iHDf ti . a vV . i-r(-a-njngw-- -"BfljjpW 0 fV. f'fiS ... J . -t- y -" The Commoner. VOLUME 9, NUMBER 31 Abrnm C. Eby, mayor of Burke ville, Pa., was arrested at Philadel phia on the charge of attempting to extort $45,000 tfrom the Pennsylva nia Railroad company. It is charged that under the name or Adam Smith ho demanded this sum of money else ho , proposed to use dynamite in wrecking railroad property. Detec tives say Eby is not crazy, but that his father lost some $200,000 through re-organization of the Penn sylvania road, and that ho believes the road owes lrim $45,000. dead. Fifteen bullet,, wounds were fund In the man's, lop'dy The rob ber, wUo had been epployed as a laborer on some ."building work .at White Bear. for the last. three days, received his payment a check for $7 this morning, and when he went to the bank to get it cashed, Cashier Alfred Auger was the only man in the bank." Judge William Hodges Mann of Nottuway was nominated by the democrats to bo governor of Vir ginia. He defeated Harry St. George Tucker by about 5,000. An Associated Press dispatch from Whitebear, Minn., says: "In a fight with rifles and revolvers today, fol lowing a holdup of the First State bank of White Bear, Robert Pohl, said to be an ex-convict, and Edward Larken, cook at a Bald Eaglo lake mt in, were killed and several oth ers wounded, one, William Butler, a White Bear fisherman, perhaps fatally. Pohl, who had been work ing at White Bear for about a week and who is believed to have been a professional bank thief, took a check for $7 to the bank today and while the cashier, Alfred Auger was examining it, lie produced an auto matic rifle and bade Auger hand over all the caslfin the bank. Auger com plied. As the robber dashed out of the bank with $565 in cash, Auger raised the alarm and citizens pur sued the man to a lumber yard where he hid. Larken entered the yards and was shot through the heart, ine robber then ran to a pile of lumber a short distance beyond the yard and. hid under it. A desperate light wjtn the citizens, during which at least 500 shots were exchanged, followed. John Brachvogel, one of the posse, who was armed with a repeating rifle finally wounded the robber in the arm. The man dropped his weapon, but picked it up again, and as he turned to fire Brachvogel shot him Thje total vote was 30,944 to 34, '926. '.'The "Schmidt ordinance was fqstOre'd by Mayor Tom L, Johnson. The campaign hag been, particularly bitter; Mayor Johnson, municipal officeholders and others held hun dreds of tent meetings." A committee of 100 business men opposed it. Thousands of people crowded the streets tonight to hear the returns. When the result was 'announced auto - Get Our Special 0 Combination Offer Both for $1.25 The TTirice-a-Week New York ' World, Regular Price $1.00 The Commoner, Reg. Price, $ 1 .00 This unusual offer" Includes both papers one full year for only $1.25. The Thrice-a-Week Edition of the New York World, for all practical purposes, is as good as a daily paper. You will . want a . good live paper from the nation's metropolis. If yp.u already take The Commoner and want to get the World, you can take advantage of this offer by sending us $1.25, thus advancing your subscription to The Commoner one year "from, present date of expiration. Address Orders to. THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nek Commoner Condensed Volume VII As its title indicates, this book is a condensed copy of The Commoner for ono year. It is published annually and the different Issues are desig nated as Volumes I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII, corresponding to the vol umo numbers of The Commoner. Tho last issuo is Volume VII. and con tains editorials which discuss questions of a permanent nature. Every important subject in tho world's politics Is discussed In Tha Commoner at tho time that subject is. attracting general attention. Bo causo of this Tho Commoner Condensed is valuablo as a reference book apd should occupy a place on tho dqsk of overy lawyer, edltdr, business man. and other student of affairs. TO NEW OR RENEWING SUBSCRIBERS ' Ono Year's Subscription to Tho Commoner. . . And any one volume Tho Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound "'"Both $1.50 To subscribers who have already paid the current year's subscrip tion Cloth Bound, 75cj by mnll, noHtage paid. These prices are for cithor volume. If more than one volumo is wanted, add to above pricos 75 conts for each additional one in cloth binding. Volume I is out of print; Volumes II, HI, IV, V, VI and VII are ready for prompt delivery. JIBMITTANCES MUST BE SENT WITII ORDERS. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraski , . Darius Green, the boy who years ago made a dismal failure 'of ax at tempt 'to fly, is diving over and over again in the newB of these days. A; Bloomfleld, Iowa, dispatch to the Omaha World-Herald says: 'John Montgomery, a -fifteen year old"boyi .attempted a, flight in' a home made dirigible balloon today. A fractured skull and other injuries which have not yet been diagnosed are 'the net results of his effort. f Young John ha)a been a devoted ' stuffent of' the exploits of aviators and aeronauts who are malcing 'flying machine his tory and knows the records' of the Wrights, Lahm, Zeppelin, Latham, Bleriot and other conquerors of the ait better than the average youngster knows the big league batting aver ag'es. And he had- dreams 'dreams of John Montgomery, tthe boy inven tor. He, too, would, fly. Let