mmmmmmmimmmmmmimmm it I i SEPTEMBER 17, 190 In a diurnal circle about tho true celestial polo as any other star does, only this circle Is very small. If wo were to take tho mean of its least and greatest altitudo we would havo tho alti tude of the true pole, and that would glvo us our latitude Any other star will help us almost as much as the polo star, if we measuro Its altitude at certain times. The sun itself is often used for this purpose, and almost exclusively so at sea. Appenranco of tho Heavens at tho North Polo As tho north pole of tho heavens is exactly overhead at tho north pole of tho earth, the stars would appear to move in horizontal circles. They will never change their altitudes, and therefore never rise and never set, but movo forever parallel to tho horizon. They will therefore be visible perpetually; that is to say, all the stars of the northorn hemisphere will be visible perpetually, while all thoso of tho southern hemisphere will be forever invisible. This condition of affairs is, of course, exactly reversed at tho souh pole of tho earth. Hence as tho sun is north of the equator for six months, from March 21 to September 24, daylight will endure at the north pole for six months. Then from September 24 to March 21 there will bo night for six months. This night will begin and end with a long twilight, lasting about a month and a half each time, because tho sun will slowly descend below tho horizon. Tho sun, therefore, will appear to run par allel to tho horizon, except that it will slowly creep up higher from March 21 to June 21, and then as slowly descend until September 24. Tho . moon will, in like manner, bo visible and invisible for two weeks at a time. But the high possible altitude of tho sun will bo about two degrees less than the sun's lowest meridian altitude at tho winter solstice at Omaha. As Dr. Cook waB at the pole on April 21, tho sun's altitude was about eleven degrees and a half. It is not likely that his small instruments would enable him to see any stars. The sun must therefore have been his only guide. Tho magnetic needle was useless to him, be cause it probably pointed to the magnetic polo and not to the true pole, which he Wanted to find, and made an unknown angle with his true meridian. The magnetic pole has been found long ago. It is In latitude 70 degrees, and al most oh tho meridian of Omaha, about 2,000 miles north of us. The sun and the chronometer replaced tho magnetic needle and kept Dr. Cook informed in regard to the position of tho meridian on which he was traveling. When he staTted on his dash for the pole, ho surely knew his longitude, and the chronometer time of the sun's crossing his actual meridian. As he traveled directly northward on the same meridian, he knew that whenever his chronometer showed the time noted at starting, the sun was on his meridian toward the south, and twelve hours later, toward the north. As tho north pole of tho heavens was very near the zenith, a simple glance at his chronometer would tell him the time of day, together with the sun's azimuth or bearing, so that he could remain very accurately on the same meridian and travel straight north. The height of tho sun measured at any time by the sextant would, with a little figuring, give him his latitude. In cloudy weather, he would have to proceed by dead reckoning, as it is called, that is, by keep ing the same bearing or alignment with distant and conspicuous landmarks and by carefully noting his speed. I should think he got within a few miles of the true pole, say within two or three at least. His data will be computed at greater leisure afterwards and his positions verified by expert computors. Flattening at tho Polo Some people have a very erroneous concep tion of the appearance of the landscape at tho pole. They have heard that the earth is flat tened at the poles, that the poles are thirteen miles nearer the earth's center than Is the equator. They Imagine the earth to be like a perfect sphere or ball, from which portions at the poles have been removed by a file, so that the ball may be set upon a small Incline with out rolling down. The earth Is indeed flattened at the poles, but the word "flattened" is too strong to express the fact correctly. If we were to take a perfect sphere and then start at the equator and grad ually remove more and more of Its surface, carry the grade lower, until -we lowered it thirteen miles at the poles, wo would have a true con ception of the shape of the earth's surface. That The Commoner. Is to say, tho flattening begins at tho equator. Practically, this flattening is a very small quan tity. It is thirteen miles out of 4,000, so that If wo were to take a globo twenty inches In diamoter it would amount to about 3-lOOths of an inch, a quantity so small that tho eye would never notice it. Scientific Benefits Tho ground or tho sea at tho north polo will appear tho same, therefore, as they would any where else under the samo conditions of tom peraturo and tho like. In other words, ono would not know himself to bo at tho polo ex cept by scientific observation of tho heavens, tr by keeping a record of his journey thithor. Tho fact that tho poles aro thirteen miles nearer the earth's center does not make them on that account any warmer. If that reason over had any value the surfaco has cooled oft ages ago to its present condition, which it owes, as wo all know, to tho absence of tho sun's heat for six months and tho very low altitudo of tho sun during the other six. Tho astronomical benefits accruing from tho discovery of the north pole, aro practically none at all. Tho intentions practically none at all. Tho motions of the heavenly bodies as seen at tho pole, are known to every elementary stu dent, Tho six, or at least three months night would favor long continued observation, but the nights aro long enough for human endurance at other places. Besides, tho polar regions are practically inaccessible and will probably re main so. Tho geological, geographical and magnetic re sults will, of course, be very great. If Dr. Cook's track is better than any other, we may bo sure the pole will bo reached by tho route by other daring explorers, who will add much to our knowledge. . Tho Polo of Revolution and the Polo of Symmetry I said that tho north pole was tho northern end of the earth's axis of revolution. This axis is not fixed in tho earth, as wo would imagine, as oven professional mathematicians imagined, until observation proved tho contrary.. This axis shifts In a space of about sixty feet square, and follows a very complicated course. The variation of tho latitude of fixed observa tions has enabled us to trace this path and then to predict It. That is, tho axis itself that shifts, is