p " ',' i1 Till SEPTEMBER 17, 1909 ' The Commoner. PATENTS Wateaa E. Celemaa, Patent .Lnwycr.Wasblnglon, Rates reasonable. Highest references. Km services. TU iVe High Oct, Wakk AQTUHA S?R5.Jcnt b3r exPrctoyouon HO 1 illlfl Free Trial. If iteures send $1: If ' , , , ,nol don't. Oivo express onlcc, National Chemical Co.,7W Ohio Ave.. Sidney, O. irentxm- A high-grade natch manufac tured brtho rnoneY'tavmar sra x ""mrw "'' WMP',WfiP' yfi'li9iji jjfi 4i T mrf '(w7i'- ! - 13 PATENTS BKcimien on fisb Frco report ai to Patentability. Illustrated liitd Boole, and JJt of Inventions Wanted, scnUroo. 2S.VANM, U1LK1N A: CO., Washington. D. O. j I if )m TOBACCO "SKr SALESMEN Good ray. steady work and promotion, Experience unneceary nu we will civo complcto Instructions. Danville Tobacco Co., Box R 56. Danville, Va. FREE DEAFHESS CURE A retnarkablo oiTcr by one of tlio leading car specialists in this country, who will Bond two months' mcdlclno free to provo his ability to euro JlcafiiCBS, Head Noises and Catarrh. Address Dr. G. M. IirauHinan, ISO liast lath Htrcot, Kansas City, Mo Twenty-five Homes Send 25 cents for now book of plans, $1,200 to $8,000, just out. Suburban Architectural Aanoclntloii, Dcpt. C. Wilmington, Del. ECZEMA CAN BE CURED. My mild, toothing, guaranteed cure toes It and FRU: . AMPLE proves It. BT0P8 TUB ITCHIKO and cures to stay. WHITE NOW TODAT. Drt. CANNADAY, 174 PARK SQUARE. SEDALIA, MO. GINSENG Tho most valuable crop in tno world. uaiiiy grown throughout tho U.H.and Canada. Iloom In your garden to grow thousands of dollars worth. Boots and Seeds, for sale. Sond 4c for postage and get our booklet B-F, tolling all about IU ifcDOWELL QINSENQ OARDKN, Joplin, Mo. ORNAMENTAL FENOB rr, SKJ lcMlffHs. All Steel. xianasome, cneapcr (nan wood.moro durable. Special prices to churches and ceme teries. Don'tbuyafonco un til yon get our free catalog. Kokomo FeneeMaonineCo. 492 MorthBt.,J!Cokomo,lnd. Efliiiififf 'TiK'jlffsaL M. wkA TRY MY DOCTOR and set well and tirona. 1 had been nek five yean, lost 40 pound, kidney diseased, skin tallow, no appetite, bowels costive, nervous, weak and discouraged. Doclor Shafei made me well and strong. MRS. MAKY HAUbMAfM, 7 1 5 IdTewood Ave. . Carnegie, Pa. You can be cured at home. Consulta tion free. Send urine for analysis. Mailing case for urine tent free. Charges for treat ment low. DR. J. F. SHAFER, 'el Penn Ave, Pittsburg, Pa. Ross' Mange Pills Aro non-poisonous. They aro a practical, sensible treatment for dog mange. A posltivo cure, or your mouoy back, henco our enormous mail ordor business. Prlco CO cts. a box. Order today. The H. Mange Remedy Co., Little Itoek, JLrkama I fNHsSvH eVi 1 Tariff Iieduction When you buy your winter clothing you will find tho price is up Tho "reduction" in the tariff is tho cause. And you'll find the prices higher on each little bite or sup Tho "reduction" in the tariff is tho cause. Tho physicians raise tho prices when they fill you up with pill; Tho plumber man adds something when ho writes his heavy bill; But you'll find your weekly wages right on a standing still Tho "reduction" in tho tariff is the cause. When you buy your winter fuel you will get a heavy bump Tho "reduction" in the tariff is tho cause. If you manage to keep even you will surely havo to jump Tho "reduction" in tho tariff is tho cause. Every article of wearing, every bit of food you buy Has had its price tag hoisted to the blue dome of the sky, And your little wage no longer can be seen with naked eye The "reduction" in tho tariff Is tho cause. Every trust and corporation has In creased its juicy graft The "reduction" in tho tariff is the cause. Every tariff-fattened baron has leaned back and loudly laughed The "reduction" in the tariff Is tho cause. All the tools of selfish interest aro rejoicing as they go On their way to get their favors, but there's lots of grief and woe In the ranks of toiling millions who now very plainly know The "reduction" in the tariff Is the cause. a higher price, claiming that such a law was needed to "protect tho American laborer." And after tho parade John Jones engaged in an argument with a fol low worker, claiming that union men should not engage in politics and de claring that he believed in "protect ing American labor." An election day