The Commoner. JDLT , 1809 tlio churches In the city, law is to be rigidly throughout the state." The new enforced John J. Jennings, for seventeen years editor of the magazine pages of the New York Evening World, is dead. Fifteen plants in Pittsburg were tied up by the strike order issued to iron and steel workers. The total number of men on strike is estimat ed at seven thousand. Manila cablegrams say that gold In large quantities has been discov ered in the Philippines. Mayor Busse of Chicago was op erated on for appendicitis. An Easton, Pa., dispatch says: "The Alpha-Portland Cement com pany today announced a 10 per cent Increase in the wages of its 1,000 laboring men. The company says the additional pay is granted in con sideration of the high cost of living." A Topeka, Kan., dispatch, carried by the Associated Press says: "Gov ernor Stubbs served notice on the directors of the Topeka club that he will cancel his membership unless the plan of keeping liquor at the club is abandoned." Broughton Brandenburg was ac quitted with the charge of grand lar ceny in connection with the bogus letter attributed to the late Grover Cleveland. A Jackson, Miss, dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "Ar nltnnHnn -wjih muflp hv "District A torney Lamb for a perpetual injunc-H tion restraining the Standard Oil company from operating in Missis sippi and seeking to collect $11,000, 000 penalties for the alleged viola tion of the anti-trust law. Under, the Mississippi code as amended by the legislature in 1906, the state is entitled to recover a statutory pen alty of $5,000 a day for each specific violation of the anti-trust laws and the penalties sought to be recovered in 'this case cover a period of three years. The hearing, it is under stood, will take lace in West Point through the November term of the chancellor court." is acting for such unlawful concern. It will bo necessary for mo to solect some brands of tobacco, both smok ing and chewing, to supply the posts of this department which is not made by any corporations or any of the allied companies of such corpor ations named in the letter above re ferred to. A list of the allied com panies of such corporations is en closed herewith.' Wholesalers are accordingly bidding on other brands than those heretofore chiefly fur nished. There are just fifty corpor ations allied with the American To bacco company which Colonel East man names." known that such middleman or agent with violating the anti-trust law. A New York dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "The British steamer Ethelwold, a small and harmless looking little steamer lying at the outer edge of the forest of shipping which skirts the south Brooklyn water front, was held up by United States customs officers on suspicion that the vessel was about to engage in a filibustering expedi tion against the little West Indian republic of San Domingo. The order to detain the steamer was received from Assistant Secretary McHarg of the department of commerce and labor at Washington, and was promptly executed by William Loeb, collector of the port of New York. The Washington advices are that the minister from Hayti had complained to the state department that the Ethelwold was believed to have been engaged by Jose St. Pierre Giordan! and General Juan Jiminez, San Do mingans, to lead in a filibustering expedition. Within an hour after re ceipt of the order Collector Loeb had two customs officers on the ship. They were placed aboard with orders not to let it sail." The individuals indicted are Wash ington B. Thomas, president of the American Sugar Refining company; Arthur Bonner, and Charles II. Senff and John E. Parsons, all of New York; John Mayer of Morris town, N. J.; George II. Frazicr, of Philadelphia. Messina, Italy, had quakes July 1. two carth- The committee appointed by Sec retary Wilson composed of Dr. A. D. Welvin of the bureau of animal in dustry, and George P. McCabe, solici tor of the department which investi gated the charges of J. F. Harms that the federal meat inspection service at East St. Louis was "rotten and a farce," reported that the inspectors there wore honest men and perform ing their duties efficiently and that no meat had passed which was unfit for human food. Chief of Police Shippy of Chicago has been deposed by Mayor Busse. Assistant Chief Shuttler is acting chief. Mayor McClellan of New York has summarily removed Theodore A. Bingham, chief of police. The Asso ciated Press says: "The mayor's or ders came at the conclusion of his investigation into the alleged prose cution by the police of George B. Duffy, an inconspicuous and almost An Associated Press cablegram from London says: "The murder of Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie and Dr. Cawas Lal caca' of Shanghai by Madar Lelof Dhinagrl, an Indian student, Thurs day night, at the imperial institute, has stirred England In a manner un known since the Phoenix park mur ders. It has been a subject for self congratulation by Englishmen that Great Britain was immune from po litical crimes of this nature. Great sympathy is felt for Viscount Morley, secretary of state, for India, the diffi culties of whose position will bo greatly increased by the murder. A strong feeling has been aroused against a number of the members of the house of commons and others who have encouraged the Indian agi tation against the government. An other consequence of the tragedy is that henceforth it will be necessary to offer police protection to public men. It is understood that Scotland yard already has detailed detectives to follow Lord Morley and others connected with tho Indian administrations." GREAT TIMES AT SEATTLE round of social and sight-seeing ovonts. As tho fair progresses tho grounds continuo to appear more beautiful, their carpets of grass and their riot of flowers showing fairer as tho pleasant weather heightens their color. Tho averago attendance is around 22,000 and success seems to bo written In overy feature of tho big show on tho shores of tho Pacific. Tho Seattlo world's fair, in moral tone, is to othor world's fairs as a high class hotel is to a low divo, judging from what I have been ablo to observe," was tho statement mado by Mrs. R. T. McKenzio, member of tho International Purity Federation, and also of four national organiza tions of a similar kind. Mrs. McKenzio has been stationed in Seattle tho past six months. Sho also states that remarks of a similar nature had been mado to her by many other persons who have at