" p'wpip,wipippii,ii'pi)pwiiffiW'iwiM i.mmHm.wirg"ww","t" nw &? PJW'" ' ' maiwunBrr ,-- " " T '' "TW" JC"" "TT -P" ' "i ' t"Pnjyn .jW" rrr RmMMWiMinHmmMiMmmwi n vtl NOVEMBER 5, 1909 3 "It is not tho visible presence of members, but their judgment and their, votes tho constitution calls for." And whether ten years afterward ho Baid a different thing whllo occupying tho speaker's chair, when it was necessary in order to securo an increased representation of his party in congress. Mr. Grosvonor: Does the gentleman think it any reflection upou tho statesmanship of a member of congress for him to change his mind "upon a question? Mr. Bryan: Not at all, sir. In fact, I be 'lieve it is the duty of a man to change his mind if he finds that ho is wrong. Mr. Grosvenor: There havo been somo changes of opinion lately in this house, and I did not know whether tho gentleman was pass ing criticism upon that, (daughter.) Mr. Bryan:' I will 3ay this, however, that it sometimes is the caso that where ono party is in power, and desires to do a thing, one of tho party out of power will denounce tho act as wrong, and then when that man comes into power ho -will change his mind, when party necessity requires a change of action. I say that is possible; and I am sure that tho gentle man from Ohio (Mr. Grosvenor) will agree with me that such a change of mind is not to be de fended. Only that change of mind which is an honest change, brought about by an honest con sideration of all the questions involved, is to bo commended. But I say, Mr. Speaker, it is not a question whether the speaker of this house at that timo violated tho precedents of a hundred years and placed a construction upon tho constitution which no previous congress had placed there. It is not a question whether his opinion in power was different from that which ho expressed when out of power. The question is simply as to the wisdom of adopting the rule which was adopted at that time. I quote from the supremo court decision, where the court says that this house has the right to select, not only the method solected in the Fifty-first congress, but tho right to select the method which has been selected in every other congress from the beginning of this gov ernment to this time; in otner words, that the house can determine for itself how tho presence of a quorum shall bo ascertained. In the de cision tho rule adopted February 14, 1S90, au thorizing the speaker to count a quorum, is set forth, and then follows this language: "Tho action taken was in direct compliance with this rule. Tho question, therefore, Is as to the validity of this rule, and not what meth ods the speaker may of his own motion resort to for determining the presence of a quorum, nor what matters tho speaker or clerk may of their own volition place upon the journal. "Neither do tho advantages or disadvantages, the wisdom or folly, of such a rule present any matters for judicial, consideration. With tho courts the question is only one of power. . f 'Tho . constitution empowers each house to determine rules of proceeding. It may not by its rules ignore constitutional restraint or violate fundamental rights, and there should be a rea sonable relation between the mode or method of proceeding established by theru.le and the re sult which is sought to be attained. But within these limitations all matters of methods . aro open to the determination of the .house, arid it is no impeachment of the rule to say that some other way, would be better, more , a.ccurate, or even. more. just. , . . i ..' "It is no objection to the validity of a rulo that a different one has been prescribed and in force for a length of time. . . . "But how shall the presence of a majority be .determined? The constitution haB prescribed no method of making this determination, and it is therefore within the competency of tho house to prescribe any method which shall tie reasonably certain to ascertain tho fact. It may prescribe answer to roll call as the only method of determination; or require the passage of members between tellers, and their count a3 tho eole test; or tho count of the speaker or tho clerk, and an announcement from tho desk of the names of those who are present. "Summing up this matter, this law is found in the secretary of the treasury's office, properly authenticated. If we appeal to the journal of the house, we find that a majority of Its members were present when the bill passed, a majority creating by the constitution a quorum, with au thority to act upon any measure; that the pres ence of that quorum was determined in accord- The Commoner. anco with a reasonable and valid rulo therototbre adopted by tho house." But when wo say, that Instead of adopting tho method adopted, in tho Fifty-first congress, wo will adopt tho method adopted by all pro coding congresses rfud by tho Fifty-second con gress, I believo that wo follow tho safer course, and that our action in not counting a quorum or allowing it to bo done, is based on solid wisdom. And just a word, Mr. Speakor, to show the wisdom of our method. Tho gentleman from Texas (Mr. Bailey) in tho last congress showed what various states had dono; and while- 1 enn not give the states as he gave them, yet my recol lection is that more than half of tho statos of this union provide by their constitutions that no bill shall become a law until a majority of all the members elected shall express their con sent upon a yea and nay vote. 1 beliovo that provision is a wise ono. I beliovo it Is only a saro provision that beforo a bill shall bocomc a law a majority of all members oloctcd to con gress shall express it as thoir wish, and not merely a majority of those who happen to bo present if a quorum is present. A great deal was said about wanting tho ma jority to rule. Mr. Speaker, I call attention to tho fact that tho counting of a quorum is not a device by which a majority can rule. It is a device by which a minority can enact lawB. A majority in favor of a bill requires no counting of a quorum. It is when there is not a majority in favor of a bill, that a quorum must bo count ed in order to pass tho bill. Now, what is pos sible under it? Wo havo in this house 35G mem bers. Ono hundred and seventy-nine make a quorum. According to all rules, If wo havo present 179 members, and 90 members vote aye and 89 voto no, the bill will bo passed. Now that is because the constitution says that, a quorum being pres ent, a majority of tho majority is sufilclcnt to pass a bill. But for ono hundred years our peoplo have placed a construction on that, and they havo given to tho minority tho right, by refusing to. vote, to compel tho concurrence of a majority in legislation. I believo that that safeguard is a wise one, and that no great interest will suffer if you simply stay tho hand of legislative power until you bring in a majority