The Commoner. ANGUST 13,' 1909. EDUCATIONAL SERIES i . i ' - .I - I, . i , , 1 1, , i. , i , ,. . i, , ,, ,, t -t Republican Editorials of the Vintage of 1909 A TIME FOR PLAIN SPEECH This is a time for plain speech. The Tribune does not believe that any northwestern member of congress who votes for the Payne-Aldrlch treachery can expect re-election. We should have little faith in popular government if any . could. Contemplate the 'blackness of the treason in this part of the country in some states conven tions and campaign speakers may have pledged tariff reduction with the secret intention to raise tile tariff.' We have hiore confidence in our members than to believe that was the case here. But if politicians did not mean to keep their word, the people meant that they should, and will punish them for not doing it, The national platform was plain enough, but that of Minnesota' was more explicit. The re election of any member after voting for upward revision would be confession that neither can didates, conventions nor people mean what they say. After that the people might as well abdi cate at once and for good. Strenuous attempts to cloud the' issue are preparing, and will burst into full flower when the conference report appears. Figures will be juggled tp. prove that there has bqen average reduction. Why should anybody be fooled by these? We have had a generation of experience of tariff bills drawn by the same servants of privileged monopoly who drew this. Whatever the pretense of reducing, duties, prices were pushed up after each. Why should they not jack the tariff up? Both committees are organized in the interest of priv ilege. The conference committee is the last sifting of the monopoly forces. No northwest ern state is represented on it. From eleven to fourteen of its fifteen members are. sworn to higher duties.. What folly to expect lower? If they, are made .in. appearance, the reductions will tbe mere, than, offset ,by obscure changes in, i .administration' or classification. Tariff benefi ciaries have no doubt about what is doing. They have been rushing in imports in advance of the law and are putting up prices in expectation of its opportunities. Minneapolis Tribune (Rep.) It Is not '.a complete surrender, but the presi dent has secured ,for the people many of the fruits of victory ''for which they wer8 contend ing. Chicago; Ev'e'riing Post (Rep.) ' He (the president) has won a'- protective tariff, carrying out . protection principles and meeting the pledges of the .republican party. Philadelphia' Press (Rep.) . ... i ' Doubtless" a careful study of the bill will show that there are some reductions that are impor tant. 'But it is doubtful whether there has really been revision downward, as far as the articles, in' which the consumers are interested are con cerned. Indianapolis News, Rep. VICTORY FOR ALDRICH The outcome, is a signal victory for the Ald-rich-Hale-Lodge crowd. Mr. Aldrich has suc cessfully defended his "citadel of protection" and the great schedules which he constantly re ferred to as the ''bulwark" of the Bystem, wool ens, cotton, iron and steel, and sugar, come out practically untouched. This is literally true of woolens, cottons and sugar. Experts are unable to point to anything in the bill as agreed upon that will tend to lower to the consumer the price which he now pays for the necessaries of life. Indianapolis News. i. ' NO' RELIEF FOR, ,THE PEOPLE At no. pQint in the revision is there found evidence of a serious purpose to reduce duties in the Interest of lower prices. The protective principle has l?een carefully observed. Many of the duties which prevented importation have been reduced, but, there is little likelihood that importations sufficient to affect home prices will result. There is every reason to believe the trade will take advantage of the increase Jn the duties on cotton., to advwe prices. . These increases bear especially upon the poorer classes; There .was absolutely no justification for the advance of the rates on tho cheaper grades of cotton hosiery. No one doubts for a moment that' the manufacturers will increase the price of wonicnte and children's hosiery aB a result of. tho heavier duties. Tho increases in the silk schodulo weremado because Senator Aldrich and Representative Payne came to tho conclusion that tho articles comprised under this, schedule were luxuries. There, are hundreds of thousands of women who think to tho contrary. Although tho woolen, schedulo was admittedly iniquitous it has not been changed, except int a few unimportant paragraphs'; Tho reduction in sug rates is so inappre ciable that it will not bo felt by tho consumer. What are particularly interesting to the houso wife are the china, glass and glassware para graphs. Tho rates with' regard to tho articled therein are practically not affected. The farmers of the middle.west will not bene fit from the new lumber rates. The duty on structural steel ready for use has b'een increased. The reductions in the metal schedules will lead to no largo importations) ., Chicago Tribune, Rep. ( JOKERS Senator Cummins is 'calling- attention to' a monstrosity in the steel'schedulo which ought to be looked after. The Dingley duty on struc tural steel is $10 a ton, and 'the house or Payne' bill reduced tho duty to $6 a ton. Now it ap pears In the Aldrich bill in' ad valorem form at' ' 45 per cent, which is equivalent to about' $16 a ton on the basis of present domestic prices, and which would be more than the Dingley rate on the basis of any Import price likely to prevail. Why tho Aldrich' reviser should have sneaked in this special favor for the great steel trust remains to be explained.- Springfield (Mass.) Republican. ! ! '."