(12 The Commoner. VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3 r. b r w w i U' r "The Texas Coast Country is Immense" SecV Wilson 'iHRMHMHMMMNMI Simply What the United States Secretary of Agriculture Thinks of the Wonderful Gulf Coast Country, in Which are Located the Rich La Lomita Lands at Mission, Texas Hon. James Wilson, Socrotary of Agriculture, Is certainly not a preju diced wltnoss, and ho Is probably as well Informed about tho various ro gions of tho United States as any man. This Is what ho says of tho Texas Coast Country: SECRETARY WILSON'S OPINION "Tho Coast Country Is simply im mense. That expresses It in a word. It is simply Immense But a most singular development appears here. Your aro preparing to handle tho product of soveral states back of you; and yet, within an hour's ride, you havo thousands of acres of tho finest land in tho world land that will ralso anything unsettled, unused, for salo at $15 an aero. I havo novor oncountored such a condition anywhere olso, for, as a rule, lands in tho sub urbs of tho great cities aro worth. $150 to $400 an acre. Why it Is, I do not know; but it is so. Within tho past fow years, a few pooplo havo takon advantago of this opportunity. They havo bought lands in tho Coast Coun try, and they aro making money lots of it. "I think Hint it lit one of the fluent countrlcn In the world; nnd the mora I nee of It, the more I think ho. It nccniH to mo you enn raise .anything here. Your woll In an good an our hoIIh In Iowa. I I -were a young; ninn, I'd pnclc my grip anil come to Tcxun. Tho conilltlonN and proHpcctn nre suck tltnt I could not afford to rcmnln nwny." That, understand, is tho testimony of tho Secretary of tho United States De partment of Agriculture an Iowan, who la not financially interested in Toxas, or In tho railroads. Ho simply tolls what ho honostly thinks. THE LA LOMITA LANDS In the Lower Rio Grando Valley, aro J? th. hcart of tho best part of tho rL.Eount.ry- Wo clalm that our proposition is unoxcollod by any sec- S it 5f, tnlB wonderful country de scribed by Secretary Wilson. We came to Texas in advanco of thousands of mif 8 ,and olcct1 what, in our Judg SE' Tvas th-5. vcry crcam of tho fa mous Lower Rio Grando Valley Lands. Wo early realized Its immense pos sibilities, and wo wore willing to back frrlffatlnn Jnib,i,ldln8r ,an adequate irrigation canal to supply our lands with water. Tho results are more than justifying our expectations. Tho farm ers who purchased horo aro maldSS monoy and lots of it. Remember? that 5'ou come here, you will not be com ing whero results aro uncertain or whore it will take years to bring yoSr lviYni0iaa mnoy-maklng basis". Evoryr thing is ready except clearing tho flr-f.nna y?U ,ca11mato biET money tho first year. Irrigation makes your crops certainno loss from uncertain weath er and irregular rainfall. When you havo tried irrlgatod farming you will novor go back to any other method. RICH DELTA SOILS The Dolta of tho Rio Grando in Texan (In which La Lomlta Ranch is located) contains about one million acres of tho richest sediment land on earth with an abundance of rich silt-laden river water for irrigation, which for" tllizos tho land with evory irrigation. GVC" GrWn SSL'SSL TSSSSSSST R,PCn " Cut Out Coupon and Mail TODAY CONWAY & noiT, MUHlon, Texan: Name AddrcMH . . . , Town . F. D. No. In climate, fertility and products it Is equal to, or superior to the Nile Delta in ' Egypt. In sugar cane especially it is su perior to any part of the world, pro ducing more cane and richer juice than any other country. In truck growing, it produces earlier vegetables and fruits than any part of the United States, which enables our farmers to dispose of their pro ducts when the demand is greatest and tho prices aro highest. In January our growers are shipping to northern markets carloads of cauli flower, cabbage, string beans and peas. It 1s tho greatest onion country in tho world, netting farmers from $200 to $500 per acre: Tablo grapes ripen two months earlier than in California, and are shipped to northern markets early in June; Citrus fruits, oranges, lemons, figs, etc., can bo cultivated with entire success. HEALTH-GIVING CLIMATE The climate is very mild and salu brious, the heat of summer being tem pered by tho breezes from the Gulf of Mexico, making tho nights cool and comfortable. The tomperaturo in win ter is never low enough to injure tho always growing crops. Catarrh disap pears in this climate, and the average death rate in tho Coast Country is under eleven. This land under ditch can be bought for from $50 to $100 per acre, accord ing to location, and the land without irrigation, but capable of that develop ment, for $20 per acre upward. A. small tract of land is all that is necessary, for 10 to 20 acres will pro duce annually as much wealth as large farms in other sections. Tho results secured here aro due to tho fact that we havo hero every con dition necessary for success fertilo soils, abundance of good water for irri gation, unsurpassed climate, adequate supply of cheap labor at all times, a epod homo market, within easy reach of tho best world's markets, twelvo good months of growing season and two and three big crops per year on the same land, Could you ask for any thing more? THIS OPPORTUNITY IS FOR YOU There's an opportunity for you now at Mission, a chanco to better your condition, and to make big monoy. But you must invest now while tho land is Within your reach. Present prices are extremely low. Lands in othor sections of tho United States (not producing as much as Mission -lands) aro now selling at $500 to $1,000 per acre. Buy whore your Investment is sure to riso In value quickly. A trlp ,of investigation Is not oxpen- ?ly k y0,ur t.Icket aSent r round trip homeseokers' rates, and you'll bo nnPf? to flnd out how cheaply you can make the trip. Make up your ?nSSn0fX J Investigate our La Lomita Lands first. We invite tho strictest lSt"," WrIte to us anyhow and !nfrtU?iIvo you any further facts or information you may desire. It may conn ? decide. Pill out attached coupon and mail at once. CONWAY AND HOIT, MlHiilon, Hidalgo County, Texas. .State You Can Share in These Big Profits Farmers on tho La Lomita Lands havo been malcinir records tula voar records that Will elvo you somo .dea ot what can bo aocompulod "hero no?"proSn? 5' or Tio'ooo VKm?? adores0 JTonlonf "li'SSt ,n "?Z and """" ZFEkS th'8 aet a -'nLn4l.i?hw,?t'ilntohSofr glSS A Mr. Edwards, living near Mission nmriA 07k j. beans. H. A. Swett made $200 net from ?5 nnrnJ1!' an acr, from growing tho ground only seven weeks. Ho lS?am5l Hmi-oanB and they ocoupied crop on the same ground, or useit fSr Jom0 otter crop a SGCnd 0r tnlrd oefotSfSkXSSMoo Sesof SffJV00 ,f from a of a net profit of over $400 per acre. onions from 20 acres, and mado Commoner 8-6-09 mca ?500 an acre this year from his cabbage.