The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 05, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Mr. Bnan m
the Northwest
Tho Victoria (B. C.) Daily Times
prints the following report of Mr.
Bryan's visit to Victoria:
Tho Victoria rheatro was crowded
to its capacity last evening by a very
enthusiastic audipneo to listen to
William J. Bryan deliver his lecture
on "The Prince of Peace." R. B.
McMlcking, president of the Young
Men's Christian Association, under
whoso auspices the lecture was givon,
occupied tho chair and on the plat
form with him wore many prominent
citizens, including his worship Mayor
Hall, G. H. Barnard, M. P.; Ralph
Smith, M. P.; John Oliver, M. P. P.,
tho new liberal leader; C. C. Mich
oner, Hon. Abraham Smith, U. S.
consul; Rev. T. B. Holling, W. L.
Clay and others.
Charles W. Bishop, B. A. western
field secretary for colleges and edu
cational institutions of the Y. M. C.
A., was called upon to open the pro
ceedings with a vocal solo and sang
in splendid style, "The Lord is My
Light." President McMicking in in
troducing tho speaker of the evening
took occasion to thank the citizens
of Victoria on bohalf of the Y. M.
C. A. for the generous support in
tho matter of the recent building
campaign and said that the present
tour of Mr. Bryan through the Do
minion was to assist the various Y.
M. C. A. institutions in the cities he
Mr.. Bryan made no apology for
speaking on a, religious theme. He
said that while his time and thought
had been givon to tho problems of
government and would still bo given
tho strong face, with its gentle play
of eyes and mouth, and to see tho
quiet simple gesture which empha
sized tho truth that was being given
to tho audience; or to hear the tones
of tho voice that also carried empha
sis of the words spoken. After deal
ing with the theories of creation and
saying that no theory which did not
go back to tho great Creator as tho
primial force could bo accepted, Mr.
Bryan went on to deal with the mys
teries and miracles of human Hfo.
And here his illustrations were par
ticularly apt. Tho growth of tho
wheat kernel, the change of tho wa
termelon seed into the ripened fruit
with Its different parts and colors,
and then the change of Hfo which
comes from a trust in God were well
used to show that mystery and mar
vol should not shatter faith in the
Supremo Being. Dealing with the
vicarious atonement tho speaker
showed how that man himself had
been willing through all the ages to
make sacrifice for his convictions,
and for the sake of others. The men
of the past had given to us the right
of free speech, of free government,
of tho free press by reason of their
sacrifice of life and all for the sake
of the generations to follow. We are
continually paying back that which
we owe to those who have gone be
fore by giving to those who are
around us or who are to follow us
of the best that is in us.
Mr. Bryan gavo several reasons
why he believed in the divinity of
Christ. Argument followed argument
in duick succession, and the faith of
the speaker was seen behind his
statements. Some sentences could
not bo easily forgotten. For in
stance, "the human measure of life
is its income, tho divine measure of
life is its outgo." Or this, "the
day of a man who has filled so spec
tacular a role on tho stage of United
States politics, regard him with a
clearer eyo tlian hitherto. Mr. Bryan
is that highest form of politician a
statesman; he is an orator famous in
a land of orators; but above and be-J
yond these he is an altruist. The
methods of his party may not ap
peal to tho majority; his .own per
sonal political and social creeds may
not find affection with all, but no
one will deny that he aims at ideals
and fights gallantly to win them. This
latter also is a feature in the great
democrat's character which must
compel admiration of the strongest
from even his enemies and critics.
News of the Week
Delara, the Mexican attorney, held
by the United States irrigation au
thorities at Los Angeles on the
charge of being an anarchist, has
been released on $3,000 bail.
At a meeting of the conservatives
of Cuba' resolutions were adopted
declaring the administration of Go
mez to be a failure.
General Estrada says ho will soon
make a proclamation declaring the
independence of the Atlantic coast
states of Nicaragua as a republic.
to that subject, and while he made Unanswerable argument in favor of
A cablegram from Finland says
tha bill giving Hebrews a limited
right of residence in Finland is un
der consideration by the constitu
tional committee of the Finland diet.
