ililljWWiMUiiWPIPPWHPi n'mmmw.imm" iiywt'w- " i I f TiTTTi i, in i.lp.l; .. r OCTOBER 29t 190J The Commoner. Nervous Disorder Includo all affections of tlio brain, spinal cord and nerves; they embrace hfiad troubles, such as Dizziness, Dull ness, Headache, Fits, Blues, Melancholy and Insanity. Also backache, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Epilepsy, and all disorders aris ing: from a weakness of the nerves of 1 ny Pr&" or -part, as Weak Lungs, Heart, Stomach, 'Kidney, Bladder, etc. Thonervea furnish energy that keeps In motion .every organ of the body. If you havo any of theso ailments, your'Ticrves aro affected, and you need Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine becauso It reconstructs worn out nervo tlSSUQ. Ifl n. rnfrAahlnni i.n.iUnllU tonic food-medlcinc, propared especial ly to robulld tho worn-out hcrves. "My son when 17 years old had epi lepsy; could not attend school. Fol lowing the failure of physicians to euro him, wo gave Dr. Miles' Nervine, and Nervo and Liver Pills. In ten months he regained perfect health." A J.- S. WILSON, Dcpt. Co. Clerk, Dallas Co., Mo. Tho first bottlo will- benefit, if not, tho druggist will return your money. Don't Wear a Truss 553? EDFP' STUART'S PLASTER PADS are I ntl"!5'N different from tl-e painful truss. I Pitf "jSr V"" ami belnjr ielF'lifle they rpLvMUMf f- I hnW l,ie '"Pturc In place wlOi- usP I ei'tHraps, buckles or springs vTfTWV' or compress against the pelvic cases eared In the nrlvnrv of 'ho home. Thousands 'have succcMifully X , I 'reatrU themselves wlthouthlntlranccirom work. wJSWOdl Koft rtUet..rtj to ppl..lne spr nntTr, Guar- I HUL OF TREATMENT Naflonal" rSu"? Law! .. -. . Wc nrdve what we kay by sendlnc you Trtal Trratmrnt abwIntelV FUKK. Write to STUART PLAS . hR-PAD CO,, block 54, St.Louls, Mo. AGENTS $3 to $10 Ar Sailing this forced ttel JQTODIS IM Combination Hatcbet .... . . urMf, Tow priced. flutnnted. Vonry Uck to dt purefcuer not ixrftcUr 'n!uu4 B.dcJ twtV "" !E OUIF1X nl pr.of f Jilr profit, to jtpnU. .FREE DEAF ESS CURE ' '. AS tplriaVkiib)rj'-oiTprtiyon.' o1 thd leadlne crif rprcinliirtB In tlijs country, vbo wlllncml two v months' uiciliclnp lice lo prove hlspMJIly tor'ro I'oatncss, HrmT'Nolsosnn'ti Catarrh. Atklrejw Dr. ii. 1U. Itrmuuman. ISO Iiat lath Street, Kaunas City, Mb. ' Wo will Fond yqu 12 of tho prettiest, post cards you over haw If you will cut thin nilvortlw'inont out ' and send to us wlth-lc to pay postal?" nnd.mnlllmr and wiy thntyou -wlll-nhow-them tofl of vmir-lrlonds " -7 2VJ0IF MltE AH CAi:J CO., X33 South Stn St., Philadelphia. ia. FENOEMB on-tight Sold to the user at Wboletsli rrieri. W Py Freight. Catalogue free. COILED SPRING PENCE CO., Box 234 Vlnehtater. Indian. 5 FINE POST CARDS FREE Send only 2-ccnt stiunp and -ivcclvo ,flv rolorcd , Gold and Kmboiwd Cnnls T KICK. to Introduce powt card offer. CAI'llAL CAltl) CO., JJopt. 152, 'JL'optku, Kuuhum. CALVES Raise them without milk. iSooklot Iruo. XEItlZASIiA. SIZED VO Omaha. Xcbr. AC-TUIMA CURE sent by express to you on Ad 1 It iff H Freo Trial. II It-cures send $1: If not, don't. Give express office, Mational Chemical Co.. 704 Ohio Ave., Sidney, O. PATENTS Wat n on E. Coloman, Patent Lawyer.M aBhmgton D.C. Advice and bookB free. Bates reasonable. Hlghent references. Bcataervlcca TRY MY FREE TEST If you are sick, weak or despondent arid me a sarnple of your urine for analyns and I will send you one week's medical treatment and diet list free of cost. Do you think I could afford to make this offer u i were not certain or gooa resuiu t iviau inif case and bottle for urine, sent on re ceipt of J cents fo postaae. Charccs for reaular treatment, reasonable. Twenty years experience in the treatment of di- seases of the Kidneys, Bladder,, Liver, Stomach and Nerves. Established in Pitts burg in 1888. Book of Cures free. DR.J.F.SHAFER 2(4 Penn Avcittsburg. Pa. jftA -i W 'CENTS 13 WEEKS I f In this UlnttrsUd nation I I1 weekly all the lmnort- - ant news of the