parade would help some. M I f JftoklM lejns ol tho ingersoll Dollar Watch. Has every feature ol the moit expensive watches. Clnit tlmckerncrtnone hand somer madetwUI wear 20 year. Huy It Irom any rttfontibli Jeweler rich tin yourown local jryrr prepaid by u. Write for llooklet C. 5 In tolld 7 la irr, n ' T' i cMandH;oirt-h'i! CJLS4 case wn JtWMMFrMMMt;g.T See knee magaxlae advcrtUeaseato. RKORJi0 prep; snjV' BSBllBPeaaaaaaaa11' 1 m ibi -svrrrr war 1 IJLK I Iftl'irfsVstlVsVsVsVsV BIU---7' His Honor's Acquaintance At the "Ad Club' banquet In St. Joseph, Mo., a few weeks ago, thoro wore four speakers, each ono repre senting a stato, and Mayor "Pet" Clayton, who wolcoraed tho guests. In front of each stato representative was a huge bouquet of his state's flower. In front of tho Kanaan was a bunch of hugo sunflowers. In front of tho Nebraskan was a big bunch of goldenrod. In front of tho Missourian was a hugo bough con taining largo, Juicy apples, and in front of the Oklahoman was a bunch of cotton bolls. In front of Mayor Clayton was a hugo bunch of catnip. When Mayor Clayton aroBO to speak he referred briefly to tho va rious state flowers and then said: "I don't know why they put that big bunch of catnip in front of mo. It Isn't Missouri's stato flower, and it isn't St. Joseph's flower. It isn't my flower, for I don't know anything about cats, although I'll ac knowledge some slight acquaintance with 'nips.' " Perhaps you aro not acquainted with his honor, tho mayor of St. Joseph. Well! If not you havo missed making tho acquaintance of a very capable and jolly executive. Standard Bone Cutter 1 or gristle. Gnaranteed the best of alii Ck,y."'T tot 11VI If hi Increased tuu production. l-qis green or Irv bene, meat or gratia. Gnaranteed the best of all bone centers or money refunded. Knrw caaltat, cuts fattest latta lonicest. Cats bono acroM the grata, glTing greatest feeding raise. Tho Standard la the only positive automatic feeding cotter built, has many Improvements found In no other, Is low In eriee and unlit to stand the work. Kmvm different alw from H.7 v 196, for fcaita and power Cut alio wsNe. Shipped on lOdays'trlal rre. Write for frea eat. alpsr, prices and free trial pian. BTiXBlRB B058 CUTTfRCO, llfard, Mass, til. wJti9K&i3Bmi& w. Mwf?3w2i . vLV -gsy U&jp A-, I '"SlLsJ" Try 05 FREE OVR MOitlCTj 1' A It. II MIOSII2 Southern Minnesota, nil under cultivation, strictly In CO UN IlKJT, at great ntcrllco. owing to hi alta of muilly; 9U0O raxh will handlo It. This U a great bargain atf.V) perncro; will sell at nnco at J 0. J J ICICMTII, Owner, MhIIuh, Tr.xu An old. fuhloned Iltzor made old-fubloned hand-forced from razor ttel. otV tamnarad: M-ln. blada. r extra bollow rronna, aouoie honlden Dnelr balanced black hsndla: avarv b.ada sneclaltasted t rsior vour rrandson will be prond to own. ftFNn NO MONEY Just send nama anil iitdrni'. will land razor to von. UseltFRCE TEN DAYS then,iryonwanttoownis.senansracwrypnca,i w. It notthobest razor bargain von over saw.ratnrn It andyoo II owe us boshing. OAKSOUJCDTUEACO., 248 ManhatUnBlds;.,CiilcafO. A new and reliable Remedy for all Worms in Horses. Every farmer and horso owner will bo glad to know, that In a short time astonishing results havo boon obtained by Its uso. Golton's Worm Capsules, as prescribed by an array officer, a Surgoon of tho Cavalry, Is tho wonderful Worm Remedy. Hundreds of letters from fanners telling of tho good results say that after giving ono or two of theso capsules tho horso has passed hundreds of botsand worms of nil descriptions. These CnnBulcs aro sold only from tho laboratory of tho Colton Capsule Company, Offices, 914 liftbor Day Meditation John Jones is a staunch trades unionist, and he takes a deep Inter est in. the work of organization. Last Monday Jones marched with his fel low unionists In the Labor Day pa rade. vAnd this is what happened: He wore a hat, union made, that is Increased In price by reason of the tariff, and the union hatters of tho country fighting desperately to main tain a wage scale. He wore a pair of trousers In creased In price by reason of the tariff, while the union garment work ers of the country are fighting des perately to maintain a wage scale and blot out "sweat shops" main tained by conscienceless employers who