The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 26, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    riw 'U.-' J. , Wv'
The Commoner.
v ' "r, '" ' s
Suggestions for Handsome Christmas Presents How to Secure Without Cost Any Piece or Set of the Famous
Finish, Sterling Silver Effect An Extremely Beautiful, Artistic, Exclusive Design in Guaranteed Silverware
It docs not matter whero you live, just so It is in tho
United States. Wo aro going: to give you an unprece
dented opportunity to secure for your own use, or to
uso as Christmas presents for frlonds or relatives, any
pioco or set of tho Celebrated Reliance Plate Silverware,
Wild wood Pattern, manufactured and guaranteed by the
Famous Oneida Community Company, of Oneida, N. Y.
Wo selected tho Reliance Plate In tho handsome Wild
wood Pattern, an absolutely now and exqulsito design,
as tho most beautiful lino of sllvorwaro that wo could
find anywhere. Wo know it can not fall to please you
in every particular. The RcIInnee Plate, Wildwood Pat
tern, is without question one of tho most dainty patterns
over produced In sllvorwaro. Finished in the beautiful
French gray, Sterling Silver effect, it is absolutely the
finest waro on tho market today, and people aro simply
delighted with it.
The Reliance Plate, Wlldwood Pattern, Is manufactured
by tho famous Oneida Community Company of Oneida,
Now York (operating four largo factories), and each
piece or sot sent out is accompanied by tho manufactur
er's 10 year printed gunrnutcc. The Reliance Plate Is
guaranteed to bo made of superior 18 per cent nickel
silvor tho best for plating upon; that it has a heavy
plate of pure silver 25 per cent heavier than tho regular
Standard Al plato; .it is made throughout by skilled
workmen in accord,an with tho best and most modern
methods of sllvorwaro manufacture, and any piece which
does not conform to this guarantee will bo replaced free
of charge direct from the factory.
All you need to do to secure this strictly high-grade,
guaranteed silverware is to Induce a few of your friends
to subscribe for The American Homestead, which Is ono
of tho brightest and mont attractive farm and household
'in.-peTB -publlnliea. T3y special arrangements, wo aro able
to make, for a limited time, these extraordinary offers,
fully listed and doscrlbod bqlow. Secure for us tho num-
bor of subscribers under each offer that you decide you
would Jilco, and In return tor your work wo will send
you FREE and PREPAID this handsome and beautiful
silverware. Read those eight big oft'ers and see how few
subscribers It takes for you to earn these handsome
premiums. You can work for as many premiums as you
wish, and thus accumulate a complete line of tho very
best silverware made silverwaro that will bo a source
of prldo and satisfaction to yourself and tho admiration
of your friends.
How to Secure This Beautiful Silverware
For Yourself Without Cost
OFFER NO. 1. One Sugar Shell, Beautiful Wildwood
Pattern, Reliance Plato, nicely packed In lined box.
Plated with pure silver 26 per cent heavier than reg
ular Standard Al plate and Is guaranteed by the mak
ers for 10 yenrs. Sent free and postpaid to your ad
dross for sending us only one new yearly subscriber to
Aiie jvmencan liomcsteaii at 5U cents. This premium
would make a very handsome Christmas present for
your friends or relatives, and nothing would please
them moro than this beautiful Sugar Shell even if you
nald many dollars for It. Wo will send tho Sugar
Shell and tho paper for one year to any address you
desire, or any number at 50 cents each.
OFFER NO. 2. One Ruttcr Knife, Beautiful Wildwood
Pattern, Reliance Plato, nicely packed in lined box.
Plated with pure silver 25 per cent heavier than reg
ular Standard Al plate, and is guaranteed by the mak
ers for 10 years. Sent free and postpaid to your ad
dress for sending us only one new yearly subscriber
to The American Homestead at 50 cents. If you wish
to use It as a Christmas present, wo will send Butter
Knife and tho paper to "any address you desire, or as
many as wanted at 50 cents each.
OFFER NO. 3. One Sngnr Shell nntl One Butter Knife,
Beautiful Wildwood Pattern, Reliance Plato, packed
together In fancy cloth-lined box. Plated with pure
silver 25 per cent heavior than regular Standard Al
plato and guaranteed by the makers for 10 years.
Sent free and postpaid to your addross for sending us
only two yearly subscribers to The American Home
stead at 50 cents each.
OFFER NO. 4 Set of Six Teaspoons, Beautiful Wild
wood Pattern, Reliance Plate, packed in box. Plated
with pure sliver 25 per cent heavier than regular
Standard Al plate, and Is guaranteed by the makers for
10 years.. Sent free and postpaid to your address for
Bonding us only three new yearly subscribers to The
American Homestead at 50 cents each. You can work
for as many sots as you desire.
OFFER NO. 5. Set of Six Tablespoons. Beautiful Wild
wood Pattern, Reliance Plate, packed in box. Plated
with pure sliver 25 per cent heavior than regular
Standard Al plato and guaranteed by the makers for
10 years. Sent free and postpaid to your address for
sending us only six pew yearly subscribers to The
American Homestead at 50 cents each.
OFFER NO. 0. Set of Six Knives, Beautiful Wildwood
Pattern, Reliance Plate, packed In box. Plated with
pure sliver 25 per cent heavior than regular Standard
A.1 plate and guaranteed by the makers for ten yenrs.
Sent free and postpaid to your address for sending us
only eight now yearly subscribers to The American
Homestead at 50 cents each.
