PPWS i- 0 -WfV 4 12 The Commoner VOLUME 9, NUMBER 31 dispatch carried by the United Press says: "In tho list of committees ap pointed for tho sixty-first congress, announced by Speaker Cannon in tho closing hours of tho extra session, it is observed that tho states west of tho Mississippi river get only thir teen chairmanships out of a total of sixty-two. To bocomo tho chairman of a committee of tho houso is tho principal yearning of every member. Tho chairmanship of oven a small committee adds something to a mem bers prestige. Tho leadership of a big committee invoBts him with great power. In many caBes ho can make or break a bill, and the men who must look to committeos for favor ablo reports need tho good will of tho chairman. In tho now list of committees Pennsylvania holds olovon chairmanships, New York and Illinois 'seven each, Massachusetts six, Now Jersey and Kansas four each, Michigan and Connecticut three each, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Iowa and West Virginia two each; Wyoming, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Okla homa, Vermont and Indiana one each. Now England having only twenty-eight members of tho house, has twelve chairmanships, while the Pacific coast, with twelve members, has none. Tho south has three chair men and, as stated, the great region west of tho Mississippi river only thirteen. Both tho members from New Hampshire and the single mem ber from Wyoming aro chairmen. Throe of tho four from Connecticut and four of the ten from New Jersey aro at the head of committees." A TiTGHTNING METHOD OP CAL CULATING INTEREST 'One of tho shortest and simplest methods known for calculating in terest is to multiply the principal by tho number of days, and divide as follows: , For 4 per cent, divide by 90. For 5 per cent, divide by 72 For G per cent, divide hf 60. For 7 per cent, divide hy 52. For 8 per cent, divide by 45. ; Then point off four decimal places. For instance, to find interest on $360.00 for 92 days at 8 per cent, multiply $360.00 by 92, divide by 45, and point off four decimal places. The result is $7.36. Implement Age. 7.01111 flHRP of, 1rst aity lrrlgat I tUUU HimLO ed farm lands in the X.lttlo Laramie Valley, near Laramie, at very low rates for either large or small tracts. Local agents wanted. Ad dress H. W. Quaintance, Laramie, Wyo. Patents &jX Mgfr folding BATH TUB Wiciairr 10 Pounds. CosUt ,UUW. Ilruulre little wUr. Write for Hiwclnl offer. O. N. Y. BATH MFC. CO. IBS Chambers Bt., N. Y. City. yij Roundabout Humiliations At Largo In Nebraska, August 5. Time, together with man's Ingenuity, can make somo wonderful changes. Fifteen years ago tho architect drovo around over a goodly bit of what Is tinw Knnttn Bluff countv. Nebraska. Thero were only a few homesteaders there then, and they were trying desperately to get away. Many had left. Drouth and lack of money were tho twin causes. Many homestead ers who had proved up were willing to sell their quarter sections, houses and all, for from $150 to $250. Day before yesterday the architect stood on the summit of Scott's Bluff and viewed the landscape o'er. And although he could see for many miles in every direction he did not see an acre of land that could be bought for less than $75 an acre, and much of it that could not be bought for less than $300 an acre. The solu tion is wrapped up in the one word, "irrigation." Some men -who have made for tunes are credited with unusual busi ness ability. The fact of the matter is, they are creatures of circum stance. There aro men In Scotts Bluff county today who are well to do simply because they couldn't help themselves. If they had been per mitted to have their way they would be as poor as any of us. The only reason they are independent now' Is because they couldn't sell their land fifteen or sixteen years ago. They had to leave it and go elsewhere to make a living, but the first thing they knew irrigation projects had de veloped and their worthless lands be gan rising In value hy leaps and bounds. What they thought was ca lamity was in reality their great for tune. And some of them are swell ing around as if they alone were responsible for their present condition. Fifteen or sixteen years ago about all that was Taised In the Scotts Bluff section of Nebraska was la mentations and tax sales. Today the air is freighted