..""' ' This Is but an instance. Tho senate bill cot ton and wool schedules are full of just such' jokers, as Senator Dolliver showed. Why should the steel purchaser allow himself to be pacified with free iron ore, which helps the steel man ufacturer and nobody else? Des Moines Regis ter and Leader, Rep. THE BEST! THAT CAN BE SAID ' The best that can be said, of the tariff bill as reported by the conference committee is that, it doqs not fulfill the prpmises of either party and should not have the support of any member of congress who has committed himself for hon est, substantial downward, revision. The worst that can be said of it iswthat Its specific provi sions are, In the main, specific in figures only, and that many of these figures, although they may be made to appear favorable to the Ameri can consumers, may yet be wholly' deceptive, and that because of the ambiguity and uncer tainty involved, the net result of the bill, If it should become a law, may be an increase in stead of a decrease in the cost of living. Chi cago Tribune. NOTHING GAINED The truth, if it is ever established, will be that the president has gained next to nothing. There is much discontent among house mem bers because of the palpable violation of all the party promises in the legislation about to be enacted. Progressive senators' who '' will vote against the' bill realize that the president and' the ma jority in both hoiises will, riiak'e 'a mighty effort to discredit the men who have fought against Aldrichism and for tho public interest. The darkest and most disremitahle feature of the whole tariff' fight is the' effort already started, in that direction and to be continued with the aid and countenance of the president himself. The bill remains practically the senate bill except for such reductions ' 'in hides, leather goods, lumber and raw materials as were con ceded to the president. Not a word of criticism was uttered against the measure In the senate, but is applicable to the . conference agreement. Tho reductions do not show revision down ward in.- the - sense that such revision was to check tho monopolization of productlvo Indus trios or tho steady advanco of, prices through manipulation by controlling combinations. Philadelphia North American, Rdp. " : : : : THE COST OF LIVIXG There is only one way to Judgo of tho valuo of tho proposed tariff law, which is now so near ly defined as to loavo little speculation as to its ultimato terms, and that is tho probable effect it 'will have on tho cost of living. Tho causo of tho demand for lower dutlos 1b tho excessive Cost of. living, brought about by tho extortions of tho tariff-protected, interests. As nearly as, can bo foreseen at this time, the tariff bill, as it will go to tho president, will leave practically unchanged the predatory powers of tho sugar (.rust, the steel trust, the' oil trust, tho woolen trust, tho cotton trust, tho moat trust, tho harvester trust, the bad trust and tho other combinations that have beqn",, formed to exact abnormal profits out of tho prices that the people must pay for -the neces sities of life, and out of those whh are willing ; and ablo to buy tho luxuries, '' ' , ,. If there shall be any gain to tho people that gain will not meot tho promises of tho twot, great parties nor tho expectations created by tho platforms and campaign utterances. And -no provision that congress may make that will not satisfy the people will servo' to check to, agitation of the tariff question. If tjils agita tion continues to bo allayed as a result of the deliberations of tho present session, a way must bo found to' get .under tho rates so far mado on the necessities of Ufo and agreed to. by tho con ference committee. Tho only key to the tariff situation is the 'cost of Hvlng.-Kansas City Star, Rep. ' V. AS OTHER PAPERS VIEW IT The republican leaders are gambling on pros perity and public gullibility. The bill adopted in conference Is a bet that the country will have so completely recovered from the Roosevelt panic by the time pf tho next congressional., elections that tho voters will forget the broken" pledges, the extortionate rates and tho manner in which the Payne-Aldrlch measure yav, framed. New York World, Dem.' " "" ' ' The republican party in its' platform, anfl tho republican candldato in his speeches, having promised a reduction of the tariff burden, a re publican congress has Increased that burden, and now these men who have broken the pledge they made to the country are seeking by a false parade of meaningless figures to conceal their crime from tho people, whom they have cheated and betrayettlNew York Times, Taft supporter. . The president's compromise with the party: traitors who repudiated the pledges of revision downward given by him during his campaign Is received by the country with profound dis appointment. Most of a'll is it disappointing to the republican voters of 'tho mlddlo' west ahjl! the northwest, who took Mr. Taft at his word' and gave hlra the presidency. If they do not revenge themselves upon tho party which has betrayed them the temper of the American peo ple with respect to tho binding force of popu lar verdicts has changed in a way that is un believable. St. Louis Republic, Dem. It is fair to say that Mr. Taft has done what he cpuld. He has made a one-man fight to redeem the pledges of the republican party and has been moderately successful m the fight The future of tariff revision rests with tho people. Will they bestow censure in the one effective way upon those men In congress who not only have supported tho high schedules of , the present high tariff, but have done their best to make some of those schedules materially hlghcr?i If so, there will bo a noticeable scarcity of standpatters, In the next congress. Chicago News, Taft supporter. Thp bill as it went to Mr. Taft originally was a shocking repudiation of his solemn pledge. Undeniably Mr. Taft has made It less shocking. But we do not believe that President Taft or anybody else will be able to convince the peo 'plo that the bill' reported by the conference com- , mlttee, and which, it is understood, the presi dent will sign when it comes to, him, is a -re- ' demption in good faith of the pledge made' to the people that if the republican party were elected they could count upon substantial relief from the tariff burdens of which they, justly complained.1 New York American, Hearst.' '" I VJVClI, SWIff I rii rv m ':l ill 'i it -:fl K M it