pay starvation wages while all the time demanding "protection for AmArlnATi labor." A shirt whose price Is Increased by the tariff, while union shirtmakers are fighting the same battle as the union garment workers. A pair of shoes, increased in price by the tariff, and a large share of the shoes worn In this country made In penitentiaries, the manufacturers being given a1 larger profit by reason of a tariff framed for tne ostenswie American Arctic Note And now they tell us Dr. Cook Has reached tho cold North Pole. But that don't seem to help us look For our supply of coal. Now if ho wants to help us all In manner that's far greater, He'll travel south and quickly haul Us chunks of tho Equator. Not Interested "Did you see by the papers that tho North Pole is at last found?" "Say, don't talk to ine about North Poles!" exclaimed Jiraperly. "I'm trying to locate a coal dealer who has a heart." AGENTS $3 to $10 dt fclllnc tbls forced sfeil W&m 1 ComWiion Ha-tVhTt Maty UA U ht ytthtn at ptrfMllr tMM-t. fcraf tVej I II.TnOMAHMITU.OO.sslSl W7MeMUliaiytsiOU VIRGINIA COUNTRY HOMES A beautifully illustrated periodical. For freo copy and list at 200 uoJoot propor tion in Uoflt parts or Stato, apply t H. W. HILLEARY ft CO.. CbnrlotfcNvllIc, Vet. BnANCit OrvjCRs: Richmond, Va. Fredericksburg. Va.; Warronton, Va.; Culpeper, Va. Dt n't Pay Two Fricis for Sfovtc & lm uyai raetery rneee, avv vie.vw HOOS1ER STOVES Aro Wonderful "Fuel Barer and Esury hikers." The 20 new 1910 Improvement make them tuo finest stoves ana tho best wben you can buy tbcm at mich lownnhcardot Facto rr orlcee.1 arariioonlera are delivered for 70S to use 80 dars froo In your own boase before you buy. A written guarantee with each stove, backed by a Hlllloa Dollars. Oar new 1910 Imnrovctncntsoa stores absolutely eurp&M anything ever produced. jfcerSend Postal Today tor Frmm Cafafogut? nOOSIEKSTOYE FACTORY, tOI JUtet,Mri,rL nurnose of "protecting Prlco, fi.oo for six or a box of ono dozon by mall io-uui . 81.60 with instructions as to uso, 25 CENTS laWECKSI la thlsllluatraUd nation al weekly all the Import ant news of the world 11 ... UUITiUll readers. Unique foreign u, noma ai versions ma entrtaln!nir tbb nana Send 28o new far 13 weeks te fathHndar, anffKirr itmmm mm Stated dtarlv. falrlv.brieflv.forbnav j. .. 1' . l " J . . . -ij.i.j.1 were, unique roraijfn summary, popular novels conaensco, wown i, home diversions many original feature of rare Interest. It U reliable, Brain Leaks A man usually rips where he sews. September please pass tho pump kin pie! When a man can not explain ho offers an excuse. The fellow who "travels on his shape" is usually "crooked." When one courts trouble there is no need to turn down tho light. In one minute a mistake can be made that will cost a lifetime of re morse. Labor Day was a big day for the workers. They can make election day a bigger one. Merely to be in time we stop tho press to announce that now is tho time to do your Christmas shopping. Perhaps Mr. Aldrich insists that it Is tariff reduction because we get less for our wages than wo got be fore. The man who is forever talking about how much work he does usu CINCINNATI IRON FENCE CO. CINCINNATI, O. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF IRON FENCE, SETTEES AND FLOWER VASES entertaining tbb paper for the home. Takee place Underclothes and hose, Increased in price by the tariff, while the tex tile workers who made them are the poorest paid workers in the manu n4...Min iinoa rlnanirn tho fact that 1UULUS1U6 "l """ " " ."I" tr.. V i; !, nnnvarortlntl their employers secured a taw en- am n uiu"?.t " wtV4-wwM w i.fr!wahf,rc": I abling them to charge the consumer show for it. &.wiu q m AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN EASY TO SELL ADDRESS DEPT. X Banking by Mail made safe in Oklahoma. Several statca have Imitation "Bank Deposit Guaranty Laws." Most states have no security for bank deposits. Oklahoma has tho genuine, original law. tried by time and perfected in tho light of actual experience. Write for booklet Just off tho press. It gives the law as amended to data and other valuable Information. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogee, Oldahoma. ' &fr,, UHi-K r" ' f wi- mw im&temte&t v. &Lfi A ,& iawiMfc ibt.wi . J'Z.