The Commoner. AUGUST 13, 1909 3 The Tariff in Congress President Taft Invited a number of senators to lunch with him at tho White House. Among these senators were Beveridge, Dolliver, and Brown of Nebraska. He urged them to get in line for. the tariff bill. Speaking in the senate Mr. Bristow of Kan sas recalled incidents of the last national cam paign and declared that President Taft in Kan sas had favored a revision of the tariff down ward, and he (Bristow) had been elected to tho senate on that issue. The fact was, he said, that practically no reduction had been obtained. "The tax," said Mr. Bristow, "has been taken off of hides and it has been added to the sole leather suitcaso that the American citizens buy. And yet it had been advertised that a reduction has been made on the leather schedule for tho benefit of the American citizen. "Apparently the only thing considered in formulating the cotton schedule has been tho greed of the cotton manufacturer of New Eng land. As a republican senator I will not bo a party to placing Mr. Taft in the most embarras sing position in which it is possible for a presi dent to be placed; that is, to require him either to sign a bill that is not what was promised the people, or to compel him to repudiate the action of a majority of his party in both branches of the congress by a veto. He has, in substance, appealed to this congress to keep faith with tho people, but in effect it is a bill to ignore that appeal. I love the president. He has honored me with his friendship. I am devoted to tho welfare of his administration and for one, I will never vote to send him a bill for approval that is a' violation of his party's pledges, and which Is also In my judgment fundamentally wrong and in many of its details iniquitous. "I set up no standard for other senators. Every man should voto as his conscience and judgment dictate. But I feel that had I sup ported this bill I would be recreant to my duty as a senator and unfaithful to the people who sent me hero to represent them, and I can not do it." Regarding the exclusion of democratic mem bers of the conference committee Senator Daniel said a practical fraud had been committed upon both houses of congress. "The country stands, at this present moment, between the gallows and the ground," declared Daniel in commenting on the methods of tho majority. "I hope mercy may be sought, and may be found. I charge that the senate is ap parently in the control of lynch law." Soon after the bill reached tho senate several Jokers were discovered. The situation was de scribed in a Washington city dispatch printed in the Omaha World-Herald as follows: "Cattle state senators discover that the phraseology of leather schedule is not according to the agreement. They declare the reduction of duty applies only to shoes that are made no where in the world. A canvass of the senate by 'regulars' showed that the bill would be defeated. There is a great rounding up of 'reg ulars' in Aldrich's room and elsewhere and con sultations with the president, and the resolu tion for a reassembling of the conference com mittee: Several mistakes have been discovered in the bill which must be corrected. The bill, as changed, would have to be submitted again to the house. The attitude of President Taft with respect to the alleged 'joker' is the sub ject of conflicting reports." The tariff commission provision of the repub lican tariff bill is described in an editorial print ed in the Chicago Record-Herald, (Rep.) as follows: "Congress, with the exception of the 'insur gents,' is determined that the present tariff shall not be the last based on guesswork and the clamor of 'interests.' The spectacle which has disgusted the overwhelming majority of the people is one after the standpatter's own heart. Platforms may talk about scientific tests and ascertained facts; the average politician finds in juggling, bargaining and darkness his natural element. "The so-called tariff commission provision as Senator Aldrich drew it at tho instance of the president, backed by the liberal manufacturers and public opinion, was by no means a model of strength and generosity. It was acceptable only as a germ, seed, promise. But In the conference, as the correspondents told us, it had not a single friend, some of the conferees dreading light and others imagining 'usurpation' behind ,i, and the poor, thin, innocent para 's 'i - - ' graph was subjected to successive surgical oper ations. The clauses which spoko of .'informa tion useful to congress' and of investigations 'into the production, commerco and trado of the United States and of foreign countries, and all conditions affecting the same' were ruthless ly cut out. How, pray, can information be use ful to congress when it profors ignorance? After tho first operation tho president hu morously remarked that, with a little executive ingenuity, tariff information of importanco to the president could bo rendered usoful that is, compulsorily enlightening to congress. Of course a president with goods to dolivor can deliver them in tho 'message vehicle and maka things embarrassing to the perverse and be sotted. "How does the case stand now, after tho second major operation? The whole provision reads as follows: " 'To secure information to assist the presi dent in the discharge of tho duties imposed upon him by this section, and tho officers of the gov ernment in the administration of the customs laws, the president is hereby authorized to em ploy such persons as may bo required.' "Tho intention of the conferees is manifest. They wished to limit the investigation authorized to the maximum-minimum feature, to tho de termination of the existence or absence of 'un due discrimination' in foreign tariffs. It may bo that the paragraph can still bo vitalized and broadened by 'interpretation,' but all that could verbally be done to hamper the president, to 'screw the lid on,' to shut out light, has been done. Whether the effort fails or succeeds, tho exhibition itself is disgraceful." Senator Cummins of Iowa and Daniol of Vir ginia occupied the time of the senate largely on the day before the adoption of the confer ence report. Tho Associated Press ays: Conferences among senators were numerous. Several times Vice President Sherman found it necessary to call tho body to order and Insist that conversation bo discontinued. The effect of- the maximum and minimum pro vision of the measure as agreed on by conferees was the chief subject of discussion during tho session. Senator Beveridge, quoting tho re marks of Chairman Aldrich, undertook to show that the senator Interpreted the