The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 30, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    " ""''"'' -' '"' l'"''l'MIJlMlWi.MMIi-tiiiiiiil,iflP)i I ilWWWMhtai
The Commoner.
JULY 30. 1901
but it was printed in Spain and the
royal decreo of the degradation of
Prince Alfonso followed. The prince,
in concluding his Btory to his friends
eaid: 'Maura is tho head of the
clerical party in Spain and because
he holds a majority in parliament,
forced tho king to kick his own
cousin out of the country and the
army, to strip him of title and hon
ors for tho crime of marrying a
Protestant, who is a niece of King
Edward, and a first cousin of the
emperors of Germany and Russia.'
The king has again wired congratu
lations. The infanta Eulalle, the
prince's mother, who is here, is al
most prostrated over the ruin of her
son's career, as she knew that both
the Spanish and the British royal
families were in perfect sympathy
with the marriage."
Testimony concerning the death of
Lieutenant Sutton at Annapolis
shows that some of the superior offi
cers witnessed the assault made up
on him and that one of them told
his assailant Adams to "beat his
head off."
Aristide Briand is the new French
premier, succeeding Clemenceau. The
new cabinet is ais follows: Premier
arid minister of the interior and of
public worship, M. Briand; minister
of justice. M. Barthou; minister of
foreign affairs, M. Pichon; minister
of finance, Georges Cochery; minis
ter of education, M, Doumerguq;
minister of public works, posts and
telegraphs, M. Millerand; minister of
commerce, Jean Dupuy; minister of
agriculture, M. Rua; minister of the
colonies, M. Trouillot; minister of
labor, M. Viviani. A ministerial
declaration, which was formulated
and unanimously accepted by the
members of the new cabinet, con
tains an important statement indi
cating that the cabinet is committed
to a'n attempt to end the wan between
labor and capital, which has dis
turbed France for so many years.
of that minister's suddenly relin
quishing his leadership. M. Briand
is one of tho strongest men in
French public life, in tho opinion of
many observers. Ho is an orator of
extraordinary power and persuasive
ness and has been in parliament only
since 1902, thus winning his way to
the top in tho short Bpaco of seven
years. Ho started out in life as a
lawyer in a small country town and
when he went to Paris turned to
journalism rather than law, becoming
in course of time editor of La Lan
terne, one of the principal radical
papers of the capital."
At the plant of N. R. Allen Sons
Co., tanners, Kenosha, Wis., a riot
occurred. One thousand men had
gone on a strike for an increase of
wages. In a fight between officers
and strikers three men were shot
and several police officers were bad
ly bruised.
A Muskogee, Okla., dispatch, car
ried July 22 by the Associated Press,
says: "A strike in every city and
town in Oklahoma in support of the
eight hour law, involving thirty
thousand laborers of various classes,
was predicted for next week by
Deputy State Labor Commissioner
Wiley here today. Several hundred
street paving laborers and others in
Muskogee have been out several
days. Those working on public con
tracts have partially won their fight
and they are planning a big parade
for Saturday night in anticipation of
a complete victory. The trouble
started when the labor commisisoner
recently enforced tho eight hour law
and the employers cut wages to cor
respond with the reduction in hours.-
John S. Wise, Jr., of New York,
now in Paris, is quoted as saying
that Theodore Roosevelt has prom
ised to return to America in time
for the New York mayoralty cam
paign. Mr. Wise hopes that Mr.
Roosevelt will be the nominee.
In a cloudbuvst in Minnesota more
than one million dollars worth of
property was destroyed and three
lives were lost.
The Iowa board of parole has rec
ommended an unconditional pardon
for Samuel Francis Smith, son of
the author of "America," who waB
convicted five years ago and sen
ators havo perpetrated a shamoless
fraud In tho guise of a revision. It
Is a revision drawn only to fatten
tho profits of tho trusts, grind oVery
consumer a little nearer to povorty
and juggle -duties so that they be
come prohibitory.
It gives no hope of tho necessary
revenue save from a now tax of ques
tionable constitutionality, at which
Aldrich himself sneers as a trick to
prevent an income tax; a sop to Tnft
to silence him and decelvo tho peo
ple; a cheat to invito legal contests
lasting until tho early repeal pro
phesied; a typical Aldrich swindle,
tho entire provision concerning
which Aldrich already announces
will bo entirely re-wrlttcn.
Tho party Is shamed as no party
ever was before. For tho first time
m American nistory every great
newspaper of tho dominant party is
in revolt against the falso leader
ship. And east and west, through
out tho land, there Is ominous anger
spreaumg among tho people that
forecasts a confirmation of tho warn
ing uttered by the president a fort
night ago:
"Unless the republican paTty lives
up to its promises and tho expecta
tion of tho people, thero is no doubt
that it will bo relegated to the posi
tion of tho minority opposition."
