The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 08, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
vourinr , number
Let Mo Send You My
and Bronchitis.
flm 85f u r Lm-V -Ii-ka------Es-I
AGENTS KAItN 175 to $2M) a month Boiling
Novcty Knlvor. Blades, razor steel. Six months'
guaiantcc. Handle." decorated with name, address,
lodgo emblems, trado designs, personal photo, or
pictures of llnvAN and other celebrities. Great
sellers. Big commission. Wrlto quick lor territory.
Novelty Cutlery Co., 606 Bar St., Canton, O.
UTXVJJ-il JL nBily. Automatic
tfj'ir tt
Instantly with ilotet on. Outwaar the Harness, aonsy nact is
not sUt factory, Vf rlto today for confidential terms to agents,
I Tkemaa Mfg. Co., 731 Wecrae B, leyton, OUe
na I sW7 "W
CAM ItE OURF.D. My mild, sootbtn
does It knd VRL.; ANrLB proves It. sv
and ourea to stay. WHITE NOW TODAY.
Oi TCumlaltoly colored, superior quality. 7tf)
v L. Pjuvcb SouviiNin Co., Nutloy, N. J. x vo
VIRGINIA IfARMS-Good lands. Low prices.
Mild climate. Now freo Illustrated Oataloguo. Thla
1 tho Country for tho Northorn Farmer. Wrlto
CaaaelniRii A? Co. Established 20 years, Rich
mond, Va.
YMf A N T M JD Railway Mall CtorJta,
City Carriers, l'ostofficc Clerks. Examinations every.
wneie iMovemner 17, Over 10,000 appointments during
1910. Salary 1600 to IHOO. AnnuU vacation. No "layon's."
Common education sufficient. Candidates coached free.
Write for schedule.
tfUAMiaW INSTITTJTB, DepU fc 00, Rochester, It. T.
fer till fall 4r
ter sawed mantel,
7 teet 2 Inches high,
with bevel mirror
30x18 1 belies. Our
beautifully Illus
trated Mantel Cnta
log No. 06011
quotes the greatest
of nil Tfilucs in oak
and birch mantels.
A copy will bo sent,
freo the very day
you ask for it.
Chicago, III.
for Asthma. Catarrh
Don't suffer, with
Stonlzlnz giMpIng (or
breath, coughliiB'.ipIt
Untr. falntlne, etc. My
"Home Treatment"
cures Immedlatelvand
permanently by a New Principle,
Send your name and address
anil uiaic ui t.ituu, . .-. -w
you know any, and I will mall you a William iNeiBOn
Vtte Trial Treatment In plain wrapper. . , I p Toff and OthGrS.
T.U0R1UH, 287 Oorham BlJc.t BaUIe CrreV, Bleh. jr. XUlt dUU ULUCio.
that the clause in their contract re
quiring thorn to soil International
machine exclusively was cancelled
In 1905, and had not been enforced
before that year. They admitted
that machines were sold to agents at
uniform prices by the company, but
insisted that as dealers they fixed
their own retail prices."
Miles B. McSweeney, former gov
ernor of South Carolina, died at
State Bank Commissioner Young
of Oklahoma, took charge of the Co
lumbia Trust and Bank company of
Oklahoma City, paying off deposit
ors dollar for dollar. The deposits
aggregated three million dollars.
Judge Anderson in the federal
court at Indianapolis refused to
grant the government a continuance
in the libel cases against tho In
dianapolis News. Tho hearing, was
fixed for October 11. This is the
caso wherein the News is charged
with libeling Theodore Roosevelt,
Cromwell, Charles
over the same month last year; net
earnings after payment of operat
ing expense and taxes, $4,182,055,
an increase of $711,551. Southern
Pacific Gross earning $11,810,745,
an increase of $1,479,107; net earn
ings $4,497,858, an increase of $1,
On October 1 the people of New
York gave Commander Robert E.
Peary a rousing welcome, Ho took
part in the Hudson-Fulton parade
with his Arctic ship, Roosevelt, and
it was clearly demonstrated that so
far as Peary and Cook are concerned
there is "glory enough for both."
Frederick R. Burton, author of
"Strong Heart" and other novels,
died at Lake Hopatcong, K. J., aged
48 yeaTS.
