The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 09, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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JULY 9, 1909
The Commoner.
iniMMlLidrnti mi
Youiig America
Wo were up at early morning, and
the echoes quickly woke,
And the atmosphere was murky with
the clouds of powder smoko.
Wo whooped it up for Washington,
and Israel Putnam, too,
But we whooped it up tho loudest
for old Yankee-Doodle-do.
Every hlister was a token of our love
of liberty,
And we fired salutes in plenty to the
banner of tho free.
'Twas a grand old celebration, full
of noise and smoke galore,
And considered something bully by
a lad aged 4.
He shot off the biggest crackers, and
- for him the rockets flew,
And for liberty he shouted, and for
Yankee Doodle, too.
And he killed a million foemen, more
or less I think 'twas more
With a gun that shot from Q street
to the furthest foeman's shore.
When he lit the cannon crackers with
a glowing bit of punk
Ev'ry enemy of Freedom thought it
wise to quickly flunk.
Yes, he waved the starry banner till
the great day was no more,
Did this patriot so sturdy who is
" aged just 4.
We were up at early morning and
the lad was in command,
And we whoopefd for dear Old Glory
, in a way to beat the band.
Every blister on our fingers was a
sign, of victory,
While the stains of burning powder
filled our souls with ecstacy.
He was acting major gen'ral, I tho
private in the ranks,
And I know he is deserving of the
nation's grateful thanks.
He's a royal, true-blue soldier, patri
' otic to the core,
Is this sturdy little fellow who is
v aged just 4.
hat. So ho went broko trying to livo
up to both of thorn."
Of course, as you grow older you
long for a little more quiet, but now
and then something comes up to re
mind you that there are things of
vastly more consequence than quiet
and repose.
There is the youngster a lad a
little past three years old, and just
able to enjoy things with some de
gree of knowledge. What about his
Fourth of July. Isn't it worth all
tho discomfort of noise, and powder
burns and smoke and excitement just
to hear his shrill cries of joy at the
exploding cracker? Every time he
whoops in sheer gladness you forget
all about your own discomfort that
is to say, you forget if you've got a
single spark of patriotic and parental
And when you are nearing the
fifty-year mark you dislike crowds,
but what about the kiddies on circus
day? With a girlie of less than two,
a laddie of about three and a half,
and a couple of girlies between seven
and eleven well, wouldn't you be
willinc to stand tho crush and the
jam of the streets while tho parade
goes hy just .for the pure joy of hear
ing their shouts of glee and their
naive remarks concerning the ani
mals and the clowns and the riders?
If you wouldn't, then all we've got
to say 13 that' you don't deserve to
be the, iathe o a bunch of children
that 'any"maii might" he proud of.
Then, too, when nearing the half
century mark, you prefer to take
your ease on & shady porch in a
comfortable chair, but supposing you
have a bunch of kiddies who want a
day in tho woods, under the trees.
with a lunch basket filled with cold
grub. But wouldn't you leave your
shady porch and easy chair now and
then and undergoe the discomfort of
bugs and ants and cold grub and a
cold in tho head just to hear those
kiddies discuss the different kinds of
birds and bugs and animals they see?
If you wouldn't well, in that case
some one ought to seize a laTgo club
and beat a little responsibility into
your head.
Your gathering years may entitle
you to some consideration, but the
lack of years on the part of others
entitle them to consideration, too.
And the man who isn't willing to
undergo a little discomfort in order
to give the children a good time
ought to be banished to a desert
Isle where he wouldn't have anything
but peace and quiet.
Both Ends From tho Middle
The devious ways of capital are
hard to understand. For Instance,
here Is the story of a street railway
corporation in a western city:
This corporation pays the smallest
wages of any similar corporation lo
cated in a city of similar size. It
has delayed the paying of a consti
tutional occupation tax until it now
owes the city something like $50,000.
This corporation's employes are
asking for an increased wage. The
city Is demanding the payment of
the tax.
