," t-1-"" A t-j. , - , i... i i nf wmfMWi.iwM The Commoner. 14 VOLUME 9, NUMBER 31 ., e V J: i. U It R i' COMBINATION BARGAINS To benefit Km rondo, who dCNlrc to Inlcc oilier mngnzlncH nnd nevrji linnerN, Tlic Coiiunoiier lin nimlc nrrnnKcincntH wher'liy titer pnV. mi." iicrlodk'iil tliey ileal re fit Krciifly reduced rntcH In connection with l lie Commoner. The following combination will lie of bmmIhIiiiicc In nelccl Iiik ii nriilltnlilc lino of rending for the coming yenr. HntcM for papers not given below furnished iinpn application, .loin the thounnil 01 other Commoner rendern who Inlcc ndvnnliige of our wiibwcrlptlim oflcru mid neciire iiuothcr newMpnper nl r light expense. CLASS A. Pub. Price. Tho American, NaBhvillo, Tenn., Dom., Wk...$ -HO Amcrlenn SwMMicrd, Chicago, 111 . Agr. Stock, Mo. .50 Agricultural Epltomlst, Spencer, Ind., Agr., Monthly z" Boys World. Biffin, III.,-Juvonile. Wk.. .60 Com. Appeal. Memphis. Tenn.. Agr.. w..... . . Farm Progress. St. Louis, Mo.. Agr.. Som-Mc .25 Farm, stock He Homo, Minneapolis, luum., nfii Soml-mnnthly &0 Farm & Flrealdo, Springfield, Ohio, Art., Semi-monthly .""vr.V 2a 1 ome & Farm. Louisville, Ky.. Agr., Scml-Mo. .50 Tho Industrious Hen. Knoxvlllo. Tenn.. Poul- try, Mo A Missouri Valley Farmer, Topeka, Kans., Agr., Monthly K ' 25 Nebraska Dairyman, Lincoln, Neb., Mo... ... .50 Modern Prlscllla, Borton, Mass., Fancy-work, Monthly -CO Nat. Farmer & Stock Grower, St. Loula,- Mo.. - Agr. and Stock. Mo -5.D Nat. Home Journal, St. Louis. Mo., Household, Monthly . .50 Chattanooga Weekly News and Farm Journal .50 Peoplo's Popular Mo., Des Moines, la., House hold. Monthly 25 Prairie Farmen Chicago, III., Farming, Seml- .monthly 35 Rellnble Poultry Journal, Qulncy. 111., Poultry, Monthly GO Southern" AcrrlciiUiirlst .- Nashville: Tenn..-Agn. . , Semi-monthly 50 woutnern Fruit Grower, Chattanooga, renn., Agr. and Hortl., Monthly , 50 Up-to-Date Farming, Indianapolis, Ind., Agr., Semi-monthly 50 Vlck's Magazine, Chicago, 111.,' Floriculture Monthly 50 CLASS U. Pub. Price. Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga., Democratic, Tri-weekly $1.00 Tho American Boy. Detroit, Mich., Lltorary. Monthly ...:..: 1.00 A Courier-Journal, Louisville,, Ky Detn.J Wl . 1.00 inquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, uem., wic. .;.... l.oo Tho Fruit G. -wcr, St. Joe, Mo., Farm. Mo 1.00 Tho Housekeeper, Minneapolis, Minn., House hold, Monthly 75 Irrgntion Ago, Chicago, III., Agr., Mo.; 1.00 Tho Vegetarian C-. Hygienic, Chicago, 111., Monthly l.oo Michigan Farmer. Detroit. Mich.. Aerr.. Wk.. 7r, Nohrnslrn T'nrmor T.lnnnln Hnh lnx rxTtr 1 tr Ohio Farmer. Cleveland.' 'Ohio:" Airr.!' Wltl!!! ".7R Southern Cultivator, Atlanta, (a., Agr., Seml- ".".'''i?' 3. 00 LaFollettc's Weekly Magazine.... 1.00 Wtlcs Gatllng Gun, Chicago, 111., Reform, Monthly 1.00 Word & Works, St. Louis, Mo., Scientific and uumusuc, mo xniy 1.00 The Commoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS A $ 1 .00 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS A $1.35 The Commoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS n $1.35' The Commoner AND AN TWO IN CLASS D $1.85 $1.60 'THE COMMONER and any One In Class A with any one in Class B tpun niwtAirvNTOf n,wi ,, n i ... any Two in Class B ' WZ. 1 0 THE COMMONER and any Two in Class A withfa -4 n any One in Class B ."$1.85 MISCELLANEOUS. Coi 13Mt. American Magazine, Now York City, Literary, Mo si on American Mptherhood. Cooporstown, N. Y., Literary Mi no McClures Magazine, New York, Literary. HR Tho Black Cat, Boston, Mass.. Short Stories, Mo ' ' " inn Breeder's. Gazette; Chicago, 111., Agr. & Stock, Wlf! ! ! ! 2 Oft Cosmopolitan, New York City. Literary, Mo... inn Country Gentleman, Albany, N. jl., Agr., Wk... " irn Tho Democrat. Johnstown, Pa., Democratic. Wk ' ' ' inn Tho Delineator. New York City. Fashion. Mo.... i nn Tho Etude. Philadelphia. Pa.. Musical. Mo ''' 't Farmers Voice, Evanston. 111.. Agr.. Semi-monthly. inn Field & Stream. Nov York City, Sporting, Mo...... Good Housekeeping, Springfield. Mass.. Household. Mo inn Health Culture Passaic. N. J., Health, Mo....... ' i on Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atkinson, Wis., Dairying. Wk.. inn Homo Herald.. Chicago, 111., Unsectarlan, Wk.....;.. 