Do away with old hame strap,
lloria owners and teamsters
wllil about them. Fatten
Grow Mushrooms
For Big and Quick Prodis.
Ten years experjonco enables mo to
Blre practical Instructions that utll
add S3 to ICO ner week to vour Ineomo
without interfering; with regular neon.
J anon. Kor run particulars and froe book,
894 N. Western Ave., Chicago, llle.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Bristol, Tenn., says: "To protect the
Tennessee half of Bristol, which is
'dry against what he describes as a
'threatened deluge of drunks' from
the 'wot' or Virginia half of the city,
Recorder T. J. Burrows, beginning
I today, will Impose a minimum fine
of $25 for drunkenness and declares,
'there is no guarantee the fine will
not be larger.' This action of the
recorder is taken because today the
saloons of the Virginia half of the
city wore thrown open in accordance
with the court decision declaring the
local option election of July 8, which
was won by the 'wets,' to have been
legal. Ten carloads of whisky, beer
and other ardent spirits reached the
to cope with the Aldrich-Tawnb.
Qannon-Balllager type of statesmen,
and their associate business men and
lawyer, about match tho outlook
for the proverbial snowball in it un
accustomed clime.- Collier' Weekly,
- . " "" ' i ...
Mary Jane (to the gentleman with
the bow leg, who ha called to sea
her master) "For 'evlng'a sake, sir,
do stand back from the fire; yor
leg is warping most 'orrible.
Leslie's Weekly.
The democratic city convention
for New York by a unanimous vote,
nominated Justice William J. Gay
nor to be mayor of Greater New
York. His opponent is Otto Ban
nard, republican. An Associated
press dispatch says: "Justice Gay
nor, the mayoralty candidate, is a
native of Oneida county, New York,
?."" ?, ",J" -'V? T?S city during the week."
years ago for his work in breaking
up rings within the democratic party
and for his action in securing the
conviction of John Y. McKane,
known as the czar of Coney Island,
for election frauds. In national pol
itics a consistent and lifelong demo
crat, Justice Gaynor was nominated
for the supreme court by the repub
licans and independents of the city
and since that time has twice de
clined nominations for governor, of
fered him by his own paTty. He was
prominently mentioned for the sec
ond place on the national democratic
ticket at the Denver convention last
aranteed enrs
This Is a nno handsome,
clear toned, good slzo vio
lin of highly polished,
beautltul wood, ebony
0n3?ilc.d V0- ttnWr board
and tall piece, ono Bllver
string, throogut strings,
lohg bow of whlto horse
l)alr' J5?2S,.r rt,n and
Send us your name and
Rdureas for 2t packages
of Quakor Sheet Bluing
10 Fell at 10 enntn odMi
When sold, return ourl
$2 40 and wo will send 1
vu una uuauiuui YloUn
and outfit Just oxactly as
represented. Address
Dept. 043.
JBeytan, Muaa,
The democrats of Massachusetts
have nominated the following ticket:
For governor, James H. Vaheyi Wa
tertown; for lieutenant governor,
Eugene N. Foss, Scltuato; for secre
tary of state, Professor Arthur T.
Clark, Williamstown; for treasurer
and receiver general, James. H.
Bryan, Westfleld; for attorney gen
eral, Harvey N. Shepard of Boston;
for auditor, Alexis Boyer, Jr., of
Southbridgo. The platform, which
was an unusually Irlef document, de
clared In favor of an Immediate re
duction of the tariff on the necessa
ries of life, a reciprocal trade treaty
with Canada; the support of only
such candidates for public offices as
are pledged to the ratification of the
constitutional amendment favoring
an Income tax; the election of United 1
States senators by popular vote, and
direct nominations. Eugene N. Foss,
the nominee for lieutenant governor,
was formerly a republican member
of congress and Harvey N. Shepard,
the nominee for attorney general,
was also prominent as a reform republican.
Joe H. Thompson, one of the close
advisors of President Andrew John
son during his famous impeachment
trial, died at his home In Sheloy
vllle, Tenn., aged 77.
