i if , i 9i The Commoner, JULY 9, 190 EDUCATIONAL SERIES t Great Crops By Scientific Soil Culture By H. W. Campbell If you will take a peep into the annual re port of the department of agriculture you will discover that in no other part of the country has the average yield of wheat been so much increased in recent years as in Nebraska. You will not find any specific explanation of the fact. But there's a reason. Another thing that will impress the student, if he goes very deeply into the subject, is that the greatest increase in area in ordinary farm crops, is in the states which are in or border upon what is spoken of loosely as the semi arid region of the country. That means that agriculture is crowding back the desert. It indicates that the area of soil given over to ranges or to sheer waste is being lessened all the time. It means that farms are being cul tivated right now where for years it was regard ed as impossible to grow anything save short grass and small brush. There's a reason for all this. I feel sure I do not overstate the matter in asserting that no one subject is attracting great er attention through the world of agriculture than that of how to enlarge the area of tillable land and increase the productivity of the land already used. This is the field of scientific soil culture. In a sense this Is very gratifying to. me. I can not but feel that the position I have main tained for a long time, most of the time almost alone, has-been vindicated by the logic of events. The attitude of the public toward scientific soil culture has changed. We do not beg for a hearing; we answer questions. It used to bo that men were all the time asking, "Now really is there anything In this theory of farm ing so as to get good crops In the dry country?" Now they ask, "How do you do it?" So, you see, the situation is quite different. Men do not now question that there is some thing in it, a very real and substantial some thing. Wat they want to know Is how to make practical .application of principles which have been shown by the best proof to get results. We do not now engage in arguing that farm ing can be done in regions where long it was supposed no farming could be done, nor do wo have to enter into a joint debate as to whether or not the yield of crops can be enlarged by scientific soil culture. Everybody now admits it, or tit least everybody free from prejudice and who knows. What, then, Is this scientific soil culture which is the basis of the wonderful development In the dry regions of the world? I might say it is very simple and after ex plaining a few things pass it up; or I might surround it with mystery and say it is so com plicated that only experts and men of science can understand it. I might justify either course, but I prefer, if I can, to say something that will aid the plain farmer and lead him into in vestigations for himself that will enable him to make the most out of his opportunities. Scientific soil culture is simply a' question of disking, plowing, harrowing, packing, and cul tivating the soil In such a manner as to be able to utilize the heat, air, water and light and obtain the largest possible yield of the various crops. But, you may say, this is about all there is to farming in any old way. For the dry country the essential thing is to not waste, or permit the waste of the moisture. My contention has long been that in most of this country and in nearly all seasons we have enough water if only we have not been waste ful and extravagant. This applies to regions that are regarded as very humid. One great trouble has been that many farmers have had all their training in regions where water is free and abundant and they have never had the idea that it may be necessary to conserve the mois ture. This is one point which ought to greatly interest every farmer. While the conservation of the moisture is an important factor it is by no means all. It is only one of many vital things to be carefully considered if we aTe to reach the high limit of yield in all fields that now seems possible. The physical or mechanical condition of the Boil is the all important factor, as it has more to do with the quantity and quality of the crop yield than any other one thing. If the seed and root bed is not properly prepared all the after cultivation can not bring the highest yield. No matter how much moisture you have con served in the soil below or how completely you may keep the weeds out you can not reach the high Hmit of yield without close and careful attention to tho preparation of the soil. Air Is just as necessary an element In tho soil as tho water, but both must bo there in ' proper quantities. If there is too much air and too littlo moisture nitrification ceases. If there is too much moisture and too little air tho effect Is the same. From experience and ob servation we have concluded that a certain chem ical action must be practically continuous in the soil during tho growing season If wo are to grow the largest crops. This chemical action is unquestionably dependent upon a certain ideal or perfect condition of tho soil a physical con dition that will Carry in the soil just the ideal quantity of both air and water and then as soon as the soil becomes sufficiently warm na ture's work begins. The soil mulch is for three purposes to more readily admit tho rain when it comes, to admit of a free circulation of the air Into tho soil and to prevent tho loss of moisture by evaporation. Sometimes tho cultivation is not deep enough or sufficiently frequent and a: crust forms at tho top of the firm soil undeneath tho mulch. This crust shuts out the air to a degree and it mat ters little then how perfect may be the supply of moisture at the roota, for the growth will certainly be checked. That nitrification is a necessity in the soil during the crop growing season is unquestion ably true. If the process of nitrification is go ing on sufficiently to meet the requirements of the crop this Is always evidenced by tho dark green and healthy appearance pf the plant. Just a word here In regard to the subject of "summer culture" or "summer tillage" and what it is and what is accomplished by It. In the first place summer culture Is not summer fallow. The latter contemplates permitting the field to lie fallow format least a large part of the season. Summer culture contemplates tho working of the field and doing this for a spe cific purpose. The primary purpose is to se cure good tilth of the soil. The incidental pur pose is to store the water In tho soil. Take as an illustration a field