i $ f r ' -I. , The Commoner. ti &NGUST 13, 1909 liours to the final debate on tho measure. At 2 o'clock the vote was taken on the adoption of the conference report, which was agreed to, !43 to 31. Following closely upon this action, the senate adopted Mr. Aldrich's concurrent resolution pro viding for a reduction of the duties on various manufactures of leather to meet tho views of western senators, who had been defeated in their efforts to obtain protection lor hides. Mr. McCumbor's resolution providing addi tional rebate regulations for the bill,, amended at the instance of Senator McLaurin, to include a provision for free cotton bagging, was adopted Without division. After this action there remained nothing for the senate to do except to await the signing of the measure. Senators Aldrich and Daniel were appointed a committee to wait on the president In conformity with the custom of informing the chief executive that congress had concluded its business and was ready to adjourn if he had no further communication to make. Six o'clock was agreed upon by the two houses as the hour for final adjournment. "Democrats and republicans, regular and irreg ular, formed little social groups, with no indi cation of hostility. A resolution offered by Mr. Culberson, ex pressing the appreciation of the senate for the able and impartial manner in which the vice president had presided over the sessions of that body, was adopted. In especially happy language Mr. Sherman thanked the senate for the courteous treatment which had been extended toward him at all times. His life in the senate, he said, had been made a continual pleasure by the consideration that had oeen shown him at all times. Con cluding his remarks by wishing the senators a happy return to their homes, ho declared the ex traordinary session of the sixty-first congress adjourned "without day." A burst of applause was accorded the vice president as he laid down the gavel of his au thority, and at 5:58 p. m., two minutes in ad vance of the time fixed, the senate adjourned sine die. With its members nearly exhausted from the heat and the arduous labors of the last four months, the house of representatives devoted the lasl day of the special session to perfecting the tariff bill and transacting a mass of routine busi ness. Speaker Cannon announced his commit tee appointments, and they were received with varying degrees of satisfaction. The concurrent resolution amending the leath er schedule of the tariff bill was adopted with out a dissenting vote, after it had been discussed for little over half an ho'ur.. No such good luckj however, befell the McCumber-McLauren resolu tion, revising the drawback provision and plac ing cotton bagging on the free list, which had previously been adopted by the senate. On the claim of Chairman Payne that it was not in order, it was consigned to the committee on ways and means. It was but a few minutes before 5 o'clock when Mr. Payne's resolution, fixing 6 p. m. as the hour of adjournment sine die, was adopted. While the committee appointed to notify the president that the house was ready to adjourn was performing that duty, there was such an exodus of members from the chamber that the attendance dwindled away to a mere corporal's guard. A half hour remained before the appointed hour of adjournment and the time was dragging so heavily that by direction of the speaker the hands of the clock were set ahead twenty-five minutes Before adjourning the house, Speaker Cannon, with the members standing with their hats in their hands, made a neat speech in which he thanked them for their service during the special session. Upon its conclusion he got a round" of applause from both sides. The speaker said: "I desire to thank the membership of the house of representatives for efficient and faithful, and, in my judgment, wise service during this special session of congress. Representing as we do in the aggregate ninety millions of people, scattered as the population is from the Atlantic ocean to the Golden Gate, and from the northern boundary to the southern boundary, and producing as we do one-third of all the products of all the civilized globe, it is but natural when the chosen representatives of the great -body of the people come together with varying interests, with virile constituencies, that they should disagree as to the proper policies that should govern the enactment of legislation. Out of that disagreement comes compromises. Legislation is impossible except by the vote of a majority, and that majority can not agrco without compromise." Immediately after signing tho Aldrich tariff bill President Taft issued this public statomont: "I have signed tho Payne tariff bill because I believo it to bo the result of slncero effort on tho part of tho republican party ,to make a downward revision, and to comply with tho promises of tho platform as they have been generally understood and as I interpreted them in tho campaign before election. "This Is not a perfect taTiff bill, nor a com plete compliance with tho promises made, strict ly interpreted, but a fulfillment free from criti cism in respect to a subject matter Involving many schedules and many thousands of articles could not bo expected. Suffice it is to say that except with regard to whisky, liquors and wines, and in regard to silks and as to some high classes of cottons, many of which may be treat ed as luxuries and proper subjects for a revenue tariff there have been very few increases In rates. "There has been a great number of real do creases In rates and they constitute a sufficient amount to justify tho statement that this bill is a substantial downward revision and a reduc tion of excessive rates. "This is not a free trade bill. It was not in tended to be. Tho republican party did not promise to make a free trade bill. "It promised to make the rates protective, but to reduce them when they exceeded tho difference between the cost of production abroad and here, making allowance for the greater nor mal profit on active investments here. I believe that while this excess has not been reduced in a number of cases, in a great majority tho rates are such as are necessary to protect American industries, but are low enough in case of abnor mal increase of demand and raising of prices to permit the possibility of tho importation of for eign articles and thus to prevent excessive prices; "The power granted to .the executive under the maximum and minimum clause may be said to aBsure the removal of obstacles which have been interposed by foreign governments In tho way of undue and unfair discrimination against American merchants and products. "The Philippine tariff bill section I have strug gled to secure for ten years past, and it grati fies me exceedingly