world Is Uud cltirly, flr!y.brlefly(for hosy aniUBir.vMi',Vl-l jti '" wdetm. Unlqne'forelgn anmmary, popolir novels condensed, oddaketrn , home dWerslons many original featarea of rars Intererf. It U reliable, tauruf nlni; th paper for tho home Takes placa of S3 to S4 papers. d IBs nwfsr13 waeks to PatftHadsr, Wash., D. C. aiTiiif iBaHfJBai nt tu2V ?Irn B.aUey' agrC0 tbal each or them eball bo protected and that they will get protection for both at 2EB?i,Ins Cn,d and B0 aftor tflcy glvo the wool man 11 cents per pound on his wool, they give tho J!!, M mai1:, fir8t' 44 CntS Pr P"1,d On Ills CJOtll to 1'i.mnnni-ntn l,m .. .i then 00 per cent ad valorem for his own protection. Tho wool man not only always has and always will, but ho absolutely must join tho manu facturer in demanding a duty on cloth and no wool man will ever Join Mr. Bailey in asking to take off either the compensatory or the added duty from tho cloth. Hniley end Hides Even Mr. Bailey proposes a duty of 10 per cent on. hides with a duty of 10 per cent on leather and shoes and in doing so proposes a more than compensatory duiy to tho manufacturer. Let mo show you. Suppose tho American shoo man buys and putB info his shoo 30 cents, at foreign price, of hides. Ho pays the hido tax, 10 jer cent, or 3 cents, and he puts in with it 70 cents worth of labor to make the shoe. The shoe has cost him $1 03. The English man bought the same hide at 30 cents, paid no tax and put In with it 70 cents labor. Tho shoe has cost him $1. Mr. Bailey's law would then levy a tariff of 10 per cent upon tho total English cost of tho shoo, so that when ho t.ollectcd his tribute from the Consumer tho AmArfrmn shoo man Would collect from him. first, tho 3 cents tax he paid on the hido and then 7 cents nrorlnr.ffnn nn his labor, which, would give him -Just iuo same degree or protection given oh the hide. But It would rami if in the cotisimor"hPinc out m'oanta "whjlo the government received only o uunt,H. ,n you nau taiten mat duty 6ff of the Lld and rednrnd thn rinrv joh the shoe to 3 per cent, you would nave gotten, the same revenue and the consumer have mid 7 cents less. uut lr revenue and not protection la what you want, let us talro Mr. Bailey's democratic law 10 per cent duty on hides and 10 per cent on shoes further. Now sunnoso there were raised $2,100,000 net revenue on imported hiden of which to make shoes, giving the hide percentage and me moor perqentage or value In tho finished shoo at 30 per cent hide and 70 per cent labor, under Mr. Bailey's law to raise $2,100,000 rev enue on hides for shoes to bo made and sold here, you would import $21,000,000 worth of hides, foreign nrice. and the .-shoo man would nav that $2,1 00,000 duty into the treas ury. He would .then put In labor 70 per cent of the total foreign cost of the shoe. The total foreign cost of the shoes would bo $21,000,000 hides, plus $49,000,000 labor; total $70,000,000. On this sum Mr. Bai lev's law would give 10 per cent, or $7,000,000 protection to the Ameri can shoe man to he paid by tho homo consumer. Thus the treasury would receive $2,100,000 and the consumer bear $7,000,000 burden. If hides had been free you could have raised the same revenue by a duty of exact ly 3 per cent on the imported shoes. And so every duty on ra-w material actually costs the consumer two to five times what It would had it been levied on the finished product. Bryan's Contention Now that is io plain that a way faring man, though a fool, If he Is trying to lessen the burdens of the nrmailTTiATV COXl fleG It. and It Gfltfth- lishes Mr Bryan's contention that the cheapest tax you can levy on the consumer is the lax on the product at its last stage before it reaches the consumer. Tho miocsfinn of frfio raw mnforinl. however, is wider than,, wool and cloth and hides" and shoes and Iron 11 i a t k x r s ""fijgsajB, . . !, ... hvanb i;o waslilrixUifi, V.O. L1".,1 V ,A.U ,flrnn n'1 MiHjuippt, pr I'ruiL mntraS.uilff'v'!110"' M . Pnf. His. i" '?