A New York dispatch carried by
the Associated Press says: "Earnings
of tho Union Pacific and Southern
Pacific railways for the month of
August were made public as follows:
The fitness of a man to hold sucn
an office as secretary of the Interior
Is not to be determined by his keep
ing just to the windy side of the law,
even if Balllnger hais "succeeded In
that laudable attempt. Thetis once
gave to her son Achilles what she
Intended to be an immunity bath,
but it did not work forever. Paris
landed on Achilles' heel. As to our
present friend, namesake of the ter
ror of the Trojans, he is, at the most
moderate statement, grossly unsuited
to his post, and if Mr. Taft retains
him it will be an error from wvhich
he never will recover. Mr. Taft's
cabinet Is made up of able men, none
of whom would exactly be called an
anarchist. Perhaps the most singu
lar thing the president did in that
regard was to urge Mr. Humphrey
of Kentucky to accept a place Mr.
Humphrey enjoying the idiosyncrasy
of being about the only conspicuous
citizen of Louisville who refused to
be Identified with the recent notable
cleaning up accomplished in that
city. The offer of China to Fulton
was not more amazing than the
Humphrey fancy. The world started
a bit when Mr. Taft began his west
ern trip with a eulogy of Aldrlch.
Its eyes began tp bulge when In the
home of Tawney he almost read the
tariff insurgents out of tho republi
can party. The . o. p., as it look
from here, is rapidly diminishing.
Aldrlch, Tawney and Cannon are In
the pink of condition, but the mere
rabble Is being slaughtered with pro
fusion! In the shallow. Incomplete,
and eulogistic essay on Balllnger
section 190 of the revised statute
is not even mentioned, and R.
Achilles la hailed as the Ideal man
for tho post; better fitted for his
position, one might think, than even
Aldrlch Is for his.' Prophecy is haz
ardous, but according to the Zodiac,
as read just nowi the next president
of the United States will be T. Roose
velt, another republican who is in
dependent, or a democrat. Mr. Taft
is one of the most conscientious men
ever in office, and along some lines
his intelligence" also Is distinguished.
What he needs to fight against is the
Making a Good
A Person With Bad Breath Invari
ably Impresses Peoplo
Every ono desires to make a good
impression with other people with
whom they come in contact, whether
in a business or social way.
No matter how well dressed a per
son may be, or how well educated or
accomplished, if he or she has an of
fensive breath, every other consider
ation and good quality Is likely to
be overlooked, and tho impression
made is likely to be an unfavorable
Tho employer In selecting an em
ploye Is almost certain to reject the
applicant whose breath is offensive,
even though he may seem a good ac
quisition in every other way.
No merchant cares to employ a
clerk whose breath is foul, to wait
on his customers; he would prob
ably drive trade away. Neither does
an official desire to have such a per
son employed In his office.
Many a person making an applica
tion for a position has been rejected
by a prospective employer on ac
count of this undesirable possession,
which proves so disagreeable to other
persons, and often the applicant
hasn't the slightest idea as to why ho
was "turned down," since he seemed
to fill the requirements of the posi
tion in all particulars.
Every one who is so unfortunate
to possess bad breath, whether
caused by disordered stomach, de
cayed teeth or nasal catarrh, should
ENGES, which afford immediate re
lief from this trouble.
Charcoal is a powerful absorbent
of foul gases, and quickly oxidizes
and purifies bad breath. The char
coal from which these lozenges are
made Is the best that money can
buy, and possesses a higher power of
absorption not present in other and
minor brands.
Bad breath from any cause can
not exist for a moment when they
are used-, and all persons who are
subject to foul and offensive breath
should rid themselves of what
amounts to a positive nuisance by
using these powerful absorbing loz
enges. Use them freely before going In
company, or to church, or to the
theater, in fact, to any place where
you will be brought into close con
tact with other people.
Before visiting yorur dentist, or
your physician, or your barbe pur
ify your breath, and take a box of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges with you,
and keep your breath pure and free
from taint.
These lozenges surpass all others
In their marvelous powers of absorp
tion, as It has been proved again and
again that they will absorb one hun
dred times their own volume in
Every druggist has them in stock,
price 25o per. box. A free samplo
package will be sent to you, if you
raHli frtTTrntl wntm fimr rTlrl nddrGSS
PnIon. Pacific Gross earnings, $7,- facility with which he becomes an to tho F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart
948,614, an increase of $973,142 I "easy mark." At present his ability I Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
iiniMiBiM MiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiimiMiMMiMMeiasMasssssseMseJSMsMsMsMsM