tract, and ho is un
successful in his bid for said tract,
such doposit if desired by thp unsuc
cessful bidder will bo retained and he
will be qualified to bid on any tract
offered for salo thereafter until he
A full and complete description of
each tract of said Jand can be had
upon application to said Commission
ers of ho Land Office and upon re-
quest, a pamphlet containing a com
plete list of said lands by section,
township and, range, toghe- i?
brief description of each tract there
of with tho Improvements thereon and
setting out the appraisement of : the
lands and tho Improvements, together
with a map of said county and an ab
stract of the laws authorizing the salo
of said lands and the rules and regu
lations adopted by the Commissioners
of the Land Ofllce will be furnished
free of cost to any Person
Address all communications to the
Commissioners of the Land Office of
tho State at Oklahoma, or Jno. N.
Shcplar, Supt. of Sales, Guthrie, Ok
lahoma. Witness our hands in tho City of
Guthrie, in said State, on this 11th
day of November, 190D.
Secretary of State
State Auditor.
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
President Board of Agriculture.
Composing Commissioners of Land
Office of the State of Oklahoma.
(Continued from Pago 11)
Nicaraguau government. The state
department at Washington practically
has recognized the belligerency of the
Nlcaracuan revolutionists and has
made peremptory demands upon
President Zelaya for explanation of
the execution of the two Americans
condemned as insurrectionists.
Collector Loeb of the port of New
York has summarily dismissed six
persons in the employ of tho New
York customs house as a result or
the sugar fraud exposures. The
names were not made public.
The American Federation of Labor
in annual session at Toronto, Canada,
endorsed the attitude taken by Presi
dent Gompers in the Bucks Stove and
Range company injunction proceed
ings, and voted to continue the sal
aries of Gompers and Secretary Mor
rison, and to compensate John
Mitchell, who is not a salaried officer,
during their terms of imprisonment,
in case it is eventually decided they
must go to jail for contempt of
court. They will be paid at the rate
of $5,000 per year. Tho convention
went on record as favoring a bill for
an eight hour day; a uniform em
ployers' liability law; the establish
ment of a department of labor inde
pendent of any other department un
der the government; Asiatic exclu
sion; the hatters' strike, and the
Porto Rican labor movement. Child
and convict labor and tho ship sub
sidy were opposed.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Paris says: "The situation resulting
from the French Episcopate's declar
ation of war against the public
snhrtola and the effort to mobolize
the Catholic voters for tbe coming
general election is rapidly entering
an acute stage. Monsignor Gely and
nthAr hiKhons have nubliciy rorom-
den Catholic parents to send their
children to public schools if Catholic
are available, and parents every
where are urged to refuse to allow
their children to use the interdicted
text books.."
J. L. Purcell, a claim holder near
Brushie, S. D., was held up by -a
masked bandit and robbed of ? 3,3 72.
He was en route from Huron, S. D
with his household effects in an Im
migrant car.
Louis Marshall of New York City
is being mentioned aB a probable
successor to the late Justice Peck
ham for the vacancy on the supreme
nvrraTTini "Dfin ftoTi of Illinois lle-
clared the office of sheriff of Alex
ander county, Illinois, vacant ue
cause Sheriff Frank E. Davis allowed
William James, a negro, and Henry
Salzner, white uxorcide, to be taken
from his cell to be lynched at Cairo,
mu nf acted in observance of
a law that provides that whenever
a' sheriff surrenders a prisoner to a
mob his office expires Immediately.
There has been a marked increase
in rice production in the United
Mental Medicine. Some practical
suggestions from a spiritual stand
point. By Oliver Huckel, S. T. D.
With an introduction by Lowcllys F.
Barker, M. D Professor of Medicino
in Johns Hopkins University. Thomas
Y. Crowell & Co.,' Publishers, Now
York. Price $1 tint.
Tho Toiler's Life. Poems by Ed
ward Nathaniel Harleston. Tho Jen
sen Press, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Quirt and" the Spur. Vanish
ing shadows of the Texas frontier.