by my signature to give it the effect of law. I am sure it will greatly In crease the trade between the two countries and it will do much to build up the Philippines In a healthful prosperity. "The administration clause of the bill and the customs court are admirably adapted to se cure a more uniform and a' more speedy final construction of the meaning of tho law. "The authority of the president to use certain means assists him in the application of tho maximum and minimum sections of tho statute, and to enable officials to administer the law gives a wide latitude for tho acquisition under circumstances favorable to its truth, of infor mation in respect to the price and cost of pro duction of goods at home and abroad, which will throw much light on the operation of the present tariff and be of primary importance to officially collected data upon which future ex ecutive action and legislative recommendation may be based. "The corporation tax Is a just and equitable excise measure, which it is hoped, will produce a sufficient amount to prevent a deficit and which Incidentally will secure valuable statis tics and information concerning the many cor porations of the country and will constitute an Important step toward that degree of publicity and regulation which the tendency" of corporato enterprises in the last twenty years has shown to be necessary." , Champ Clark has issued a statement in which he says: "Many, generally republicans, or near-republicans, and more individuals keep mouthing about dissensions among house democrats and the perfect unity among house republicans, notwithstanding the truth known of all men who care to know that the house democrats came out of the tariff fight more thoroughly united on that question than they had been in a generation, and the republicans came out of it worse shattered than ever before. "Some papers, either through carelessness or malice, have gone so far as to say that had the democrats not been absent in large numbers, unpaired, we would have defeated the con ference report on the tariff, bill. There Is not a syllable of truth in it. "Now mark how plain a tale will put them down: On my motion last spring to recommit the Payne bill with instructions which In structions constitute a comprchonntvo demo cratic platform so far as taTiff is concerned all domocrats votod for it except four. On tho Payno bill ltsolf, votod on Immediately after rny motion to recommit was dofcated, tho republi cans lost ono vote, and the democrats lost four, a not loss to tho domocrats of three, a more nearly unanimous democratic vote than has been cast on a tariff bill In a generation. "Many nowspapors aro trying to mako it ap pear that tho Payno-Aldrlch-Smoot bill is a re vision downward. This 1b absolutely untrue. Tho average of rates of tho Payno-Aldrlch-Smoot bill is about 2 per cent higher than tho avorago rate of the Dingley bill, Whon tho maximum goes into effect March 31, 1910, the avorago rate will bo about 27 por cont higher than tho average of tho Dingley bill." An Associated Press dispatch from Washing ton Bays: Because of his instrumentality in having a higher duty placed on hosiery, Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania, is to bo tendered a banquot by the hosiery industry of tho country and tho manufacturers of Pennsylvania. Tho banquot Is to take placo on Octobor 20 In Philadelphia. A great Industrial parade, in which operatlvea employed in the hosiery factories and other In dustries in Pennsylvania aro to take part Is planned In conjunction with tho dinner. President Taft must abrogate tho Cuban reciprocity treaty or, it is said, he will bo un able to grant to Franco, Germany and other sugar-producing countries the advantages of tho minimum rates of duty of tho Payno tariff law. This is made tho subjoct of a letter sent to the presidont by Representative Brousaard of Louis iana. The Cuban treaty contains a clause which stipulates that tho Dingley rates on sugar will not bo reduced by "treaty or convention" as long aB tho treaty remains in force, according to Mr. Broussard. GOVERNOR JOHNSON AND TONNAGE TAX Herman, Minn., Juno 29. Editor Tho Com moner: In the current Issue of your paper you have an article relatlvo to Governor John son's veto of the "Tonnage Tax BUI." You further Invito your readers to comment on this article. We note that you print Governor Johnson'n veto message In full and wo presume that you have perused tho same. If this la tho case wo feel that your commont was influenced by other information and from other sources and wo can not help but believe that your Informa tion came from prejudiced parties and from biased opinions, for wo aro firmly of the opinion that were you thoroughly conversant with the existing conditions that you would not have taken tho stand you did. It is true that tho state democratic platform contained a pledge for the tonnage tax; Tho Commoner says "If the governor believed the tonnage tax wrong he ought to have repudiated tho plank of tho platform Immediately." As a matter of fact Governor Johnson repeatedly, during his campaign, stated that ho would veto any legislation which in its scope would work hardship on any one part of the state, and furth er, it is a well established and incontrovertible fact, in this state, that the tonnage tax would work untold hardship and privation on the resi dents of tho northern part of Minnesota. Governor Johnson arose above his party and plainly demonstrated the fact that he was gov ernor of all the people. Platforms are some times wrong, are sometimes made with certain objects in view and while theoretically should be in the nature of a contract, practically this is not always true as evidenced by the platforms of both great parties in years gone by. Great indeed Is the man who has the courage to do right and who has the courage to face the dis approval of the makers of his platform when he is convinced that his course is for the bene - fit of the people. It would seem to tho casual observer that a man should be right irrespective of his party's wishes. Governor Johnson's position today Is that he is the governor of all his people and not the mere figurehead of -fils party. The republican congressmen who have repu diated their party are classed as statesmen and as public benefactors and the democratic con gressmen who have repudiated their party, when their party was right, are classed as traitors to the cause. When a man repudiates a wrong even though that wrong Is sanctioned by his party he ought to be regarded as a benefactor and the rank and file of the people of Minne sota, regardless of party affiliations, so regard Governor Johnson. DR. THOMAS M. THAYER. fi $11 III i 31 IM 1- ii I "iv : ' ' ;' t$l i i f M ?:f jrtkw?WJL&r1