The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 29, 1909, Page 13, Image 14

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OCTOBER 29, 1809
The Commoner.
(Continued from Pago 11)
In our industrial development where
our manufacturers must find a mar
ket for our surplus goods, and we
are told that If congress -will take
tho tariff off raw materials American
manufacturers can produce their
goods at a cost which will enable
them to successfully compete in the
markets of the world against the
manufacturers of other countries.
If the American manufacturer,
with free raw material, can ship his
products to foreign markets and,
after paying ocean freights and in
surance upon them, can sell them In
competition with foreign rivals, he
can certainly take the free raw ma
terial and, saving ocean freight and
insurance, hold tho American market
against foreign goods which have
been compelled to p'ay ocean freights
and insurance." "With every word of
that statement I agree, but I would
not correct one wrong by perpetrat
ing another upon the people. I
would net lay one cent .of tariff for
protection of any kind to anybody,
but even for revenue, I would not
lay a 10 per cent tax to collect 3
per cent revenue. I have shown that
with a tariff on his raw material,
our manufacturers can not sell as
cheaply at home as tho foreigner can
if you let the foreigner's finished pro
duct come in free. Neither can he
pay such tax and sell abroad as
cheaply as the foreigner, unless you
give him a drawback; and this Is
what all parties In all bills have done.
"When you tax his raw material and
give that drawback, you provide by
law that his exports shall cost him
less than his goods sold at home,
and so force him to charge more' for
his goods at home than abroad, in
order to make the same profit.
Raw Materinl
iIf we wish to buy our own manu
factures as cheaply at home as they
are sold abroad, we .must repeal our
duties on raw material. That will
eliminate the drawback clause of the
tariff bill, and then let us make it
a crime for any manufacturer of
tariff-protected goods to sell for the
foreign market cheaper than he does
at home, and then, with the dwind
ling list of beneficiaries under the
tariff and the masses of the people
growing more opposed to tariff bur
dens, we will put tho products of the
manufacturer, one at a time, or all
at one time, on the free list.
I want to impress upon you further
that every raw material man on
earth, when you put a duty on his
product, will agree with and join the
manufacturer in jiving him a com
pensatory duty and an added duty
on the finished product, while if you
take the duty off the raw material,
he helps you to lower and fight the
duty on the finished product.
In the house, when tho duty on
hides was removed, although It af
fected only a small portion of the
leather used in shoes, there was a
reduction on leather and shoes more
than equal to the amount of the duty
on hides. When the schedule came
up in the senate, Mr. Aldrlch sub
mitted the hide proposition first and
said he withheld the leather schedule
until he should find what was done
with hides. The senate put a duty
on hides, 'and Mr. Aldrlch then
brought in his leather schedule, on
which there was more than a com
pensatory duty. The conference com
mittee struck out the duty on hides
and accompanied that action by re
ducing the duty on leather and its
products, so that if the people want
ed a lower du.ty on shoes, they got it
by repealing tho duty on hides.
Price of Shoes
Mr. Bailey declared that the price
of shoes has not fallen since this
action, but, if that be true, It proves
too much. It bbwls over Mr. Bailey's
other argument that the rato of duty
on tho finished product alone fixes
its price. I made that samo argu
ment, and In the main it Is true, but
both Mr. Bailey and myself must ad
mit that it is not always true, if wo
have found that when wo havo re
duced tho duly on shoes it does not
lower their price.
There are some exceptions to tho
principle that lower dutieB mako low
er prices. One of thorn was referred
to by Mr. Dolliver, who said he some
times amused himself attempting to
apply that principle to commodities
on which the duty was actually great
er than tho whole prlco of tho com
modity In our home market. Of
course that duty was so greatly pro
hibitive that you could cut Ir. lmlf
in two and not lower tho price of
the commodity. In that case tho
manufacturer was not placing his
price as high as ho could under tho
tariff, but he had lowered it to in
crease and encourage consumption by
his own people. It may bo so with
shoes. I know tho duty on shoes
under tho Dingley law was entirely
prohibitive, since only about $45,000
of revenue per annum was received
under that law, I think, on all
leather products, and that much
would have been received under any
possible rato from the Idle rich who
would have bought them just to be
able to say they were imported. And
so our shoe man may be ablo to sell
at the same old price and still keep
out the foreign shoo. If so, ho will
not lower it. I don't know about
this, but I do know that the way to
make the price of the domestic pro
ducts approximate the foreign price
Is to lower the tariff, and having got
ten one lowering, if that does not
help us, real democrats will strive
for a greater lowering and not wish
to put back a rnw material on the
dutiable list and thereby help the
protectionists to obtain a raised duty
on the thingswo buy.