By Edgar Ryo. W. B. Conkey Co.,
.Publishers, Chicago, 111.
Christendom. . (Pamphlet.) By
Ole Munch, Omaha, Nob.
Until the Evening. By Arthur C.
Benson. Thomas Y. Crowell, Pub
lishers, New York. 30 cents per
copy, postage t cento.
Homespun Religion. By Elmer
unsworth tiigiey, D. D. Thomas Y.
Crowell & Co., Publishers, New York.
Price 33,0 cents, postage 5 cents.
The Master's Friendships. By J.
R. Miller. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,
Publishers, New York. Price 30
cents: nostace 5 cents.
Why Grow Old? By Orison Swett
Marden. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,
Publishers, New York. Prico 30
cents; postage 5 cents.
Socialism as an Incubus on tho
American Labor Movement. By J.
W. Sullivan. The Volunteer Press
Print, 38 Cooper Square, New York.
Prico 50 cents.
The Boy's Account of It. A chron
icle of foreign travel by an eight-year-old.
"Bobs ' Roberts (William
Culver Roberts, Jr.) Tho Waterloo
Press, 34G Broadway, New York.
The Young Man's Affairs. By
Charles Reynolds Brown. Thomas Y.
Crowell & Co., Publishers, New York.
$1 net.
When America Won Liberty. Pa
triots and Royalists. By Tudor
Jenks. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,
Publishers', New York. $1.25.
Essentials of Public Speaking for
Secondary Schools. By Robert I.
Fulton, Dean of the School of Ora
tory and Professor of Oratory in
Ohio Wesleyan University, and Thos.
C. Trueblood, Professor of Oratory In
University of Michigan. GInn & Co.,
Publishers, Boston, New York and
The Ethics of Progress. By Chas.
F. Dole, author of "The Spirit of
Democracy," etc. $1.50. Postage
15 cents. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,
Publishers, New York.
Nicholas Senn. An Appreciation.
By S. M. Wylie, M. D., Paxton, 111.
My Three Days in Gilead. By
Elmer U. Hoenshel, D. D., Principal
Shenandoah Institute, Dayton, Va.
The Otterbein Press, Dayton, Ohio.
The Function of Religion in Man's
Struggle for Existence. By George
Burman Foster, Professor of the
Philosophy of Religion in the Uni
versity of Chicago. The University
of Chicago Press, Chicago. $1 net.
fin TiYirwaTfl. BV J. R. Miller.
Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., Publishers,
New York. Price 50 cents net. jtosc
age 5 cents.
Into the Night. A story of New
Orleans'. By Frances Nlmmo Greene.
Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York.
Price $1.20 net. Postage 12 cents.
A Book of Quatrains, uy i reaenc
Rowland Marvin. Sherman, French
& Co., 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
$1 net. Postage 7 cents.
Historic Bibles in America'. By
Rev. John Wright, D. D., LL. D.
Thomas Whittaker, Publisher, 2 and
3 Bible House, New York.
The Kingdom in tho Cradle. By
James Atkins, A. M;, D, D. Publish
ing House of the M. E. Church,
Sonth. Smith & Lamar, Agents,
Nashville, Tenn.
What They Did With Themselves.
By Ernest Hamlin Abbott, Thomas
Y Crowell & Co., Publishers, New
York. 30 cents net per volume, by
mail 35 cents.
Buckeye Pure Horrr Made
Our emtomern any I tho beat
they rvi-r ate. Don't rmttfiarn
our Willi Ui cJimp factory
rood. Wo ship to all pnru of
tho United -tnlM In tiill or
Inrso rjunriMtlm. HtlrtwUori
minrnntecd. Wilto new fur dr
CJ. MILLER CO,, Dept.C.SmitlivHIo, Ohio
Wilton Afrf'limn f!tftltia. UJ..I,..
tlli f.l- ' .w.. ' '
" ' U iuv
I'hn only nnn
that mti wiwli
out kh
Price $6.50
Tho onlv on In Din
world WmIim In ten
minute. mwiyiMi !
i yonr ji huh or roinwr.