with the songs of thanksgiving, mixed melodiously with the noise of the hammer, the saw, the self-binder and the thresher. Now and then you catch the clang and clamor of some railroad being rushed into this splendid territory. A "big sugar factory is in cpurse of erection at Scotts Bluff. The mere prophecy of such a thing fifteen years ago would have subjected the prophet to the attention of the lunatico inquirendo. Yet some people tell us there is acre, and refuses to put a price on what she has left. Now if you can flguro out anything else than luck in all this you are a better hand at figures than tho architect. But it isn't all luck. There are men and women in Nebraska who havo had an abiding faith in that section all the time. Some of them had tho wherewithal to back their faith, but most of them did not. Out at Sidney are a couple of men who have never lost faith, and they had a little money to back up their faith. During all the long and bitter years between 1890 and 1903 they never lost an opportunity to get hold of more of that land. Now and then they actually pinched themselves for many things in order to raise the money to purchase title to a few more acres. Today they need have no fear of the wolf gnawing holes in their door, and when they ride they recline on the velvet cushions of the parlor cars. There are men in that same town who used to call these two men crazy. Those who used the epithet are pretty generally working at odd jobs around the town or drawing salaries from the two men above mentioned. DO YOU WANT A "HOMKT-WK HAVE 100 OV n ,,Vh i ' ."? tliebDflt fUrmslUJsoutheiwtorn Kaiwni ou tho oasl- " suctl tiling as luck! -Cat terms Ol nllV lnild Sold in thn Ktntn Rmwl r. nmonrliam "W1 j est terms 01 nuy land sold in tho stnto. Send for rony o mo tsouuienstcru kmifui HomcHopkor. tho best Tmujthly liuid pnper rulllFhea-4t Is freo. Address, Tho Allen County Investment Co X.onctoti, Kan. ADMIRAL 2 MAN PRESS. ADXIXAIi HAY MESS CO., Kaasts City. Xt, 3-STROKE SELF-FEED HAY PRESS. iuMti .Lnu - i AU&iMiaiflirwi Twb Mm can ran II. Tba Anlo-Fulan HiyPrHiCa. 1533 W. 121b St. K.CMi AskfarCalatecuaNo.33 WR Ruby FREE To Introduce our beautltul genuine Gems, sold direct from nilue to cust omer t to 4 Jc-olers price, we -will send frw a genuine Navajo Kuhy, tin. I cut, nd our beautiful 36 paire Art Cat. . , . atocue showlnit Gem In actual colors nd sues. Don miss this unusual offer. Send today. Francis E.UstcrCompany, Deot.HA8, Mosllla Park,N,M bomewhere back in Maromnim setts thero is a woman who knows better. Twenty years ago she loaned a few thousand dollars on land now embraced in Scotts Bluff county. Later tme had to take it on the mortgages, and for ten years she wept and complained about the dis honesty of the homesteaders who had bilked her out of her money. She had loaned an average of $500 per quarter section, and In time she found herself the owner through sheriff's deeds of perhaps fifty quar ter sections. For ten years she paid the taxes 'under protest, hoping ugiunsi. nope jnar, some day she might be ahle to unload for enough to reimburse her for her expenses, though she never expected to tret hack the Investment. Today she Js muttiienaenuy ncn ana no longer weeping. She has sold half of her holdings at an average of $50 an The men In charge of the Union Pacific road owe something to one of their passenger brakemen. His name is unknown to the architect. but this particular brakeman went west on No. 7 on August 5. No. 7 consists of a long string of Pullmans and one day coach. Local passen gers can not ride in the Pullmans, and on this particularly hot and un comfortable day the one day coach was jammed with sweltering hu manity. It was worse than Noah's ark could have been. It would have been a mighty easy task to start a fuss, for the nerves of men and women were tightened up to the breaking tension by the heat and the crowded condition of the car. But through it all went that brake man, witha laugh and a cheering word that kept things in good hu mor. He deftly persuaded three children to sit on one seat to make room for a couple of adults. He manipulated suit cases and grips and bird cages without arousing the ire of the owners, and made room for more passengers. He rigged up some seats in the two vestibules and per suaded some men to occupy them, and thus made