Wo do not believe that even a
glimmer of comprehension has como
to tho pliant senate followers of Aid
rich of the bitter contempt with
which they are regarded by loyal
republicans throughout the land.
Senator Gore, tho blind man from
Oklahoma, whoso record of high
ability, consistency and fidelity to
principle has been tho brilliant ex
ception proving tho rulo of demo
cratic impotence, remarked when
Aldrich'a economic atrocity was be
ing rushed to final passage: .
"Mary had one lamb, and it fol
lowed her to school one day; tho
chairman of tho finance committee
has fifty lambs, and they follow him
-every day!"
A happy phrase! The sheep are
in tho fold, penned in plain view so
that 90,000,000 of Americans can
see their blackness. And restlnc
"a myth;" Aldrich, flattered ful
somoly when Tillman called him "tho
boldest buccaneer," for in reality ho
Is only tho tricky keeper of a politi
cal trading post; Aldrich, whoso ig
norance was exposed during tho ses
sion as often as his intellectual and
tactical dishonesty; Aldrich, of all
men, had tho brnzon Insolence last
Thursday to speak those words:
"Tho sonator from Indiana does
not speak for tho republican party.
Ho has no right to call hero tho
namo of tho president of tho United
States in support of any of tho sug
gestions ho has made. Those of us
who are hero representing states
and voting ns a majority In this
AQTIIIIA OUHE ""it by exprcni to yon on
HO I IlMfl I'rco Trial. If Itcurm -ond II: If
not, don't
Justice Brewer of the United
States supreme court, in a speech at
Milwaukee said: "If the power to
tax incomes is given the government,
we will see the states taxed not out
of their existence, but out of their
vitality." Senator Brown of Nebras
ka denounces Justice Brewer's state
ment as "utterly ridiculous, absurd
and senile."
lTtAA1 -Is 4-V TUmmI- lfM jIImam mam1J-am.
tlarTfor eliv oi Is Shepherd Aldrich.
S, SnnvyS JSiSlffrJ? Shepherd, indeed, is his proper title.
Smith was formerly one of the most
An Associated Press dispatch from
Boise, Idaho, says: "HaTry Orch
ard, murderer of Former Governor
Steunenberg of Idaho, according to
his confession, was baptized at the
penitentiary. The service was read
by Elder Steward, a Seventh Day
Adventist. Elder Steward made the
following statement after the cere
mony: 'OrchaTd is a devout con
vert and feels his sins have been
forgiven. He told me he had fully
determined to commit suicide if sent
up for life, but that in his faith he
had found consolation and was con
tent to' remain behind the prison
walls for the rest of his natural
life.' "
prominent residents of Davenport,
la., and served as mayor of the city.
He was arrested for the alleged ap
propriation of the funds of several
estates which had been entrusted to
his care. Smith is now 72 years of
age, and the pardon was recommend
ed through fear that further incar
ceration would prove fatal. Provid
ed Governor Carroll signs his pardon
Smith will leave for his old home at
Newton Center, Mass., there to spend
his declining days.
For the word instantly suggests tho
snepherd's control of tho crook.
Ifivn nriirivia nmnn
National Clicmlcnl Co.,7M Ohio Ave., Hhlnoy, O.
DATKNTQ JVhIiiiiii IJ. Coleman,
H I EL II I J I'lt lawyer, WiwhlnRlon,
ftS y j,0i Advlw and hooka W
Ilatttj rcftflonnblc. Highest reference. Jkatncrvlowu
fr . . ..". hotplctnroilc,iircocopAai,
vlawRlc. 30 dart, credit. RaMpl CnUlec Pre
HAVE YOU AN IDEA? ?.wIw-ty'?vrV,otaS
..,. . , . "Why Patent Imy,'
What to liivunt," "loo McchiinlcHl Move
U1el,.t.B" nml aTrcattoo on Furpottiul Motion
BO IlhiatrntloiiM. All mnllod frco. F. DIETERICH'atnntlAwycra and Kxiiortfl. OURAY BLOCK,
f&tntSv salesmen
Good pay. otendy vorlc and promotion. Bxpnrlonc
unnccewiry nn wo will jjlve cornplotn InMnicUorw.
Danville Tobacco Co.. Box P 66. Danville, Va.
PATENTS skcujikii oic fkk
rn i en id icetuknkd
Free report ai to Patentability. Illuatratcil Cfafd
Book, and 1.1st of Invention Wanted, sentfroe.