I'ltnttiiv tut Aalr.
your ilfnler atxit
IU bond for IohIIcU
Wilson Mfg. Co,, 69 Clinton Bid,, Cnlumbus.O
quit if lllntrtrah and trinket And handle our won
derful machlnu. TIIK KING BKl'AHATOU make bulla
lu no rnlnuteg kU all of It nnd miU down work one
half. I'rteo 16, you tnalcett.CO. Moitorery fanner buy.
Jut ay "ihow mo" and vro'll ho thcro with tho prof.
New Invention ZS&SSSSSS.
AdurcRH O. l I'lvii.nai, uucii, otihhi
KUPJKKHKNTATIVH to tnko tho oichwlvo
neency to promote nnd coll telephones for InrmoiV
II tics. Full Instruction. Illir rmiflfit. Clenn. lifch
clrwu occupation. AdrirenJ 'Tim iro Htijiply
Jo,, Itcnk It, St, Jjtntlh, Mo,
41 A T. T7 IP Q nnlM thorn without milk.
XliltnAMCA. Hiilin CO., Otnttha, TUcor,
HOTUIil rUHK Bent !y ozprrnt toyotion
lid I W mh Krco Trial. If it curei iiend II; If
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nOt, (lOfl'L OIVO OXprOM OfIlC.
National Chemical Co.,7M Ohio Ave. Bldnoy.O.
Frco report rui to Pxitontfihlllty. llluntrnUd dulde
Hook, and List of Inventions Wanted. cnt freu.
Victim J. Kvawu A. Co.. Wflhlni3mu.I "
Wo will pend you 12 of tho prettiest pout cards
you elver fcnw If you will oil tlito atlvortltioinnnlput
and uend to na with 4c to pny poilnco and malUoK
nd MjHmt TpinjSyMcaOM
gaa Mouth nth Ht., jL'hiuidciphtt, ru.
A Cents 13 Weeks
I l In tliis illustrated na.
I fl tlonal weekly all the
v Iraperttnt newt of the
ih li iLatcd clearly.
lahly. brlelr. lor bury readers
Unique forelzn luminary,
popular! noreU cotulenied, odd sketch, home dlerlon--many
ordinal feature of rare Interest If 1 rellat, enter
talolnir Tl 1 1' rair for the home. Take! lUec of a to f
paper. h"4 15 now for IS wei to faUiiaUtr, Wal. O. C
Let me eend
vnu a remark
able treatment lor Ilaldne,
Dandruff, Cray Hair, etc.. at
my own expense. It will sur
prlte and delight you. Wrlu
today to
nx.t'lUJ). KKK.1K, IVel!tot
Urrlatr IniL, UtpU 204
lialtlmore, Md.
If you are ilck, weak or despondent
aend me a sample of your unae for aaJr
tod I will send you one week s roecbcaJ
treatment and diet Jut free of cost. Uo
you think I could altota 10 mate ""
U I were not cer tain of good result. ? Mad
inn case and bottle fot urine, sent on re
ceipt of 4 cents foe potue. Charies lor
reoular treatment reasonable. Iwenty
years experience in the trea'?eat , . "
leases oftrKidneyK Bladder.. Lrver.
Stomach and Nerves. EitaUuJhcrJ in Pitts
burg in 1 000. ,-u,e ,,ce
DB.J.F.SHAFER 214 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa-
m.tL YAk,
is honest officials; the best se
curity of depositors Is tho Okla
homa bank law. Bank officials
are not always honest. Tho
state banks of Oklahoma aro
all operated under tho Guar
anty Law. If you want to
know about it ask for our
Muskogee, Oklahoma
M. G. IIASKELL, Cashier
a9Wt t. '- r.ftttWiiiJWiM-
li ii wrn-f" """" '
. - -re. ! jj .
, ALtj.Htiu, leatr. if liMMisfiejitn- mi Ti i TJaliiWf " iiiWti aili tf iittliifitj