Tho measure, however, applies to
Hebrews who were born or have
lived for a decade in Finland.
Don't Wear a Truss
After Thirty Years Experience I nnve
Produced aa Appliance for Men
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If you havo tried most overythinir
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ing seen my illustrated book and read
it you will bo as enthusiastic as mv
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can also read. Fill out frco coupon be
low and mail today. It's well worth
your timo whether you try my Appli
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C. D. Brooks, 1463 Brooks Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich.
Please send mo by mail in plain
wrapper your illustrated book and
full information about your Appli
ance for tho euro of rupture.
City Stato.
numerous political speecnoBv and
would continue to do so, ho preferred
.making a religious speech. In poll
v. tics it was necessary to convince a
majority of the people to think as
you think in order that your ideas
might bo carried into practice, and
he naively added, it was astonishing
how difficult this task appeared to
be; but in religion if you could im
press one heart and life with a high
er aim the speech was a success. He
hoped to be able to help some one to
a stronger faith in God by his words
as he delivered tho address of the
The lecturer then plunged right in
to his subject and as he laid the
foundations for his faith in very
beginnings of Bible history one could
not help realizing the strength and
virility of the man himself. In spite
of years of strenuous political life
he stood before the audience as a
champion of Christian faith and was
using his charms of oratory to
strengthen the faith of his audience.
It did not seem a stepping aside for
one moment from his life's work, but
rather one felt it to be the real con
viction of the orator that this was
part of his life as well as the other
which had occupied so much of his
time and attention. There ho stood.
the Christian faith was a Christian
life." The tendency of the religious
world today was to emphasize the
first part of that verse which has
been the "text" for all Christian
teaching, "Christ came to bring life
and immortality to lteht" The em
phasis used to be put on immortality,
how we might reach heaven; now it
is put on life, how we may live to
help our fellows. Tho word of
Christ, "he that saveth his life shall
lose it, and he that loseth his life
for My sake, shall find it," were not
the words of a fanatic, but were the
epitome of history. The speaker fin
ished with a peroration that spoke
of optimism in regard to the eventual
history of tho Christian truth. He
believed that if the need arose men
would be found in those days to die
for their faith in Christ.
A vote of thanks to the lecturer
was moved by G. H. Barnard, M. P.,
and seconded by C. C. Michener and
carried amid hearty and prolonged
The Y. M. G. A. are to be most
heartily congratulated upon the com
plete success of Mr. Bryan's visit.
The weather was most favorable; Vic
toria iooKea ner best m the glow of
autumn tints, and with many gardens
A fire broke out in the Black Hills I
forest reserve and 6,000 acres of
fine timber was destroyed. Several
hundred men were engaged in fight
ing the flames.
AGFNTS 200 profit
-- w lUndy. Automatlo
Do away with old hamo atrip,
Uone owneri and teamstart
wild about them. Failtn
Instantly with bIotoi on. Outwar the harness. Money back It
not satisfactory. Wilts today for conUUentl&l tonus to agsnu.
F. Thomas Mfjf. Co., 731 TVsyao St, Dayton, Ohio
viuiu uuu wuBuuua. .mere no stood, " nm, ,u wiui many garaens
the very ideal of a public speaker. 8tl11 carrying the abundant blossoms
Cool, collected, always master of late summer, and the crowds that
himself and his audience; with the
very simplest of language, the very
choicest of words, that tho youngest
listener could understand; illustra
tions apt and. frequent, the quiet
humor flashing out once in a while
to give relief to the tension of the
moment; the persistent logic con
vincing men in spite of themselves,
and above all tho steady, clear faith
in God and in the Christ about whom
he was speaking. For one hour and
a half Mr. Bryan held his audience
in close attention and tho applause
and murmurs of approval were fre
quent. One could almost imagine
that strange sound in a theatre
an occasional "Amen" would come
from some deeply moved listener.