Tho corporation opposes paying tho
tax on the ground if It pays the tax
it will be unable to meet the em
ployes' demand for a fair wage.
At the same time the corporation
refuses to increase wages, arguing
that it can not afford to because it
has to pay such heavy taxes.
The Ethopian's coon trap wasn't a
circumstance to th4s corporation's
little trap that catches the munici
pality at one end and tho employes
at tho other.
Sho Was
She was one of June's sweet girl
graduates, and from the heights of
our worldly experience we were In
clined to joke her a little.
"So the Alps lie between you and
Italy," we remarked sarcastically.
"Perhaps, but there's nothing that
stands between me and the making
of a pan of light biscuits, or broiling
a steak, or making a batch of bread,
or a cherry pie, or a cake, or keeping
a house In order unless it is the
absence of a young man who has got
sense enough to hold a job that pays
enough salary to warrant him in un
dertaking the responsibilities of a
Ever since we have wondered how
we mustered up mental activity
enough to change the subject with
out loss of time.
Little Johnnie had a cracker
Filled choke full of dynamite;
Big and red and full of danger
It looked good to Johnnie's Bight.
Johnnie lit the fuse with pleasure,
Held the cracker in his hand
Where is Johnnie? Ask the echoes
Bearing fragments o'er the land.
, , Ample Reason
"So Billklns has gone broke, has
he? What was the cause of it?"
"Ho drew an automobile in a raffle
and his wife gave him a fine Panama
Hard Luck
"Jones mot with a sad misfortune
on tho Fourth."
"How's that?"
"Filled his oars full of cotton to
doadon the sound of tho cannon
crackers, and a spark How in and
sot tho cotton on lire."
"Well, Johnnie; what did you do
on tho Fourth?"
"Blew off a finger, burned holes
In threo shirtwaists, flllod Bill
Scroggs face full of powder, act flro
to my Bister's skirts, burned down
tho woodshed and chicken house,
scared tho dog into spasms and spent
threo dollars and twenty-seven cents.
It was a bully Fourth!"
Ever See It
Maymyo sits thoro in tho parlor,
Hands on tho piano's koyB,
And her songs of "Homo and
Swell upon tho ev'ning breeze.
Clear and sweet Is Maymyo's singing
At tho setting of tho sun,
While her mother's in tho kitchen
Till tho dishqs all aro done.
Wlso Jolmnlo
"Johnnie, thoro is ono who
watches all your actions, knows
everything you do. hears ovorvthlnr
you say and knows your ovory
"Now look hero, mamma: I know
Senator Aldrich Is a big man, but ho
can't do all those things."
"Jones says business Is pushing
with him."
"So it is. I heard his wifo tell
him ho had to mow tho lawn or sho
would go homo to her raothor."
"How did Bilkins meet with his
"Ho fell trying to dodge a street
car and an auto hit him and knocked
him on top of a dynamlto cracker
just as it exploded."
Brain Leaks
Sin is sexless.
Tho sugar barons aro In a sticky
mess just now.
You got good out of life only as
you put good into it.
Dollars may build a palaco but
love makes tho home.
Satan never takes a vacation nor
puts on an understudy.
Self-sacrifice is not giving up
something you do not want.
Tho older we get the shorter grows
tho night before tho Fourth.
The testimony of the heart Is not
always best given by tho mouth.
Most of us city fellows find it easy
to work a garden until tho weeds
begin to grow.
Don't it beat all how big a Httlo
cottage seems when the babies aro
all visiting grandma?
Some people Imagine that philan
thropy consists in giving a collar
button to a shirtless man. ,
We are quite well satisfied to let
the boys celebrate the Fourth just
as they please they'll do it any
how. We did not enjoy a "noiseless
Fourth" for the simple reason that
we preferred to enjoy a noisy ono
with tho kidlets.
It takes a mighty big firecracker
these days to make as much noise
as tho little firecrackers made about
thlrty-flvo or forty years ago.