&?, ion E1,MT?' U.C,CTB Mnnniiijr Mmk. irov. Alalt. jmi , .v. Co.. Dcpt. (;, Mobile, Ala. oro and steel. What'n tho mattor with tho American flag-on tho ocean? Nothing; only It's a freo finished pro duct with a tn.xcil raw material, and u lues or floats no more. You can't build ships for tho ocean freo ships out of taxed iron and steel. Re publicans and protection democrats will not take tho tax off of the raw materials of ships, but would float the flag by subsidies larger than all tho tax wo get rrom Iron mid eteol and all their products. With free iron ore, God's gift ant' blosslng, which we ought to bo willing to re ceive; freo Iron nil steel, which wo do make at less cost than anybody on earth, and free ships, our keels will plow all sons, our vessels cast anchor in all ports and our flag wavo by the side of England's before all peoples. But thCl'G Is OUn Htntnmnnf nf r is plain that we Lave reached a point SHufiffiS T;ii:il?n"r " '" (Continued on Pago 13) S "UNI iwVCO., Wa-liltmton. i). c. s-IUNiai imiTI'TK, IU,.t. LM, n.r,l,r, J.T. $ no Patents no Pay no $ PflfcMifji pronirotl or (ho rrturwvl. Ka,y mr. ! Si '?"' "'!,rT w'tMiy MM ox perlniclnarnrjt XX? ih"",u''l mm tartly iwtit vraaiclVilmmirtl ffl'; lh.r.1 , 'old mlnl nn. other aVn"r& These Patent Steel Tension With Each Yearly Subscription to The American Homestead at the Regular Yearly Subscription Price, 50 Cents. Shears Free The American LIoinPHteod. Is one of tho ion! t?f TnZnnW" """"cHUerii to tlsauo to the heaviest cloth P TiSmlifc-1! 8V.r5' nyi ' trn wet The 11 UHtrutlon sI.owh the patent ton nlon Hprlnr, the dovlco that do lib to; the KoCK fi,UtxrVtt Th BhearH offorcd ho re lira from rt new procefln which InuureH otreimtii and a ffoo.l Icpcn-cuttlns cdic Tho tcimlon HprlnK attachment do. b away tlio,,uS?;BV,'!?tnli,i?i vr,t,l1y. and enable. UciUn?r to .1 .UltJL tcnnlon on the rivet i l "iVf7 k,lnd ot material .V be cut with Hlicora may be cut with por- KSiiasc' VihM rlnf the hand. Tito tension sprinjr take up all tho wear on i?Jr,t5,Vac,n, li, 'ICB" Practically indestructible, with no wear-otit to tiem' A flimple turn of tho llttlo thumb-ncrew Hhown in tho ciifirravlntr tlirlitonn Up tho bladoH a cloKoly aH may bo deal red. Any woman who ban had the cxaHperatlnff cx. perionco of trying to nac a dull pair of BhearH can readily appreciate tho valuo of tills new Invention, which lceopa this pair of shears always sharp and In per fect cuttinfir condition. No matter how tnany pair of shears or scissors you may have about the house, you need this pair with the tension spring, and when you Bet it and use It once, you will uso It In preference to any other you may have. These shears are eight Inches In length, perfectly finished, and heavily nickel plated. The quality of the material and workmanship of theno shears is guaran teed by the malcer. CRT A IMIH POII VOUR8KLIJ FKRB PHI out tho coupon below, and send at onco' with your remittance of 50 cent for one year's subscription to The Ameri can Homestead, and we will send you Immediately, charges prepaid, and with out extra cost, one pair of our Fine Patent Tension Shears. Remit by post-' ofllco money order or bank draft. TUB A9IRIIICAN IIOMBSTEAD, Lincoln, Neb Coupon for Free Pair of High Grade Tension Shears The American ITonicxtcna, Lincoln, NebniKfcn. Gentlemen: I wish to take advan tage of your generous offer to send The Americas Hoinenfrad ono year and a pair of your celebrated Tension Shears without extra cost, prepaid to my ad dress. I enclose CO cents to pay for tho samo. Shears are 8 inches long. Cut is I nnf. full fllzn I Name P. O. TTTB AMERICAN HOMESTEAD fa a general farm .and household paper, devoted to tho diversified Interests of the American farm, and published by Charles W. Bryan. Educational in character. Not technical, but practical and , intensely intonating. Guaranteed to please or rooncy refunded. Issued monthJy at JLincoin, Nebraslra. I ft ' m 14 "t . t o ?i in . r H t w a aH 1 i 41 m m i m r J -!- rt .