The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 29, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    Ttff -;-, -ifwri'. .- y- tviwfwnny'
The Commoner.
Come to Mission, Texas, in the
Rich Lower Rio Grande Valle
Where the Conditions and Prospects on the La Lomita Lands Are
Such That You Can Not Afford to Remain Away
The lido Is toward Texas. Thou
sands aro coming to this land of op
portunity and wealth. Tho majority
of these aro men who havo mado
money at practical farming. They
know good soil when they sco It,
and they aro good Judges, of every
qualification that combines to make
any country dcslrablo as a place to
livo and to make money. Thcso
men aro buying farms becauso they
will ralso more crops per acre than
tho high-priced farming land up
north. They are investing. their
money because, while tho present
prices aro low, they know from ex
perience In their present location
that this land is bound to rise in
value In a few years.
But Texas is a big stato. It is as
is best. Buy whero you havo access
to the best markets. Buy whero tho
railroad Is In operation. Buy where
the biggest successes aro being
made, not whero you will havo to
live your pioneer days over again
before success comes. In short, you
owo It to yourself, to your family
to buy whero you can do tho best
present and future considered.
This is where tho famous La
Lomita Land a are located. They are
In tho heart of tho Lower Rio
Grande Valley of tho wonderful
Gulf Coast Country. If you will
como hero and Investigate thcso
lands first you will not go any
further. You will want ono of our
and picked out what wo judged to
be the very best proposition In this
big state a place that possessed
every condition necessary for suc
cessful farming.
This Is tho part of Toxas whero
farmers have mado over 5500 per
acre from onions after paying all
expenses of cultivation and market
ing. This Is the part of Texas whero
two farmers netted over $10,000 for
one year's crop of 43 acres In
This Is tho part of Texas where
tho immense cabbago yields are
ons and bananas successfully here.
On account of tho long growing
season, oranges develop here faster
than in any other section. You can
establish an orange grovo here.
Trees will bear $250 per acre in
three years, and In a few years will
net over $1,000 per acre. They ripen
here weeks ahead of California and
Florida oranges. Orange groves In
California sell for $1,000 to $5,000
per acre. An orango grove here
onco established will bring you a
big Incomo with small outlay. Start
an orange grove at Mission it will
bring you a largo annuity
We have a climate unsurpassed
summer or winter tempered by tho
large as all tho New England states,
with New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania
New Jersey West Virginia, and
Maryland thrown In for good meas
ure. It Is well to remember that in
such a vast strip of territory you
can find all varieties of soil. Texas
has a larger percentage of tillable
land than any other state in the
union, but It Is well to be careful In
your selection. Whllo you are buy
ing get the best you can. Buy where
tho conditions are best for making
a homo. Buy where tho climate is
sultablo to you. Buy whore tho soil
10, 20, 30 or 40 acre tracts, because
you can see with your own eyea
that wo havo every condition here
for Immediate success. You can see
NOW (not in the distant future) that
the farmers and growers are mak
ing happy homes and lots of money.
You will find out that there is no
guesswork about it, no troublesome
ifs or ands. Wo have lived up north
the best part of our lives. We havo
handled Minnesota, Iowa and South
Dakota lands. Wo have made a
study of lands all our lives that's
our business.. Wo came to Toxas
Cut t)ut Coupon and Mail TODAY
CONWAY. & noiT, Mission, Texas i
PIfcnsc mch1 me, without Incurring any obligation wkatevcr. ftartker
Information regarding: your La Lomita Lands. cvcr, inrtuer
Address . . .-..., ,.V. . .... , ....... . .'..... . ; ;- , ;-'. . ..'.;. , . ," .
Town .,. ...... . .". . . , .State .. . .
IT m Tr. r
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made. Ono farmer in this valley
realized over $16,000 this year from
40 acres of cabbage.
This is the part of Texas where
farmers and growers are making
enough profit the first year here to
more than pay for their land.
This is the part of Texas where
you can raise two and three crops
a year, from the same land, and
have twelve months of good grow
ing season.
This Is tho part of Texas that
raises tho best sugar cane in the
world cane from this county tak
ing tho gold modal at the St. Louis
This is tho part of Texas where
you can raise big crops of corn, al
falfa, cotton, sugar cane, sorghum,
milo maize, broom corn, etc, during
the summer, and big crops of vege
tables during tho winter.
This Is tho part of Texas where
you can raise two big crops of corn
in ono year on tbo same ground
where alfalfa is cut eight or nine
times a year.
But garden truck and tho big
staples aro not tho only thing that
is making this valley famous. Fruit
raising is yet in its infancy. What
southern California could give vou
twenty years ago this region ofrers
now. You can ralso oranges, lera-
W "s ,
Gulf breezes In summer, which also
Jirotects growing crops from frost
n tho winter.
Wo have the finest soils in the
world in the delta of tho famous
Rio Grande River.
We havo an abundance of water
for irrigation.
We have an adequate Irrigation
system which irrigates the La
Lomita lands with silt-laden water
from the Rio Grande River fertil
izing with every irrigation.
Wo have an abundance of good
Mexican labor at all times. The
Mexican works for 76 cents a day
In our money and boards himself.
Irrigation makes your crops cer
tain. No worry on account of un
certain weather or Irregular rain
fall. Can you afTord to miss this op
portunity? The conditions are such
that you can not afford to miss tho
chance to investigate these lands
while the prices are within your
reach. At present prices tnoy will
bring you big returns as an invest
ment only. Wo gladly invite your
correspondence and investigation.
Fill out and send coupon.
Conway & Hoit,
Mission, Texas