2 00 Houston Post, Houston. Texas, Dem twice-a-week.... lioo Llvo Stock Journal jqq Norman E. Mack's National Monthly, Dom '" i'nn Technical World. New York, Monthly .'. 'Vk The Independent. New York. Current Events. Wk...!!' 2nn Literary Digest. New York, Review. Wk .?.. . son McCalls Magazine, New York, Fashions, lo !" Kn Metropolitan Magazine, New York. Literary, Mo...'.'. L50 in cacu case WMcrc tnc appears before name of a nuhlln.i arc oBly permitted to accept new HiibHcrlptioas, Porelirn .- ntloH Wo Periodicals may be neat to dlfTerent addrec if .11"? crr frleadH may wInU to Jola villi you In adl2S foi 1 coMfcll-' Your aubMcrlatJoiiH are for one year, and If Hew, begin with th? V LV'0? AU ber unlenii otherwise directed. ' K w"" " current anm- Publishers .with ShS mmoner. ?1.R0 1.(10 1.75 1.K5 2.00 i.no 1.80 1JIK 1.75 1.75 10 1.80, 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.05 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.R5 2.20 S.25 1.15 1.00 Address all Orders to THE COMMONER Lincoln. Nebraska COLORADO'S CAMPAIGN FUND LAW A Denver, Colo., dispatch, printed in tho Indianapolis Star, follows: John F. Shafroth, governor of Colorado, governor by virtue of his theory that tho people shall rule, has had enacted into law a unique measure which provides that the state shall furnish the campaign fund for both political parties. "Honest John" Shafroth. "Honest John," because while a member of congress he gave up his seat when he learned that he had been elected through fraudulent votes, went be fore the people last fall on a plat form of many planks, the bank guar anty plank, initiative and referendum and many others. He -was tlift dem ocratic candidate in a state normally republican and he had an idea of his own. That idea' w,as the concept of the state paying the campaign expenses of the political parties in campaigns. Shafroth conceived the idea and spoke of it as he went about the state telling why the people, should elect the democratic state -ticket. Nobody, not even the party itself, took a great deal of stock in the Shafroth plank about the campaign expense money. But Shafroth had it in mind always and he meanti whatever he had to say about it. He never forgot .about it in any ,o. iiis speeches, and. he-fought along: with it single "handed. Men in his own party smiled and" let the candi date for governor go ahead. It might be all right, they said, and if he got away with it, well and good. But nobody pushed it, except Shaf roth. He pushed it all the time. Shafroth was elected governor by a substantial majority and he went into office still with his pet meas use all his own. He was it's guar dian angel. ,Shafroth, drew up the. bill himself and had it presented by one of the senators. Still no one in the legislature took it seriously. It was rather radical. But the governor took it seriously and before long the Shafroth meas ure went through, the legislature,. the. only one of the many promises made in the platform that the democrats made into law. It was the Shafroth bill and Shafroth put-it through, and now it is the law of the state. The law is unique. Colorado, cor poration controlled and corporation ridden since it came into being in 1876, has suffered long and patiently under the lash of the vested inter ests. Candidate Shafroth thought about these things and conceived the law enacted last winter. The law provides that the treasur er of the state shall remit to the state chairmen of the central com mittees of the political parties before each campaign 2 5m cents for each vote cast for governor by that party in the last election. The chairman of the state committees will then remit to -the. county, chairman -.12 .centsj ior each vote cast for governor by that party at the last electtpn. This furnishes the sinews of war for the campaign. The candidates are permitted un der the law to put up no more than 25 per cent of the first year's salary of the office for which they are can didates. Then comes the stinger in the bill. Any person or corporation who either directly or indirectly contributes any money or anything of value to any political paTty will be punished on conviction by imprisonment not ex ceeding two years in the penitentiary or a fine of