who aro in favor of tho proposition. But in tho rules of tho Fifty-first congress that safeguard was taken away, and with 89 refusing to vote, the speaker, according to the rules afterward adopted, and in accord ance with his own" opinion beforo tho rules wore adopted, was able to count tho 89 as present, and thus two moro than one-fourth of tho house Were able to unseat a member and put another member in his place. The first instance whore this rule was called into effect was in the case of Smith vs. Jackson, which camo up on the 29th day of January, 1890. There 1G2 members of congress voted in favor . of unseating tho man who held tho certificate. It was not a majority of the members of that congress, and yet it illustrates what could bo dono under the rules of the Fifty-first congress. Wo havo refused to adopt theso rules. We .havo gone back to the precedents of a hundred years, and left it in tho power of those dissenting to compel the concurrency of a majority in tho passage of a measure by refusing to vote, there by breaking a quorum, whenever, in their judge ment, such action would be justifiable. There is another question. The Fifty-first congress gave to the speaker the right to de termine what was a dilatory motion. That power, sir, when wisely exercised Is perhaps not a dangerous power; but that power the fifty second congress refused to give the speaker; that power, this congress has so far refused to trust to the speaker; and I believo wo aro wise in refusing that power to any man. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Will tho gentleman permit mo to interrupt him there? Mr. Bryan: Certainly. Mr. HopklnB, of Illinois: Do I understand tho gentleman to say that wo havo no rule that would permit tho speaker to determine what is a dilatory motion? Mr. Bryan: I do not believo the speaker of the house should be invested, with tho power to declare by his judgment what is a dilatory mo tion, and thus stop what we call filibustering. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Now, if tho gentle man will permit me, did ho not, as a member of the last congress, voto for a code of rules that clothed the speaker with that authority? Mr. Bryan: Under, tho provision with regard o suspension of the rules? Mr. HopklnB, of Illinois: Yes, sir. Mr. Bryan: I believe that no motion is in order Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: But did not tho gentloman In tho lust oongrasi voU for ft codo of rules which clothsd tho syenknr with that authority? Mr. Springer: in two ontos only. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: I do not caro whether It is two or one. Mr. Bryan: I was going to my Mr. Outhwalte: It does not clothe lilrn with tho powor to determine what Is a dilatory mo tion Mr. Hood: It takes three of them to answer. Mr. Outhwaito, continuing: Or what the mo tive of the maker Is. It only onnblos him to doclaro a motion dilatory whon tho motion It solf shows It Is a dilatory motion, and for delay. Mr. Bryan: And that la what the rulo says. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Doe It not clothe tho spanker with authority to declare what is a dilatory motion? Mr. Bryan: It dooa not glvo tho speaker tho right to determine what tho motive of tho makor was, but simply what the effect was; and that was tho rule. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Has not tho speakor, under section 8, rule 14, the samo power, whon It comes to a question of suspending tho rules, that tho speaker of tho Fifty-first congress was elothod with under tho rules adopted by that body? Mr. Payne: 'And in language preoluely tho same? Mr. Reed: It Is on pages 11 and 19. Mr. Bryan: It seems to take three gentlemen to propound the question. (Laughter.) Tho Speaker, pro tempore: Doos tho gentle man from Nebraska yield to tho gentlonmn from Illinois? Mr. Bryan: Yes, sir; I yield to tho threo gentlemen. (Laughter.) Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Beforo tho gentle man yields to tho others, If ho will simply an swer my quostlon, I will bo obliged. Did not he, as a mombor of tho last congress, voto for a codo of rules that lodged with tho speaker tho power to dotermlno what Is a dilatory motion? Ho has refused to answer that question yet. Mr. Bryan: 1 votod for tho rules adopted. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Can not tho Kontle man bo frank, and say yes or no? Will tho gentleman- allow mo Mr. Bryan: I will allow you to framo your question If you will allow mo to framo my answer. Mr, Hopkins, of Illinois: Doos It require an argument to answor? Can not you answer by yes or no? Mr. Bryan: Aro you ready to lot me answer? Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: Do you decline to answer my question? , . Mr. Bryan: If tho gentleman Is through with the question I will answer. air. Hopkins, of Illinois: Well, Mr. Speakor, I will not press tho gentleman upon that point, as I see It Is a delicate subject with him. It Is a question which could havo been answered with a direct yes or no. Mr. Bryan: Tho gentleman lias submitted his question, and I will try to answer it and go back to the point whero ho Interrupted mo. Now, whilo such a provision is In tho rules of tho last congress, those rules provided that In the instances which tho gentleman refers to the speaker was permitted to decldo that a motion which delayed action was not In order. But I do not understand that the decision of tho speaker In the last congress was at all like tho decision of tho speaker of tho Fifty-first congress. And furthermore, tho decision of tho speaker of tho last congress was based upon the decisions of speakers In other congresses previous to the Fifty-first, under tho samo rule, and presents a very different question from that which was raised in the Fifty-first congress. Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: In the last congress, in tho two instances to which tho gentleman's attention has been called, is not tho language which lodges this power in tho speaker precisely ' tho language In which the rulo was clothed that was adopted by the Fifty-first congress?" Mr. Bryan: I can not say. Will you answer that question yourself? Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois: I think It was. Mr. Bryan: The gentleman thinks. It was, and I do not know, so we will leavo It there. (Laughter.) Now, Mr. Speaker, I want to say this: Tho provision of tho rules in this congress and In tho last congress Is very different from that In tho rules of tho Fifty-first congress, In that, instead of lodging tho power In the speaker to stop filibustering, they lodge that power In the house itsolf, and to my mind there fs a very great distinction between allowing a speaker to say that filibustering shall stop and allowing 3 '! m l-.....-.U.,BM?aiW.J tJtt.n.i."-J . - J , UJ...