which in the springtime is in only fair condition for a crop season or not in condition at all. There may not be enough moisture or the land may be hard and Impossible to work, or It may not be fit for cropping for any one of a dozen reasons. The first thing is to get the surface worked down as best it may bo so there will not be a rough surface of large clods. It should not be worked down to a dust surface. Almost cer tainly there will come some rains In the spring time. If the field is left alone the water soon disappears. A crust forms at the surface and this favors evaporation and shuts out the air. The crust must be broken up and this will stop evaporation and permit the permeation of the air in proper quantities. Perhaps the soil down near the bottom of the furrow is loose and open; if so, it is important that this portion be packed. This, however, should be done at the time of plowing. But a' little later another rain falls and another crust Is formed, then must the crust again be broken up with the harrow. This is the process of summer culture. Why all this attention to the soil when there are no crops? You are getting ready for tho future. You are storing water which falls this year that you may use it next year or the year after. You are putting the soil Into that cer tain necessary physical condition for the con trol and utility of air and water that you may enlarge the amount of humus in that soil. You aTe assisting nature in the chemical processes which lead up to the ideal condition for tho seed bed and the increase of available fertility on plant food. It is very hard for the farmer to believe that he can store the moisture in this way for use at some other time, but it is actually being done, and there is no use arguing with facts. Neither can the average farmer appreciate that certain tillage this year may and if timely and properly dono will Incrcaso tho crop next year, or that air Is vital to tho growth of tho plant as water but both must bo in tho soil in proper quanti ties and properly combined. Tho tendency of tho molsturo is to go down ward, if there is onough of it so that the ordi nary force of gravity enn operate. But It will also soak down into the lower portions of tho soil by capillary attraction. Thus tho soil will be come moistened down severnl feet deep. Thcro la abundant evidence to prove that by proper work ing of tho surfaco the molsturo content may bo afTocted down five or six feet in some soils. This layer of soil fivo or six feet la literally tho farmer's cistern. It may receive a frcHh supply of molsturo In July or August or In tho middle of winter, nnd it Is just as important that tho fresh supply bo saved and stored ono tlmo as another. Therefore In time of amplo molsturo prepare for drouth. As to saving this molsturo tho soil mulch la tho best thing. If there is a heavy crop on tho ground tho plants will shade tho Hurfaco and retard evaporation, but of course the roots aro sucking up the molsturo. If tho ground Is baro and a crust is formed such aa will bo formed whore tho rain has beaten down tho dust sur face, then evaporation will bo very rapid. Tho farmer should maintain a soil mulch of amall partlclea of soil broken up, this layer to bo two or three Inches deep. If It Is a layer of dust it will either blow away or really aid In tho waste of tho water. But a mulch of small particles of soil will very largely prevent loss of water by evaporation. At tho same tlmo such a mulch will permit tho access of air to the soil and thus aid In tho chemical processes. I have given these illustrations of the appli cation of tho system so that farmers who actu ally hold tho plow may understand Just what can bo dono. After all, this la only a small part of tho whole system. It affects tho founda tion principles, hence tho development of tho system leads to a great many now Ideas and It covers 4ho whole range of soil cultivation. I may bo permitted a word of reminiscent nature which will aid in an understanding of tho principles. It was while I was engaged in farming In South Dakota in 1882 and subse quent years that I was literally forced by reason of tho disastore of a drouth to take noto of conditions in tho dry coun'' Ono thing which attracted my attention wnp .t in a field whore tho wheat 'crop was pn ally a failure by reason of a prolonged dry spell, thcro was no ticeable a larg3 number of small patches all ovnr the field. Investigation proved that theao were where the hoofs of the horses had sunk deep Into tho soft ground and had bo packed tho under portion of the ground that molsturo was held there. Aa a result the grain grew strong and fine on these small patches that had been packed down by the horses. Right there I became convinced that there was some thing in tho idea of having tho soil packed down whore there was danger of loss from drouth. In 1885 I had made, in a small black smith shop at Columbia', S. D., tho first ma chine designed especially to pack tho under por tion of the plowed ground. It was a success Insofar as packing the soil was concerned but it waa too hard to operate and was abandoned. But the Idea of having the aoil packed never left me and out of this Idea grew tho modern soil packer, which Is now In use all over the world. Now, going back to the first two paragraphs of this article, a reason can bo found for cer tain things. In the first place, It Is In Nebraska more than In any other state that there Is wide dissemination of Information as to scientific soil culture. I have myself lectured and ad dressed hundreds of meetings all over the state and for six or seven years It has been taught and explained by the state Institute workers at farmers' institutes In all parts of Nebraska, and I know personally that on many farms there has been for years fairly good application of the principles. Out on the state experiment farm at North Platte scientific soil culture la being tried out in a' manner to challenge the attention of the world. A yield of sixty-two bushels of wheat to the acre In 1907 and of sixty-seven bushels per acre last year Is a fact not to be passed over lightly. The average yield of wheat In Nebraska is being increased by rea son of the use of scientific soil culture methods. We predict the next five years will see another Increase in the average yield. Again, It Is certainly true that within the past ten years tho area of land actually put under cultivation in the semi-arid region has been enormous. I have had something to do with demonstration farms In a dozen states of -ri:. u,iMtnr;trt .imi aaWfi