The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 13, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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    I'JrtvfuF; twv ""tf ?r -
The Commoner.
ANGUST 13, X909
, r J"tJi 5ri f
majority of tho great dailies subsi
dized, and the subsidized papers are
doing their work well for their
I. B. Cohkling, Washington, D. C.
The democratic party will be
successful if it contends for the rights
of the people as against selfish mon
opolistic combinations which would
"drag an angel down" to make a
"dollar." I believe that what is mor
ally in our national life should
be condemned and eliminated. And
if we. as a party do this, we shall
Milton Clark, Calhoun, Ky. The
remedy is education. If the people
can be, educated the democratic party
can do it. It needs no other leaders
than it now has except those who
will naturally arise as circumstances
and events demand. The organiza
tion of the party, is now more per
fect than it has been for years. If
the people can not be educated suffi
ciently to .enable them to obtain re
lief against the present abuses
through the means of the ballot, then
they will tolerate these abuses until
toleration is no longer bearable, and
then they will seek relief by revolu
tion, as man has ever been want- to
do. However, we hope this may
never come, but that the people will
use the milder, better and more ef
fective remedy, the ballot.
J. B. Stohr, Bolivar, N. Y. I am
unable to understand why anyone in
the Allegheny or McKcan oil fields
should get scared by oil being put on
the free list. The Mexican oil is a
cheap grade oil, about the same as is
produced in several western states,
and it is a certainty Mexico can not
ship oil cheaper than it can be pro
duced here in the United States.
With all the largo wells drilled in
Illinois and Oklahoma, and the pro
ducers there , ready and willing to
drill more wells if it could only be
sold when produced, does not hurt
our marke.t, w(hy would, it hurt bur.
itjarket to allow Mexican oil to be
shipped free of duty? The total out
put in the United States in the year
1907 was far in excess of any pre
vious year, which made an unpar
alleled accumulation of stocks in
spite of which the prices of all
grades of oil was kept at a' high level
the prices in California showing ad
vances. While Mr. Vreeland is kind
in offering to present to the ways
and means committee a petition from
Allegheny county producers, it might
be well to recall a part of Mr. Vree
land's speech which was delivered by
him in Bolivar during the past cam
paign. In speaking on the tariff he
told us how everything was cheap
under free trade, that even oil was
cheap under Cleveland's administra
tion. That In part is true, oil was
cheaper under Cleveland's time than
any time since, but Mr. Vreeland
forgot to tell us that oil was also
higher under Cleveland's time than
it has been since. In April, 1895,
oil reached $2.60 and it has never
been higher than $1.90 since.
J. H. Allison, Longwood, Mo. In
your letters from the people you
print one from P. Hendrick of Lima,
N. Y., which has the right ring to
my old ears. In fact I can see but
little show to regulate the great
trusts and combinations of capital
without the people, own "and control
the sanle. ' Just as well look the mat
ter square in the face at once. and
be .idone witb it, and not lose time
advocating f. policy that will be as
impossible as it has been to make
any progress in that direction in the
past. I think we will make better
the condition of the great masses of
the people by advocating and agitat
ing the common ownership of all
public utilities. Then and not till
then will we have industrial peace.
I furthermore believe if we did own
all the industrial trusts and combina
tions of the country they could be
run or operated fo;' less than .' costs
to attempt to supervise tho opera
tion of tho same under tho present
system with tho courts apparently
against the interest of the masses of
the people. We would then be in a
condition to do those things which
the Christ and the apostle urged
when they advocated tho common
ownership of all things.
J. C. Dooloy, Des Moines, Iowa.
In your issue of March 12 occurred
a1 splendid article from tho writings
of a commercial traveling man, in
which ho discusses guaranty bank
deposits and its strengthening ef
fects on all lines of business, as he
actually found it in his own Jine
carried on the road, and his noting
the same influence extended to all
These and the numerous other points 11
so ably discussed by him bearing bo
dirctly on the work of the traveling
salesman made it exceedingly inter
esting to me. But how you should
.have F. B. Tinelli's "Pointerc to
Commercial Travelers," and quote
his discussion, as a side Issue:
dropped in the same as the above
was, on tho harmful effect being
produced in this country by "trusts"
and the establishment and support
of educational institutions and libra
ries by millionaires as their own
personal holdings, as is being done
now by capitalists in this country.
The former is treated under his
chapter entitled "The Centralization
of Big Industries," and tho latter
under what might be called "False
Philanthropy," being chapters nine
and ten.
A Living From Poultry on a City Lot
The Burnt Offering. By Edith
Nicholl Ellison. Broadway Publish
ing Co., 835 Broadway, New York.
Price $1.25.
Roman Catholicism Capitulating'.