not more than $5,000, or both fine and imprisonment. There has been -no campaign since the law was enacted and how it will work out is problematical but Shaf roth is back of the bill and he will see that it is taken care of. Some of the machine politicians' already believe that they have something on their hands in this campaign ex pense law and they are but now wak ing up to the fact that there is a law like it on the books. They do not $t$cri&er$' Advertising Dept. You can make monCy and build utTa nice little business of your own bv using this department to place your proposition before The Commoner's biir army of reactors. If you have anything to buy or sell it will pay you to usq this department at all times. Send us a trial order. Write Just as you'd talk. Never mind tho grammar Count name, postoillce, and numbers as ono word each. Multiply by C cents per word, and send your ad. and money order direct to Tho Commoner, Lincoln Neb. ' If). BOOKS THEIR TITLES: "IN , stP3'" "Stepping Heaven ward," ''Dream of Heaven," "Prince of tho House of David," "Titus," "Ten Nights in a Bar Boom;" 15c books Moody's Shorter Lifo in "2 volumes' Moody's Anecdotes, Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study, John Ploughman's Talk, John Ploughman's Pictures, by C. H Spurgeon, Drummond's Addresses. These books are famous and have ac- . quired a wido reputation. A great edu cator once, said:. "Wo g.et moro knowl edge, beauty, delight, joy, comfort and ' happluess out of good--booka.-.f or the samo money than anything we buy." Sent prepaid. M. E. Cassady, Normal. 111., 204 S. School St. ' 1VIONTANA. THE LAND OF OPPOR 1V tunlty.l Contains the only -trreat area of fertile land in tho United States waiting to bo peopled Send your-jnamei.ta. J-sIL-Hall-Commlsslonor of. tho State. Bureau-, of Publicity Helena, Mont.,, and- get, fr6o, official book, with full information. 90 000 ,A9R,ES 0F CHOICE, SE V,UUU lected farm lands in tho Famous James River Valley for sale on tho one-half crop payment plan. AgeUs wanted. Writo owners. John B Fried Co., Jamestown, No. Dak. AKIAHOMA LANDS SEND . FOR price list and booklet. T. A. Bar gett, Guthrie, Okla. HTWO NEWSPAPER - MEN WANT good western location, for a demo cratic dally. 'County a'n'd' district cen tral committees- address Harry C. Green, Dally News, San Francisco. , TOR SALE 240 ACRE FARM NEAR school, store and German church; best of land, easy terms, immediate possession. U. H. Palmor, St. James, Minn. WISCONSIN FARM LANDS, $10 TO y $30 per acre; close to schools and churches; all level, tillabje lan.d, free from stone or stumps; improved and raw land at a bargain in Juneau county. Write E. P. Rogers, Finley, Wisconsin. AUCTION I WJLL SELL AT PUBLIC , auction Monday, October 4, 1909, be ginning at 10 o'clock sharp, my fol lowing -described property, to-wit: My personal property, consisting of stock, and machinery, corn In field, grain in bt together with my farm, consisting of 143 acres described as follows: The east half of tho southwest quartor and the south half of tho southeast quarter in Section 14, Range 28, Town ship 103, in Faribault county, Minne sota; good Improvements and under a high state of cultivation. Farmers of Illinois and Wisconsin please investi gate. $3,000 cash will be required, balance to suit purchaser. For further particulars address D. H. Morse, pro prietor, Winnebago, Minnesota. Auc tioneer, J. L. Roebke. P)0 YOU WANT AN ALFALFA STOCK farm in Colorado? Six hundred acres under irrigation ditch. B. S. Paddock, Manzanola, Colo, OCOTCH COLLIE PUPS. ALL PURE bred varieties. Ducks and geese. Dawson Bros., Franksvllle, Wis. WTILL SELL A FEW CHOICE n tr,acts off my ranch on the now R. R. in artesian belt in southwest Texas. S. C Ward, Atherton, Texas. D ABY CHICKS, 8 CENTS EACH - Shipped safely anywhere. Culver Poultry Farm, 1024 Reed, Benson, Neb. ? 000 ACRES OF COALLAND FOR W rf sale in the famous region of Fayette Co., Pa. W. T. Gates, Fleming ton, W. Va, AFTER SUFFERING FOR YEARS f with stomach and liver trouble, I have discovered a simple remedy that has done mo more good than all tho doctors in that time. Inexpensive and found in every home, Recipo sent for GOc in silver. R, L. -Neville, Deer Park, Md. - - . . - & & ft J J 'w J -