seats for tired women, who hoarded the train at the various stations. Ho just kent coiner. rarUnr- lng good cheer, and his every appear ance in tne car seemed to cool the stifling atmosphere. There are a lot of people who will never fcnow that genial brakeman's name who will al ways rememher him with gratitude. If that isn't the kind of a man that railroad managers want to keep track of, then we don't wantto know any thing about the railroad business. A few nights ago the architect visited with an old friend who is farming an irrigated farm in west ern Nebraska. Fifteen years ago his nearest neighbor was eight miles distant. The friend remained on that quarter section hponnao i, couldn't raise money enough to get ?ll aiJd for five or six years he didn t raise enough grain to feed his horses. If it had not been for a windmill that he thoughtfully pur chased when he homesteaded he would have been compelled to walk out of the country. But he just had to stay, and in duo course of time ho caught on to a few things. Ho bought a few adjoining quarters for practically nothing, and afterwards sold them at a profit Today he is living. His farm residence is five miles from town. Tho house contains nine largo rooms, and each ono of tho four sleeping rooms contains a lavatory with hot and cold water There is a bath room that would do credit to a city mansion. The house is lighted with gas manufactured on the premises. A telephone connects him with the town and with all tho neighbors 'round about. Just before tho architect retired for tho night he called up the wife and babies, 617 miles away as the railroad runs, and talked with them. The next morn ing ho arose, and by the time break fast was eaten the daily papers had been delivered at the front gate. About 10:30 a' man came along with a lot of cream cans and collected the cream that had been separated during the morning. Out in the fields two binders were working on wheat that was sure to thresh out thirty bushels to the acre, and grow ing stacks of second cutting alfatfa were piling up against the horizon and alfalfa worth $10 a ton, br.led and delivered at the railroad live miles away! The problem of how to keep tho boys on the farm seems nearer solu tion every day. Telephones, daily papers, all the best magazines, auto mobiles, hathrooms, gas everything calculated to make the farm home attractive may now be found every where on the once "Great American Desert." When the architect was ready to be returned to town in order that he might pursue his wandering vay, his farmer friend cranked up a line five-passenger car touring machine, and the trip was made in about ten minutes. That farmer can start from, his home, go to town, buy a few needed articles and get back home in less time than the architect can go from his city home to his work. Say, isn't'this a wonderful country! And as young as the architect is he can remember the time when it was "The Great American Desert," unfit for the habitation of man! Now and then Damo Nature per petrates a bully joke on her sub jects, and this "Great American Desert" joke was one of her best. Brain leaks The worry bug causes a lot of un necessary trouble. One of the hardest things in tho world to do is nothing. It is often Harder to do right than it is to refrain from doing wrong. A baby's cry is the surest way of causing a pause in the world's rush. There is something wroner ahout a man when it is necessary to make him good hy law. A man can not understand why a woman has to take so many clothes with her when she goes visiting. Arithmeticians have not yet fig ured out the number of ways a girl has of showing a new diamond ring. If some successful huslness men were as crooked in their business as they are in their politics they woufa soon land in jail. Some of these days we'll be rich enough to have an old-fashioned rag carpet on the floor of a room that is our very own. Marriage is not a failure in tho case of the -man who isn't afraid to talce a friend home for dinner with out first notifying his wife. It makes us mad to see somo lazy, well-fed animal trainer bow and smile when we applaud the intelli gent efforts of the animal. Your shadow is always behind you when you face the sun. Your troubles will be behind you if you turn your face to the future. -r . i:m-4.v'- v, 'fcsuV ,.w,.Vj.a. .,t,O0