KVANH, 1V1I.I.1SM8 Hi CO., Washington. D. a
ADXIKJJi HAY PKE8S CO., Kabsm City, X.
tho best fnrmn In eoutheatorn Kanai on tho oast
est terms of any land fold In tho stato. Bond for
copy of tho gouUH'AKteni Kansaa Horncsoekor,
tho best monthly land paper published II Is free.
Address, TJio Allen County Investment Co..
Lonartou, Kan.
tho all-lnono Driving-Bit.
II u m a n o r than tho hu
niano, severer than tho
sovcro bit Ask your deal
m or send tl to
3 sizes. Express prepaid. O. KLAU8, Kuroka, 111.
"William C. Herron, brother-in-law
of President Taft, is the nomi
nee on the democratic ticket for vice
mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio. Alfred
M. Cohen is the nominee for mayor.
Referring to the new premier of
France, the Chicago Record-Herald
says: "Aristide Briand, who has
been asked to become the new pre
mier of the French government, was
promoted a few months ago from
the office of minister of public in
struction and public worship to that
of minister of justice. He has been
The following editorial appeared
recently in tho Philadelphia North
American, a republican paper:
Aldrich and the herd of trust-
serving senators of both parlies who
answer meekly to every call of that
spokesman of privileged wealth and
the law-breaking trusts have round
ed out their record of perfldity.
They have made liars of the re
publican president and tho republi
can party. They have kicked the
national platform into the waste
basket and repudiated every ante
election pledge.
With the actual and well under
stood needs of the nation being in
creased revenues and such modifica
tion of tariff duties as would lessen
the cost of living, while maintain-
deserve the hierhest honor. And thev
have received it. For Aldrich has
denounced them.
Aldrich, who, aside from being the
mouthpiece of the Wall Street gam
blers and the thieves of the trusts,
represents only the degeneracy of
the pettiest rotten borough that by
courtesy is called a state, assumes
in his arrogance to read out of the
republican party eight Imperial com
monwealths of tho central west.
Rotten Rhode Island tries to play
dictator to Indiana, Wisconsin, Min
nesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Ne
braska and South Dakota states
that contain one-quarter of tho pop-
llnllmitcd water as free an tho district school.
Why not have an Ideal homo In the heart of Call
for nla 7 How to Ketlk Wrlto for frco booklet
Dept. C, Board of Trade, Modesto. CaL
A Municipally owned
But Aldrich has done one cood Irrigation system.
uung. xte nas given nonor where
it Is due. He ha put tho splendid
distinction of his disapproval upon
the ten men to whom the honesty
and decency of tho republican party
now look with gratitude and glad
ness. The names of those ten who
fought the good fight for the people
and real republicanism, and against
predatory privilege and betrayal of
tho party faith should not bo for
gotten. Beveridge, of Indiana; Bristow, of
Kansas; Brown and Burkett, of Ne
braska; Clapp and Nelson of Minne
sota; Crawford, of South Dakota;
Cummins and Dolllver, of Iowa, and
LaFollette, of Wisconsin, are the
men who have risked their political
fortunes to uphold tho principles
and tho pledges of the party. They
Genuine Panama Hat $1.00
An exceptional Introductory bar
rain. Imported direct Same a
$10 JaBi bat, but roUr tor
ttr wear. Weight 2 ox. Very
durable, and so tter'blo It can t
shared to any styie for man.
woman or child. All sixes. Mailed
nrenald for Jl.00: 2 for 51.88.
jrae7 bm If DoiatbrarUrr. A better
hat. rare, fine weave, blocked, with
band and sweat band, regular valve $7.S0, to introduce express
paid, lor $3.79. Catalogue ol Mexican and I'anama Hats Int.
Francis E.LctcrCo.lDept,HA7, Hcillla ParMewMax.
Banking by Mail
made safe in
Several states have Imitation "Bank
Deposit Guaranty Laws." Most states
havo no security for bank deposits.
Oklahoma has the genuine, original
law, tried by time and perfected In
the light of actual experience.
Write for booklet Just off the press.
It gives the law as amended to data
and other valuable information.
Muskogee, Oklahoma.
e. hb hub ubui ma ut us. "--" "-". rr: Noniinn nf United States "
considered for some, time thomatural ing all honest-ana necessary-protc- -""-- -r .. d h consumer
successor of Clemenceau.dn the -event Ition, thus honorable -republican sen- Aldrich, -wno caiiea tne consumer
My mild, wothiwr, guaranteed rare does it
and PJREIS SAOTLE proves it. Stop
the itchini? and cures to stay. WRITE
KOW today, or you'll forget it. Address