One needed to be present 'to see
attended every function showed tho
appreciation of the citizens of the
visit of such a noted man. "The silver-tongued
orator" has made anoth
er conquest and will always 'be a wel
come visitor to the city.
, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan left last night
on the midnight steamer for Vancouver.
Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell
and Frank Morrison of the American
Federation of Labor, who were sen
tenced by Justice Wright to jail for
terms of twelve, nine and six months,
respectively, for contemnt in th now
famous injunction proceedings of thel
Bucks Stove & Range company of
St. Louis, will take an appeal to the
United States supreme court in the
event the district court of appeals
sustains the action of. the court which
imposed sentence upon them. Presi
dent Gompers in an editorial in the
November issue of the American
FederationlBt makes clear the atti
tude of himself and his co-defendants.
"Whatever the decision of
the court of appeals may be," he as
serts, "it muBt ultimately lead to
victory for labor, and a victory for
labor will mean a victory for all the
people. Should the court sustain the-
appeal and annul the sentences, it
will maintain beyond question the
right of free speech and free nress.
If it should sustain the decision of
Justice Wright, It will simply mean
that an appeal must be taken to the
highest court in the land to obtain
a final determining word as to Hia
judicial conception of existing consti
tutional guarantees. Even should
the highest Judicial tribunal of our
country fail to maintain the right of
free speech and free press, there is
still a higher court the 'court of
public opinion."
Tho most valuable crop
In tho world. Easily
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U.8.and Canada, ltoom
In your garden to grow thousands of dollars worth.
Roots and Seeds for sale. Sond 4c for postage aud
got our booklet B-F, tolling all about It,
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S8.0U A DAY SUREr 15.00 a day and more li capabte. Wonder
fbl chance for rltrht man to work up In extra pleasant wotk.
Applicants should stato where last employed. 0. II. 0H0URD3
Manager, 1027 West Adasu Street. DepL 4177, Chlesro, 111,
Feel Better Than
Ever in Your Life
The Ideal Food Medicine for Itrnin
Workers The Unsy, Overworked
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The Vancouver Daily News-Adver-tiBer
prints tho followi-g editorial;
Those who peruse only the repub
lican press of the United States ac
quire a very false impression of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan, the most gifted
oi mo aiscipies or. democracy.
A Pittsburg, Pa., dispatch carried
by tho Associated Press says:
"United States District Attorney
Jourdan today forwarded a complete
report to tho department of justice
concerning the sensational statement
made in the federal court hero yes
terday by counsel for Barney Gross
man, on trial for national bank irreg-
ukuimub, wuu uuumreu ms client had
Vancouvor public will, by grace of been granted Immunity from nroS
tho now understanding gained yester- cution on payment of JGOflnn It
A valuablo discovery has been made In tho Al
falfa plant, which chomlcal analysis ahows to con
tain moat of the olemonts which go to make up tu
human body. Already tha Ingredient" or this fleia
plant havo boon used with roaiarknblo results, ana
a wolMcnown export has testified after an oxtontlea
analysis that Robinson's famous Alfalfa-Nutrient
contains no alcohol, narcotics, opiates, mineral
poisons or 'deleterious ingredients.
Tho Airalfa plant ha boon known for its wonder
ful fattening properties, but not until rocontly in
it boen known to bo a most xemnrkablo specific lor
weak nerves, sleeplessness, bad digestion, dysjeP
sla, chronic constlpaUon. blood impurities, sallow
tace, dead-looking oyes, general weakness, lacK oi
ambition, kidnoy troubles, torpid llvor, malaria,
rheumatism, anemia and many femalo troubles.
To provo that this is absolutely truo, wo wm
send, for 4c postage, a 3Co packago in plain wrap
per, together witha66-pago book of scientific iflcts.
which will probably surnrlso you. Lady and bo"
tlemon agonta wanted. Wrlto today for free tr m
to Alfalfa Chemical Company, 740 Unity liulluMK
Chicago, Illinois.
r - !--, ,j.