tended former expositions. Mrs. Mc Kenzle has been engaged in tho work sinco the Chicago world's fair in 1893, and speaks with authority. Mrs. McKenzio further stated that so far as she could discover, officials wore doing all they could to stop tho white slave traffic and stamp out vice. Resorts of ill fame were closed just before the fair opened, after a hot debate in tho city council and ener getic work by tho citizens In favor of the closing. "Many people of tho east believe that the people of west and especially of tho Pacific coast are very looso in their morals," continued Mrs. Mc Konzio, "but they aro mistaken." Vice Is Just as rampant in tho east, only it is under cover, while in tho west it is moro frank. Tho grounds of the exposition aro policed by two private detectives and three field secretaries beside a large force of exposition guards. Friends of Mayor Busse of Chi cago have commenced proceedings against the Chicago Daily Socialist because that publication charged that the Busse administration is leagued with gambling and vice. inonuiess .orooiuyn ma, wno, it was continue until the 12th. Commenc- uvurruu, was repeatedly arrested lne on tho 4th. Rnecial excursion .J - w - - - . - V Your Heart Is a wonderful pump that works In cessantly, averaging navanty GO -pound strokes a minute, and forcing" from 20 to 30 pounds of blood throughout the body each minute. The power that keeps this wonder ful pump In motion Is nerve force, tho energy furnlHhcd by tho nerves. Disease, over-exertion, fright, anxi oty. alcohol, tobacco and other stimu lants weaken these nerves, but th Seattle, Wash. Pythian jubilee wnnlr fit. tho AlnHlrn-Viilrnn-Pnf'IfV. exposition opened July Bth and will ,!iffini5SrMK strain. The following is taken from the Omaha, Neb., Bee: "The United States government has laid an inter dict against the purchase of its own use of goods made by a trust or 'a company which has been 'adjudicat ed to be a party to an unlawful trust or monopoly.' The American Tobac co company the tobacco trust has been temporarily enjoined on this ground and the commissary of the department of the Missouri forbidden to buy any of the smoking or chew ing tobaccos made by the trust or its allied companies. Omaha whole salers have had a communication to this effect from Lieutenant Colonel Eastman, chief commissary. His communication reads as follows: 'I am informed by the commissary gen eral, United States army, Washing ton, D. C, that the secretary of war has directed that no contract on be half of the government be entered into directly with any corporation which hag been adjudicated to be a party to an unlawful trust and mon opoly and to be carrying on business in violation of law, nor with any middleman pr agent of any such company, or', concern, where it is without just cause, and whose pho tograph was retained in the rogues' gallery, despite the failure of the police to obtain a conviction against him. The mayor held that at least two of General Bingham's lieuten ants were guilty of misconduct in this affair, and accordingly demand ed their removal. With General Bingham's retirement today went several of his closest advisers and the leading supporters of his regime." Captain John C. Raymond died at Fort Des Moines as the result of a shot inflicted by (Corporal Lisle Crabtree. Harvard defeated Yale In their annual 'varsity' boat race on the Thames. A Fort Worth, Texas, dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "Walter King, cashier of thebranch bank of the Waggoner Bank and Trust company, which was robbed of $8,100 by a lono robber several weeks ago, according to the state ment of King, was indicted for em bezzlement. King's present where abouts are not known." A federal grand jury at New York trains arrived from all parts of the United States and knights number ing at least 30,000 were in at tendance on the opening of the jubilee. A special train of Pullmans bear ing the world-famed Iola Knight Rank team, and Ohio delegation reached Seattle on tho afternoon of Sunday, July 4, and the part taken by this noted organization in the production of the great drama, "Damon and Pythias," was the most vitally interesting play ever staged in the northwest. The organization is comprised of 103 persons and car ries its own orchestra, band and all effects necessary to a perfect produc tion of the play. The costumes alone have a value of $30,000. Jubilee week opened with a1 mon Bter parade of all Knights of Pythias, and the enormous gathering of uni formed members was accompanied by ten brass bands. Every knight carried an American flag, and the national colors formed the great dec orative feature of the event. Fifty automobiles led the procession and many new and novel attractions were introduced during the march. It was the greatest gathering of Knights of Pythias ever held on tho Pacific coast. Special sessions of the grand lodge Then comes shortness of breath. heart palpitation, dizziness, etc., be cause the nerves are too weak to fur nish power. Take the only safe remedy. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure It feeds, strengthens and builds up the nerves and muscles of tho heart so they can supply tho necessary energy. "Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is a marvel ous remedy. I always use It when cardiac trouble is present. It moots the Indications surely and completely." C. P. P. BimCIIMORE, M. D 49 Mass. Ave., Boston, Mass. The first bottlo will benefit, If not,, the druggist will return your money. IfirUTfi PORTRAITS S5e, FRAMES 18 AtXErfl I 9 shoot plctnreslc, stereoscopes 25, Yiewi lc. SO days credit. RamplM St : CUlor e. CotuollilaWd format Co, MO SS TT'M" ttt,,OUf, PATENTS WatioB E. Coleman Patent Lawyer.WoflhlDgtorr, D.U. Advice and bookBf ice. Rates reasonable. Hlgbeat referencea, Beat tan let. returned indictments against tne were uem m tu aiiuuij u. m ., sugar, trust, six of its directors and 6th and 7th, and the week was en two of. ats lawyers. They are charged1 tirely occupied by a continuous Has Your Legislature provided for Guaranty Bank Deposits? If not it Is your plain duty to yourself and to your family to place your sav ings where they aro safe. A constantly Increasing list of de positors from every state in the Union Is the evidence of satisfaction of our customers. m m . . , . A delay in sending for our booklet may mean a loss to you and yours. Muskogee, - Oklahoma. J. D. BENEDICT, President. M. G. HASKELL, Cashior I -Wlry'tTttr"')i-""! tf" . jjk. f ffgW'ggjjgV ' . J.