Before Protestantism. By G. V. Fra
dryssa. Translated from the Span
ish. Southern Publishing Company,
Mobile, Ala.
The Sloops of tho Hudson. An
historical sketch of the packet and
market sloops of the last century,
ofrn "Rv Wllllnm 17! Vornl nn nlr nnil
Moses W. Collyer. G. P. Putnam's 1
Sons, New York and London.
Reincarnated. A romance of tho
soul. By Charles Gould Beede.
Newport Publishing Co.
Letters by a Republican. During
tho 1908 campaign. By J. Llewel
lyn King. Published by Francis
Fitch, 47 Broad St., New
The Days of Long Ago and Im
mortality. (Poem.) By Warren E.
Comstock. Published by Richard G.
Badger. The Gorham Press, Boston,
Lecal and Historical Status of the
Dred Scott Decision. By Elbert Wil
liam R. Ewing, LL. B. Cobden Pub
lishing Co., Washington, D. C.
An Original Treatise on Electro
Vital Force. By I. J. Hartford, B. S.
D., D. O., M. D. Published by the
author at Paxton, 111.
Penn and Religious Liberty. In
terpreted by representatives of six
teen denominations. Philadelphia.
On the Onen Road. Being some
thoughts and a little creed of whole
some living. By Ralph Waldo Trine.
Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., Publish
ers, New. York. Price 50 cents net.
Echoes of Holiday Season of 1907
1908. Some sentiments and re
sponses from friends. George C.
Rankin, 1422 F St., Northwest,
WashinEton. D. C.
The American Transportation
Problem. By John Howe Peyton,
Civil Engineer. Courier-Journal
Printing Co., Louisville, Ky. Price
Kft fPntfi
The Tariff and the Farmer. B. S.
Payson Perry. Press' of F. S. Blan
chard & Co., Worcester, Mass.
What Shall We Eat? By Alfred
Andrews. The Health Culture Co.,
Passait, N. J.
BBBKdMfcg, - jyBmJta.vy " Hsjfl' iT j "? JtKHifcyj5aaaasBBi'
TO e average poukr that weald seem impostUe. sad when we 18 fern met we hare setesXy done a $1500
ponknr Um with 60 hens on a comer in the dtr csxfca, 40 fct wide by 40 feel Urn, we ate aWy slstsee
Mete, k wwMMt be possible to get wch returns by say oae of the irituas d poekrr knH
and pfacbtctf by me meneaa people, sua A m aa easy matter wbea the bcw PHILQ SYSTEM u artotrtrri.
TIm) Philo System Is Unlike All Other Ways of Keeping Poultry
sod In many respects la jast tho nwrte, accomplishing things In poultry work that hare always been con
sidered impossible, and getting tinfaeard-ot results that am hard to believe without seolag; however, the
facta remain the same, and we can provo to you every word of the abovo'etatetnenU
Tke New Syatera Covers AH Branches of tka Work Necessary for Success
from selecting the breeders to marketing the orodnct. It telle how to ant aum that will hatch, how to hatak
nearly every egg and how to ralso nearly all the chicks hatched. It plvos complete plans In detail how to
make everything necessary lo ran tho business and at los than half tho oot rouulrod to handle tho poultry
business In any other manner. There la nothing complicated aboat the work, and any man or woman that
can handle a saw and hammer can do the work.
Two Peand Broilers In Eight 'Weeks
and raised la spaee of lees than a square foot to tho broiler without any loss, and tho broilers are of tho
very beet Quality, bringing liore thrco coots per pound aboro the highest mnrkot prioo.
Our Six Months Old Pallets are Laying at the Rate of 24 Eggs Each per Month
fat a spaee of twoaqnare font for eaoh bird. Mogrconcat bono of any description is Jod,and tho food mod
m inexpensive aa eomparou wiia xooa otnors are uui
Oar new book, tho Pfcilo System of Progressive
Poultry Keeping, sires fall particulars rewarding
thnan irnndnrfnl riiaeorerlrfl. with almnln. AMt-to-tin-
dorstand direction that are right to tho point, and 16
pages of Illustration all branches of tho
work from start to finish.
Don't Let tke Chicks Die in the Shell ,
Ono of our secrets of success is to save all tho chick
ens that are tally developed atnatchlngtlmo.whethor
the can crack the shell or not. It is a slinplo triek
ana believed to be tho seerrt of the ancient Kgyptlans
and Chinese which enabled tbem to soil tho chicks
at V onto a doeea .
Odckea Feed at 18c a Bashel
Oar hook teals how to wiake tho beat green food with
bat little ttoable and have a good supply any day In
tho year, winter wwrnprnr. It Is just as Impossible
to get a large egg yield without gro a food as It Is to
keep a cow without hay or f oddor.
