The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 06, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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    t - F'!?T''?!,wT7Twp,'''
The Commoner.
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The Old World and Its Ways
Interesting and Instruc
tive Story of Tour
Tho journey around tho world, of which this book
Is an Illustrated and descriptive record, embraced
a period of nearly one year. It was a trip to tho
East by way of tho West, and covered practically
tho civilized world. It was made under the most
favorablo auspices for observation, for procuring
facts, and for study.
Mr. Bryan entered upon his journey after par
ticipating in two spirited presidential campaigns
as tho candldato of his party, and his reception by
pooplo of all classes, by those high in civil, official
and military Jifo, can bo regarded as a high .com
pliment to every American and believer in Ameri
can institutions. Tho sources of information given
him were exceptional.
Mr. Bryan describes men and things that inter
ested him wherever ho wont. He gives his im
pressions of tho world's nations their rulers and
inhabitants. Ho made a special study of systems
of government, religious conditions, trade methods,
education and monetary systems, and tho charac
teristics of all tho pooplo. H6 portrays, In short,
tho peoples of tho earth' as -they are today, and
as ho saw them on tho highways and byways. His
book will provo of profoundest Interest to overy
reader, and Is a work of untold educational value.
It should find a placo in overy home library, and
bo read by overy member of tho family. Tho nar
rativo of this Journey will intorest overy ono who
reads and thinks.
It will Intercut the nfmlcnt of governments and
of governmental Institutions.
It will lntcrcHt the financier, and everyone in
terested In the financial systems and theories, be
causo Mr, Bryan looked into the monetary methods
of tho governments ho visited. Ho outlines- these
methods and presents his conclusions in a way
to specially ontertaln and instruct.
n iVV!11M,nJc,rei!,t hc commercial world, because of
tho detailed information he gives concerning com
mercial methods of all countries. Wllrnin com
It will Interest the farmer, becauso tl .- tillers of
tho soil, primitive In method and laborious in nian
nfr,'nC0,iVca lB attontlon. study and compaKn
of methods with our own.
It will Interest the miiilxtcr, the thcoloirleul mIii
ilent, the church member, becauso ho mado a studv
of the religions of tho various countries ho visited
r7aderr wit!!" Picos-and ho gives them to the
thn? win V. fft clear"os? 1 simplicity of phrase
that will Interest and inform all.
It will Interest the foreltrn-horn citizen, becauso
t gives, in Mr. Bryan's own words the sto?v of
his visits to the rulers, tho high nd tho lowly and
f ? ViCiftUFl! spots oC thelr "aivo land, with faith-
three styles of bindings and will bo sent PREPAID
f Ah0 prAceSm?U0ed bolw, anywhere In the United
States. Or Tho Commoner will send It FREE and
jr.Xach? anyn0 80nainff flV0 8ucrlPtloSsaadt
Contains 576 Imperial
Octavo Pages, and Over
250 Superb Engravings
(Front Photon Taken or Procured by the Author)
About One
Fourth Size
of this Book
Places Visited, Described
and Fully Illustrated
Author's Preface
Chapter I Crossing tho Pacific Hawaii
Chapter II Japan and Her People
Chapter III Japanese Customs and Hospitality
Chapter IV Japan Her History and Progress
Chapter V Japan
Her Industries, Arts and Commerce
Chapter VI. i Japan
.Her Educational System and Her Religions
Chapter VII .Japan
Her Government, Politics and Problems
Chapter VIII Korea "Tho Hermit Nation"
Chapter IT-: China As She Was
Chapter X China As She Was Part Second
Chapter XI "
,. Chinese Education, Religion and Philosophy
Chapter, XII ; .Eft. . . .'China's Awakonlno-
!ife SS: : : : : : : : : : : : ? : : : :?. .E
, The Philippines The Northern island
Chapter XV. . . .Tho Philippines The Moro Countrv
Chapter XVI .The Philippine Problem
Chapter XVIT The Phllippino Problem Continued
ChalHor XVIII Java The Beautiful
C hajter XIX. Netherlands India
Chapter XX . . .In tho Tronics
Chapter XXI .Burma and Buddhism
Chapter" XXIli: '. '. '. '. '. '. i.V AV.V.V.VHmdu IrtdiS
Chapter XXIV., .-,.;.... .MolmmmedaS Ind J
Chapter XXV Western India
Chapter XXVI , British Rule in Ind J
Chapter XXVII . . Ancient Egypt
Chapter XXVIII. .". Modern EjrvDt
Chapter XXIX. Among tho Lobanons
Chapter XXX. .The Christian's Mecca
Chapter XXXI , ,....;.... ;GaHlno
Charite XXXIII . . .Tho Byzantino Capital,
Chttiiter XXXIV .In the Land of the Turk
vjuitiiici jwv. v xiungavy ana .tier Neighbors
Chapter XXXVI The Duma
Chapter XXXVII , . ; The Duma
Center XXXVIII ......; -Around the Balfia
Chaptqr XXXIX. .Democratic Norway
Chapter XL. . ..England's New Liberal Government
Chapter XLI.. Homes and Shrines of Great Britain
Chaptqr XLII. , .Glimpses of Spain
Chapter XLI II . . . A Word to Tourists
Chapter XLIV American Foreign Missions
Chapter XLV . , .World Problems
Chapter XL VI. .A Study of Governments
Chanter XL VII. Tho Tariff Debate in England
Chapter XLVIII. ....... . .Ireland and Her Leaders
nliM.ntnr xIjTX Ornwt-h nf TVTi,nlro 1 -.,, i. i
I Chapter L. .France and Her Pooplo
Chapter LI. The Republic of Switzerland
Chapter L.u..i Three Little Kingdoms
Chapter LIII , Belgium
Chapter LIV . . r . . .Tho Netherlands
Chapter LV. Germany and Socialism
Chapter LVI. Russia and Her Czar
Chapter LVH. .Rome The Catholic Capital
Chapter VIII Tolstoy, tho Apostle of Lovo
Chapter LIX Notes on Europe
Styles and Prices. Sent Free For Five Subscriptions To The Commoner.
4-Tt .. m w. a m.
xno urn worm and. Its Ways"
will bo sent direct and PREPAID to
any address in the United States en
receipt of prices quoted below:
Bound in Extra English Cloth,
Gold Back and Side . . $2.00
Half Russia, Antique and Gold
Side and Back $3.00
Full Morocco, Marbled Edges . . $4.00
Make remittances by money order.
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
fbtoto Wld. ,aiid Its Wava'" bound in Extra English Cloth, GOLD side and back, will be given
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