It was becauso our revolutionary
sires were not afraid of noise that
we aro permitted to celebrate tho
Fourth with cannons and crackers.
We met a man tho other day for
whom wo aro profoundly sorry. He
ha.d novor road "Roblnnon Cruoo"
and ho la now too old to approcloto
JlllhMC J,I.V Ol'ISXt.Vas will tot inks
plnco. Pnr iHwiklrtroiitMlnln jroiiarMl tn'or
tnntlon. tho lnud Imvx nnd mutt Ixwittful Hvnr,
iwiuM eoiitA tn MnmiM. IJopt. I. Nnrlliwontorii
Publicity Human, Hock Hprlnc. Wyo.
CJood pay, atrndy ork ni il promotion. Kxpprlrnc
nnnrrrsFory Mtvn will ilo omplrto Imtnirtlnru.
Danville Tobacco Co., Don M SO. DanvllU.Va.
PATENTS HKcnti'i) oit tick
- ... UKTIHINI'.I)
Frrn report m to Pntontnblllty. lllnotmtl nulla
Hook, nml Mat of irivnntlotn Wanted, ncntfroo.
KVANH, WJLKKNH & CO.. Washington, . a
Pntnritc No Koo until allowed. Pro jiooloi.
A Municipally ownod
Irrigation oyatom.
Unlltnltod wntor as froo iw ton dlatrlrt achool.
Why not havo nn Idrnl Iiotno In tho honrt of Cali
fornia? How to cot IU Wrlto for froo liooklot,
DoiiL U, lliiitril of Traili, Morirnto, Or,
tho host rutiiiN In KoiHIicjiAtorn Krmfti on thoorud
rjd tortiiH of any Inud rmld in tho Motn. Bond for
ropy of tho Hoiithrnateru Knnvnx Ilomvnockflr,
tho l)pt monthly Inml nnpor Hililltdwd -It Im frost.
Addnwi, Tho A Hon County Invontmeiit Co.,
I.oncton, Kun.
HAVE YOU AN IDEA? Haowrltn for our Hooka:
"""" ' uu nn ,L,tn' "Why Paten UPny,'
"What to Jiivont," "lOO Alroliisuirnl Movo
iiinntff"nn1 nTrcuUxn on Porpottiul Motion
o IlliiatrntloiiN. All ninllml froo. F, DIETERICM
& CO.i I'ntnnt Lowyora mid Exports 0UKAY BLOCK,
DOX 10
ELbbbT W.
and set well and strong. I had brea tick
five yean, lost 40 pouadi, kidney dweaied,
kin sallow, no appetite, bowel costive,
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t You can be cured at Itom. t ContuHa
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case for urine tent free. Cliarycs for treat'
nest low, DR. J. F. SHAFEH,
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(ilvoyour now ono n truo, velvocy, Itnou
cutting dj;o by ft tnoiriotil'M rdropplmr with th
Id en I Holdor. ISutilon't buy any moro mur
bolo blndOHl A fow aoconda will tftvi dlwnrdwl
onoi now llfo mnko thorn bettor tlinn now, Thir
ty diiyrt' trial I Morioy buck it notaullrtllod t
l'nokod In traveling runn. postpaid, (I.
1DKAL. HOLDKlt CO., llox ID, Clinton, O.
uithoul a (all tttfiotit, prepay tiie freight
ana mow to days rnec thiau.
IT ONLY COSTS one cent to lern ow
unhiard tf friett aad mrvtlui ffr$
on hltfliett grada irfio model bicycles.
a pair of lire from anyone at any frUt
until you write for our Urge Art Catalog
and Ie4n our -wondtrul ' r'iUi"t oa UtH
sample uicycie going to your town,
money exiuiiun? ami icniajr our mcyciaa.
Wo Sail ch'iper than-any other (utoty.
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Do Hat Wait: write fday for our tfuial effir.
The Farms tfiat
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Write for !ists etc,.
R.J. BECKER, Sec'y
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