, --J TfH ftrr tP The Commoner. VOLUME 9, NUMBER GNT j -,,y ,tfip , fBp Mk hi .1 j. -- ' ' ... VopicsH Mr CURB VSj' ? ??5afcyrilv' ''',r:m5i!jnv'" AN ORGANIZED movement for a safo and sane Fourth of July is now on. A Wnsh iiifaion, D. 0., dispatch carried by tho Associated Press says: "Co-operation of governors of all Btates and territories in a nation-wide campaign for oafo and sano celebration of independence -day in overy hamlet, town and city throughout the country is tho object of a movement now in augurated. Tho plan contemplates the forma tion of a national committee on the promotion of tlio safe and sane celebration of the Fourth, tho appointment as honorary chairman of Presi-, dont Taft in viow of his endorsement of Wash ington's 'accidontlcss Fourtn,' the appointment of tho governors of all states and territories in the Union as members and an active campaign m by that committee all over tho nation for divert ing independence day from its annual toll of accidents. The endorsement by President Taft of tho safe and sane plan for tho celebrating of tho country's birthday anniversary has led those back of the movement to believe that ho will accept the honorary chairmanship of the convention. His position is expected to have a big infludnco in bringing success to tho movement." THE PORTLAND Oregonlan prints the fol lowing interview with Mr. Bryan: "I have said and repeat that while I will not promise any one that T never, under any circumstances, will bo a candidate for office again," said William Jennings Bryan last night, "I do not desiro to be a candidate for office again and do not expect to be a candidate for any office and hope that no conditions will arise which will make it neces sary for mo to consider, the question again. T -was not correctly quoted In the dispatch sent out Irom Spokane," continued Mr. Bryan in an- eworto a question if It was true that he might bo a candidate for president again in 1912. "The press dispatch from Spokane illustrrtos the . unreliability of some of the f.hings that pass for -news. I gave out no suqh intorview and the sending out of that dispatch is the less excusa ble because the afternoon papers at Spokane had published a very different interview which I did give out. I do not understand why I should bo annoyed every time I go into a town by tho same question I have answered so often that I lm.ve tho right to assume every person knows my position on the subject. But, that your paper may have no excuse for printing such a dispatch as was printed In other Portland papers from Spokane, I have again given my position for tho benefit of the Oregonlan aud when It receives a press dispatch in the futuro that Is contrary to this statement, it may know that tho dispatch is unauthorized and unworthy of publication." . . PATRICK H. McCARREN, tho democratic leader of Brooklyn, died as a result of an operation. Senator McCarren anticipated death and to tho physicians in consultation over him Monday he said: "Gentlemen, I know what you have come for; there is no need 'for a consulta- ' tion. "I knew T was dying tho day T walked into this hospital. I have made a study of my ,own case, and T find that my trouble is an old ' heart and an old stomach. If you could re place them with new ones there might )o a chance of my .getting better." AN ASSOCIATED Press dispatch, referring to tho well known politician, says: "Patrick Henry McCarren, by trade n cooper, by profes sion a lawyer and y vocation a politician, was one of the most picturesque figures in the politi cal history of New York. No leader was more roundly condemned, yet at tho close of sixty one years of his life he was probably the most strongly entrenched leader in New York stato andbad even wielded some influence in national politics. Born in East Cambridge, Mass., he settled in Brooklyn when he was eight years old, and was graduated from the public schools. Ho was apprenticed to a cooper when sixteen' but having mastered his trade he answered tho call to something more Intellectual. He took to tho law, and from iho law went into politics. In 1882 he was sent to the. assembly, and iiaa since served almost continuously in the legisla ture. Ho. was. elected to the senate in 1891, but two years later was defeated. Elected, again in 1896, it was to stay there regularly until his death. Senator McCarren first became rec ognized as a coming leader in the days when David B. Hill was at the height of his power. By 1898 he had become so well recognized that tho democratic state committee made him head of the executive committee. Five years later 'ho wrested tho leadership of Brooklyn from. Hugh1 McLaughlin, who had had it for forty years. . Since that time the senator has won at all pri maries, though his political death was predicted -each year. "At the democratic. national conven- tion which nominated Alton B. Parker, tho task of inducing southern leaders to remain in line, following tho arrival of the famous 'gold tele- gram,' fell on McCarren's shoulders. McCar- ren's opposition to the candidacy of Mr. Hearst for governor led to charges of treason against him, and his delegates were excluded from the party convention in April of last year to name ' delegates to the Denver national convention. Nevertheless ho appeared there with delegates who were again ejected. His downfall was then confidently predicted, but only last month ho received what ho considered as final vindica tion when ho won nineteen of the twenty-three ' districts of his borough. Physically, Senator McCarren was very tall and lank. In manner he was courteous and generous of attention, but niggardly of speech. The qualities which in the opinion of hi3 friends contributed most of his success in politics were keenness, tenacity" . of purpose, personal fidelity, perfect self-control and patience. He was sometimes called a hard man, devoid of sentiment. 