Nothing would please
your friends or relatives
so much as a pieco of
this Beautiful Silverware,
ven if you paid many
dollars for it Tho very
pest silverwaro made.
Manufactured and guar
anteed by tho famous
Oneida Community Com
pany, of Onolda, N. Y.
Each piece 25 per cent
heavier plato than regu
lar Standard Al plate.
To prove to you that our offers
aro genuino in overy respect, and
that the Reliance Plato Silverware
is just as wo represent it to be in
all particulars, The American Home
stead will send free, sample tea
spoon to anyone desiring to work
for any premium. Send name and
address and enclose 12 conts for
postago and packing. Sample copies
of our paper mailed free on re
quest. Uso coupon. Start your
club at onco.
P. O
OFFER NO. 7. Set of Six Forks, Beautiful Wildwood
Pattern, Reliance Plato, packed in box Plated with
puro silver 25 per cent heavier than regular Standard
Al Plato and guaranteed by the makers for 10 years,
bent free and postpaid to your address for sending us
only eight now subscribers to The American Home
stead at 50 cents each. "".
OFFER NO. 8. Twenty-six Piece Set, Beautiful Wild
wood Pattern, Reliance Plate, In handsome cloth-lined
oak case, having an upper and a lower drawer com
partment. Plated with puro sliver 25 per cent heavier
than regular Standard Al plato and guaranteed by the
makers for 10 years. This sot is most attractively
put up, and comprises C teaspoons, 6 tablespoons, 6
knives, 6 forks, 1 sugar shell and 1 butter knife. Sent
free and prepaid to your address for sending us only
25 new yearly subscribers to The American Home
stead at 50 cents each. This is such a set that you
can show it with a great deal of pride to your most
particular friends, for each piece is extremely beautiful.
u bA 1?orP. than, repaid if you mako an extra
effort to obtain this set.
These Great Offers Are. Open to All
These extremely liberal offers are open to all, and it
is not necessary for you to bo a subscriber in order to
take subscriptions for our paper. You can work for any
one or all of these offers If you can not secure all tho
subscriptions for the article of your choice at onco,
send them as fast as you talc them and wo will place
them to your credit until you have finished working
- for tho desired premium. Your own subscription will
count toward any premium under these offers. Send
U3 12 cents for postage and packing and we will sond
you sample spoon free. See coupon. This sample spoon
will give you an idea of tho value and beauty of tho
Reliance Plate, Wildwood Pattern, and will help you to
secure your club easily. Show your frlonds the sample.
They will be glad to help you fill your club, and wo will
give every ono so doing a chance to get some of this
beautiful silverwaro for themselves. When you see tho
sample wo know you will bo highly pleased with this
Handsome Reliance Plate, Wildwood Pattern. You will
not bo satisfied until you have secured as many pieces
ast possible. Don't confuse tho Reliance-Plate Silverware
with the cheap nickel-plated waro usually given for
premiums. Ask any dealer his prices on genuino Stand
ard Al plate, any make.
Something About Our Big Paper
It is very easy to secure subscriptions for our big
farm and household paper The American Homestead,
First Everyone likes the papor.
Second Tho subscription price is low and within the
reach of everyone.
ThIr,d--w,nIle tno subscription price Is only 50 conts per
year, Mr. Charles W. Bryan, the publisher, gives his per
sonal guaranteo to every subscriber to refund the amount
paid for a yearly subscription, if subscriber is not satis
fied after reading three issues. This positive guaranteo
makes It a very easy matter to secure any one's sub
scription. Each subscriber thus receives more than tho
worth of his money, and you receive this Handsome,
Guaranteed Silverware free and prepaid to your home.
Fourth The American Homestead is a general farm
paper devoted to tho diversified interests of the American
farmer, no matter whore living, and Is educational and
instructive In character. It is not theoretical nor techni
cal, but practical and intensely interesting brief, con
cise attractive using plain, every-day English.
Fifth It is alike Interesting and useful to tho dweller
in tho town, because it contains invaluable information
on such matters as proper care of fruit trees, garden,
poultry, and, all kinds of live stock.
Sixth It is an old established paper, published for 27
years without missing an Issue. Issued monthly.
Seventh It conducts an ablo household department of
Interest and value to every woman. Cash prizes are
offered every month for the best recipes and household
suggestions from Its readers. It is Interesting and en
tertaining to overy member of the family.
Begin at Once to Start Your Club
Mako up your mind now to try for ono or moro of our'
Sors y?0 believe this Is tho greatest opportunity ever
ottered by any publisher. Think of being able to got this
high-grade Reliance Plate in the beautiful Wildwood
Pattern on tho easy terms wo offer. We secured tho very
best ware wo could possibly find for our club raisers
sllvorwaro that is absolutely guaranteed by tho maker
for ten years, and which will not only please every one,
but will remain as a standing advertisement for our
paper for years to come, It is worth any one's time to
earn these premiums, and you should mako an extra
effort to obtain one or moro of our offers, Tho name,
stamp and guaranteo of tho Famous Oneida Community
Company is a sufficient guarantee of its value. See their
advertisements in the leading ladies' magazines. This
offer is so good and the name of the maker is so well
known that wo will bo flooded with orders. Start to
work at onco and send In your orders early. We will
have sufficient force to handle your orders promptly, but
it is best to be as early as possible If you wish any
premium to uso for Christmas presents.
Addross all letters and orders to
ki. HfttLLLJfju. r frfifctftrfvi jr