proved by the fact that when tho latitude of any place is Increased, tho latitude of a place on tho other side of the polo 180 degrees la longitude away is decreased by tho identical amount. A certain fixed point in tho ground Is called tho polo of symmetry, and the actual end of tho axis of revolution at tho time is tho pole of revolution. All this we know without having our obser vatories. Tho difference, of course, was too minute for Dr. Cook to bother about or even to measure. The axis of the earth does not point continuously to tho samo point in the heavens. It is affected by nutation, precession and annual observation. The explanation of these terms would take us too far adrift. Enough has been said to show that tho discovery of the north pole is an extremely difficult problem, physicallj", as well as scientifically. NORTH POLE LITERATURE (Continued from Page 4) formation established the fact that there was land at the north pole, as he understood that this was not true. Sir Gilbert explained that he meant adjacent to the north pole, and Mr. Asquith suggested that he frame another ques tion. Continuing, the premier, with a twinkle in his eye, went on to say that the question of possession of the pole involved too much hypo thetical matter to permit him to give a definite reply. If, however, it proved to be British ter - ritory, it certainly would be taxed as undevel oped land under the new fnance bill." SENATOR BOURNE'S VOCABULARY Senator Bourne of Oregon on July 1 made his first formal speech of tho session. In the open ing paragraph occurred a strange word: "The struggle was a titanic one, his task herculean, tho treatment necessarily heroic, but Mr. Roosevelt was equal to the emergency. He first awakened the public conscience, pointed out in an echinated manner the existing evils. " Such as wish to add this word to their voca bularies will find this meaning given by the Standard Dictionary, twentieth century edition: "Echinated A family of echinoideans, espe cially diadematoideans having tests with equal diameters, the ambulacral plates compound with pores in triplets, tentacles all alike, and jaws with oplphysos. Sot or armed thickly with prickles." It seems oxpodlont to add that tho remainder or the senator's speech carries tho conviction that his intention was to compliment Ex-Prcsl-dout Roosovolt. Collier's Wookly. A NATIONAL FARM JOURNAL I havo recently purchased tho American . m2ooCnd' ft imt,onal 'arm journal, established in 1883, at Omaha, Nob., and published con tinuously in thnt city for tho past twenty-six yoars. It will hereafter bo published monthly at Lincoln, Neb., yearly subscription prlco 50 cents,, and will bo dovotod to tho dlvoralflod In terests of tho American farmer. Tho widespread interest being takon in tho subject of agriculture at tho presont tlmo indi cates that farm llfo and tho ownership of land are becoming very popular with all claosos. This interest amounts to a revival of immonso pro portions. It Is becoming an almost universal ambition among tho American people to own a piece of ground and to cultlvato It. Tho Amer ican farmer has como into his own; ho Is being recognized as tho nation's greatest business man. During the past decade tho American farmor has astonished tho world with tho magnitude of his achievements. Tho products of a slnglo stato in a slnglo branch of agri culture in ono year moro than oqual tho entiro annual gold and silver production of tho United Statos. Tho amount of monoy investod in farming Is now more than double the capital of tho ontiro manufacturing industry, and al most oqual to tho railroad and manufacturing business combined. Yet, in tho faco of this amazing showing, it has boon declared that tho agricultural possibilities of this country havo not been dovoloped to a one-hundredth part; that tho day that sees tho population of this country doubled, or tripled, or quadrupled, will seo mankind living Just as comfortably as today, with no greater struggle to secure a live lihood from nature. Theso results can, and will, bo accomplished by moro Intensive farming and by the conservation of our agricultural re sources. ' The status of tho American farmer is con tinually broadening. Ills Influence Is rapidly increasing in the world's affairs. Yet American farming Is now in tho infancy of Its opportuni ties. The Jffo of tho oJd-tfmo frirmor was hard", but newer methods and modern machinery havo lightened his load. Farming has been raised to a different plane, and made an interesting and fascinating study. In no occupation can trained Intelligence bo put to better use than in that of farming. Tho farmers who havo been successful in accumulating wealth have been tho ones who have been ready to avail themselves of tho experiences of other practical farmers, as well as to profit by tho work of tho United States department of agriculture and tho stato agricultural colleges. They have also been quick to utilize tho Information and suggestions of tho agricultural . papers. In tho continued advance of the American farmor, the work of the agricultural press and the stato agricultural colleges havo been impor tant factors. But the farmer is a very busy man, and he has little time for extended re search among tho mass of Information on agri cultural subjects. Nor has he time to waste on unimportant matters. Tho American Home stead will every month aim to pick out from every possible source the Information ho wants and needs to help him in his work. To this end it will make a special feature of tho work of the stato agricultural colleges, presenting their researches in bright, readable, practical style without technical phrase. A list of the bulletins issued by tho vaTlous state experimental stations will bo published and where to obtain them free. Another helpful feature will be the practical ex periences of farmers and farmers' wives. Its Home Department will bo especially attractive, containing Information on home gardening, fruit growing, poultry, etc., of special interest to everyone whether engaged in farming or not. It Is my intention to make the American Homestead one of the most practical and helpful farm journals In-the United States. It will pre sent to its readers every ronth practical Ideas and suggestions from farmers in various states for comparison and study, as well as the latest advances In scientific farming. The announce ment on page ten of this issue outlines tho scope and character of the publication, and also presents several offers that will be found of interest. Every farmer, no matter where he . lives, will find its contents invaluable and full of inspiration for better farming. CHARLES W. BRYAIT 1 v 1 U -31 ii a T H i!l fl 1 'l m 1 V M J, 1 jt'j-4 !-- ,,J-AUW'-i