Oar New Brooder Saves Two Cents ea Eaxk
No lamp repaired. No danger of chilling, overheat
Vnllf r Falls. N. y.. bVnt. 6. 1201.
It wae ray prlvllore to rrn1 a week in Kim Ira, dor-
inizAUKnirt. darlnif
working of tho 1'hllo System
daring which time I saw tho practical
kronlair Poultry.
and was surprlsod at the results accomplished la a
In or burning ap the chickens as with brooders alng
ho chlckx
rhen plac
nlim Ann irii
bo easily made In an hour at a cost of 26 toCUoonts.
lamps or any kind of flro. They ulso keep nil the llco
plans and tho right to mako and un them.
oT the chickens automatically nr kill any that miy bo
on when placed In ths brooder
Oar book gives full
tbo Patio System will bo sent
latest edition nas many pngoo oi
Bond cLOO and a copy of the latest rovinod edition of
uj ruiurn uiau. iimi
ot additional reading
Blotter, and by ordorlng direct you aro euro to got the
!,. nnri xaost anorovod book. Tho Phi to rJystetn Is
especially valuablo to the farmer as well as to t'io
city or villago fancier, and Is adapted to all breods,
all climates and all pcoplo.
E. R. PH1LO, Publisher,
461 Third Street, ELMIRA, N. Y.
small corner of a city yard. "Seeing W bol loving."
thny aay, and If I had not noon. It would have been
hard to believe that such result eonld bavo followed
so small an outlay of spaco, time, and money.
Utcvj W. VV.Oox.
Oct. 23, 1908.
P. 8. A year's observation, and some experience of
mvown. confirm mn In wrhivt T wrntn Hjt. fi 13tI.
The BysUim has been tried ro long and by so many. I
that tliern can be no doubt as to Its worth and 1
adaptability. It la especially valnablo to parties I
naving oni a sinau piaee lor caiCKuruni sovrn inn
square Is plenty for a flock uf seven. (UovJ W W,
Ransomvlllo N. T.. Dec. 6, 1308.
Dear Sir: Last spring wo purchased your brok en
titled "Phllo system" and nscd your heatloss brood,
era fast spring and summer. Th samo has bon a
great hnlp to na in raising chicks In tho health and
mortality, tho chick bolng tlroniter sad h althlor
than thoso rilsod on the bmodera with suimllod
h(at. We bnlleve that this broo'ler Js tho boot thin it
oat rot for ralslncc chicks anocossfalJy. Wo int.,
25,000 chicks thr ugh yourhnatless brooders this last'
season and expect to aao n nio e conipiuvoiy iuiv,
coming nason. Wo liavo had nomoof tlto most!
nottd poult rymon from all over tho Unltod States!
hori', also a larg3 amount of visitors who come daily
to our plant, and without any exception they pro
nounce our Htock tho llnost and healthiest tbo bad
soon anywhoro this rear. ... . .
ttospootfally years, W. II, Oartlss A Co.
Hkaneatele. N. Y Mar C. 1008.
On n itriteln of tho I'hllo Hi stem untitlod 'A Trick
of the Trade," luis b-oiv worth tbroo time thn I
amount the book co t. I saved on mr last hatch a I
cuieus wnton aroaoingniceiy. rr. u, xveanv.
Texas Information Free
We aro acquainted with all tho land and all land propositions in
Southern Texas (tho irrigated section of tho Lower Rio Grandp Valley)
and aro prepared to furnish, free of charge, reliablo Information a to
climate, soil, price and terms. If you are Interested In any of tho
many bargains to bo had In Texas lands, wo will act m your agon
and see that you buy land worth tho money, and land that Is adapted
to what you want to use It for. .
We can help you buy direct from the owner and thus save you tho
middleman's profit. We own and operate tho Barber Plantation or
1,000 acres, and have no land for sale.
As locating agents and land appraisers wc can be of service to pros
pective buyers. Correspondence solicited. Call on or address
Box 102, Shb Denlto, CamcroH County, Texan
T,a. -nnnir nf Ran T?finlto. San Benito. Texas: First National
Banlc, Lincoln, Neb.;
or Dunn, at Lincoln,
First National
Neb. address.
Bank, Holdrege, Neb.; Bradstreet
The National Monthly
interest every
Edited and Published by Norman B. Mack
' a monthiv nerlodical of hlch-Erade character, In. mechanical
Anno and nublect matter. Forcible editorials and interesting
vr. nmminfint democrats. Short stories and matter to
member of the family.
The National Monthly, regular price $1.00 per year; The Commoner,
regular price $1 00 per year Both One Year for $1.50
If already a subscriber to Tho Commoner your date of expiration
will beadvanced one year.
t , - ,. ... .. . Lincoln, Nebraska