'I had a romance .once,' ho said to a close friends 'When I was a young man i fell In love with -a girl, and we were married. " We lived very happily. ' We had fivo children. When I was. thirty-one I had buried my wife and five children.' " . . THEODORE ROOSEVELT, writing of hla South African experiences, tells of meeting and killing a lion. He says: "Now, an elderly man with a varied past, which Included rheu-, matlsm, docs not vault as lightly into his saddle as his sons, for instance, can, and I had already made up my mind that in the event of the lion's charging it would be wise for me to trust to straight powder rather than to try to scramble into tho saddle and get under way in time. I could still not see the lion when I knelt, but he was now standing up, looking first at one group of horses and then at the other, his tall lashing to and fro, his head held low and his lips dropped over his mouth .in a peculiar fashion, while his harsh and savage growling rolled thunderously over tho plain.., Seeing Slmba -and me on foot he turned toward us, his tail lashing quicker and quicker. Resting my elbow on Simba's bent shoulder, I took steady aim and pressed the trigger. The bullet went in between the neck and shoulder and the lion fell over on his side, -one foreleg In the air. . He. recovered in a moment, and stood up evidently very sick and once more faced me, growling hoarsely. I think he was on the eve of charging. I fired again at once, and this bullet broke his back just behind the shoulders, and with the- next I killed Jiim outright, :after w'.gathered .around him." the opposition finally uniting against the gov ernment's conduct and -furtherance of the war in , Morocco. The '.stern measures taken to put .jclown . tho recent anti-war demonstrations in Spain tended to inflame the opposition, and the execution of Ferrer, followed by popular dem onstrations ojf disapproval, brought matters to a' crisis. When parliament-re-opened tho lib erals,, republicans and socialists bitterly assailed the government,' but. the cabinet showed a dis position to fight for its ;life. There was a vio lent .scene, in the chamber of deputies yesterday when the opposition, -headed by -Senor Moretry Prendergast, the former premier, renewed Its attack upon-the government. Minister of the .Interiors Lacierva, however, declared that tho ministry would not resign nder threats. It was then believed that while Senor Moretry was determined to unhorse Premier Maura the lib erals, as distinguished from the republicans and socialists, did not desiro to .assume power, as under the circumstances they would then be come responsible for the expenditures involved in the war in Morocco." REFERRING TO the decision of the federal court, destroying the Nebraska guaranteed bank deposits law, Professor George E. Howard of Nebraska University says: "It is a mistake in a self-governing democracy to vest a court with power to declare a law enacted by the legis lature void. With respect to what constitutes good law the legislature itself as representing .the will of the people, should be supreme. The law making body should not be subordinated to a court. , No other, federal, government, Aus tralia'albhe excepted, has given Jhe courts this dangerous authority, Neither Canada, Switzer land,, nor federal Germany bave.tfto.na so. For more' than two hundred years jLhe English courts have, been incompetent to declare a. parliamen tary statute, void. The parliament is higher than the court. 'Moreover, the tenure of the English judges Is dependent on the win of the two houses of parliament, which may remove a judge on a joint address to the executive, that is In reality, to the prime minister, wlio always rep resents the will of the house of commons. It was not positively known that our courts could determine the validity of either a' state law or of a federal law until the days of Chief Justice Marshall. It may be that the makers of the constitution intended the courts to exercise this function; but it is easily conceivable that, with a different chief justice, the court might never have established it by precedent. The personal equation has always counted much in our judi cial history. Tt is almost certain that eventually public sentiment will m demand an' amendment to the constitution taking from our judges this dangerous and anomolous power. If this de cision -is-tgood' law, "it nevertheless discloses in our jurisprudence a social menace. ' But is it good law? To the lay student of our legal his tory the arguments of the judges are far from convincing. Frankly, with all due respect for the judges, their decision seems to rest upon reasoning which would render unconstitutional a large part of our statute law, T can not but regard the decision as unfortunate. If there was any doubt, ought not the desires of the people expressed through their law makers to have had the benefit of it? The times arc calling loudly for the socialization of our jurisprudence and for the socialization of our judges." SPAIN HAS A new cabinet. Premier Maura and his cabinet associates resigned as the result of the bitter attacks made against them " by the former premier, Prendergast. After the resignation Prendergast mdertook the formation of a new ministry and he became the premier. Referring to the change an Associated Press dispatch from Madrid says: "Preceding the formation of this cabinet there had been Ave liberal ministries in eighteen months. The re ligious issues had been the rock on which these ministries were wrecked, and the accession to power of Senor Maura, who had before held tho premiership, was regarded as a sweeping victory for the clericals and one likely to arouse a revo lutionary spirit. This proved to bo the case, DRAMATIC SCENES occurred. in the city of Chicago on the 'night of October 18. An Associated Press dispatch tells the story In this way: "Fifteen thousand men and women, pray ing for Chicago's deliverance from sin, Invaded tho tenderloin district of tho city tonight, led by Gypsy Smith, the Romany evangelist of Eng land, who is conducting a revival here at tho Seventh regiment armory. A monstrous chorus, singing Bacred songs, drowned out the coarse music of the cafes and saloons, and the lights were dimmed by the glare of the brilliant Illu mination which blazed the way of the Christian army. For two miles the procession of evan gelists into the district in the vicinity of Twenty second and State streets extended on its march i 31 JWt4Mk -Jf-Atfc,