language as re ported by tho conferees as practically guaran teeing all the results that could be obtained through the instrumentality of a tariff commis sion. He provoked a prompt opposition to that view by Senator Hale who, at great length arg ued that exactly the opposite purpose was in tho minds of the house conferees whose view had been adopted. He insisted that they care fully avoid giving any authority to the presi dent by which he could gather Information on which another revision of the tariff could bo based. From the commltteo on finance, Mr. Aldrich reported a concurrent resolution by which as soon as the conference report has been reported on, the hide and leather schedule will be corrected, it is intended to meet tho views of western senators who demanded lower duties on products manufactured from leather. Mr. Cummins announced his determination to vote against the bill. "I am opposed to the conference report and to tho bill which It em bodies because it is not such a revision of the tariff as I have expended the best years of my life fighting for, and It is not a fair and reason able performance of the promise of our plat form," he said, and added: "This is no court of bankruptcy, and I am not willing to accept ten cents on the dollar in discharge of the obli gations of the republican party. It has always been and Is now, a solvent organization and it is not only able, but its rank and file will in sist upon paying its debts in full. Its pledges will be redeemed at par and although the blind ness of some of its leaders may at this time postpone the day of redemption, I shall await with patience, confidence and serenity the hour at which it will keep full and complete faith with the American people." He expressed his admiration and applause for tho courage and persistence of the president, "in attempting to secure, and to a degree in securing, lower rates in the range of dispute between the house and the senate.' He said: "The range was very narrow and the president has done all that one man could do for the bet terment of the bill." Speaking "with the full consciousness that the president will sign the bill, and that it will become a law with his assont," ho rcqognlzod, ha said, that thero Is a fundamental difforenco be tween tho voto powor and tho voting power, "An executlvo ought not," ho said, "to voto a mcasuro simply becauso ho would have voted against It had ho boon a member of tho legisla tive body that passed it. "I havo always admitted," said tho sonator, "that with respect to thono commodities of which we are capablo of supplying tho homo demand, duties however high do not harm so long as thero oxlst effectual competition botween our own producers; and I repeat that admission now. I havo seen, however, competition In tho most important fields of production grow weaker and weaker until It has been easy to porcolvo that with many things prices havo not been fixed by tho fundamental rnd essential law of commorco, but havo been fixed by the arbitrary will of tho producer, and solely with referonco to tho utmost profit that trade would bear. "Under these conditions it seomed to me that excessive duties would necessarily b ceo mo a shield for avarice and greed. It secmod to mo that duties should bo so adjusted as to provont the domestic producer from raising his price above a fair American level without exposing himsolf to foreign competition. "These were tho only reasons known to mo for a revision of tho tariff; and I will never voto for a revision that does not follow, or at tempt to follow, these linos of economy through." Tho tariff has been reduced, Mr. Cummins said, on Iron and steel products moro than on any other schedule in tho bill. "And yet," ho declared, "so far as tho peoplo who buy iron and steel are concerned they would havo been quite as well off if thero had been no reduction whatever." Ho attacked tho various schodules of tho measure as affording no relief to the American consumer. Challenging tho statement by Mr. Cummins that thero had been no substantial reduction in tho bill, Mr. Aldrich declared that thero had been 500 reductions of rates. It would bo Im possible, ho said, to show that these ratea wore above a reasonable protective point. Mr. Cummins having Invited tho Rhode Island senator to visit him In Iowa, to help him convince tho people that theso rates wero only high enough to be protective, Senator Bailey suggested that when those two senators "per form in doublo harness," ho wished to rocoivo an invitation to witness tho ovent. Drifting Into a discussion of policies, Senators Cummins, Aldrich, Bailey, Dick, Beveridge and Smith of Michigan, entered upon a sort of ex perience meeting concerning tho political issuca of 189G. Mr. Aldrich insisted that the misrep resentation of tho McKinloy tariff bill first caused the defeat of the republican party and then resulted in tho nomination and election of Mr. McKinloy. "It was the money question that controlled that campaign," suggested Mr. Beveridge. "It was the absence of money that controlled it," facetiously suggested Mr. Smith of Michigan. "On our side," Interposed Mr. Bailey. Concluding his remarks Mr. Cummins reiter ated that he would vote against the conference report. Contending that thero was no raw material in this country, Mr. Elklns expressed regret that the so-called free raw material campaign had ever been started. Labor had been expended upon these articles called raw material, and ho believed that whenever they were subjected to foreign competition they should have been pro tected by the tariff. Senator Warren next took the floor and en tered upon an extended denunciation of the hldo and leather schedule. He called on Senator Aldrich, Galllnger and Dick to say what thoy thought of the doctrine of free raw material. All declared that they did not approve of the idea of admitting hides free of duty. Very sim ilar replies were received from Senators Bris tow, Dolliver, Oliver and Flint, who were called on to state their views. Never bofore had a tariff bill passed under . such a storm of disapproval, said Mr. Bailey, speaking in opposition to the report. "You hope," he said, addressing the republi cans, "that with tho returning tide of prosperity the people will forget the bad features of tho bill." He declared that the present bill would not Improve conditions, although the republicans would endeavor to spread the idea that It would. Crossing the aisle and directing his remark specifically to Mr. Aldrich, Mr. Bailey declared that nobody believed In the doctrine of free raw material, adding that the Rhode Island senator ff!U m k