No Infant Industries
Again I say wn have no Infant In
dustries. Why should wo or any of
us need protection? The combina
tions, the fraud and lies of those
clamoring for protection to protect
our. laboring men against the pauper
labor of Europe are too clear to
fool the sensible laboring man longer.
These samo protectionists own fac
tories or interests in factories both
here and in Europe. Hero thoy want
protection against the pauper labor
of Germany and France, there they
want protection against the skilled la
bor of America. Tho same selfish In
terests control the governments both
here and there and rob the masses
in each country separately by form
ing trusts to raise the prices of their
products and to oppress labor as far
as they dare, while in its name they
demand laws under which they pile
up the millions of their blood-stained
The great steel trust at Pittsburg
demands protection for American
labor and imports its employes from
so-called pauper Europe. They can't
speak our tongue; they work seven
days in the week, and don't know
when Sunday comes. To protect this
kind of American labor, the trusts
demand a tariff. Why, Mr. Carnegie
himself testified on oath that his
Pittsburg mills can and do rroduce
at a less actual cost than any mill
on earth.
But T call you to witness did any
wool senator help lower the steel
tariff? New England, the homo of
protection, is importing its labor by
the millions until her population is
no longer mainly American. She
is grinding both foreign and American-born
worker while demanding In
their namo of us who are yet free,
thank God, in the land of the farm
and the plow, that wo pay her a
tribute from our toil greater than
any ever gathered from subject na
tions of Asia, But did any wool
senator help to lower tho tax on
textiles? No, tho wool men and tho
woo en cloth men mot in Chicago and
fixed their joint -ohodulo. I am tired
of the cry for protection, whether it
bo for Ponn3ylvania, for New Eng
land or for my nearest neighbor.
I am tired forcvermore!
Henceforth my Intention is to vote
every timo I got a chance to put
every article of common use on tho
free list, whether it bo raw matorlal
or finished product. I will vote to
put tho finished product thore.
I know that will bring the
raw material. I will vote to put tho
raw material there; I know that will
help to put the finished product on
tho freo list, and I intend to vote
for every reduction except on lux
uries that 1b proposed on any article
I can not got on tho freo list. All
protected Interests are banded to
gether through lifo and unto death
to rob tho people. I shall cut them
off foro and aft whenover and how
ever I can.
Just one thing more from Mr.
Bailey. Ho quotes Mr. Bryan as fol
lows: "The third argument 1 dosiro
to present In favo of free raw ma
terial Is that tho tax Is generally
lightest which is imposed on tho
products at the most advanced stage.
If tho tax increased tho price of tho
product and It can be of no benefit
to a protected industry unless It
does that increase growB every timo
it passes through a now stage of
manufacture. Each one who handles
the product exacts a profit not only
upon the original price, but upon tho
tariff, and the tax grows like a snow
ball. Tho consumer therofore finds
that, other things being equal, tho
tax Is cheapest when levied upon tho
finished product only because It is
levied but onco."
Mr. Bailey replies: "Tho main
fact which Mr. Bi yan recites as justi
fying the doctrine of free raw ma
terial produces oxactly the opposite
conviction in my mind. Ho says that
each one who handles tho product
exacts a profit not only upon tho
original price, but upon tho tariff,
If this be true, then Instead of being
an objection to levying a tax upon
the raw material it becomes an argu
ment in favor of it because it estab
lishes what all democrats so much
desire, the wider distribution of tho
effects of the tariff tax, which must
Inevitably reduce Its benefits to some
and its burdens to others."
Now that seems to me absolutely
amazing. If the manufacturer buys
wool In London to import and pays
Into the treasury 10 cents per pound
duty, makes it into cloth and sells it
to the clothing manufacturer at a
profit of 10 per cent and tho clothier
sells it to the consumer at a profit
of 10 per cent, both the cloth-maker
and the clothier actually making a
profit on the tax; that, says Mr. Bai
ley, is tho most democratic tax of
all, because more people havo gotten
some benefits from the tax. He ab
solutely forgets that after all these
profits have been added to tho tax
the poor consumer bears the burden
and pays for it all.
And you are the consumer, you
are Roger Q. Mills' "forgotten man,"
you are W. J. Bryan's "common peo
ple." and this Is J. W. Bailey's
"logic," and ho seems to say It se
riously. It illustrates my estimato of him.
He is assertive, wonderfully re
sourceful, brilliant, a great actor, but
Incapable of profound thought or ac
curate reasoning. He has gotten so
infected with the republican idea of
tho "wider distribution of the effects
of the tariff" that It is bard for me
to believe be haa not gone too far
into tho protection camp to be alto
gether uncoDBcious of it. What be
is really arguing for Is a tariff that
gives the most benefits not one that
imposes tho lightest burdens.
In conclusion, I don't know why
all this discussion has broken out at
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