the Wrights look to their laurels. Little wot they of tho competitor who was preparing to enter, the lists against them. The boy's materials were crude, but such as. .they were he made the best of them.. Out of his bicycle he rigged a propelling ma chine with paddles '.attached to the rear, worked by tlie pedals. Above his crude propelling (machinery he had attached a home made bag. The Whole affair ho carried ( to the roof bje the house, where he' inflated the gas bag with hot air from the kitchen chimney. Then he mounted tlie ma-. chjine and let 'er. go. .Slip!,' went down. The: time of the. flight vwasn't. taken, hut it tbok.'nst JonVpugft for an" ordinary bicycle' and ;a fairly, hefty boy to drop from the top of an ordinary "sized 'house to the ground. The young aeronaut struck the ground head first. "When 'they picked him' up and carried him into the house they found that his skull was fractured, while tliere' were evi-j aences oi possiDie a,SLOcation or some of the organs in the , jhterior. v 1 ' " . ' 'Emneror Nicholas, nf "Russia la vis iting King Edward at Obwes. horns tooted, .cowbells vfre ruflg, Whistles were 'flown' ahd'thr6rigs'of people paraded the streets, shout ing. ' Mayor Johnson' received the turns at Ms office, guarded1' by sev eral' nbliceinenr- 'An' ' attempt' " will now be 'made:f to secure'the passage Af 'nrt rrAYnna!.fai''htk:t3!trTiietTt . th.e 'car fight along ttie line proposed by- Federal Judge Taller. HiB; plan provides first for a revaluation of tlie eritire street car 'property by a committee of unbiased 'citizens.- He would then 'put into force a three- cent fare plan, charging one cent for a transfer. In case this plan failed to pay a six per cent dividend .on the valuation set by the commit- ' tee, the price of the fare might bo raised to seven tickets for 25 cents. Prior to the passage of the Schmidt ordinance by the city council an at tempt was made to pass the- Tayler ordinance, but failed." Charles H. Moyer has been unani mously re-elected president . of. the Vestern Fe'deraCion of Miners in ses sion, at Denver., This will be 'his eighth official terni. ,;! t A republic has been proclaimed dn Barcelona. The Spanish government insists, however, that it has the revo--lution well under conttol .. .Mrs. jElla Flagg.Youhg has. been .' elected 'superintendent' "of the city" .'schools of Chicago. 'Thomas' Swoe,'" a retired 'business'; mail ofKanSas City'has given $50,-' , 000.!for the inn-pose' of establishing' in Kansas City a' " settlement home modeled JJafter the Hull House in ' .Chicago. .. ' . ' , iJ i r ' . - A labor war is on throughout Sweden. More than one hundred thousand workmen are idle. A Provincetown, ?:Massi, dispatch says: "Rear Admiral. Schroeder -tonight refused to surrender. Davis W. Williams of Maretta, Ga., to the state police, who tried to arrest Williams as a result of, the boxing bout held on the. Vermont Friday night, when his opponent, Harrison H Foster, was so badly injured that he died soon after. Both men were nogro mess hands on the ship. The wn.rrn.Tit.. whip.h nam a frnm tho rna of Attorney General Dana Malone, Admiral Schroeder said that he did not deny the jurisdiction of the state, but that the government had instituted an Inquiry and' he pre ferred to wait till that investigation had been conducted before acting further." . . i taje, Knights of'Combus in ses sion at Mobile, Ala,,,,, ejected James A. Flaherty of Philadelphia1 supreme knight of the national body. M. H. OaMody of Grahd&ajjids, Mich., W&s" elected deputy suprem'e knight. OtiheYs elected were: National sec ret; A. T. Mc'GinleV,1; "Ne York; national' treasurer, " D. J. Calahan, Wjashington, D. C; national advo cate J. H. Pelletier,1 Boston, Mass.; national physician, Dr.' El W. Buck le, Minneapolis, ' Mirih.; national chaplain, Rev. P. J. McGIvney, Mid- uitiLuvvu, vuuu.; national wurueu, x-. J. McLaughlin, Newark,' N. J.. The newly elected member qf the national j i. if" .. i . ?iu Mht .Lte Vit -)iB Tom Johnson's-efforts to serve the people of Cleveland- have been de feated. An Associated Press dis patch from Cleveland says: "The Sqhmidt ordinance providing for the granting of a franchise to Herman Schmidt, Insuring, three-cent fares on , part of the city street car lines, was defeated, in a referendum niAofin .l.ihere today:.py a. majority of 3,982,. Two Ways Have you noticed a difficulty In breathing short, quick breath-when you are walking-, going up stairs, sing ing, or are angry and excited? Tou may not think What this means, but doctors will toll you it- means weak lfeart action. , , . Take, Dr. Miles' Now Heart .Cure at orico. It will strengthen and build' up tho weakened nerves and muscles of ' the heart, and make you strong, and healthy. , N This is oneway the'right way, . Neglect it a .little while, and yoii will then notice fluttering, Palpitation, DLzr ; zlness, Fainting Spells, Pain ip. region Ul "S,r,t' Bia ana snouiaers, stomacn an P1??6 Troubles. This is serious. It. is the other way tho wrong way. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is a safe, sure remedy, and' is curing Heart disease right along, as thou sands will testify. "I had enlargement of the heart. Tho doctors said I could livq but a short time, I took Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. whAIchftrre-Sttxrod.. mo to Perfect .health." "-&L MV, ?tt88tt, Wellington, Ohio. .The first bottle will benofft; if hot. the druggist will return your money. n jj CiCTWSft lK..